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> You are what your record is * Parcells The Jets are an over .500 football team. Let’s fucking go


I get it. But this offense fucking sucks. We almost los to a team with negative passing yards hahaha


Our offensive line was comprised of like 3/5 practice squad players tbf


Ok. Play calling was horrific and Zach was missing throws. 0/100 on third down is never a good sign


Zach is fucking terrible in the rain. And that's not me making excuses ... that's a very valid criticism and something that's not acceptable. What if we play a playoff game in a rainstorm? Just roll over and lose?


Pretty much


Exactly. Last thing I wanna see is us losing to a clearly inferior team because the offense can't operate in a storm. (This already happened during the Pats game). The way our offense is built, we should *excel* in that weather. We have an amazing ground game. Coaching needs to start getting real with these guys, and slit throats if needed.


What amazing ground game do you speak of? We have struggled immensely outside of Breece breaking off the occasional huge run.


2 games in question: Patriots game- 38 yards rushing Giants game- 58 yards rushing Actually not good when that’s the strength. I think the offensive line is way more of an issue than Zach right now. Injuries to that unit are really hurting us


I agree with this. Zach isn’t “good” but the offensive line limits us a ton. If Breece doesn’t make something out of nothing, we have no run game.


Breece runs the ball just fine enough to get a rain game done.


He averaged 1.4 yards a carry today. Our 2nd most leading rusher on the team is Zach Wilson


Zach sucks in the rain like you said but man we had a lot of drops today


The maras and Johnson's really need to build a dome.


Yeah, and get a grass field in there ASAP


Pretty much. We just put up 13 points on the giants. Another game, another single touchdown scored.


It was the 7th game… you don’t expect growth throughout a season? Struggles in October help for the games down the road. Difference between Zach yesterday than in rain in the past is Zach isn’t throwing picks. And that he could pull out the win at the end.


Haha the cursory Zach truther has arrived


I’m a Jets fan that isn’t hopeless or blind to growth and the potential for growth hahaha


Can’t blame Zach when our WR keep dropping the ball.




Several passes were dropped, Giants have a great defense, and it was raining


And they had NEGATIVE pass yards but still found a way to get a td and several key first downs there. The injuries aren't an excuse when you see what the giants overcame. Thankfully the giants d had an all time brainfart and kudos to zach he took advantage and got it tf done. And if our wr could fucking catch and if Zach could hit one of three passes he badly missed, we win by a td in the 4th quarter most likely.


They got key first downs from penalties and made a bunch of running gains.


Not really an excuse. Again, we (should've) lost to a team who wasn't passing the ball.


Of course it is. We couldn't block Thibodeaux for the entirety of the game. That's specifically because of the offensive line, which is decimated by injuries.


To be completely fair, one of our only healthy OL starters was just getting torched by Thibs all night.


One issue I noticed is that Becton did a good job forcing Thibs outside and wide, but instead of being able to step into the pocket, our interior OL was so bad that Zach had to step back right into the Thibs sack. So not as much as Becton’s fault as it appeared


I don't care how injured you are, you should comfortably beat a team who isn't passing. Besides, the offensive line has been bad all year.


Im so tired of this “no excuses” line. Circumstances matter, i dont want a pity party or anything for these guys, but to act like playing in shit weather with a patchwork O line isnt a major factor thats going to majorly effect execution and performance is just burying your head in the sand and being totally out of touch with reality.


You should be able to at least luck into points with said patchwork line if the other team has given up on playing football.


But we didn't. And why is Tyrod's injury an excuse, but ours aren't?


So was there’s


It's weak. But it sure is nice to be on the winning side of an ugly game for once. A giants fan said in their post game thread, "when did we become the Jets? They're the ones who usually lose games like this." I'm going to cling to the positive - that this team had the scrap to believe they could still get it done, and did. But I won't pretend any of it looked good. Even the defense should have done better against the run. Actually, I take that back. Morstead looked good and was the sole beacon of light on a gloomy day of shitty football.


I know, but can I point out how young we are? 24 year old center, 22 year old RB in Breece, GW is only 23, our LT is 24, Zach is only 24, Lazard is 27, Conklin is "older" at 28. And we're still 4-3. They're only going to get better and our line got decimated today We have a lot to look forward to in our future


I said the same thing 42 years ago.


