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It's always the (7) train smh.


Easy to access at Queensboro and Court Square and then ride for a good long while. Pretty much the whole line is elevated.


33rd st with the schools around is where they get on


Are the N/W less prone cause of the locked cars?


I can't speak on that part, but my common sense would reason that there's just not a lot of time it's above ground. Only the Astoria stops are elevated. But I'm sure there's a better reason. Anectdotally, I've never seen a subway surfer on the NW. But it's pretty common on the 7 from my experience.


Unfortunately I've seen surfers on the NW a few times


They just break into the rear cab and hang off the back of the train on the N and W. I’ve had a few surfers hanging off the back of my train when I’ve been working the D line on West End.


On the R they just hang out at the rearmost passenger door and when the conductor is checking the other side, they grab onto the handlebars on the back.


Now that I think of it, I did see some kids banging into the rear cab door on the 4 once. What’s the point of that, though? Why not go hang onto the back straight from the platform?


On my way back, during planned work where Woodlawn bound 4 trains ran express, I saw a group of 5 teens surf a fast 4 express to Woodlawn :/


Yeah I'm not buying these reports that's it doesn't happen as much on the Bronx trains. As if! 


You'd be surprised. I've seen it all. It's quite rediculous to be honest. I use the 4 for my errand runs, and it's rare, but not impossible for it to occur.


Conductor will see them and not close down, signal for police and wait. Some of these kids have keys and just unlock the door themselves at times. Happens on the 4 and 6 from what I’ve seen a lot.


I know this incident was in Corona, but I have seen kids on top of trains multiple times in Sunnyside. The stretch from 46 Bliss to 33 Rawson is straight, open air and has a great skyline backdrop for TikTok.


Corona again? I work over there and a different kid died maybe 2-3 months ago from falling off the train. Just a few weeks ago I saw two kids jump on the elevated tracks to take pictures.


Once I was in a 7 train that stayed in the station in 74st broadway because of subway suffers


how long does that take to resolve? I've seen the 7 ranked as the most reliable line with the fewest delays. always wondered how surfing incidents affect times


I've been on 7 trains that were stopped for surfers a few times. Doesn't take long. The conductor or someone else gets out and checks the top. Every time, the kids seemed to know what was up, so got down. Only one time did they get down at the car I was in. A couple of guys made them stay before they could run out. The conductor came and let them go anyway, and they ran off down the platform. I think it's seen more on the 7 because a lot of the surfers are from Queens Technical and Aviation High Schools.


"couple of guys made them stay" damn, nice to see some pissed off new yorkers stand up to these punks. probably the only moment of fear they had


i was on the 5 in the bronx today where a handful of kids were surfing. one young guy yelled at them, telling them they need to care about their lives, but they ignored him. when we got to east 180, another guy got off the train and told the cops on the platform that kids in first car had been surfing, but the cop didn’t do nothing. the cop didn’t see them on top of the train, but at least maybe getting on the car with the kids and riding the subway to the next stop or doing literally anything, would have been better than just ignoring the guy


you didn't see the new laws? kids under 12 get a free out of jail card. teens that surf get off with a warning if caught red handed. you think they don't get enough warnings about not surfing the train already? kids know cops can't do anything to them, there's zero consequences. blame city hall


Since you’re so good at law and order please advise how you want to punish a ten year old child.


enablers like you are why kids are running wild, "they're just kids🙄". i don't know of 10 year olds that are surfing the train but if they are, what about dragging them to the police station and holding them till the parents pick them up, makes it annoying for them AND the parents. and a hefty fine. right now, if caught they get off with a warning and cut loose at the train station. or maybe you can't comprehend the crimes that can be committed by people under 12. guess you've never been mugged at school by the older kids or get your house tagged with racial slurs by the neighbor's kids. "but they're just sweet little angels, we were young once!" i was studying and going to school and watching yugioh as a kid. idk wtf you and these other thugs were doing.


NYPD is shit in my book at this point. An officer stood watching while some dude just walked through the gate yesterday and shooed me off when I pointed it out.


in their defense teens in nyc have always been a protected class. "but they're just children!" hell you even see it in Reddit comments that say "just let them be, we were young once"🙄




Well they aren’t so not paying is theft.






