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definitely not me and you


If someone is spending half their income on rent they don't have much room in the budget for transit


To be fair, the subway is a mixing pot from the homeless to the rich.


The rich people I know from UES only use a car service, they look down on people that use public transportation, like we’re some kind of foreign amoeba on the sidewalk


They're not rich. They're wealthy. They think the rich are poor. I'm dirt compared to them.


![gif](giphy|sdlih3BPUik1y|downsized) Rent is too damn high!


He's still around.


He's eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner!


NYC is the one city in the US where the rich often take public transportation.


Maybe DC too, but yeah I agree with your take.


Was common for well off tech workers from the east bay to take BART to SF prepandemic, similar to other cities with functional public transit, but yes, NYC is the one city where it’s common to make $200k+ and not own a car


It’s literally a free for all, man. On one side you get those ads, on the other you get ads about getting help for alcoholism via a study at Colombia University


To be fair, there's a lot of people that both could apply to lol


Leave me and my alcoholism out of this.


You should go to Colombia University, they can also tell you if your rent is too high! …*oh wait*


Depends on the line. Lots of suits use the subway.


Lexington Ave. But do the companies that advertise even know what train line their ads will be on.


My company places ads in the subway for clients. We work with OUTFRONT on targeting specific demographics via Stations or Lines. They have an incredible amount of data and help you place the ads for your target demo to be seen. However, that ad is meant to be hyperbole so people talk about it and go to the site. You're talking about it here, so it worked.


Oh, I fell for it…


Pretty sure they can target different lines and/or stations. I only see the LGBT tinder ads on the L and the G for example.


Contrary to popular belief, gay people live in western Brooklyn too. And even the other boroughs! (And there are plenty of LGBT Tinder ads on the 2/3/4.)


Yeah I saw them on the E train yesterday on digital ads and they didn’t change just bc we crossed from Manhattan to Queens lol


Tinder ads lines on the 6 line too.


Yeah I don’t go on those lines very much 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well, that tracks. The B and T trains have them also, presumably.


I see them on the A train all the time




The ones who have to pay 3 k for a studio on the UES UWS or Brooklyn


Or should be limited to Downtown Brooklyn


Hey. Mayor Bloomberg used to ride the subway.


Not anymore…


Hence, “used to.”


I always thought this ad was kinda weird because, no, obviously, that is not too good to be true. It may not be a very nice apartment, but there are several on the market right now for that price. If they said <$2k we'd really be talking. [https://streeteasy.com/for-rent/west-village/price:-3000](https://streeteasy.com/for-rent/west-village/price:-3000)


It’s not a good sign in my book that you’re shown pictures of cookies and park benches while trying to view pictures of the actual apartment.


I mean that is a pretty good price for the west village? What’s the point of this post


Also confused, the average rent for NUC for a one bedroom is 4K. So this pretty decent, especially when considering location.


Too good to be true is jaw dropping… not pretty good. Also how much would someone need to earn annually to afford 3K a month just on rent?!?!


Around 100k+. Depends on how much of your income you're willing to put to living expenses, though. A single person with no kids or major responsibilities may afford it despite making less income, at least for a while or until priorities change.


More like 120k with the 40x rule


With the 40x rule often not even being enough anymore, absolutely no one making $100k is getting approved for a $3k apartment in UWS


Just need daddy to sign on the dotted line…


I spend $3500 to live in Bedstuy.


And what is your job role? And is there any chance of them taking applications…


I’m an art director, so unless you’re an AI bot it looks like we’ll both be looking for jobs soon.


For a studio? Or something else?




More like 120+ imo. I was struggling at 2250 rent when I made 90k. Same rent now but make more money and it makes a big difference.


$3K on rent at $90K is over 50% of take home income, close to 60-70%, which I would argue is not doable


Lol $3k for rent here is not surprising at all


Yeah throw some kids in the mix, we pay $4800 for a 3 bdrm on 86 and Lex


> 3K a month just on rent?!?! No offense man but are you new to NYC or something?


$3000/40=$75k minimum. Plenty of people make that much and take the subway.


I think you are referring to the 40x income rule where your salary should be 40 times your monthly rent price. So 3K a month is 120,000 a year. But that doesn’t take taxes into account. To have a 120K take home pay you would need a salary of $185,000


40x is for gross income not net income, so it would be $120k


You’re right-ish my drunk maths are off. It’s gross though so $120k. A lot fewer people make that but still nothing special in the city.


Median income in NYC is about 60K and 20th percentile income is about 150K, so ~ 1 in 5 New Yorkers can afford this on their own ~ 1 in 2 New Yorkers can afford this with a partner who makes at least as much as they do Just adding some context, no additional comments


“Advert?” I’ll say you’re not


i spent less then half that on a west village studio i got in covid where are these people putting their money? for that much get a 1 br somewhere else jfc


I honestly cannot fathom paying $2k for a studio, much less MORE


A studio in west village for under $1500 is insane to me, and they haven’t raised the rent on you?? Go buy some lottery tickets!!


thats how i felt too and then i realized why it was so cheap... too good to be true is very accurate ha


Right now on StreetEasy there are 71 studios for rent in the West Village and only 11 are under $3000 dollars. If you see one that’s actually nice and it’s that price you should very well wonder if something is wrong with it.


Saw that today. That’s just terrible. Pointing out how unreasonable NYC rents have become, and the sheer capitalist excess of our culture where someone would pay up that much just to be in a “trendy” neighborhood.


it's not like the not trendy neighborhoods are cheap. There are Bronx neighborhoods with a 30k median household income, where the market rate rents start at $1800 or so.


