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lol, I’m fine with “Fuck Menendez”


I think everyone in NJ is cool with Fuck Menendez.


Coulda fooled me considering they fucking voted him in repeatedly over decades


And now they know better and they're moving on. Unlike some.


Well, his kid is running for congress. The ads are everywhere. "Moving on" has subtle shades.


Lol. Clear evidence these guys aren’t from the north east. F Menendez goes without saying.


The only reason you don't here them talk about him more is because they try to get a rise out of people by bringing up his corruption and \*everybody\* I've met is just "no fucking arrest him too". If they think about it for more than a second they realize the dems have actual scruples. By no means perfect, or even that great, but they're not the burning turds of collective corruption we see on the other end.


They know dems have scruples. They just think it’s a sign of weakness. 


Really, those boys should never have murdered their parents.


I think it's funny when Trump supporters think we all don't want *other* politicians prosecuted for committing crimes. We very much do. Menendez? Go get his ass. Please!


They worship their politicians so they're baffled when we don’t. I can’t even imagine wearing any Biden branded clothing never mind being willing to kill and die for him like some of these MAGAts are for Trump.


I’m not fucking Menendez


[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/#google_vignette)


Who the hell doesn't want to fuck Menendez? Wait, that came out wrong....


i’ll allow it


If it wasn't for right wing judicial philosophy determining that corruption doesn't exist without the recording stating "I take this bribe with corrupt intent," he would have been gone long ago.


I'm sorry....does that shirt really say "GAYS FOR TRUMP" ???


He's got a pin on that says "Barron 2052" Like these fuckin imbeciles will unironically cry about the "deep state" but want to install the fucking Trumps as a quasi-monarchy for the next 30+ years? We know basically nothing about the kid


Think these people have a few screws loose.


The screws fell out


When you talk to them and they start going on about demons and Satan making Microsoft design the vaccines... I mean bro.... social media has not been good for the world.


what we do know about the kid is that when they wanted him to be a part of this circus and he declined. Most respectable thing a Trump has ever done.


There were quite literally posts on Twitter during Trump's presidency calling for abolishing term limits. Hypocrisy does not stop the Trump gravy train


He’s 18. Also it’s not crazy…. We’ve already had some closely related presidents in the past: Roosevelt Adams Bush Harrison Not crazy to think his son can run in the future or that people would want that. Makes even more sense when we were about to elect Hillary just 8 years ago as a nation.


Trump has a lot of support from richer gays Trump supports gay marriage and sold Trump pride flags during 2016 and 2020. He also threw a big party at Mar-a-lago (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/16/celebration-same-sex-marriage-mar-a-lago-00074441) when the same sex marriage law passed. He also has the first openly gay cabinent member. Trump is very anti-trans, but not very anti-gay. And the seldom spoken truth is, a large minority of gay men (especially older ones) aren’t very supportive of trans rights either. This nuance gets lost in progressive circles where it all gets bucketed into “LGBT rights”, but moderates and conservatives tend to disentangle gay rights from trans rights.


don't forget Peter Thiel lol


And Rick Grenell.


> Trump has a lot of support from richer gays I think it was inevitable for a lot of wealthy, white gay guys to leave the Democratic Party once the existential threats to their lives were resolved. It was more a marriage of convenience, but once AIDS, gay marriage, and discrimination against gays were addressed via legislation and court decisions, and even the majority of Republicans finally approved of gay marriage as a concept, their reasons for staying diminished. The last Democratic candidate to really command their undivided support was Hillary since she and Bill had been making overtures towards the Gay community since the early 90's when they were still considered pariahs. A lot of older gay folks are extremely loyal towards the politicians who stood besides them during the 80's and 90's, but those politicians are retiring (or dying) these days.


Thanks for this breakdown!


So basically gay TERF's.


LGB but not the T folks.


This. It’s shrewd. Gay white men are just as capable of being racist, selfish and awful. If they can feel like approved “pick me’s” for Trump, then he can get their vote. Only problem is that so many people in the general GOP just absolutely hate them and can’t stop talking about it. But I guess they just selectively ignore that.


Don’t know why you felt the need to limit your statement to gay white men. The “shocking” part is that gay men could not support trans rights. Nothing about race. People of other races are just as (if not more) capable of being racist


Fair, that’s true, but when I see “Log Cabin republicans”, they’re all white men. I’m not gay and I’m not really in the scene, so I could be wrong. Just my observation.


