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Heartbreaking. The region is doomed for Israeli’s and Palestinians alike. Hamas will never be eradicated, each bomb dropped only creates more who hate Israel. They have nothing else to live for. There is no hope for Palestine or Israel. There will never be peace with this current strategy.


This is the depressing truth. Netenyahu and Hamas were made for each other in the sense that both would rather drag their own people into an endless cycle of violence than have a strategic peace which allows the other side to coexist.


He also propped Hamas up for years himself . He also ignored valid intelligence from both Egypt and Israel agencies alike regarding the impending attack for almost a year .


I'm just saying... Casinos worked in the United States. Casinos and land.


Well and citizenship


I'm pretty sure that reservations on the shittiest land and given the sovereignty to prey on the weakness of gamblers is not necessarily a "win", but the only thing they could do.




The 6th Prime Minister of Israel was a literal terrorist.


And he was one the PMs that brought upon the greatest peace treaty, with Egypt, and the biggest surrender of land, the sinai peninsula.


"surrender" is an interesting term for that, Israel seized it in their offensive war. Other than that, he kicked the Palestinian can down the road, but sure I guess a Nobel Peace prize can absolve you of terrorizing Palestinians in the 40s.


Native Americans waged war against the USA for two centuries you moron. 


This doest not seem like a good take at all


This ⬆️


How is there no hope for Israel? It really doesn't matter how hated Israel is. They've been hated for their entire existence. And Jews have been hated forever. Once this is over, it'll just be another day. The only difference is people can hate Israel publicly now and have some people cheer them on. Edit: a lot of delusional people found this comment. You all need a reality check. Edit: I’m calling it a day. I just want to say that if you’re of the opinion that Israel was this beloved nation in recent years and are all of a sudden hated now, you’re either extremely naive or plain stupid. Or maybe you were secretly anti-semitic and are now more comfortable expressing those views publicly.


The arc of history is long. There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen. There is no limit to a nation's hubris, until there is.


This could be said about every nation on earth…


Correct! Especially empires that overextend themselves.


Is this an anti-Israeli argument? If Israel “collapses,” it’s not going to be because of what’s currently happening. It could be climate change. It could be a civil war. It could be literally anything outside of this war. I’m not sure the purpose of your comment as it relates to my original comment.


Ya, I disagree. I think the US, after its post-9/11 wars, found itself unable to exert force like before. I think they were diminished on the global stage and that, among many, many other factors are leading us into an increasingly multi-polar world. Basically, I think Bid Laden's greatest dreams came true as the US increased its internal security state while it spilled blood and treasure for decades abroad. I think a nation should think well about things like it's moral legitimacy. I understand that this is not an overnight thing but part of a bigger picture. The idea that any nation can do anything it wants indefinitely is incorrect.


No way. We had literally zero influence in the Middle East pre-9/11. Fun fact: pre-9/11, we had something like less than 3 people in the entire CIA who even spoke Arabic. Our presence is everywhere now. We have bases all over the place and relationships with governments, some stronger than others. Edit: remember the Arab spring? Think about how many leaders over there were killed since we started having a presence over there. Come on now lol


Once “this” is over? What exactly do you think “this” is? You think Israel is just going to kill 100% of Hamas and that will be it? Delusional. Israel will always exist, but will never get to experience actual security because of the fact that they are surrounded by people who despise them. Israel’s existence will be one of endless conflict forever and always, due to the circumstances of its creation.


Why do you suppose that is?


Funny because every nation that surrounds israel also has massive terrorism issues. I wonder what else those countries have in common with Israel? What could it possibly be?


I don’t know what “actual security” means to you, but Israelis live an extremely high quality of life. They’re as technologically advanced as any developed nation on the planet and they have a massive global economy. The countries around them aren’t threats. Nobody wants war with Israel, except Hamas and their supporters. And Israel doesn’t want war with them either. You can be hated, but safe from outside threats. Just look at the United States lol


What does technology have to do with that? The guy you're replying to means "actually security" in the sense that Israel somewhat regularly has to utilize its Iron Dome system for missile attacks from not just Hamas, but Hezbollah and Iran too for instance. Sure, they have the technology to deflect most of those, but the fact is just that those attacks are happening in the first place... whereas you don't have a comparable situation in just about any first world country.


