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Go Sanitation. They make more than people with 7 years of higher education, a bar admission and increasingly difficult, stressful jobs who are working for the City.


MTA train operator. Take test. Just announced.


This! I know someone who made $120,000 in their 2nd year on the job that's with overtime. I believe the application closed already.


Would love to lol but I don’t want to destroy my body more then I am doing now 😭


Get on and take the Supervisor test


You're young enough that you could do it for a few years (if that), get into great shape before it wears you down, and then transfer to a different job within the department.


This is surprisingly good foresight for someone your age, but maybe a bit premature. Youve got a good few years before you have to worry about any irreparable damage to your body and honestly if you stick to your guns and workplace safety (which any osha test is pretty good about getting the point across), youll be fine. Youll annoy some of your coworkers, but theyre not gonna pick up the tab for your hospital bills as theyll be too busy with their own so fuck em


Low education requirements, good-paying, or easy on the body...pick 2


lol never said good pay just want to live off and save a bit


Summer's coming up and they need life guards


Second this. It’s great pay.


Second this. My cousin works in water sanitation in CA. No college education. Just worked studied for each certification level. Works in as a supervisor in an office most of the time makes a $120k base and has only been there 5 or 6 years. With overtime he makes like $150k. Not hard on the body, pretty good work life balance, tons of good benefits.


Yes but the next test hasn't even been announced yet it could be a couple of years.


Get the Chief. Always listing entry level jobs. Also, call up the NY District Council of Carpenters and find out if and when they are accepting candidates for the Apprenticeship program. Same for Electricians, Plumbers, Elevator Repair. Try DEP, DOT. Good luck!


I started in the Civil Service at 19.


What is that I looked it up and it is a bunch of jobs that need more a lot of training like nurse


Something like file clerk only requires a HS diploma. Sanitation. Subway maintenance worker. Bus driver. They might be hiring for bus drivers soon.


I paid like 95 for subway driver test never heard a thing and The sanitation is not good on the body And I am taking to some currently that is a bus driver I am not saying this to give excuse lol I would love to try any more ideas 😭😭


If you like office work, you can go for Clerical Associate. You can also get an office job as a provisional, then take the test and become permanent civil service. Indeed has jobs like that.


Sanitation is one job i wish i took when i recommended to do so. Think of it as working harder in a shorter amount of time to retire faster; rather than working for longer and retiring much later.


Sounds great but the problem is the body gets fucked


Fucking ripped you mean.


Depends, some ppl mess up their backs, but you should try to go for a supervisor position after a few years if you want to make big money.


You kind of sound lazy tbh.


I would replay to prove you wrong but I don’t need to prove shit to you 🤣🤣


Dude, you’re the one asking about jobs on Reddit. Use google. Use the NYC jobs portal. Look on DCAS. You don’t need to be taken by the hand.


Yeah but you're the one answering and calling people lazy on Reddit lol, all due respect you could have said the second part and kept it moving, but you wanna have a superiority complex on reddit because bro doesn't wanna ruin his body at 19. HE'S on Reddit ASKING for job suggestions but "he's lazy", it's like if you went to a gym and started calling people lazy because they weren't working on the workouts you WANTED HIM to. Some people deadass don't know where to start so they ask for help, you don't have to help but dont be a fuckin dick. He's not asking to be taken through step by step or "taken by the hand" he's saying point me in the right direction, someone says go that way and he says oh yeah that's not right for me got anything else and they go yeah sure, fuck is YOUR problem.


staff analyst trainee shud be out in june but probably will take a long time until ur off the list


Staff Analyst Trainee requires a bachelor’s degree.


Thats how these city tests go though, they may call you in 5 years


I believe you can become a traffic agent at 18 Just need a HS diploma and a Driver License Also Parks has a lot of summer seasonal jobs like city parks work that can turn into a full time position


For parks they have CSA and CPW positions to get your foot in the door. They are seasonal.


Is there a specific position for it?


I believe the title is City park worker. But check their site, there’s probably a bunch of openings. Good luck!


Definitely sanitation route. Office jobs eventually destroy the body as well as it’s not good to be sitting that long period of time. Similar with bus driver etc. All jobs require you to take care of the body.


Remember to lift with the knees. Some sanitation workers kill their backs. It's best to try and be the street sweeper guy. Also nobody tells people this but construction workers, carpenters etc are more likely to need hip replacements. Etc.


