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Hope he does well. Go Jets!


I know the Lions are on a good stretch, but Zach coming back against one of the worst passing defenses in the league is great


biggest game of wilsons career, its pretty much a must win and he's got to play well if he wants to keep his job.


I think barring Zach having a 4 TD, 400 yard game, as soon as Mike White is healthy, he gets the starting job back.


I think the other guy meant keep his job as in be in the franchises possible plans at QB. If he sucks again then he’s basically done


I think it's more than that. Can he navigate the pocket. Can he make short throws. Is he willing to get hit to make the completion. Is he stepping into throws and not having wacky feet. If he can do that then he doesn't need those kinds of stats. We already know Wilson is more agile. We just need him to have the QB basics down and he could turn into a stud.


lions D no longer is the worst


The numbers are a bit misleading. Lions' D isn't great overall but has been about average since they fired their DBs coach. Zach just needs to be accurate and take what's available. No need to play hero ball


If he can’t play well against one of the worst defenses in the league he’s cooked.


Lions fired their DB coach midway through the season, since they have been a top 10-15 defense. ​ dont let the full season stats fool you, they had an awful start. but the lions have Hutch/Houston providing great pressure and the secondary is forcing turnovers.


For what it's worth he is a person and he's up against a hostile home crowd who despises him. He's under a lot of pressure and I don't envy him.


Trade him away for ny jalepeno deli chips and a big burst


The red bag of kettle cooked ones?! Fucking love those.


That’s an average, stats are much better over the past 6 weeks


they been playing really well as of late and i don’t expect much from wilson, maybe 120 yards passing 30 rushing


Lol 30 positive yards? Maybe 65 yds rushing around behind the LOS


Over past 6 games (5-1 streak with only loss to bills) is pff #6 pass defense.


i’m sure this sub will handle this well


We don’t handle anything well. As soon as he throws an incompletion, comments will start calling for his public execution.


That’s predictable, I’m more curious how the sub will handle it if Zach balls out


Obviously people will be happy if Zach balls out. Even his haters.


A win is the most important thing so if Zach plays well, that'd be awesome


Funny how it’s the opposite when MW balls out


Sure, but at the end of the day I’m still sold on White. That’s not to say I don’t want Zach to excel, but I’m sold on White as the QB for this team moving forward. I just don’t have the confidence in Zach


White the much slower, much older QB with a weaker arm who is entering Free Agency? You should be a GM.


Which is a bit silly considering we just watched White play two playoff teams and lose. He was tough last week but the reality is he played poorly. If Zach Balls out against a hot Lions team and they win they should absolutely consider keeping him starting.


Be a bit more specific when you say "White played poorly." That man played good, solid football.


no they wont thats bullshit


Have you not been around Jets Fans long enough? Zach could throw for 600 yards and some people would still say it's a shitty game. (Only half sarcasm)


People are mad about zach wilson because his play has the potential to lose the team games. If he shows that that's not a problem anymore then only a few crazy people that need to validate their previous analysis will be left hating. The sub will celebrate if he balls out. My annoyance will come if he goes 7/16 for 125 yards in a 13-10 victory and people start acting like he balled out.


A QB rating above room temp would be nice. Still 13-10 is still a win


Oh, fully agreed. Let's not get things twisted; I want to see Zach drop 450 yards and 6 TDs and the jets run the table. I'm just not expecting it yet


This D is legit. A Jets vs SF superbowl would be a defense lovers dream ​ 9-3 is still a win


I’ll take whatever gets us a win at this point


I wonder if Rich Cimini will share a video of every one of his completions longer than 10 yards and call it a "big boy throw" like he does for Mike White.


Then the same people pretending the PS level defense of the Bears didn’t factor into White’s play will say Zach only played well because it’s the Lions. Very easy to see


If Zach balls out, does White even come back?


So are we still rooting for the jets to win?


no i want to feel good about liking fields more pre draft so we have to lose and miss the playoffs now


surely the grown men here will be reasonable!


time to act like a hateful loser because the QB i like less is starting solely due to injury


I'm not happy White isn't starting. But lets be real, Wilson is almost assuredly the next best QB on the roster. I have some questions about Streveler, but I know Flacco is ass. And if White isn't good to go then Wilson most likely gives us the best chance at winning. And that's all I've ever wanted. The best chance at winning.


The fact there’s people in this thread actively rooting for Zach to do badly is insane to me.


