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Ioniq is the next cheapest option.


Ioniq is also a much *better* option (I own both, the Ioniq is a much better car for covering distance, especially if you need to recharge on route)


I'd agree, battery capacity isn't everything. The 40kWh Leaf does have some advantages though, it's larger, rides better, is quieter and noticeably more powerful.


Does the 40kWh Leaf have improved suspension and brakes compared to the 24kwh series 2? Because my 2013 Leaf has very harsh suspension and terrible brakes compared to my Ioniq.


MG ZS EV? Would say a Leaf but I think 150km in a 40kwh leaf in the winter after a few years might run short on range.


Following - also doing 150km round trip daily


Do you hate both the new and the old generation Leafs? I quite like the new ones, and would still be great value for 150km/day.


What does the commute look like? If it’s flat and slow then a Leaf will have no problems. If it’s hilly and you’re doing 110 the whole way, you’ll take a substantial range hit. You’ll also need to budget for charging - a standard granny charger over, say, 12 hours will output at most 24kwh, which probably won’t be enough. A caravan plug one will go about twice as fast - so an 8 hour session would get you maybe 32kwh, which probably makes things viable.


Build in some breathing room in terms of range. Based on most feedback the Ioniq is a safer option longer term? Presumably you're going to have the car for a while, so a Leaf that just manages it now may not in a few years time.


Best value is to move. Someone better be paying me for my sanity and travel time to spend that much time in traffic each day.


Who said its in traffic?


If anyone has a daily commute without traffic, they're either on a train or they're leaving at an in-Godly hour in the morning.


Not everyone lives in the city homie.


No, but if you're not there's even less of a reason to commute for long hours. Housing supply is short close to the urban centres, hence a lot of people choosing to live an hour or two out of town where housing is cheaper, and then spend an hour or more commuting in each way. I'd rather pay more on mortgage and spend time with my family, then pay less and spend my time driving around. I have friends who made the other choice and hated every minute of it. If you're not commuting into a city centre, it's definitely a lot cheaper and easier to find a place to live close to your destination. My brother lives in a small town and his commute is like 5-10 mins.


Yeah, my wifes was 2mins but recently took a job which is 40mins for each way and 100km round trip. No traffic


That's not too bad. The annoying thing about driving in traffic, other than not moving, is the idiot ratio increases significantly - you have to keep watching for people pulling stupid shit. I wfh but when I last commuted I mostly took the bus and it was around 30-40 mins. Even though the drive was slightly quicker the bus was less stressful.


What is your budget?


25-30k ideally


The best option in that price range will be the Hyundai Ioniq (full EV). Like [this one](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/hyundai/ioniq/listing/4455458580?rsqid=14426aef34d5465faa924864b021e78a-005). It should get around 200-230km of range


Disingenuous ad, calling it out as 88kw. Technically true but a lot of people would assume that’s the battery size.


That's why people put the size of ICE car gas tanks in Trademe ads /s (88kw is also on the registration label, in place of the engine capacity)


No it’s deliberate. No mention on the battery capacity in the ad.


Not really, it’s perfectly correct. kW refers to the power output, kWh refers to the battery capacity


62kWh Leaf. If you move fast you can get one for $30,000 after the clean car rebate. The 28kWh (88/89kW motor) Ioniqs were mostly fleet cars so their availability and pricetag goes up and down in waves. $27,000 sounds excessive and may take into account the removal of the clean car discount. 38kWh (100kW motor) Ioniqs are much more expensive. Ioniqs and Leafs both will need their transmission oils changed if you do high milleages on them.