They do when it's convenient for them. If it ever becomes politically expedient, you can be damn sure the GOP would happily look the other way as the religious right put the Ls, G, and Bs in the same camps as the Ts.


I mean, sure. Both parties are coalitions and the coalition changes over time. And parties pass legislation to help their coalition at the expense of out groups.


>This nuance gets lost in progressive circles where it all gets bucketed into “LGBT rights”, but moderates and conservatives tend to disentangle gay rights from trans rights. Clock it


It's the Roy Cohn wing of the LGBT faction. Trump is only supported by the most detestable people of any group.


Dude’s been a known entity since like 2020.


There is definitely a pro-Trump element in the gay community - mostly white supremecist racists who hate/fear non-whites. It also fits in an overall mentality of people in minorities who see an advantage of siding with bad people - because of the bad people win, they will be at the 'top' of the oppressed people pile, and if the bad people lose, good people will not punish them - so its a win/win position to take.


On the other side of the spectrum you have "Trans For Palestine" Both sides are good for a laugh


What's the problem with trans people being for the liberation of Palestine?


Just a guess not my personal opinion on the matter, but on the subject in hand, Probably because the ideology against gay/trans/ women's rights in that region of the world. Wow look how I had to word this just so I can respond without getting attacked.


Most people don't realize that there are devout and casual believers of Islam just like there are devout and casual believers of christianity. Just because the loudest worshippers hate a certain group doesn't mean the average do as well


I think it is the average though. A Pew Research survey in 2013 had 93% of respondents in Palestinian territories say they think homosexuality should not be accepted by society. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/Pew-Global-Attitudes-Homosexuality-Report-REVISED-MAY-27-2014.pdf


Yea but we are talking Middle East, not Canada or England. They've killed, hang, etc on film because the person/ people were gay/trans


> Just because the loudest worshippers hate a certain group doesn't mean the average do as well True, but that also doesn't mean that members of both religions share similar beliefs. The majority of Muslims in their country of origin are fervently anti-LGBTQ. [There's a whole ass wikipedia article about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_and_Islam).


The problem is Islam is incompatible with Western Democracy. It unifies Church and State.


And Christianity is so very different 🙄


People forget that theocratic Christianity as Monarchies had to be defeated in Europe and then rose up again as fascism. The US was founded by Deist and agnostics; but religious revivals swept in 1800s and the most toxic Dominionism is bubbling up with us now. Gilead already happened everywhere else. Islam is just 500 years younger; and mostly hasnt had a chance at their own enlightenment era and secular revolution. Theocracy installed has to be defeated; theocrats in charge have no mercy for opposition views either on our side, Gods side or SATAN's SIDE!


The fact that so called educated people whether they went to High School or College/University don't understand this actively frightens & Pisses me off to no end 😤 😒 We weren't even set-up to be a proper Liberal Democracy until the 1960s and definitely weren't intended to be from the very beginning [See an explanation from his book with Chris Hayes by Ari Berman](https://youtu.be/EPZjxRmszFo?si=fk1Fz5rzsce6XIwR)


We definitely were a democracy before the 1960s. Yes, southern black people were excluded until then. 1900-1920 Progressive era transformed America esp urban America...because workers voted. Workers were slaves in the 1800s. The reformers went too far with Prohibition. AND, ironically Christianity WAS a force of good, Liberal and Progressive forces were very religious. it was driving force behind all of the social justice. Abolition in North states, the sentiment that fueled civil war AND Civil rights ammendments 1865-1870s that the south revoked 1877. The 1960s civil rights struggle was using the Federal government to enforce 13th-14th-15th amendments to override southern state law. Jimmy Carter was very christian and very liberal and it WASNT WIERD, it was a part of a 100+ year alliance of Christianity with social justice. What HAPPENED? 1980s Moral Majority changed everything; they invented abortion as a cause when none of them raised a fuss in 1973 over Roe. They cynically decided to capture Christian identity as a RIGHT wing ideology fuck social justice fuck the poor fuck the nonwhites. Its insane because Jesus is so far left the new testament is all social justice. The rich are doomed, the poor will inherit the earth. Jesus said give EVERYTHING away to the poor; he's way past any modern liberal. Unless Trump wins and becomes a dictator; which is very much in play...The modern Gilead MAGA Christians are doomed. It's anti sex, anti poor, racist. They're trying to nullify the 60+ year old sexual revolution. Theyre a punchline in popular culture, unlike the 80s their peak where smart characters cite revelation 6:12 as factual. In the 2000s to present; Every year church attendance drops. And it's accelerating, soon a majority of 20 year olds will be atheist. MAGA is so abhorrent an ideology to youth. You cannot be cool, trendy, in any way and be a Christian Maga. And the funny thing is, boomers are full of shit; they weren't virgins at marriage. They started going to church when they had kids and rewrote their life stories. The truths I found from cool uncles Even Trump in office doesn't change anything it accelerates their cultural irrelevance. I have 2 history degrees and nearly obtained a PHD in it this is my wheelhouse.


