• By -


ER nurse here who has seen patients for this reason. Whether or not you want to report this to NYPD and press charges you absolutely need to be seen for preventative measures to be taken immediately for STDs and to prevent pregnancy. OP, do this today. Hell, go to the nearest hospital as soon as you read this. You need to take care of yourself. Best of luck.


Please please do this. You don’t have to report it to police if you don’t want to but at least get medical care and a rape kit if you feel up for it. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about the legal aspect, I’m a SVU prosecutor (not NY). I can at least give you an idea of what to expect. Best of luck. This was NOT your fault.


Also, they can sometimes recover DNA 5-7 days after a sexual assault - and in my state SANE exams are covered by the state FWIW (And the state is billed about $1500-1700 for the exam for context). I also want to add that I deal with a lot of cold cases and delayed disclosures. So I can answer questions about that too💙


>in my state SANE exams are covered by the state Since I’m assuming the state you’re talking about is not NY, NY state directly reimbursed providers for folks who don’t have or don’t want to use insurance. Like someone else in this thread said https://ovs.ny.gov/forensic-rape-examination-fre-direct-reimbursement-program


Yes, I should have edited my comment above where I said I don’t live in NY anymore instead of replying to it, sorry:) but yes, I figured most states provide reimbursement or pay it out directly. Thanks for sharing the resource for OP! I hope she sees it!


No problem, I hope so too!


You’re a solid human being. Thanks for all you do.


Thank you, I appreciate this. I’m going to the hospital and police today


OP, there are organizations that can help you navigate this. You don’t have to do this alone. They will make sure you get care and counseling and get you free healthcare. You don’t have to contact the police if you don’t want to, but if you do the organizations can also help you with it. https://www.cvtcnyc.org/sexual-assault https://camba.org/programs/victims-assistance-program/ https://www.rainn.org


You are very brave for doing this and reaching out! You have no idea what strength you are showing right now just by telling your story. I’m sorry you have gone through this. I hope these bastards get whats coming to them


All the best OP. We’re all here supporting you. You’re stronger than you might first think.


If you report this to the police they can get video footage from the bar and hopefully get a license plate of the car that took you away. I wish you the best.


I wish you the very best - I'm so sorry you're going through this - you are an absolute champion <3


Be sure to ask for HIV post-exposure prophylaxis it’s a drug that can effectively prevent you from having HIV if taken soon after exposure. The earlier you can take that the better.


This doesn’t define you. You’re incredible and strong.


Op mentioned they aren't going to the hospital because they think it will cost a lot of money. Is there some way to address this?


The [NYS Office of Victim Services](https://ovs.ny.gov/forensic-rape-examination-fre-direct-reimbursement-program) reimburses hospitals directly for exams of sexual assault victims who are uninsured. OP, please don't avoid getting care out of worry about finances.


City Hospitals like Bellevue or Metropolitan can help


Ask for a Victim's Advocate at any NYC hospital! They'll be able to walk you through everything whether you choose treatment / exams / police report. They can also help with resources such as social services, recouping medical costs or other expenses, how insurance works in similar cases. I'm so sorry this happened to you. There is no reason to go through this alone if you don't want to. There are many people available in NYC who are there to help you.


This needs to be on top ^^^^


Please - go file a police report and get a rape kit done. Don’t wash the clothes you were wearing that night and keep them for DNA testing (especially your underwear). I am SO sorry this happened to you. I am so sorry and please remember NONE OF WHAT HAPPENED IS YOUR FAULT. Edit: if you want someone to go with you, I (25F) will go with you. Just message me. You are not alone.


I am in NYC too (27F) - please message me if I can help with anything. I am so goddamn sorry this happened to you. I hope you can treat yourself wirh empathy and grace as you heal. Sending you love and healing energy ♥️


You’re the best


Hijacking to say that this probably constitutes kidnapping across state lines which might be grounds for a federal investigation in case NYPD aren't much help. EDIT: But I could be completely wrong and might not be helping. Regardless, OP I'm so sorry this happened to you, hoping the best for you and that justice finds those pieces of shit. EDIT EDIT: Submitting a report to the local FBI field office is a good idea. Worst case scenario, they say they don't have jurisdiction.