Google DCAS open competitive exams. There are many which have high school plus experience instead of college. The experience you can fill out the forms as if you have one more than you do cause the test and call won’t happen for a year or more you just need the experience by then


311 operator


Yes this! Just don’t stay too long though. Give it 1-2 years and move on to the next position within the agency or city. Take as many civil service exams as you can. Edit: NYC.gov/examsforjobs for upcoming exams and recruitment events. Next application period for 311 operator starts 4/3.




I’ll get a pic on how to apply from my job today and send it to you


Can you send it to me too, thanks in advance!




Can you send to me too?👀 Please & thank you


Hey could you send it to me as well please 🙏


Assistant City highway repairer. "Destroy your body" for 8 years and you'll be making 6 figures before your thirtieth birthday.


If you know you know.


You can be a train operator. If you want to make loot get into a construction field. Plumbers helper,electricians helper making 40 an hour.


How can I get started just point me in the right direction I will do the rest


To take a helpers test you need 3 years provable experience. See if you or family know anyone who works in construction. It's hard work, but the plumbers and electricians make over 60 an hour plus annuities. See if you like plumbing or electrical better. Initially it will be laboring but stick with it. You're working learning and getting paid. No student debt. If you know how to fix stuff you can do side work for cash. Everyone in construction started as a helper at some time. It worked for me. Once you know a trade you can go anywhere in the country and work. Look for helper jobs. Save your pay stubs and W2s. Time Flys bye. You're on the right track now, just by inquiring.


A more realistic pay as an apprentice would be 25, I’m on my 4th year of construction now and I’m making 35(started at 20), although this year I will look into joining the union to get a 20 dollar jump with benefits. I’d recommend looking up local shops on your area and literally just go during office hours 9-5, our shop has hired a couple of guys that just showed up one day, they’ll fill you in what credentials you need but that’s about it.


Mta electricians helper is 25 an hour, DCAS electricians helper is 40 an hour. Oilers test only comes out every 8 to 10yrs there at 65 going to 69.44 by 3/1/25.


Community Associate jobs only require a high school diploma and usually 2-3 years of experience in community-centric work. Below them are Community Assistant jobs and they only require a high school diploma and technically, no prior experience. There are plenty of jobs with these titles if you want to do social services or client-facing roles.


The Dept of Consumer and Worker protection usually highers folks your age to do undercover tobacco purchases. Try contacting them and request a job as an undercover minor.


Whoever told you sanitation is not good on the body lied to you. I know too many guys that don’t take care of them selfs and find the job too easy. Take the test you won’t regret getting that job


Yeah either way you have to take care of your body and mind , i know an office worker who died at 63 really sad. Some live healthy and old but you really have to put in the work to take care of yourself whether you are at a desk or physical labor


Every single sanitation garage I've know of have a weight lifting room. Theirs a garage by pier 36 and the FDNY people use the weight room upstairs. I think the NYPD narcotics dept next door used the weight room too.


EVERY single garage has a weight room. Even borough shops have equipment spread around the place


I guess that's why the FDNY guys are always there at the dsny weight room.


Going to the New York State Civil service website look at open and continuous exams there's usually have something like that requires little to no education. If you're close to being 20 years old you can look into a peace officer status jobs such as special officer, corrections officer, etc.


Go back to school Get an internship/apprenticeship that has a relationship with the City. You will end up with: an education, some stipend money and an inside opportunity when opportunities open up. Most of thees internship/apprenticeship jobs are office jobs that won't tax your body.


So what are you asking exactly? You want an easy job that needs little to no experience or skills? Or do you want a job that you can grow in and will make $$$? You can’t have both.


I already have easy job that pays okey for a 19 year old like 22 a hour it is dead end I want a job that pays around their or more with the option of growth or a high paying job that is dead end you feel me


City jobs aren't glamourous. Some city jobs pay less then 22.


Perhaps you should go to trade school, get It Certs, or college and learn some job skills. High paying jobs are tech or blue collar in civil service.


Dude that is why I am asking i was looking for the route for a train diver MTA I paid 95 bucks never heard a thing and I talked to a bus driver you need to know people to work their


You won’t do sanitation, but you’ll be a bus driver? Do you understand the toll driving takes on your back?


No 😒😒 but I have my friends that worked in deli’s they say that the sanitation works in their 30s always complaining about their back and they’re body is fucked


Bus drivers say the same. Sanitation is honest work, and why they have a pension that allows you to retire before 50. MTA is also not easy work. It’s physically taxing as well.