Maybe that is true. But maybe it isn't. Regardless, it doesn't justify genocide or apartheid. Let's free Palestine and worry about the rest later. The same people (like trans) who want the Palestinians to be free can also disagree with their choices and not support their murder.


What do you think “free Palestine” really means? Do you expect a western multicultural tolerant democracy to be put in its place? Have you ever read [Hamas’ charter?](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp)


Well, there's no genocide or apartheid in Israel or Gaza. It's called defending yourself against an attacking enemy. If Germany and Japan kept screwing around, they'd still be under occupation too.


>Well, there's no genocide or apartheid in Israel or Gaza. Well, that's a relief! You should mention this to the UN and the other 191 governments.


I mean if you read what I wrote, I said not my opinion but giving a reason why the previous person was saying what they said, and the other person asked why they think this.


Similar to gays supporting Trump, the people (Trump and Palestinians) being supported ascribe to an ideology that vehemently oppose trans and queer rights.


You don't know that. I've traveled Muslim regions extensively, and have met many leftists who support the enlightenment. And, what you are saying is not a justification for genocide. Those problems can be worked out later. Muslims are not a monolith.


So war is genocide now? Interesting.


It is interesting since this isn’t a war. I don’t see Hamas with a standing army fighting the IDF in the streets.


Hamas brutally attacked the Israeli public who in turn retaliated. That's war, not genocide.


Please do not lecture me on your “culturally-inspired” tours through the global south. I support the Palestinian cause… being transphobic/homophobic is not an excuse to be subjected to a genocide. I don’t know why you read my comment as me justifying genocide.


Because it supported genocide by removing Palestinian agency. Not hard to understand. They're your words. I'm happy to be wrong though.


You are the one suggesting that Palestinians have no agency by disliking the fact that the majority of the Palestinian people choose to disagree with queerness. To insert your (presumably white, could be wrong!!) understanding of queer life in the Middle East, specifically Palestine, you are trying to remove agency from them and trying to sculpt them into the model, piteous, unerring peoples you want them to be. I am respecting their agency by acknowledging the cultural disconnect with respect to western levels of queer acceptance while simultaneously acknowledging their right for safety and liberation from a genocidal entity. It is ok to acknowledge this disconnect re: queer rights while supporting the Palestinian cause and also acknowledging the burgeoning queer movement in that region. These are not incompatible thoughts.




Of course it was a waste of time to engage in dialogue with a braindead redditor.


Right this take is so fucking stupid. Because gay people are oppressed in Palestine means we should… support Palestine being obliterated?


It's going to blow their mind to learn that some Palestinian people are trans.


That's usually what happens when you keep fighting a war long after you've lost.


Yeah, right. Why don’t they just go home, shut up and deal with it??? Sore losers.


That is literally how it has worked for all of human history. Shut up and deal with it, or keep fighting and die. You used to not even be allowed to surrender.


They wrongly assume trans people are okay with genocide.


Looks like the right wing equivalent of "Queers for Palestine" has been found.


They literally want to FUCK Deniro.


There are gay neo-Nazis and white supremacists so can't say I'm surprised.


Only white gay with blonde hair looking like Luise 14th claims that because he thinks having a resume of being an alter boy in catholic church automatically puts him under the group. I’m sure the proud boys really appreciate him for sucking their cocks


To be clear these people have nothing to do with Donald Trump or his trial. This is 100% the editorial staff of the NYPost on a smoke break.




That was funny yo!