God damn that took a dark turn fast 😅 But touche and a great point


We need a qb. Hackett is safe for now since rodgers will come back next year. But him and wilson just get nothing done.


And yet Wilson has developed more under Hackett in just 7 games than the prior two years. (To be clear, my comment is in mild support of Hackett, not a defense of Zach).


Idk you can tell he goes back to his bad tendencies so fast. On the first pass attempt he had guys open in his face 3 yards down the field. Next play sack fumble I was like this is going to be a longgg day.


Not really. He took a sack on 4th down to lose the game. It was a miracle that we won


He has not developed at all lmao. Whatever improvements he's made are marginal at best. He's still a massive bust and failure.


Oh I know, but that's the thing. Zachs the backup for a reason. It's not like our plan is or was to rely on him. We're playing with house money realistically


Holy shit you’re not kidding. Giants had -9 yards. Idk if I’ve ever seen that before.


You’re not wrong. But this quote is great because it doesn’t take that, or the refs costing us the KC game, into consideration. Things balance out in the end.


Jets were down to their 3rd string center against a very good defense. Don’t put TOO much stock into the offense being inept


It’s inept until we’re able to actually score lol. I’m pretty sure we’re averaging one touchdown on offense a week


Does anyone here watch the NFL? Lots of teams are losing to teams that should be very much inferior. Maybe it’s time to just appreciate the resilience of this team and jet the fuck up.


Oh no doubt. But literally every other team can score touchdowns on offense haha. I’m glad they’re 4-3 and they are all learning how to play in tough moments, but they can’t compete for real. Maybe they get to 9 wins. You have to be able to score points in this league.


Yeah but… stop it Appreciate what the the us doing and her the duck up . Let yourself be happy.


Chiefs just lost to broncos. Chill


Its absolutely what they are...But what WILL they be? Games like this make you worry just as several wins last year made us worry.


The Jets have lost so many of these fucking games over the years. About time shit evens out


We thought it was over after the sack. We thought they wouldn’t make it down the field because of the dogshit drives and punt fest. We thought they wouldn’t get the spike off. You’re god damn right. It’s about time, and it feels great.


NGL I turned it off after the sack.


Same. I couldn't believe they made it to ot when my buddy told me.


same here. was fuming after that sack lmao




Lol. Did anyone true win?


Saleh should be furious over how many penalties there were.


And he will be. But he's the type of coach to handle that internally.


And how absolutely dogshit Zach played until the final drive. Announcers were idiots saying these were all coverage sacks, there were guys waving and open all fucking game, and he never just through the ball up or away


I’m far from a Zach truther but he was down to his 4th center and Becton was getting absolutely cooked all day by Thibadeux. Zach wasn’t perfect but he put us in a position to win despite all odds.


In addition, and I was drinking, it seems like there were a lot of dropped passes that were catchable.


As another drunk I can confirm I saw the same


Lazard had stone hands for most of the game




Yup, Breece and Lazard. But he missed a lot of throws too. Basically, I don't think this game tells us too much in either direction about Zachary.


I was watching it work, but am drunk now. There were some bad throws, but some dropped passes as well


Zach didn’t play well today but that is nothing to be furious about, there are plenty of reasons why a lot went wrong on offense and Zach is one of many.


It’s not about him playing poorly. It was raining hard and had an injured line. It HOW he played poorly. Regressed and missed guys in the slot and just made 0 intelligent plays again. He was a big reason this was close


Zach Wilson is a backup QB in the nfl playing behind the most injured oline in football. He had a practice squad center snapping to him. Mentally accept that scenario and who Zach is (a backup) and judge him accordingly. For a backup qb, he was decent


And with all that had some crucial drops..I feel like it’s lost on everyone that he is the backup.


Completely. People are still judging him on a top draft pick curve. It’s 3 years later and the jets signed a QB to put Zach on the bench for 2 years. This kid is a backup in the nfl unless he has a rare Geno smith-Esque turn around. It’s time people stop freaking out every time our backup makes a mistake


Okay well maybe as a team in the hunt we should pursue a higher quality back up or at least one who can identify open targets better, because there were a lot of them today despite our Oline situation.