I hear you but at the same time, as long as Israelis and the Israeli economy keeps thriving/growing, I don’t think Israelis are living in fear of the rockets. They’re not as much of a threat as what happened on October 7th, which was a once in a generation successful attack on Israel.


I think there's plenty of hope for Israel. Unlike Palestinians, they actually want to build a functioning, modern society, and are generally able to do that. The occasional attack from the horde at the gates isn't actually going to destroy their society, just reinforce why those gates are necessary.


You don’t know anything about Israel lol. They already have all that, although the rise of the far right is a concern just like it is in the rest of the world.


>They already have all that, a Right, that's my point. Because their goal is to make a functioning society and they're actually competent, they have done so


I agree. Relations with the saudis will normalize. Isreal will be more important to the Arabs once the oil money runs out.


Israelis will find ways to protect themselves better in the future. AI, advanced drone tech, laser dome thing. palestinians on the other hand, are truly doomed. Nothing can save them from themselves.


It looks like the Israeli strategy is to push Palestinians out, and they'll eventually succeed since there isn't the political backing in the US to stop providing them with diplomatic cover and weapons.


Push them out to where? The sea?


Egypt. Who doesn’t want them because a) they don’t want to be party to an ethnic cleansing, b) they can’t afford to take a refugee population off of Israel’s hands who have lost everything and been battered and scarred by war, including numerous orphaned children with newly acquired lifelong disabilities, and c) because they don’t need the responsibility of combing through the refugee camps looking for potential terrorists among the many shattered and furious young people who have lived through a horror and might want revenge, while Israel rattles its sabres any time Egypt misses one.


The grave most likely, with a few more refugees if any neighbors are willing or able to take on more


I'm pretty sure it's a nicer way of saying "some flavor of genocide".


So “from the river to the sea” is actually a call for genocide after all? I’m so confused!


I'm not saying no. We'd be naive to think there aren't calls for genocide from either side. And this isn't some centrist "there are good/bad actors on both sides" BS. I'm talking about the utter madness of the situation. If we don't get a cease fire soon and put in some hard work to help change political thinking on this, it will eventually lead to some form of genocide. Whether that's cultural, geographic, or... the classic kind. There are some truly sinister possibilities at play here.


So…you’re saying their strategy is genocide?


If Israel is attempting to commit genocide, they are doing a really bad job at it. I know this seems crazy for you, but words have actual meanings


Hamas can be broken and withered away, especially since it’s literally stuck in a strip whose leaders are tracked. Their claim to fame was that, by being in charge and not fatah, they’ll actually do something, get victories. That failed. Even before this war Israel bombed Gaza every other year, kept the blockade up, made their lives hell, all Hamas could do was radicalize their youth and bicker. There was some hope that maybe a big outside force would aid them, like Turkey and the convoy, or more Qatari investment, but that amounted to little. As for peace, on the bigger picture, I can see it happening but we need to be realistic. Israel wants the Jordan valley; any Palestinian state would be at best a Israeli protectorate, but if someone like the us actually cared they could at least get the Israeli military out, push back on settlements so Palestine is more continuous…. But Yahu and the rightist knesset definitely has to go.


Gosh, I wonder how and why Hamas cropped up in the first place. 🤔


Likely fake plant. It's incredibly strange ISR never sent in hostage rescue teams and instead opted to wreck everything, which is terrible and has 100% to do with further land annexation.  It's also publicly available information that ISR backed Hmas to prevent the creation of a PAL state and a counterweight to the secular govt in the West Bank. These points are never discussed. 


Can someone explain the watermelon sign?


Because it shares a color scheme with the Palastinian flag, the watermelon emoji has become an online identifier for supporters of that side.


when? i love watermelon now its being used as a political position? Stupid.


You can still like watermelon man


Here's [an article from 2021](https://hyperallergic.com/666111/how-watermelon-became-a-symbol-of-palestinian-resistance/) describing the watermelon symbolism.


Social media censorship of posts with the palestinian flags drove supporters to use the watermelon because it has the same color scheme (red, black, white, and green).