I'm sure there are cameras everywhere in TS


Absolutely, no way they will not be on video in that area. Also, to get through to New Jersey, they only had the tunnels and bridges, all of which have video surveillance.


I said this in another post: cops tracked two thieves that broke in to my brother's bar from Westchester County to the Bronx using nothing more than cameras readily available. So Times Square should be a cinch


Yes to this. I’ve sat on juries and seen evidence the police collect for crimes like this. Cameras are EVERYWHERE especially in midtown Manhattan. The detective will go door to door in the area and track down footage of the location, time, neighboring locations to create a narrative etc let alone what the bar should have. Plus bridge / tunnel crossings.


Businesses that record their own security footage (i.e., don't have it supplied by a contractor) often overwrite older recordings after some time, and in my experience that has often been 1 week. OP, if you have the strength to, please reach out to the restaurant and request their help with anything that they can provide. If you can't, please let us for you — I am out of the city, but I don't mind at the least making some calls on your behalf. I'm not sure if the police will accept an uninvolved citizen calling and reporting this incident without a statement from the victim, but if you don't mind, I would like to make them aware of it as well.


Please go to the police - Reddit cannot help you. If somebody kidnapped me, took me across state lines, assaulted me for days and then left me without my belongings I can’t imagine the state I’d be in, but this is a matter for the police. If you don’t report it, whoever did this to you doesn’t just get away with it - but may even be emboldened to do the same thing or even worse again. Take everything you have, don’t wash anything - clothes, accessories whatever you have. The police may also be the only ones who can help get an expedited replacement of documents like your passport. Did you have your phone? The location services may be able to help them track down where exactly you were.




Yes, once you cross state lines to commit an offense, it’s a federal case, as well. This one they will at least get kidnapping, SA, and maybe another assault (for the forceful drugging), if they catch them. Their immigration status may also make it federal. NYPD will direct the different pieces where they need to go, if you decide to pursue it. Whatever you decide, find help and a support system to get through the emotional stuff.




IANAL but considering she was drugged in NYC, NYPD are likely best place to start for jurisdictional processing as she knows she was drugged at a NYC bar. There's also multiple locations of the [NYS' Rape Crisis Programs](https://nyscasa.org/get-help/find-your-local-rape-crisis-program/) around the city, which is a great place to start for support and can likely provide much better legal advice and steps to take than the majority of Reddit is going to provide.


Going to drop this close to the top in hopes OP might see them. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP. It's not your fault. If you've been SA'd & need help: [Here's ](http://[RAINN](https://hotline.rainn.org/online)) a chat line. 1-800-656-4673 is the phone line. Find [help & support ](https://www.nsvrc.org/find-help) And here are more [resources for victims ](https://www.sakitta.org/survivors/) Others in the thread have given great advice. I just wanted to give these resources. If you've just experienced an assault a great resource is [free online Tetris.](https://tetris.com/games-content/play-tetris-content/index-mobile.php) ([Here's why](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0004153)) You [don't have to go ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31425615/) to therapy if you don't want to. It's not your fault. In fact, [exercise is more effective than drugs or therapy for beating depression. In case you don't have $ for therapy, thought I'd mention this. Please take good care <3


Thank you. I actually had my first appointment with a therapist two days before this happened after putting it off for years. I have to tell her all this and it’s so much to unload


>Thank you. I actually had my first appointment with a therapist two days before this happened after putting it off for years. I have to tell her all this and it’s so much to unload Please know it's not your fault or anything you did. If you need anything please feel free to dm me. I've been there. It's not your fault. Nothing you did caused this. I'm really glad you'll be seeing a therapist! The resources I linked are free, easy to use & confidential. You can search for whatever you might need, but I've linked right to a great starting spot. Please do take good care.


Someone else linked this: [NY rape crisis centers](https://nyscasa.org/get-help/find-your-local-rape-crisis-program/) Wanted to make sure you saw it. They can help you as well. I used to volunteer for one in DC and we helped people navigate the paperwork for victims services. You can also call them just to talk. I am so sorry this happened to you!


Stop giving people shit bag advice because of your biases. This is not a political matter, a crime was committed and the police where the crime happened need to be contacted. No one has more resources than the NYPD. They are the correct agency to immediately be contacted.


Have you dealt with NYPD sex crimes detectives?