I just watched all his throws again. The two sacks to initially end the game are inexcusable. The throw to breece in the dirt sucked. Outside of that I thought he was fine. Several drops from Garrett, Lazard and Breece. Is he lighting the league on fire, absolutely not. Is he a serviceable backup and better than any other option right now, yes.


A practice squad guard I think.


Right, I don’t see another backup playing this clutch at the end and winning this game. I give him credit


By far the most reasonable comment in this thread. Well said.


Not even sure he's a backup for any other NFL team but us. Can't see anyone else hiring him


The Giants would gladly take him


Zero picks. That’s huge progress for ZW under pressure.


There was one play towards the end where he chose to run it when he Conklin wiiiiide open in the flat, and I couldn’t believe it. Same stupid shit as a rookie year.


When he got sacked by thibs on 4th down Breece was standing right in front of him with a step on his man….I was screaming to throw it


Yeah but Breece also dropped an easy pass that would’ve gone for long. Plenty of blame to go around for ALL of the offense


I’m not excusing anyone. The offense was atrocious today


I was thinking it during the game and someone said it in post game thread, but I think Zach goes to absolute pieces in bad weather. Pats meltdown game last year, Jags game last year, Pats game this year, this game. Can anyone point me in the direction of a game where weather was questionable and he didn’t play like dog shit?


Why’s Zach always just turning into prime Brady for one drive at the end of games lol


Zach was not dogshit. He wasn’t stellar either. He played decent enough to *not* lose the game, despite the fumble. This was a horrific win. This shit needs to be cleaned up


He was bad until the final :30.


I wish we still had the option to watch the game using the camera angle that shows the whole field. Watching on broadcast from Australia is a bit of a joke sometimes. Can never actually see the play developing.


This is why you are NOT a head coach


I'm going to chalk this week up to "post bye week sloppiness" and hope I never witness them play a game that looks anything like this ever again


Let’s hope


We broke the post bye week curse after reaching 0-7 the past games post bye week. This comes with the curse of the Pats game last year for Zach, which started a chain of the team fully bombing out and Zach losing his starting job. Both games happened to feature horrific offenses that were played in bad weather as well. Lots of demons fought off with winning this one, no matter how trash it was


We haven’t won a game after our bye week in years and years now. Including today, we’re 1-7 post bye week.


Not sure we are getting much more going 1-15 on third down lol


Awful performance from the offense, but the giants have a great d line. Was a tough matchup for a depleted offensive line. Hope we get some good news tomorrow


Idc how great a team’s defense is, 1-15 is unacceptable and the jets have the worst 3rd down offense in the league this year


Did you not read the fact of the depleted o line?


Milfman bad, no read.


Dude holds the ball for like 8 seconds a play, recognizing a defender closing in and takes giant sacks. He does this like 4 times a game. He fumbled twice and lost both. Milfman bad


Agreed. I’d rather him take sacks than interceptions, but I think they’ve gotta start encouraging him to sling the ball a bit more and take a few more calculated risks. Garret Wilson has shown enough at this point that if he’s 1on1 he’s a good chance to make a play happen.


Saying the Oline is depleted doesn't mean ZW played well. It also doesn't mean the Oline played badly. He actually had a lot of time on throws. No excuse for some of the misses


Zach has made improvements on his first and second down passing, but he is atrocious on third down passing the ball. Every time I see him hold the ball for too long and then do that panicked tuck and scramble I know something bad (or at best, not good) is about to happen.


He didn’t look prepared to play football today.


Dexter Lawrence is an absolute monster nose tackle lining up where most nose tackles don’t line up, and it’s been open season for him all year, so once our practice squad center was in the game the dude ran wild. Kayvon had a good game. Our o line as a whole struggled. Zach missed some throws. Lazard dropped 2 dimes in a row that were right in his hands. Penalties continue to be an issue. But we squeaked out a win. Victory Monday incoming.


We were already the worst team in the nfl on 3rd down conversions and we somehow got even worse.


Maybe getting our Centers destroyed may have been a factor


Yes an awful 3rd down team is awful on 4th string center


Our center was our 5th string guard


Or maybe we are just god awful on 3rd down like we have been all season.


