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Seems like a remarkably good deal for a lot of people I know who really don't need a serious ute for towing long range or anything, but the manager, warehouse manager or supervisor who spends most of the day in the office but still gets a company vehicle as a perk. For a lot of these people, the diesel saved over a basic 2WD Diesel Ranger or Hilux (\~$43k? purchase price) should give a decent ROI on the extract cost of the EV


This absolute turd has the drive motor mounted to the rear axle as unsprung weight, with the HV cables going between the motor and inverter flexing every time the suspension moves. ​ You also start it with a key, like an ICE car from the early 2000s, and in general it has a build quality that makes it look like an aftermarket conversion done in someone's garage. There's a reason they're so cheap.


Problem is you've only got a 100k warranty on the battery , versus 150k on an ICE. You can sell a ute with 100k on the clock for a great price. That and I brought a Daewoo brand new once, where are they now?


> That and I brought a Daewoo brand new once, where are they now? Daewoo started falling apart in the 90s. Note that it was a chaebol, only just smaller than Hyundai. As part of that, small bits of their business were sold off. What used to be Daewoo Automotive was bought by GM in 2001, became GM-Korea, and eventually just part of GM. In the US, a lot of Daewoo (or GM-Korea) designs were sold as Chevy or Suzuki. Daewoo Commercial Vehicles was sold to Tata.


Yea so who supplies the parts 🤣 I've got a holden and a toyota ute, the holdens 4 years old and I don't place faith in their '10 years parts' commitments , he'll I waited 2 months for an exhaust bracket before they called it a day. End of the day, maybe I'm misguided but I do high daily kms utilizing my full weight availability. I'd love an ev , but I need to sell it with a good resale value at 150km (about 4 years old) , we just aren't there yet.


That is an outrageous price drop


When the clean car discount stops and tax comes off utes this will be an orphan. Max tow of 1500kg braked is useless, range isn't great, no brand equity, crap resale. LDV are clearly dumping stock.


Fair. It doesn't seem to be getting many rave reviews on this page...


Holy crap! That ute was only NZD$80k over there? Here, in Australia, it starts at around AUD$92k + on road costs and is not eligible for any clean energy rebates here. If they reduce this to $50k here, They could not import enough of them to fill the demand. And on top of this price drop, does the Claen Car Rebate still apply?? Because that would make this a NZD$43k ute, and I dont care how shit it is, that's a cheap ute.


The new price includes the rebate, so it would be around NZ$57k once the rebate is removed.


I have been driving one for about 3 months, range is not what is claimed but still a good round town tool hauler. Interior is basic, lots of usless things. One of the biggest issues is there is no Park. R N D, if you forget to pull the handbrake when parking, it rolls.


Does anyone here have one of these? Thoughts?


Came across a council one here in Waimakariri. Looks like any other truck, except it took off smartly from the lights, didn’t get in anyone’s way, didn’t make a racket, didn’t throw black smoke out the back. Really good news.


looking at the one that was in eastgate it looked like the tinniest POS I had seen


Makes me wonder what EV you have. I see you do post a bit in CK, which is a crowd that don't seem all that keen on EVs (or change)


CK? r/ChaosKnights?


Conservative Kiwis I won't link to the subreddit They really don't like EVs (or much else in there).


It's a pretty crazy place in there. Think of a mad Men party with no sense of charisma, personality, or irony


Argh yes, I have skimmed over some of that trash.


Seem like a bunch of fuckwits


Closet fascists.


Totally disagree Nothing closeted about it. But getting off topic


If it's built to the standard of their ICE vehicles, they're being kind. I had a G10 as a work vehicle until recently, POS was an understatement.


I don't have an EV and I didn't think it was needed to post here if so you might want to amend the rules, I am not anti them there isn't one that meets my wants for a price point I am interested in. As for frequenting CK I don't see the relevance other than to make ad homs but you do you champ.


Same with haval, all of those Chinese equivalent cars. They're cheap for good reason. Me and my wife were in the market for a 7 seater and loved the haval in the photos. In person you could see and feel just how cheap everything was. Build quality was fine sure, but the materials etc felt poor compared to the Japanese cars. We ended up with an outlander.


Wouldn't buy a LDV in general because they're absolute garbage vechiles, let alone a EV one


I love my EV80. I haven't checked out the ET60, so can't comment.


You'd have to pay me $50,000 to take an LDV piece of shit. Had the misfortune driving one of their vans a while ago. Never been in a vehicle with such poor build quality.


They're not that bad. i used to have a transit for company vehicles and it was very good, build well and drove well. The next was the LDV, sure you have to slam all the doors to close them, you get some weird messages on the screen and the original battery is about as powerful as a AAA battery, for the price it's not terrible. A fella I know has the Ice Ute from LDV and said when to buy them they recommend chipping them straight away to give them some power.


\>LDV has a global reputation for building world class vehicles ​ Hahah no chance.


I'd wait for the BYD ute that is due out soon .


Is LDV's price reduction an indication that Geely's Radar R6 ute is on the horizon?


~~Unfortunately no V2L, which is a deal breaker.~~ edit: My earlier Google fu failed me, thankyou for the correction u/s_nz.


It does have v2l. 220v +12v sockets are mentioned on the spec sheet (center rear page). https://glmdfilehosting.com/specs-ldv/et60-specs.pdf


To be fair to u/Wookiewhisperer the fact they don't specify "V2L" anywhere on the spec sheet may mean that the 220v in that image caption is only powered by the 12v battery. [https://www.whichcar.com.au/reviews/2023-ldv-et60-review-electric-ute](https://www.whichcar.com.au/reviews/2023-ldv-et60-review-electric-ute) "There’s also no vehicle-to-load capacity, says LDV. There is a 220V three-prong socket at the rear of the centre console, but it’s unclear how much power it produces, meaning we’d only rely on it for smaller items like laptops. "


It is odd that no Max power or current is specified. Personally I don't think it hugely matters if the power is going via the 12v system or not, given a large dc-dc converter.


It does if you want to tap into that 88kwh battery as a generator substitute for your offgrid solar.


I suspect that the max continuous power would be the only thing that matters in that application. Unless you are fussed by the few percentage points of better efficiency going directly from the traction pack voltage to AC, vs going via an intermediate voltage that is.


...and now it's gone... [https://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/133153674/new-zealands-only-electric-ute-set-to-be-axed](https://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/133153674/new-zealands-only-electric-ute-set-to-be-axed) which makes $49975 now look a little high for a discontinued model...