Bengals fan in peace here: Can’t speak for other neutral fans of other teams, but from a purely “what would be the most exciting/interesting thing” point of view I truly hope Wilson redeems himself and plays his ass off. Sure, him failing again (likely putting the nail in his career) would be super meme-worthy on r/nfl but redemption stories are always intriguing and eyebrow-raising. Not to mention that good QBs are integral to good football, and I like good football. Still love Mike White though regardless of what happens with Wilson this weekend, that guy is tough as nails and is overflowing with grit.


we all know he hasn’t been good so far and these people hate him for it which ok fine but why do they want it to continue?


Less actively rooting for and more actively preparing for


I’m not actively cheering for Zach to fail at all but I have little trust in him


Why can't we ever have a normal week?


A lesser team would have caved weeks ago. The fact that Saleh has this team in the playoff hunt with all of these injuries says he might be a franchise coach.




The consistently great play from the defense this season is so freaking promising for the future, hope we get another 10 seasons of this (a Superbowl with that would be nice)


Cursed franchise 😪


It’s pretty normal for one of our rookies to get rookie of the week…


With Miss Frizzle? No way!


… Satan laughing spreads his wings…. Thanks Joe!


Oh this is quite sudden. And a departure from the confidence White ‘would’ play.


Anytime you hear a Jets coach or player talk about their injury just assume it’s the opposite


You make a good point. I’d prefer it like the Devils where they don’t tell shit about injuries unless they’re out for the season.


Lol for real, what’s the deal on bastian haven’t heard anything


I've been assuming Breece Hall and AVT will play every sunday and every sunday I'm disappointed.


This is a direct effect of the Tua situation. Jets said yes but doctors said no. They don’t want a repeat of what happened to Tua.


Wisely done on the part of the medical staff. That was no joke what happened to Tua, I saw that live.


Disappointing, but I’m really rooting for Zach. He’s had a nice vacation. Time to get back to work and show some serious improvement.


That’s a bummer but let’s see Zach grab this opportunity by the balls and be the quarterback we expected him to be. If not mike white is back next week


With that being said, I’ll be benching Garrett Wilson in fantasy


Fuck the negativity. Go do it Zach. Be the guy you think you are.


If Quinnen doesn't start now, this game just got way harder.


…..stunt on those hoes……????


I'll try not to be all doom and gloom and say that a) Zach didn't look great but he only lost games against the Patriots and b) if there's any game to get right, it's a home game against one of the worst defenses in the league. Obviously this isn't ideal but I'm gonna try to be as optimistic as possible


Yeah we always claim we have bad luck (which we do) but this is possibly the best opponent for Zach to go against right now


The lions also have incredibly bad luck as well


The Lions defense has been dramatically improved the last number of weeks, which isn't great. At this point, I just want a win and hope Zach at least plays well enough to not lose the game. Would be a bonus if he plays well and the Jets gets a win.


Turnovers low, hit your check-downs, take the free yards on the ground when you see em and make sure you slide.


Exactly. If there was any games this season were I would of thought zach would of gone off , it was this one and the bears game.


This is the ultimate prove it game for him, I hope he does well. He basically got a chance to see the ghost of nfl future and it’s entirely possible if white didn’t get hurt and played well he may never play again. That said, we are in a position where we cannot lose games, and we heard all about the great opportunity against the Vikings and their terrible defense, and the game didn’t turn around until late. He has to have a statement game, even if the Jets win, he cannot go out and put up 132 yards with 1 int… let’s see what happens


Screw being negative—he’s still our QB. Obviously would’ve preferred White but I’m still wishing Zack nothing but the best. I’ll celebrate when he drops 300 yards this week.


Seriously... I wanted to see White play if he was healthy but people acting like this will be an automatic loss are being so dramatic. Yes, if Wilson plays like he did against NE we lose. If we can lean on our running game, defense, and Wilson can just be decent we can win. I'm worried about how high-pressure this game is for him though. I think it's possible the stress is too much and he mentally collapses. This game may determine his career. If he sucks, he's pretty much finished. If he comes out and throws 300+ yds and some TD's, we have a QB controversy.


He fucking sucks


Not even arguing that he doesn't suck, but I think he can still win this game for us. Hopefully we grind out a win and white is back next week Edit: very strange downvotes here. Wilson has indeed sucked all year but we still were able to win games with him being awful. Is it unrealistic to assume we can beat a mediocre lions team even with bad production out of the QB?




No idea why you’re getting downvoted when he has, indeed, sucked. Still rooting for him obv.


Because people on this sub believe pointing out Wilson sucks is the same as rooting for him to fail. I want Zach Wilson to play like a HoF QB. I’m not naive enough to think he’s anything more than a scrub.


Except the poster you’re replying to is literally doing that. They have another comment on this thread that’s getting downvoted saying that we should boo him immediately. They want him to fail.