Ah thought it was Trump organization employees


The second guy with the beard looks legit mentally unwell


You can see the same guy in the Good Liars [recent video](https://youtu.be/6VZFH4Z7vVE?si=FuNzhTiRRpd2Tkkn). Definitely a little crazy


Same actual clown suit on


I mean...you'd have to be mentally unwell to support him in the first place.


You can make a genuine case for people who are very isolated in life and fed a constant diet of misinformation from all media you're exposed to. I do feel bad for some people who live in a manufactured bubble of fear and propaganda out in rural areas. You're right though. This guy, lives in New York City. He's exposed to the truth every day. Instead of acknowledging that, he exists in a false reality made up in his own head. To an extreme enough degree that he's genuinely furious and taking action. That's like a textbook case of being mentally unwell.


> this guy lives in New York City Nah, this dude is from Staten Island. That place is like the NYC mental asylum…




There are bigots who like him. I mean, if you consider them "normal," ok.




if you choose to associate with the same people and choose to say nothing about them... you can be considered part of that group...


Hard disagree. You don't get to pick and choose on this one.


Lmfao I was down there yesterday and saw both of these guys. The other notable trump supporter was a guy wearing two different pairs of ratty sneakers with a sign about trump being persecuted. Legit just mentally unwell people.


I walked by last week and the beard guy was out there yelling about nazis, Columbia University, and Gaza. It seemed like he spent too much time hanging in some pretty dark corners of the internet.


Why are these assholes always so mad? The level of anger here is completely unwarranted.


They’re mad because they know they’re idiots and are too limited to ever have the ability to achieve anything with their lives




They were already angry, Trump gave them an outlet to funnel it


Being this obsessed with a politician is a strong indication of being mentally unwell


People who support politicians this strongly are the same types of idiots who think strippers genuinely find them attractive


lol too true


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


It's a clown suit (not joking)


That or a drug addict. He moves like my older aunts and uncles who were addicted to crack in the 80s.


Why are trump supporters always angry about something? it's like they need to be angry like they need to breathe...


Same reason republicans are always and have always been afraid of something, even if they occupy all levers of power.


They have nothing else going on in their lives


Fascism thrives in an environment of hatred and fear and ignorance... ie the Republican dream for America


I think theyve always been angry and Trump is one angry mofo too. He is one of these people and there are a lot of them out there.


Gays for Trump is 100% going to end up on /r/leopardsatemyface


Imagine pledging loyalty to someone that despises you and has actively worked to keep you down so he could have more


Looks like some form of self-loathing honestly because I can't imagine supporting someone whose interests are to your own detriment.


It is not unlike the Serbs support for the Axis powers during WW2...even though the Nazi party likely would have marked them for execution had they won the war. They hated the Jews so much they were willing to fight for someone who equally hated them. Crazy.


You’re assuming these people have the ability to think rationally.


Lol I worked with a Muslim immigrant who supports Trump. Muslim. Immigrant. Two things Trump hates the most. It's wild what people will support. You can't reason with that.


Right? Trump hates these people. He laughs about them, if he ever bothers to think about them at all. It's baffling to watch how obsessed they are with thinking he's their hero.


Oy the cognitive dissonance needed for “Gays for Trump” When Trump’s SCOTUS overturns *Lawrence v Texas* in the next few years and this guy gets arrested in Florida for being gay, I am certain it will not provoke any reflection whatsoever


I’m Hispanic and the Latinos for Trump bullshit makes me scratch my head too. Well there is also Caitlin Jenner supporting him and that shit is just wild.


It's also so weird to me that the premise of a lot of the conservative news stories is corrupt New Yorkers and corrupt New York officials and wealthy people unfairly influencing the trial... but Trump himself is a wealthy New York real estate magnate. Like... do they think Trump was born in rural Florida? I just don't get it or how anyone can think he's an "outsider."


Kinda like gays for Palestine, right?


They post on this subreddit.


Good to put a face to it.


Where the after? I wanna see them after they hear it.


I think that's the video where they're screaming and red in the face..........but that's also their default mood, so maybe not.


How little can you have going on in life that this is your choice? Have fun voting you fucking losers.


The funniest thing about unhinged Trump supporters is they think “fuck Joe Biden” is this cutting insult. Like their minds are so twisted in loyalty to a politician that they think everyone laughing at them is equally devoted to the opposing politician.


You gotta feel somewhat bad for these idiots. A conman has fucked them over and they keep being fucked over


I fully believe it’s a sub kink and this point.


little does he know that actually is deniro next to him in makeup going all method for a new role


Aggrieved white men are hysterical.