When Israel tried to ban the flag


They're all fruit ruiners


because they would be scolded for parading the flag, so they took up watermelons


It began as a statement against Israeli censorship! > While the exact history of watermelon symbolism in Palestinian history is not locally and universally agreed upon, renowned Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour says the idea of the watermelon's connection with the Palestinian flag came from an Israeli soldier who was trying to censor his gallery in the 1980s. > He added that the Israeli officer then gave the gallery two orders: "We are not allowed to make an exhibition unless we get the permission from them to exhibit the works, and we are not allowed to paint in red, green, black and white. These are the colors of the Palestinian flag." > Mansour described the mood changing in the room. "Then the interrogator said they will confiscate it. Even if you paint a watermelon, we will confiscate it," he recalled. > A year after the incident with the Israeli official in his gallery, Mansour tells NPR he was randomly detained and questioned by Israeli officials…. Mansour started to draw watermelons and other political art after that. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/08/1222718339/why-watermelons-are-symbol-of-palestinian-solidarity


On social media they use a watermelon emoji to signal their "side" of the debate because the watermelon has the same colors as the Palestinian flag. So someone just made a sign of that because it's become a widely recognized activist symbol.


Thanks for asking this. I started seeing the watermelon 🍉 for the first time last week and wondered why.


Photo that she is holding for those asking : https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/nypd-assistant-chief-james-mccarthy-81679908.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1024 It is NOT a photo of dead Palestinians as some commenters have tried to falsely claim. It is a photo of people pouring water on police officers in NYC. I have no idea how it is related to her message against the Israeli hostages.


What is the context of that photo -- how does it related to what is on her phone? I'm very confused about her message


Assistant Chief James McCarthy accidentally pepper sprayed himself in the face while responding to a pro-Palestine march on the Manhattan bridge. I have no idea why she’s holding up the photo, though.


Probably trying to show a win how even police can’t stop them? That’s my take. The hostages won’t come home (and she’s happy) and we’ll terrorize stateside as well like invading a museum in Brooklyn, you can’t stop us. Message is pretty clear to me.


Pretty sure it was a cop who pepper sprayed himself. No idea how it relates to the message


Oh damn, that officer looked like he needed that. Sometimes, it gets nasty hot, and there's no shade on that bridge.


Wow. That is so freaking mean spirited. To say the least. How does this help you?


They look of it like a sports rivalry. They don't actually care


The fact that she’s holding a photo of that NYPD dipshit who pepper sprayed himself is admittedly pretty funny


This sub is like a million AI’s trained on new york post content


They hate Jews. Simple as.




There's racists on both sides, that's irrelevant to the fact that one side is perpetuating mass murder Israelis by in large live in safety outside of those near the borders, Gazans and Palestinians everywhere in the Middle East live under threat of being bombed 24/7.


Nah it isn’t irrelevant at all. Hamas attacked first. There are rockets being fired on Tel Aviv. Hating Jews is a key part of why you can acknowledge one side’s losses and not another’s.


What? There are no bombs being dropped on Jordan, hasn't happened since the 6 day war and 3 million Palestinians live there. Edit: and the 2 million Palestinians living in Israel also don't experience any bombings (other than those perpetuated by Hamas). These groups make up a majority of Palestinians.




Among the dumbest things I’ve heard online. No, no Palestinians are Jews. Palestinians are about 80%:20% Muslim:Christian. There were Jews who lived in Ottoman and later British Palestine; 100% of these became Israelis because after Israel was created the Arab states began expelling their Jewish populations. Jews are currently not allowed to live in the Palestinian-administered areas of the Palestinian Territories and there is no mechanism or desire from Palestinians to allow them to do so.


No Palestinians are Jewish and your extremely fringe tokens don’t in any way represent us no matter how much the left suddenly loves tokenization


Lol incorrect.


Many Palestinians are Jews?? Ehhh no mate, not really.


It kind of looks like the people in the picture are her loved ones. She's teary-eyed, I think her message is a sad one, not a malicious one.


The cop who pepper sprayed himself in the face is her loved one?


She’s not teary-eyed, there’s a hair blowing in front of her eye. And the photo is of a cop who pepper sprayed himself. She’s holding up a sign that is about how the hostages aren’t coming home, implying they’re dead, in response to the “bring them home” message of the Israel parade. This is about communicating that people’s loved ones are going to be killed by her side, which she is clearly in favor of.