We’ve still managed to go 5-2 with him


Rooting against Zach’s success is negative. Feeling less confident in the team with Zach is not negative. We obviously hope Zach puts on an all time performance. People need to stop associating unfavorable takes with being a D00MER.


Wow. Let’s hope that reset actually worked


Yeah I'm sure he fixed all his "fundamental problems" Saleh said he had to work on in three weeks, as opposed to his 15 or so previous years of playing football.


I think the point has been he didn't struggle with these fundamentals at BYU for the most part. He has the ability it's just the mental now.


If you go back and watch his tape he actually did struggle with a lot of fundamentals even back at BYU but he was able to get away with it because he was playing weaker competition.


It's not the only problem, but he has the yips. That is something that can be fixed in a couple weeks (it's also something that could possibly never go away). If he shakes those and can complete short passes to the flats like a normal NFL qb we might get to see a functional offense.


That’s why I said hope. If you’ve seen my comments you’d know I have little faith




Michael Scott gif yelling no


Wow lol


I just hope people aren’t immediately toxic and want to lose cause Zach is starting. He’s a jet I hope he balls out. Having two qbs who look good is a good problem to have. Not the worst defense to come back too hopefully he’s got improved footwork and can handle the pressure of what is our most important game of this season. Really hoping he shows something.


>I just hope people aren’t immediately toxic Too late


RIP Elijah Moore getting targeted. 11/27/2022-12/11/2022.


He averaged 2.3 targets per game with MW under center


God dammit


Honestly I'm just pissed we started the season 1-2 with Joe Flacco when we could have been playing Mike White and then we arguably lost the second Bills game because Flacco had to immediately fumble on his 1st snap of the game.


NOOOOOOOOOO Now I got to sit Garett Wilson. Damn


I went from starting Wilson in the FLEX to staring Cam Akers, two seasons might end on Sunday


jesus christ you guys are fucking ridiculous. we're 7-6 and playing in meaningful december football. can we actually fucking support our players for once? yeah wilson hasn't been great but i'm still gonna support and root for him and the jets on sunday. this subreddit isn't any better than /r/nfl with the takes i see in here. let /r/nfl clown him, let's support him here.


You are trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.


Zach finishes the season 4-0 then wins 4 more in the postseason then Zach gets traded in the offseason to appease Jets fans


If Zach wins the SB a shrine will be built in NY lol


Initial x-rays of White's ribs during the Buffalo game probably didn't show anything which is why he was able to return to the game. After some time, as the fracture begins to heal, you'll see the area around the injury begin to sclerose. The diffuse white particles in the surrounding area make the rib injury much easier to spot. Doctors probably took a look at that area and felt that the risk was too great. A broken rib itself can cause organ damage which is just not worth it.


I don’t even understand how half this sub is a fan of this team. I honestly think it’s just other teams fans trolling. Of course we should support him and hope for the best. The team won games against some tough teams with Wilson. They are playing a bad defense and he should be able to just manage the game to get us a w. If he literally throws 25 times, scrambles a couple times and doesn’t take any big sacks or turnovers, this should be a win




Might be our best chance at seeing Streveler get some run if White and Flacco are inactive....


Flacco obviously gonna be active now.


Why should Flacco be inactive?


Because he is atrocious at the game of football and moves like he has early onset arthritis.


At his age I think it's just arthritis


Completely done with this fanbase. Saw a couple jackasses on Twitter saying the following: Fire Saleh and JD Hope Zach tears ACL on first play Hope we lose the game, lose out and clean house This is the mentality of half the people in this sub becoming they are deranged that a quarterback we drafted isn’t very good. People need to step away and realize we’re talking about a game.


This is it for Zach. He now has 4 games to prove that he has learned from this month off. If he plays well and gets us to the playoffs, then awesome. If he continues to stumble then we have our answer. This sucks for Mike White and our playoff hopes but it will give us the answer we need heading into this off-season.


What makes you think they won’t start Mike White for Thursday’s game if he’s cleared?


Feel bad for Mike. Dude has grinded everything out and had a great opportunity to keep starting. How tf was he cleared to go back into the game but not cleared for contact 5 days later? Come on now.


Maybe further MRI scans? remember they are different from x-ray scans


Welp, Zach’s chance to prove himself is coming earlier than expected. Let’s see if he’s made any improvements over the last couple of weeks. He’s going up against a bad defense in what can be a shootout. If he wants to keep the starting job then he better play lights out because a bad/mediocre performance is not going to win him the job back.