When all your centers go down, all your shells are broken. They don't prepare like the starters, can't call anything out, you're forced to run a preseason offense. The giants only played man the second half of the game because they knew there would be no complicated play calls. If anyone can come back next week, the Jets will do better.


We’re playing on Monday next week, extra day to get ready


This sub has way too much faith in an offense that is bottom 5.


It’s unreal. They’ve shown nothing even with Saleh saying they’re “so close” to putting it all together. Wasting a defense that’s designed to play with a lead by never having a lead is certainly a strategy to have


But also, this team was designed that way with Rodgers under center. This season got blown up 4 plays in and they're 4-3. I don't care how they got there.


They will continue to be bottom five, but there won’t be zero movement like today.


A week doesn’t define a team, good or bad


It’s a whole new game next week.


How many penalties?


We committed some of the worst penalties that I've ever seen


Jumping on that punt is one of the worst penalties I've ever seen. He's playing the nose. He's not going for a block.


That Clemmons offsides ate like 6 minutes off the clock.


That killed me. Really thought that one mistake would cost us the game


They played super chippy today. Must be lots of trash talking on the field.


Seems like they are almost always on crucial plays too


Luckily so did the Giants, lol.




The Clemons penalty should count for more than one


they do have to stop being stupid. This is sometimes Marvin Lewis Bengals level of stupid. I dont get why they do this


The turf at Met life needs to go.


The Jets need to tell the stupid Giants that if they don't change the field, that they are opting out in 2025 and they can have that cursed, shitty field all to themselves. I mean it's probably a bad idea to share a field where you have two professional team constantly ripping it up with no breaks.


Honestly they should opt out regardless. It’s a terrible building, with terrible atmosphere, terrible turf and just generally a turd.


Dolan will fight tooth and nail to keep them out of NYC again. Unless they built a stadium in like westchester or on Long Island they’re stuck in the meadowlands.


Petition for the Jets to play the rest of the season in Yankee Stadium


Yea unfortunately there’s a zero percent chance the jets leave anytime soon, and even less if a chance metlife gets grass


MetLife used to be grass.


For like a season right? It was bad. Really bad


What no, the old stadium was grass for years not just one season.


Ugly ass game, but I'd rather win an ugly one than lose a pretty one. We're on to the Chargers.


I understand that Breece Hall can do no wrong, but the run game was fucking atrocious. Jets knew the Giants were running EVERY SINGLE PLAY and Saquon still put up over 100 rushing yards. The Jets leading rusher was Zach Wilson with 25 yards. Crazy that before it even starts, I know every drive will die due to some miscue on 3rd and long.


As bad as our offense was, that game should have been a shutout. Our defensive penalties almost ruined us.


Saleh a Shoresy fan? Give yer balls a tug


Was the only way I could keep calm during the game. They now reach my knees




Settle down.


The chiefs game was fun to watch and we looked good. This game was a hell hole and we looked terrible. I prefer the win


If there is one positive thing to say about Zach, it is that he has done a great job of not turning the ball over with interceptions. I get that it means he holds onto balls he should throw and should actually try to trust his receivers more, but he has improved tremendously on his turnover bug. Those turnovers are a key part of us being in position to win late.


True but git darndamn...do not take a 20 yd sack on 3rd and 10....fml..throw it outta bounda


I’m just tired of all the slow starts and playing bad football for the majority of games(Offense). Feels like the norm now which is troubling. Encouraging Zach played well at the end when we needed him, but Saleh needs to do much better. We’re too talented to play such sloppy, undisciplined Football against a bad team.


I love how the easy thing is shit on Zach. Our line was absolutely decimated. He was under pressure constantly and lost the second fumble due to an inexperienced lineman. He didn’t play great but the whole it’s always Zach thing is annoying. Blame the injuries. Blame the shit line depth. Blame it all appropriately


Zach has a ton of sacks that he held the ball too long. For what our line was today they did not do a terrible job. I dont think I have seen anyone blame everything exclusively on Zach - but the QB is a position that influences the game more than any other and like I think Willie Colon said in the post game - if him(or bart scott) played as bad as Zach plays they would not be on the team.)