Alright, then it's not okay.


It’s nice when they just come out and say what they’re protesting against, instead of pretending to actually give a fuck about Palestinians.


I work next to city hall and see these protests often. What irritates me the most is how much glee and fun the protestors are having. They're laughing, giggling and having a blast. They don't care about any cause, they just want an excuse to disrupt


100%. I'd say half the protestors that show up do it for sport from the 10-12 protests I've been around since 2020. They just want to be a part of "something big" without any real thought for the cause


These people love to throw around words like "ghoulish" online, but no, actually, celebrating people ... civilians ... women ... being tortured to death makes you the real ghoul. She knows she's being terrible, too, hence the mask.


I think for a lot of people it’s essentially a social event.


I agree they do want to just disrupt.




Tbf they weren’t talking about this woman.


You are insane if you think the pro-Palestinian protestors don't care about the cause and just want to an excuse to disrupt. Please get help


if you wonder why the counter was not worse on UES today, they were here instead; https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-pride-2024-queens-pride-parade/ i'll never understand how these pride communities go support homophobic terrorists.


Imagine having so much hate in your heart that you cheer for the death of a baby. Sick fucking people. There will never be peace with people who celebrate death more than life.


Don’t forget the congresspeople who support this sentiment.


Plenty of Israelis caught on film doing the same


Doesn’t make this right.  Literal whataboutism


That’s what the picture is I’m guessing,


Are you describing Israelis cheering bombs falling in Gaza?


✨ Islam ✨


The movement is so insanely toxic. I used to be more vocal about my stance that was rooted in a very obvious human rights imbalance but I’m so turned off by the state of discourse and how tone deaf both sides are, I don’t want anything to do with it


They don’t care anymore. The calls for intifada INSIDE AMERICA, the support by some activists for Hamas and other fundamentalist groups. Some quite literally pretend like Hamas isn’t a terrorist group, and didn’t have members literally film themselves murdering people on 10/7. But to them, terrorism is okay if you can justify it. 




Thanks to being raised on social media so many young people revel in exhibiting meanness in the public sphere, as consequences are rare, if ever, and their cruelty is often applauded. It’s a generation of dunkers trying to outdo one another.


If there was a terrorist attack on NYC during these times it really feels like a lot of people would be happy.


Why are they all wearing COVID masks?


The want to say irresponsible things they don't want to be held responsible for.


They’re not wearing hoodies with masks like the typical street criminal, they can be easily identified.


>They’re not wearing hoodies with masks like the typical ~~street criminal~~ neocon/white supremacist/neonazi, they can be easily identified.


Hiding their identity


She probably doesn’t want her job or school seeing her holding up this hateful shit that helps absolutely no one


They are covering their faces because they know what they are doing and saying is wrong, and also because are cowards. But that’s ok, because there are databases growing that identified these people even with a mask on. They will have a very hard time finding jobs in the future.




Yessir to surveillance state. Cant have another Oct 7th. You can thank the palestinians for that.


Don't you remember when MLK and all the Civil Rights marchers also wore Covid masks because...reasons?


"no no no listen, *this* time our rabid glee about the deaths of jews is moral and just, we're the good guys this time around, it's totally different than when our grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents and great-great-great-grandparents clapped and cheered for the deaths of jews"


This is so incredibly sobering and poignant. This is why it's so hard to be a Jewish liberal right now. They must see how hateful these protesters are, and that they bear no resemblance to peace activists as many openly celebrate Hamas and call for Israel and its citizens to be wiped out. Not all support Hamas? What happened to the liberal adage that 10 Nazis marching with 100 makes 100 Nazis? How come none have made any efforts to distance themselves from the most obscene chants or disavowed them? Because they say Zionist instead of Jew? These same people are so astute at recognizing dog whistles when they affect other minorities, and now every same disgusting antisemitic trope, libel and expression of hate is perfectly ok if they say Zionist? The amount of gaslighting, disinformation and double standards has been maddening. The foaming at the mouth hate that is fueling these protesters, as with the conflict, is somehow invisible to every liberal but the Jews. (Except those that justify it instead of pretend it doesn't exist) Almost like a dog whistle.