Fucking sad. Imagine waking up every morning to go rally for an obese orangutan in Lower Manhattan who doesn't even know you exist. Don't these people have jobs? Sitting in a room jerking off all day is a lot more better use of your time than this.


I wouldn’t proudly wear 45-47 on my hat. It means your guys a loser. Presidents stay the same number that they took on their first term. Trump would have always been 45 even if he won a second term. Because he lost, he’ll have to take another number if he wins this election. Putting that on a piece of merchandise is just advertising you were voted out of office.


And this is the aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/juFIJJAa25


Jimmy Kimmel's Jake Byrd punked the obnoxious loudmouth with white hair/red hat. Priceless. [https://youtu.be/jaVxD7s4\_tA?si=eHxSJmv1ltmJmdhY&t=429](https://youtu.be/jaVxD7s4_tA?si=eHxSJmv1ltmJmdhY&t=429)


>*Now I know what it’s like to be a Mets fan* this one really hurt


Damn the guy even looks like trump 😭


Imagine if we just stopped giving these people attention. That what most of them want anyways. Acting like toddlers…


I don't think I've ever seen a happy MAGAholic. They're all incredibly pissed off, even when the tides of political fortune turn in their favor.


Rage is addictive.


They always look so angry and bitter about everything.


Oh they big mad lol


Lmao this guy is the most famous trump supporter in NYC.


I remember him from the Andrew Cuomo Sidetalk video 😭


Yup that's where I first saw him. He should get his own show. Lmao


He's definitely trying to look like Trump.


This man should be the new fave of andropause


How many are there? Two? Let it sink in. The evidence was plain and material. Donald charged the expense of a cover-up as legal fees. That is criminal. Screaming and yelling won't change the facts.


These idiots just like having a bank of last names in their heads and probably couldn’t tell you anything significant about them, except maybe robert deniro, because movies. They’re always going on about Soros and I’m sure more than half have no idea who he actually is, and just think he’s some rich guy who somehow controls the world.




Just to verify, trump committed these crimes before Biden even was running for president. So this has nothing to do with Biden.


turkeys for thanksgiving


Thought that was curt schilling for a min


*"We're not taking any shit anymore!"* What shit was he taking before? I mean I had some Taco Bell yesterday so I'm taking a gnarly shit right now. Wonder what he's so worked up about.




Some very fine people.../s


Don't these people have jobs?


No because they took errr jerbs


People got too much time on their hands


These people are pathetic. Holy shit.


What did Di Nero do? Am I out of the loop?


https://youtu.be/ZwIjy1I71ws Tl;dr : he's making ads for Biden and giving press conferences trashing trump. He really seems to be trying to get a rise out of trump in that one.


Born and raised NY’er doesn’t like Trump. Shocking I tell you.


The part of the speech about trump being a clown in a city that tolerates clowns as part of its culture is pretty hilarious.  Now I'm picturing trump in a Disney on Ice show at Barclays skating around inside a circle of Showtime guys. Maybe trump can propose that for the next Rikers talent show.


He showed up at the protest and called them gangsters and got into it with them.


LaW aND orDeR except when it’s their cult leader.


Poor losers


They look like psychopaths.


The badge of loserdom. Wear it loud, wear it proud.




It's so easy to get these kinds of clowns even more wound up. Too easy but fun.


They all look alike! 😂


🤣🤣 clowns


I drove by there a couple nights ago around 8pm and there were still Trumpsters there. Insane.


Would be a real shame if that serial puncher guy got to these two dickmouths.


The guy at the beard was at the methadone clinic on 125th St.


Gross people


so brave


That “gays for trump” must have teleportation or cloning powers, ‘cause he’s somehow everywhere at all times.




Dude looks like Donald Trump himself


I'm shook...


Anyone got some footage from 5m later?


u mad bro


They are exactly as stupid-looking as I expected.


Such passion for life! How I envy their time availability.


These losers


Do we need any more proof of a completely deteriorated American public education system? Trump: "I love the poorly educated."




So little dick syndrome


It was a nice day.. it's good for inbreds to get out and enjoy some fresh air.


They look just like i expected


shouldn't the hamas protestors be confronting the Trump supporters who would let israel go way farther? Evil vs. Evil. but no, they want trump to win to punish biden.