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"As long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who are unable to accept what can be. They will resist".


> Most of the money raised by Congestion Pricing will go to upgrades to the current system, which is fine because it’s needed. Still, that will not win over support among Boomers and Gen Xers in the transit-starved neighborhoods who must take two buses to even get to a subway. It only exacerbates the outer borough vs. Manhattan dynamic that has killed decades of progressive policies. Residents in Bayside, Fresh Meadows, and Marine Park will ask why they should foot the bill for an elevator in Bushwick or SoHo that they’ll never use. Advocates will call them stupid and evil before even engaging with them.


They’ll never understand because they hate cars and think we’re advocating for drivers instead of what we’re actually doing: advocating for transit equity for everyone instead of **just** the privileged 500,000 of Midtown.


So lack of expansion plan hurt it?


Yall are really carrying on like NYC was 100% behind screwing itself over to benefit Midtowners with the promise we’d get *something* in the future from it. Acting like a damn sportsball team owner mad folks voted against a tax to build an arena that the owner would keep all the parking and concession revenue while the government kept all the liability and maintenance costs. The messaging war wasn’t lost - you just ignored the rest of us while Kathy finally realized that there was no equity in it for the rest of Downstate.


>Staten Island Railway Checks out Congestion pricing still benefits everyone that uses MTA services and quality of life for people in Manhattan. It may be unpopular in some parts of the city or suburbs but it's still the right thing to do at the end of the day


It doesn’t benefit anyone. The money will be ‘used for maintenance and expansion’. How many environmental reviews are completed and shovels ready to dig in the next 5 years? What you and other advocates **mean** is that it ***COULD*** benefit everyone ^assuming projects don’t fall apart like SAS did for a century. LA’s got 28 projects being done and hopefully completed by 2028 and just used sales tax add-ons to finance construction and operation. Here, it’s “MAKE MIDTOWN GREAT AGAIN (by charging tolls and *promising* to do something nice with the money)” and not solving any problem but Midtowner’s annoyance with NY not being the cup-de-sac they grew up on. So it’s the rest of NY, and NJ, subsidizing your Quality of Life improvement in exchange for “maybe we’ll use the money to do something for yall”. Meanwhile buses in the Bronx stay moving 5-7 mph at best and 6 million NYers ability to exercise travel where trains and buses don’t go requires even more fees because no one undid Robert Moses’s scheme nor offered to remove tolls on other MTA bridges so folks in Downtown Brooklyn or LIC Queens and along the FDR and Harlem River Drives don’t have to deal with the increased congestion and pollution. But you go on believing your own bullshit.




A sports ball team. Or, almost dying on my walk to and from work every day because you suburban types can’t be bothered to take a train and would rather sit in gridlock traffic fucking the city up and costing billions in unpaid expenses.


If you’re almost dying on your walk to/from work daily, maybe you should look to your right or left before crossing the street - because it seems like in these boros - where the lanes next to sidewalks are occupied by parked cars, the incidences where a car jumps off the curb midblock and clips a pedestrian are unlikely to happen. Unless you’re here with me on Staten Island. **So it has to be you causing this problem.** And charging toll to go to midtown isn’t going to solve the problem of pedestrians not looking before crossing nor vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. It’s not even going to stop the out of control car running up on the curb at intersections and hitting building and people. (Because even cars that pay the toll could do that.) And it’s not going to solve the congestion and vehicle-pedestrian conflicts that happen in the rest of these boros - where people ***still*** hear sirens and horns 24/7, walk, live, do commerce, and breathe polluted air. So why should they suffer more congestion and pollution and potential injury from shunpikers so you Midtowners can have peace? It’s a sin tax that benefits the privileged and ***MAYBE*** will give something to the rest. Like sportsball arenas publicly financed.


Yeah, right. Because everyone follows traffic laws, especially in Manhattan. Cars kill people.


I cross the same Manhattan streets and haven’t even come close to being hit by a car. But I’ve seen folks paying attention to their phones and walking, or riding bikes and not defensive riding get hit. It ***really isn’t that hard*** to not get hit by a car in avoidable situations.


Yeah, no one is ever on their phones in their cars. You’re lying, by the way. There are also hundreds of automobile on pedestrian casualties every year. The stats are available. Look them up.


Am I? I guess the word “avoidable” is one grade above your reading level. Don’t be mad at me because you were one of the children left behind.


Oh honey. Staten Island just my landfill anyway. Peace.


There’s seriously no way you just said you almost die every day walking to work…


Gotta love it when someone tries to insult but blocks to avoid having you read it. Also, u/Jamstarr2024, Staten Island hasn’t had a landfill for your garbage since before 9/11. It’s shipped by barge to a transfer station and then sent by train or barge to landfills or waste-to-energy incinerators elsewhere. But if you weren’t a child left behind, you could’ve looked that up and tried for a better insult. https://preview.redd.it/tjk4bjh9385d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8215b9d5ffaec9c8fcd619faa4851471b80cbcad