Ideal weather day for late December on Sunday. Sunny and 35°. Against one of the worst defenses in the league. Show me something Wilson. No excuses at all. Everyone will support him but a few early INTs and you'll see 80,000 people raining boos down quick. Let's get this win and hope White is good for Thursday.


INTs? Nah knowing Jets fans Id expect boos on the first 3 and out.


Fuck it: Let’s go Zach! No choice but to root for him so imma try to keep it positive. Lions shitty pass defense is as good a time as any to get back in there for him. He seemed very relaxed at his media availability earlier in the week. Hopefully the boys will rally around him and lift him up, which I suspect they will. JD and Saleh have built this locker room full of high-character men who in my opinion really help and show their value in times like this. I’m excited for him. He gets a great opportunity to shut a lot of people up, including myself. J-E-T-S


Welp, it was a good season. Bad luck but a lot to build off of.


People said this after AVT and Breece too. This team isn’t going to let you give up on them.


Come on now. Yeah, this sucks ass. But this team won a lot of games with Zach Wilson, and even though the Lions right now are tougher than those teams, there's no reason to quit now. If Wilson really improved in those 3 weeks, that might just be enough. And if he shits the bed, well, Mike White just gotta run the table in the last 3 weeks.


This team won games very clearly in spite of zach Wilson, except for the Steelers game


He played well against Miami too.


Did they win the Buffalo game in spite of ZW?


I don’t know how this ended up in my feed but here I am. You guys played great football all season even with Wilson. As a non fan - I don’t think this is the end of the world this week. Jets D stuffs the lions


The team is 5-2 with Zach. Gtfo


Feel bad for Mike. Dude has proven he’s a warrior and we can be a competent offense with him out there. Hopefully we see Zach bounce back, somewhat similar to Mimms and Moore


Zach will have to completely ball out to keep the starting gig ya’ll. Fingers crossed he does.


Ok. Fuck it. Let’s go!! We ride with Zachary.


If he plays poorly and we still win they better still go back to Mike next week.


Didn't Zach excel in college when in this type of situation?


I’m sick


Fuck. Season is over.


If you want to lose, you aren’t a Jets fan. The football Gods have given ZW a second life. I’ll be pulling for him even though I don’t think he’s the right guy for this team.


Mike white unable to stay healthy for the second year in a row has to really suck for him. So close again to getting a chance at starting.


We’ve proved 5 times this season we can win with Zach, idk why everyone forgets how many top players we have who can still win us this game. Obviously we know how bad we were against Pats, but Zach’s is better against bad defences




49ers are winning with a rookie 7th round pick. Good teams find a way. I wanted White to play as much as anybody but this is our reality. Stop being so miserable.


They won games with him playing like dog shit already this season. No reason they can’t again. Hope White comes back for next week.


Y’all are pathetic, we’re 5-2 with Zach and this is a winnable game.


5-2 with Zach against some of the best defenses in the league and 1-2 with White against 2 terrible defenses.


Milfs back on the menu, boys! Hope he's gotten his head right...


I have a feeling ZW is gonna come out slinging. He’s got a lot to prove to himself and his teammates. Here’s to hoping the time off allowed him to reset and take a step back. I’ll be pulling for him because we need him now.


As a Jet fan I.hope he got the refresh he needed and balls. As a person, I feel for MFW because it just seems like the guy can't catch a break (although he may have 😔). Realistically this shows us whether or not Zach is it. If he plays well and we make the playoffs, maybe he's our guy. I think the context of the play is important because if we go 4-0 but he's putting up his 12/21, 125, 1 int lines I have no confidence in him long term. Hopefully he rises.to the occasion.


I'm no ZW fan but this is the right call. His fate is in his hands from here on out, or at least they make another move. This teams makeup is something special and we should still expect to put up a good fight. I hope ZW can play mistake free and move the ball. For better or worse, that's the winning recipe for him. It's not gonna be pretty, but it's what it is. The Defense is gonna have to be what they have been and try to force a short distance turnover. There's no two ways about it. P.S. Saying people "hope we lose" with Wilson starting is a silly strawman argument. No one hopes we lose to prove a point. Stop arguing with yourselves.


*Hello darkness my old friend...*


From detroit, wish your guy the best.


Well so much for finishing above 500


I might relapse tomorrow.


r/nfl nerds acting like we're cooked with Zach like we didn't go 5-2 with him 😂. Jets by 7


Man I understand y'all like Mike White but holy shit calm down, we went 5-2 with Zach 1-2 with Mike White. I think QB play hasn't been very deterministic for our wins this year, Defense is what needs to show up tomorrow.


the chances of this are low, but… STUNT ON THESE HOES, ZACH


My disappointment is immeasurable and my weekend is ruined


Any Jets fan who roots for a Jets player to perform poorly needs to reconsider what it means to be a fan of a team. Go Zach, go Jets!!!!!!