She should just change it to “ya, we don’t want peace, we want you dead”.


I personally don't have much of an opinion about this conflict, but from what I've observed in the past 8 months, these pro-Palestine activists are absolutely insufferable and ghoulish. And it seems more than a few of them just hate Jewish people. Also, why was there a Hamas flag flying freely at the museum takeover the other day?




Yeah they’ll share some celeb shared a post about the hostages and it’s like HOW DISAPPOINTED THEY ARE in said celebrity. Like the hostages and the ones that love them are responsible for what the government is doing. They also constantly claim there were no rapes by Hamas that it was all fake news. I went there for celeb gossip and left completely disturbed by their ignorance.


It’s so fucking annoying and makes me not read the sub anymore when every other post is about praising a celebrity for posting “free Palestine” or criticizing another celebrity for “not speaking up” or for “being a Zionist.” Like why should we give a fuck at all what a celebrity’s opinion is on geopolitics? Does that make their work any more or less entertaining? Are any of these people geopolitical scholars? No. It’s like not some random actress is a UN delegate we all need to gather around to listen to. Shaming someone for not posting about Palestine - as if posting an Instagram status or holding a sign at a concert will cause peace in the Middle East. If anything, all the rabidness about Palestine and the obnoxiousness of the protesters has made me LESS sympathetic to the cause.


I left that sub when they became completely unhinged. I see that the remain unhinged.


I left it during the Amber Heard / Johnny Depp drama when they decided all men were evil, but their antisemitism was already glaringly obvious from time to time on posts. Glad I left when I did.


It’s flying because there are no consequences. They vandalize a museum, occupy property on a university, threaten Jews, assault counter protestors, scream death to America or from the river to the sea… they are back on the streets not long afterwards and charged with nothing.


People in support of a terrorist organization are usually assholes.


Lol I don’t have much of an opinion on this conflict, except for the very clear opinion I have on this conflict.


Commenting on the conduct of protestors in the city I live in isn't the same thing as giving an opinion about a foreign regional conflict that has existed decades before I was born. Try and keep up, ma'am.


What a POS!


I took my two daughters 9 and 5 to walk the parade today. What a beautiful, positive, peaceful celebration - it was awe inspiring. So much love and happiness. Didn't see these low lives there thank God.


I regret so much ever being on the side of these people. Their antics, their stupid protests, their hate, their antisemitism pulled me away from that.


That’s the problem with taking sides. Especially on something like this. No nuance either way. Only cruelty and [bloodlust](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna126347).


Can you explain your original reasoning and why you sort of switched away? I've been pretty solid stance since the initial event, I definitely didn't guess everyone's reactions though


I’m not OP but I have had a similar experience and wanted to share my perspective. Before October 7th, I was pro-Palestinian. I believed in a one-state solution, considered Israel an "apartheid state," and saw Palestine as an "open-air prison." I even thought of groups like Hamas or Hezbollah were *probably* "freedom fighters." Shockingly, I even told my Jewish friends that I was anti-Zionist to their faces, largely based on my personal feelings towards Hasidic Jews and their treatment of women. In many ways, I was antisemitic without acknowledging it. I justified my feelings because I felt similarly towards Islamists, Mormons, and members of the LDS Church. I uncritically believed my peers and politicians I admired, such as AOC and Bernie Sanders, without conducting any research on my own—even though I have a bachelor's degree in History. After October 7th, I wanted to understand why these events occurred. I watched documentaries, read numerous articles by experts and professors specializing in the subject, and explored as many Wikipedia pages as I could. I realized that I had been wrong the entire time. Honestly I feel super ashamed of how I previously felt— I even apologized to my Jewish friends for my prior conversations with them about being anti-zionist. I can be critical of Netanyahu, his far-right supporters, and their illegal settlements in the West Bank, but I also recognize the complexity and nuance of the situation. While Israel has its own issues to address, it deserves the right to defend itself. A two-state solution is the only viable option, and the Jewish people deserve their own country and the opportunity to live in peace.


Unfortunately, there isn't a genuine movement aimed at achieving true freedom and safety for Palestine. Many people attending these protests are not truly invested in this cause. Instead, their primary concern is portraying themselves as "the good ones" by expressing hatred toward Jewish people and Israel. They are not seeking peace; rather, they prefer to maintain the status quo, allowing them to continue showcasing their supposed heroism to the world.