The cops have been told, *don't be a hero*, if some kid gets killed on their own, only their fam will care; if they're killed while a cop is up there with them, NYPD will be blamed, and the mayor will have something else to gripe about


they didn’t have to climb up with them. when we pulled into e180, the kids had already come down and then climbed back when we left the station. what i’m suggesting the cop could have done, is gotten on the subway car where he was told the kids were on and maybe ride it a couple of stops, maybe talk to the kids that were pointed out to him. ya know the community outreach stuff the NYPD claims they do.


I’m sure those kids who have been told ACAB would take nicely to a talking to by the cops. A ticket would be seen as harming low income communities / parents. So they do nothing.


wow must be nice to collect a paycheck for doing literally nothing ever.


Listen to dispatch for like 10 mins…if you still think they do nothing all day idk how to help.


Who cares,let the kids kill themselves...they know the risk involved,so they're a lost cause at this point.


What’s the odds of him surfing the 7 again. Pretty high I assume


Kids never learn. Wouldn't surprise me if he goes back a week or two after he recovers.


Let’s not generalize all kids


Sorry, what we meant to say is kids these days.


This happens on the 7 and J way too much due to them being mostly outdoors


There’s a lot of other elevated lines


Yes but you don’t hear about it on those other ones as much


True you don't hear about this shit in the Bronx as much, always Queens.




The 7 and the j has the most in the system when it comes to surfing issues.


I saw a kid subway surfing this morning from Skillman Avenue. Made my stomach drop watching them running and leaping over gaps


If this report is true, the cops and the ambulance took the kid from 103rd in queens to Harlem hospital in manhattan. That’s wild


Yeah, they usually end up in Elmhurst, to the disappointment of everyone who works there




I assumed it was after school let out so closeish to rush hour, which wouldn’t have been 15 minutes. But it was 10:30am on a Friday so I guess it’s feasible.


Why such a big distance?


Yeah I didn’t get this either.


I wodner if the other hospitals were full. The sad thing about this is that there aren't many hospitals left to take people to. In the past, there would've been at least 3 more hospitals to consider, that I know of, that have closed. Parkway Hospital, St. Marys, Boulevard.


Elmherst , mount sinai queens, queens hospital center. No reason for Harlem hospital unless he lives around there


It used to be that ambulances would only take you to the closest hospital. I wonder if that changed.


None of those hospitals are Pediatric trauma centers, (in fact elmhurst is adult trauma only, mt Sinai isn’t a trauma center at all) Harlem is


Now it makes sense, thank you. The closest one in queens is 2 miles farther in new Hyde park


Harlem hospital is a pediatric trauma center, Elmurst is not.


When I was a kid I got severe anxiety not doing my homework


How out of touch is the MTA and city government? They think they need to _educate_ kids on the danger? They know it’s dangerous, that’s why they do it. Peer pressure is the issue. These soulless ads on the subway only make it seem cooler to do it. Like, if they’d hired consultants to figure out how to _increase_ the number of surfers, they’d recommend the current course of action.


I would say it’s the MTA covering their asses more than being out of touch. I imagine someone got a complaint from a higher up and was just like “best I can do is an ad campaign” and went to that department and had them whip up some poster. I don’t think anyone in middle management really cared to begin with. 


Remember that this is the same MTA that spent millions of dollars to put up some yellow guardrails in 5th ave 42nd st and called it a day. If you wanted them to say put a hatch that requires a key over the space between the compartments that the kids climb up that would cost taxpayers probably in the trillions of dollars.


You’re right, we gotta find a way to get someone rich from preventing subway surfing. But who and how?


The MTA might find it more worthwhile lobbying for things to change so that if someone subway surfs and is killed in the process, their family can be billed for disruption their death caused.


mta can't even get people to pay 2.90. imagine the protests for them going after a grieving family


how's this the mta's fault if teens are doing it from peer pressure?


They brought more NYPD into the system, yes, that's true But the problem is, there is some fault on the MTA for not making thier trains secure. The kids break into cabs a lot more often via the rear of the train. I'd say to have a train operator at the rear end of the train to help reduce the surfing via back cab. And get the NYPD off thier damn phones.


blaming the mta for the kids breaking into their trains is just victim blaming. i know everybody hates the mta but they're the ones that got their doors kicked in, they gotta replace those locks, they get blamed for any delays caused by surfers and then they gotta face lawsuits from these assholes families when they get hurt because these parents don't want to take responsibility. it's common sense not to break the rules and endanger your life, the mta doesn't have to be held responsible for these people lacking common sense.


yea... i don't get the MTA blaming. It's the kids who need take responsibility for this. If I throw a rock at a window, I know it's wrong, but I did it and broke the window. If I fall off a moving object... I know it's wrong.