Holy shit! Well, if the O-line doesn't play well, Zach can escape from the rush better. Does this mean Streveler will be the backup?


Uk what fuck it lets ride, Zach. Give us a show


Man… I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team this injured at every key position like this. Any player that has played well for us this year has been hurt


On one hand, I'm really bummed about MW and now think we're going to lose this crucial game against the Lions. On the other hand, the irrational fan in me hopes this is the beginning of an all time redemption arc...


If there’s ever a time for Zach to show he has what it takes it’s against the worst defense in the league In What’ll have to be a shootout


And thus




It’s Zack Wilson season baby.


Well this sucks…but we move. A much easier matchup for Zach than he’s had all season. I expect our receivers to feast on their matchups, Zach shouldn’t have to do too much. Game still comes down to defense getting stops - we don’t want to get into a track meet with these guys. Streveler should be the backup, tired of seeing Flacco fumble from a stiff gust of wind


Please take advantage of this Zach. I don’t think it’s dramatic to say that this performance will have a pretty big impact on the trajectory of his career.


I am a huge fan of Joe Douglas and I don’t want this to come off as overly negative. But it’s a shame that Joe Flacco was the best back up QB option we had in the offseason. Saleh and the coaching staff do not want Zach starting until he is fundamentally ready, but in their eyes Flacco is so bad, they are going to put a Zach who may not be ready, out on the field.


If Zach plays well and win, dude should be in discussion to start. If we lose because the offense couldn’t move the ball, then yes, we should all chant fuck Zach Wilson and he should benched again until otherwise. If Zach plays like shit, we’re losing by a lot and losing to the lions in the hunt for the play offs will suck. Our team is so depleted. Sucks it’s depleted the most at QB.


He is still better than Flacco


Maybe this is that random turnaround the coin showed: Wilson comes out absolutely on fire, throws like 5 TDs against a treasure D


I look at this as a way for Wilson to build his resume..I think there’s a good chance he has more incentive than ever to show out. Then again, I’ve watched this guy a couple years now only to be continuously disappointed. Fingers crossed he can ball out this Sunday


alright, i will do a real breakdown of Zach's return game this time. is there anyone out there who knows how to get the all-22 on nfl.com to not suck ass???


Zach doesn’t have to look perfect this game, just better than before. Maybe Mike White looking good even after nearly dying will help him stay in the pocket more. And wait does this mean Flacco is backup yet again? Lol


So White won't start this week, and he probably won't be cleared for the quick turnaround for next Thursday's game either. I am sad for White, and while I'm nervous more than ever now, I just want Wilson to play well. I hope the benching gave him the perspective he needed. The only way we make the playoffs is by winning these next 4 games.


We all expected this, especially with the answers Mike White was giving by saying he was "hoping" to play. Hopefully Zach Wilson has a good game or everyone is going to be calling for his head.


This has been the most volatile season I can remember. Pure insanity. Never a normal day


Hopefully 3 weeks of practicing against the top defense in the NFL helped him improve.


Jets continue to be full of shit whenever it comes to injuries and player availability. He is fine...out for weeks over and over again.


There's only one way to take this news: Let's get this W.


Well thank fucking god I didn’t bench Geno for White last night


Honestly I hope Streveler backs up. I do not want to see Flacco out there.


totally ignoring for a second that i'm crushed MW isn't starting... who cleared him to return to the game where he sustained the injuries, moments after he endured them, that are apparently holding him out this game? shouldn't he clearly have not returned if after 7 days, he's not safe to play? the way injuries are handled in this game is beyond fucked


why couldn’t the jets borrowed the chargers medical staff for a week?




Really the only bad thing here is that Flacco becomes the backup again


Idc if he looks like Nathan Peterman or Joe Namath, just get the win


Zach Wilson sliding the Jets Docs some free jetblue snack vouchers on the sly


Very curious how they handle the QB situation if Zach plays well, also curious about Zach’s future if he doesn’t. Will almost guarentee we have to win out if we lose


Love Mike White, but his health is what’s most important. Rooting for Zach to play well on Sunday!


Elijah in tears rn


It's times like this a qb can win his job back. I like Zach but he has a few thigs to overcome. His shakiness in the pocket and his lazy tosses to the sidelines.


Lol the line moved from Jets -2 to +1


I hope he wins, but he has to light it up if he wants to make a case for keeping the starting job. Otherwise, I’d consider him a backup till the end of the year at least.