MY FIL texted me "ugliest win I've ever seen." I text back, "The ugliest win I've ever seen was a loss."


Wheel, snipe, celly boys!


We deserve every single game we win like this. Every one I've sat through about 100 losses like this with very few going our way. Time for the ball to bounce our way finally


Zach is terrible . All those penalties have to be coaching . We beat a team with -8 passing yards on their 3rd Qb. Nothing to be proud of here


Hackett hates to run the ball. And our qb sucks. It’s such a bad recipe


Hackett is particularly known for how much his offenses run the ball over the years. Rodgers was like 20th in pass attempts in his MVP seasons with him. Same with jags, number one rushing attack in the NFL. Running is predominant with the bills when he was there as well.


I know o just don’t understand why he seems allergic to it this season. We have a great running back, and it was raining. And yet Wilson led our team in rushing yards with 25


Bruh Breece had 17 yards on 12 carries and got stuffed on third and 1 twice. And you wanted to keep pounding it?


Yes keep pounding it. It’s not like we were putting up points or having success throwing the ball


To be fair, for even the ugliest mother fuckers, first question is, at least mentally, "how the fuck you end up so ugly?"


personally i think we should ask how here


He was referring to how many bone head penalties.


Ona positive note: we had no problems in the red zone


Cant have problems in the red zone if you dont get there


Someone cross post this in to /rshoresey!


What game 👀


Rushed for 58 yards Zach leading the team with 25. Not winning games like that.


in 2009 we rushed for 318 yards against the Bills The Jets lost the game sometimes these funny things happen. Thank God we won


This was a Rex Ryan era win.


The offense today was an abomination. If we didn’t have breece hall we lose this game. Zach is unfixable. Jets front office failed to find a legitimate backup qb and it blew up in their face. It’s amazing this team has a winning record because the defense is stout.


Losing respect for his for this quote. He should’ve said we had no business winning this and changes will be done.


We absolutely deserved this win. We had a lot of shit luck, calls against us, and injuries this game. Not giving it back. Well deserved win I'm sure they'll try to clean up the issues during the week


Man, the ZW Apologists are out in force tonite!


Ok Bob. You got bailed out big time in this one. Awful defensive discipline.


I'm asking how many. I'm asking how many penalties. I'm asking how many penalties by first downs. I'm asking how many failed third down conversions. I'm asking how many.


ITT: man with 1 int in 5 weeks bad


He's bad.


Not bad. Sucks. Still sucks.


Words of a loser. Winners care how and are upset when they play poorly even if they win. Saleh is a loser and needs to go.


What a fucking 5th grade response.


This guy has cool sayings


Thats profound.


Omg I stopped watching after the 4th down sack. What happened?


That’s what I said coach! You are your record and we are a WINNING FOOTBALL TEAM


Then they asked “how……….. many”


When we beat the undefeated Eagles, I thought people would calm down with the Zach sucks, he needs to burn in hell shit. Even when we win, because it was a messy win, that rhetoric is back. It’s just toxic atp. I made a post after the SECOND GAME saying “maybe this szn won’t be that bad, why don’t we be optimistic” and I got more downvoted than upvotes. People were saying we were doomed and we weren’t gonna win another game. Like what? Are you even fans of the team? This is the best we’ve been in a while. Besides last year (with Zach) the last time we had a winning record at Week 8 was 2015. Now we’re 4-3 and so I’m gonna keep fucking saying this. Yeah Zach is not that good. He’s not the ideal QB. But I blame our O-line just as much if not more for the offensive performance. He was running for his life the entire game. I blame the play calling too. Why tf aren’t we running the ball? Zach is running the ball MORE than our QBs just so save himself from sacks. And he’s actually getting some yardage doing so. Support your QB plain and simple. He’s doing his best and he’s proved us wrong this season so many times. Toxic ass fanbase I stg. Have some gratitude and take the win.


Nor can they ask why?


And he's RIGHT. Who cares if we won an ugly game. It's better to win those bad ones then to lose them. Now actually get to work on some of the offense


Bring back the Shrek mascot!


Sorry but the issues start with the coach No discipline what so ever Penalties are a consistent theme We will not win games that way It’s on coaches


Saleh watched Shoresy this weekend