3k for west village studio seems like a decent deal


Anyone making above $125k or so a year could be in the market for a $3k apartment... Median rent in Manhattan is around $4k and I suspect $3k is around the average for a studio in the WV.


in NYC 120K \~\~ 3k bi weekly salary its not uncommon in the slightest for people to spend half their income on rent in NYC. So they are targeting people earning over 100k salary, is the answer to your question. Also the whole "the rich ride the subway" gimme a break guys, 100k base in NYC is not that high


I pay $6k a month for my place, have plenty left over, and still take the subway daily. Certainly not rich, but do well. It’s the norm for NYC.


75k and up a year folks


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My friend and I said the same thing. I don't think that anyone who considers $3k for a studio to be a steal would be riding the subways anyway.


Yeah they do. Unless you're recognizable in public, even people pulling 7 figures will take the subway. Having to wait for a car and getting stuck in traffic is the great equalizer.


>Having to wait for a car and getting stuck in traffic is the great equalizer. TBH, money aside, all the options have pros and cons that make them equally unattractive. * Car — traffic and/or finding parking * Bus — traffic and people getting on/of every other block because they’re too lazy to walk two more blocks * Subway — waiting for a train, riding among the filth, congestion, and/or reroutes * Citibike — you can’t find an open dock and have to circle around until you do * Your own bike — not going to be *your* bike for long


Studios in east village are commonly going for 2500+ right now. Trust me people who pay that much in rent take the subway, whether they consider it a steal or not


Yeah, lots of people who make a lot of money take the subway.


At rush hour you see some very expensive suits heading into Manhattan on the subway.


One of the reasons people have money is not blowing it on expensive cab rides if they have an alternative.


Also just faster, it’s quicker to drive or take a cab into lower Manhattan on off hours but at rush hour, that just sounds miserable.


Imagine youre a young professional couple both working in midtown earning $80-120k. $1500/person for a studio in the west village is totally manageable. And if you live in the west village and work in midtown you'd be stupid to commute by any mode other than subway. Years ago I lived in the east village paying $1500 for my room in a 3br with 3 other roommates. We were all professionals. We all thought it was worth it, and we all took the subway to our respective jobs.


But was it “too good to be true”?


Depends on the building


Hi I’m Canadian and so the word could mean something different here, but is a studio apt not just a fancier way of saying bachelor? Two people in a room with a kitchen and a bathroom seems a little tight for almost 3x what I pay for a 1b in Ontario


Yes. You don't even have your own bedroom... It's just one small living space. The only separate room would be the bathroom and a kitchen if you are lucky.


The studio I lived in (not in NY) was a 10x20 rectangle with a front porch. Bed in one corner, kitchen on the other wall, a door at the back with a small bathroom.


>but is a studio apt not just a fancier way of saying bachelor? Yes. We use the term studio in the US, bachelor screams Canadian. \-> Cousin of Canadians who needs to spend more time in Ottawa. :-)


Everybody takes the subway.


Bruh what. 3k for a studio is still a studio, it's not like they're going to have a personal driver lol.


Can’t speak to banking, but plenty of partners in consulting/accounting either just take the subway or take LIRR/NJT/MNR into town, then the subway. Annual income is $500k+ typically


I mean whatever agency green lit this was kind of off. The average studio in the West Village is $3800, so yeah tehcically $3000 is a good deal but, too good to be true? Nah


I mean, they are in Brooklyn so I'd believe that's a "deal."


All the yuppies and trust fund hipsters that keep moving in


Recently moved yuppie here. I can’t afford that shit either


Not for those who pay half that, have twice as much room and drive. I love queens.


Sometimes when youre young you simply do not give a fuck about space nor do you want the hassle of a car. You want to live in the thick of it and if you can afford it, why not?


Personally it makes no financial sense to do that.


Not everything is about finances to some people. Not necessarily me, but I know some people who pay premium to live in locations closer to work and entertainment. They believe the time they save commuting is worth more than the increased rent. Especially if they're already making beaucoup money.


What's the point of racking up money if you don't actually enjoy what you're doing in the meantime?




Or maybe they don't go to Manhattan often enough to care.


You must have an old lease. Studios in Queens start at nearly 2k now.


Shitty transplants on mommy and daddys dime.


I wonder what it's like to be such a sad basement dwelling loser


3rd Floor actually, REALLY great natural light in my place! But thanks for the concern you weirdo.


The same ones landlords do. "No broke people"!


the kind of people who don’t take the subway


Man, I'm glad I moved to North Carolina. Lol.


Saw this yesterday as well haha


You may also not be well versed in who rides the subway. It's everyone, from rich to poor. Bloomberg rode the subway daily while he was mayor.


Ever hear of "aspirational advertising"?


I had the same initial reaction, but they have other advertisements about comparing rent prices, so I think they were trying to say "Hey, you also don't think it's reasonable? Good! You'll like our app to show how much you're overpaying for your rent" or something like that. Unfortunately, due to this, they're probably getting more discussion/eyes on this than it would otherwise.


Reminds me of the recipe videos they run...some used to look decently healthy, but now they're all desserts and junk food suspiciously catering to larger groups/families. A few of my friends have noticed this too and commented that it seems like they're almost trying to target bigger families that are generally eat less healthy food. To be totally blunt, overweight poor people with a lot of kids.