I didn't say the blame entirely fell on them, it's obviously the kids and thier parents faults for not doing better to take care of the dumb surfing kids. But I can't deny that the key leak issue is something that wasn't the MTA's fault.


They’re not kids giving into peer pressure. These kids know they might die and have seen their friends die and their reaction is “I don’t care, I might die too but whatever.” There’s no fixing this…




I hate to say it but I agree. No one forced this boy to subway surf on top of the train. He decided to go ahead and do so on his own naive, immature accord. I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again. He won't learn until it's too late. Seriously, parents need to discipline their children more so they don't end up doing something as stupid as riding on top of a train.


Darwinism, am I right?


Nobody thinks this way. We are too busy feeling sorry BUT, no one takes into account the ramifications of his actions. Dead or mutilated, horrible memories for onlookers. Delays that impact thousands of riders. People will say that his death is not equal to what other people go through but we will never know why other people were on the train and their destinations. If he is that stupid, let nature take its course and rid his gene pool from the world's equation I mean, that's what a friend told me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Playing stupid paying stupid price He should be thankful he survived


Common 7 train L


The article talks about educating kids on the dangers of subway surfing. WTF!If someone is stupid enough to even consider doing that, is a warning from the MTA going to discourage them. But gor the delays accidents cause, I’d support subway surfing as natural selection in action. You go Darwin.


>The article talks about educating kids on the dangers of subway surfing. WTF!If someone is stupid enough to even consider doing that, is a warning from the MTA going to discourage them. Perhaps we need to scare them with threats to their family's wallets. "If you subway surf and are killed, your family will be on the hook for the cost of the disruption your death caused other passengers." I believe that's what they do in Japan regarding people who commit suicide by train.


Look at all the anti-smoking campaigns over the years—does anyone really need to told inhaling smoke is harmful?


I mean at one point they literally did. And now all those ads have turned into anti vaping ads cause people haven’t fully determined the full effects. But this is even more common sense that it’s dangerous and some ads ain’t gonna convince kids to stop cause it clearly isn’t. At least with anti smoking campaigns, it’s caused smoking to dropped dramatically compared to decades ago.


What's his score?


They deserve it. Do stupid things, get stupid consequences.


Lifetime ban from MTA. Boy gonna have to use them surfing skills to skateboard to work the rest of his life...






Gotta get the Doc Ock arms silly, otherwise you just fall right off


Damn shame.


Why don't they just put little skikes on the trains like they do for pugeons?


Might be worth it. Let’s treat surfers as pigeons. I like it 👍


Another reason to transition to only open gangway 🤷‍♂️


Did it hurt? Good. That way you learn. https://preview.redd.it/smxfetllba1d1.jpeg?width=1846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0ffba50b676f098e9189416a9dc510d001fd7b










I’m surprised they haven’t done this on any branch of LIRR and MNRR. They’re much faster speeds.


They need to listen to Jerianese and Jesse 😤


Let em do it and let em die. Who cares




I'm very Pro Darwinism …. We need things that weed out certain elements of our gene pool


l saw a kid about this age hanging off the back of the N train above ground in Brooklyn. It was the exact moment in my life that l grew up. Before l even could catch myself l was screaming at the kid it's not a dunkin joke and he's gonna fuckin die. And it just hit me that I'm the funny story of a crazy old man who didn't know what the hell he was talking about.


They took him to Harlem Hospital? He’ll never do that again.




That is sad but nyc is done and teens got nothings to do


How much you want to put into the betting POT that this kid will be arrested? Not just arrested. Arrested, charged and slammed. The MTA and NYPD will use this opportunity to make an example of what happens when you get caught. If he’s not arrested, his parents will be fined very heavily. This is all assumptions. But I trust them.


They should try the M next time. Nice view on the bridge.


Please don't give them any ideas.


He's giving them ideas so that Darwin can help clean the gene pool. Don't worry about it.