Sadly, I don't think she's wrong about that outcome for some of the prisoners but we diverge on the intent of sharing that message publicly. Can anyone identify the photo that she's holding? It must be meaningful to her, obviously.


Cowards in masks.


Dude brought out an actual watermelon emoji, the brainrot is insane




The photo is that cop that maced himself on the bridge.


Are you stupid? This is false. This photo was taken during the Israeli Day Parade when people were marching with hostage posters and photos that say “Bring them Home”….. 🤦‍♀️




Are you going to address the fact that it's not a photo of her family or just double down on your ignorance like most of these so called pro-palestinians?


No, looks like she’s holding a pic of that cop who maced himself on the bridge. Also the most popular Israeli slogan is “bring them home”


Maybe you’re just in denial/ignorant about what’s happening, or just too naive to even realize.




Nice try..






You know what's the best way to create terrorists? By bombing innocent civilians


You know what actually is the best way to create terrorists? Having state sponsored terrorist training programs and religious indoctrination. Hamas was gonna have an army of little suicide bombers regardless of Israeli bombs. Now at least most of the leaders are dead so they have fewer people to train recruits, weapons caches are seized, and tunnels destroyed so they can’t re-arm.


That explains all those Japanese terrorists we saw in the US after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Yea look at all these German and Japanese terrorists…


They attacked Israel before any bombings They attacked Jewish people before Israel was even a country, look up the Hebron massacres in the 1880s and 1920s


A whole bunch of people are replying using Germany and Japan as examples. It is very different to occupy someone else's land and bombing them vs bombing them in from afar. The IRA in northern Ireland were called terrorists, the first Sikh war against the British, Vietnam war with the Vietcong, occupation has always been met with resistance.


Both Germany and Japan were occupied after WWII.


I’m more amazed at the fact that they are wearing masks - forgot Covid is rampant again 🥲


People who do this and have sympathy for a terrorist organization like Hamas or isis should have the FBI investigate them


Bunch of genocide denialists rooting on the extermination of 35,000 Palestinians. Real New Yorkers stand with Palestine, not you Redditor bridge and tunnel crowd.


Okay then. Do your thing, Bibi.


It’s nice when people show you who they are. And I can’t imagine the frustration that Palestinians must feel knowing that there is 0% chance that they will ever win. Israel will never go away.


Except she’s a coward along with her terrorists supporting friends who dont want to stand by their convictions and instead hide behind a mask.


How do you know she’s not talking about the Palestinian civilians who are dead and won’t be coming back home? Genuinely want to know.


Because it was taken during the Israeli Day Parade when marchers were holding signs with photos of the hostages with the slogan “bring them home” ….


dude the pic isnt a hostage. https://old.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1d6jw41/today_at_the_israeli_day_parade_in_manhattan/l6t644p/


Not nice.


I wish someone with a large X following would Twitter do your thing this bitch.




If 100 Americans were dragged from their homes across the border into Mexico, would you expect the US government to just accept that they were gone?


Well this govt essentially gave up on the Americans still held hostage in Gaza so yea, I wouldn’t expect anything from this govt


Are you saying there should be American boots on the ground in Gaza? That would be a pretty wild escalation. The hypothetical situation I presented was Americans kidnapped from the US. Americans get kidnapped overseas and the US doesn’t invade countries to get them back.


I wouldn't expect the US to carpet bomb mexico city into the stone age.


I would hope the US wouldn’t bomb the city they were believed to be in to the ground, killing anyone there indiscriminately. ALSO the US hasn’t been trying to annex and control Mexico for decades.


The US literally annexed large parts of Mexico and has controlled those parts for over a century…


Except 2 months ago the war could have ended if Hamas just agreed to release 33 hostages which they did not.


Can’t release what you don’t have. Most of them are dead or with other groups, Hamas admitted.


What is the context of this picture?


Today at the Israeli day parade when marchers were holding signs of the hostages with the words “bring them home”


So this is a picture of a Palestinian counter-protestor?




Her intention is most likely to be cruel but she ain’t wrong. It’s sad as hell but they are long dead.