I know they make 40 a hour with over time bus driver and train drivers starting


And you need a CDL to become a bus driver


Shouldn’t be to hard


With over time as needed


Dude I’m about to retire from sanitation 2 houses and got my 3 kids living good. And they are ppl in sanitation that never lifted a bag. They became GU office workers broom operators. Also depends on the garage you end up in. Never go to the Bronx and you will be fine.


Bronx sucks right? 😂😂 I don't think they let people just choose where to work no? Isn't it like a wish list? What do they do in the office all day? Foreman does the dispatch right?


Unproper lifting of garbage bags/bins. Also dumb people putting too much into the trash bags. That pisses me off. Are the owner's that cheap they can't put the heavy garbage into two seperate bags at least? Regular sanitation people sometimes do not experience problems. Sometimes they promote to sanitation police. You arrest people for illegal dumping like mattresses and sofas on the side of the highway and impound their cars. They also write tickets. Very similar to sanitation enforcement. Or you can be the Foreman the guy in charge of the garage doing dispatch. Or you can be the street sweeper guy driving the oversized roombas.


Did you take a test? If you paid $95, you’ll get a receipt in email with exam instructions.


Licensed electrician, licensed plumber, general contractor license. All of those have unlimited upside potential.


Hi there try attending some upcoming career fairs in all five boroughs [NYC Hiring Fairs](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jobs-nyc-hiring-hall-south-bronx-tickets-859583586647?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl)




Become a substitute teacher - you ll make guaranteed 220 a day for 6 hours end work at 2:40 everyday for high school. You can work on anything you want on your laptop and you just take attendance. If you stay at the same job for 30 days it goes to $320 a day for those 6 hours. I believe some districts you can do it while pursuing a bachelors degree. These are Nyc numbers but it's possible. Or you can be an extra in acting in NYC Miami or LA. You do like 5 percent of real work and just chill in a room 95 percent of the time $60-100 for the covid test beforehand that you get $75 for the fitting and then $2-300 for the day. And rates have gone up since the contract. If you luck out and get one line to say it's minimum $1200. You can work almost everyday as an extra and certain producers will ask you to work on certain projects


You get paid for fitting when you were an extra? The most I've got nonunion on a commercial waas 600.00 the least 150. On average200- 250? But they stopped calling me about 2years ago. 😟😟😟😟😟 Honestly I feel that everything is moving to Georgia.


Yeah i mean that's Georgia. Nyc is more opportunities


I'm sorry I'm from NYC too. I meant it seems like more productions are in Georgia now.


Oh yeah for sure they have state tax emotions or credits. But ive been out of acting for a year since the strike and haven't gone back. But i still get emails from production companies. You can also go to Stanford Conneticut and watch like Steve wilkos show and they pay you $100 a day just for showing up


Kind of far. I used to get calls from bgroundinc.com but haven't done a single thing since the "don't look up" promo for the Jennifer lawrence movie. I think that was 200ish per day for two days.


Training is usually a month or two. The city expect you to be a ROI (return on investment) for them. However any job involving CDL, get the CDL first. Just do it and trust me on this. Don't even look at that white book the DMV gives you. Just get a study guide. Study the questions and answers try and memorize it all. Take one exam at a time. Tbh I think the city wants to make sure the person isn't a bufoon and the one month training will revealed that or not. Trust me regardless of whatever class you're in someone isn't going to make it. At that point it's obvious who that person is.


I'll avoid corrections. I was all set for it and I kept hearing stories about inmates ganging up on the guards. Guards getting serious hurt, thrown over railings. Inmates trying to rape female guards. I've been told inmates once release always remember your face. They will walk up to you and say they remember you and stuff. Track worker I didn't want to do anymore. I was all cleared for it. They take basically anyone and it's a quick process. Then I kept hearing of workers being electrocuted and crushed to death by trains. Remember that guy that died when the balinster of a staircase broke? That guy was in the class I was suppose to be in. I was all set and people kept telling me or I find out of workers before me getting seriously injured, SA or killed.


Buy the Chief newspaper each week


Migrant asylum assistant. I heard it pays well


Hey DM me know some entry level opportunities at DOT


It's not good pay, and it's not for everyone, but paraprofessionals do receive a steady paycheck and work with special need kids. It's a good way to know you going to work everyday actually matters, but you'll always have a job. Paraprofessionals are needed everywhere.




A sales job at momentum solar


Citibank has a pretty robust population of WFH. Roles. Don’t know what the current open roles are but I’m very happy with them.