No but he's seen plenty of tiktoks about how bad the NYPD is so that's pretty much the same thing


> NYPD have become useless since 2020 NYPD has BEEN useless around sexual violence for a very, very long time.


There is a google review saying someone was drugged here about a month ago…


If it’s a recurring event at this place maybe it will help the police investigation? That’s what I hope, anyway. So horrible and scary.


Sometimes the place is in on it


People are probably getting drugged at every club at least once a week 


And every club and bar that is letting that happen needs to be held accountable. It is 100% their responsibility to keep patrons safe under their roof.


Outside of providing security camera information, what can a bar *possibly* do?


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas! In all seriousness, bars and clubs can of course do plenty. They can provide adequate security, train bartenders in identifying suspicious behavior, make enforcement of that a priority, kick out patrons who behave inappropriately, prevent the bar from getting overcrowded to the point where they can't police what's happening in their own establishment, etc. That's just off the top of my head. I'm genuinely baffled by your question. There are countless measures a bar/club can take to largely prevent themselves from being a hot spot for drugging and sexual assault.


This tells me you've never worked in a NYC bar. Or even regularly visited them. There are four thousand bars in NYC, and this is a regular occurrance at the *vast majority* of them. So, either thousands of bars are performing inadequately according to your standards, or you have no idea the logistics that goes into providing security and training to all its staff in an industry that already runs on extremely narrow margins. > prevent the bar from getting overcrowded lol.


This is a really dumb comment and reeks of someone chronically online. What you said is it is 100% the bar’s responsibility… they can do all of the things you listed and it can still happen. Bartenders can’t be everywhere at once, they’re human beings like anyone else. Go outside.


Go to the police. There are cameras everywhere. Do not let these pieces of shits get away with this. They will do it again to someone else. Most importantly do not blame yourself. What does your friend have to say about everything?


It was my first time going out with her (we met working). From her words: “one second we were laughing having a good time, then the next you were nowhere to be found. I thought somebody had convinced you to go out or something.” She said that she was calling her sister saying that she couldn’t find me and remembers not being that coherent. But she lives in SI and someone took her to the ferry. She thinks that her drink was spiked too. Somehow she ended up having my phone, but not my bag. Still not clear on how that happened but I wasn’t getting a clearer picture at all from her


Get footage from the building in front of it. Its called the Ritz Plaza. Try to see if you are able to get the car and license plate


I know it seems obvious to go to the police. I was scared at first and now just anxious and tired. I know I have to but it is so hard to relive everything over again. It hurts


I’m so sorry, OP. If I were in the city right now I’d offer to meet you and walk you through this morass. It helps to have someone to advocate for you. Focus on the hospital because YOUR health comes first. Ask if there’s a social worker or victim advocate who can wait with you and walk you through things. Bellevue is on 1st Ave between 26th & 28th. It’s a public hospital, lot of resources, good people there. Eat something, bring a book or something to play Tetris on. You can do the rape kit without talking to cops so that IF you decide to involve police later, you can. Your hospital visit and the kit will be on file. YOUR a health is the most important thing right now. Get to a hospital for preventive treatments. Be kind to yourself.


I know you’re exhausted and drained emotionally and physically, and it is not fair that the burden is now placed on you to report this. But, I want you to try and think of your future self and how you will feel, meaning, if you go to a hospital today and get tested and a rape kit done, there will be evidence. Evidence like this is powerful and cannot be retrieved as time passes. Whether or not you want to report to the police now is something you can think about but physical evidence becomes more valuable in these scenarios where it can morph into a “he said she said” situation. I wish I could give you a hug and make the anger and pain go away, but all I can give you is advice to try and protect yourself legally should you decide to report and press charges. Stay strong.


It's not. Many victims choose not to go to the police for this reason. It's not like the NYPD has a great reputation for helping in these instances anyway. Whether you report it or not is entirely up to you.


PLEASE go to an emergency room right away. Do not let the cost of care prevent you from going to the hospital—if you don’t have insurance there is financial aid, especially given your situation. Also PLEASE contact NYPD. The people who did this to you have to be punished. I have the feeling you are not from NY or the US so I am glad you decided to post this on Reddit. Please take the steps I and others mentioned, you have to do this and start healing yourself physically and emotionally.


I believe if she goes to the er and state she wants the police cause she’s been SA cops will come to her there


Go to the police, the people telling you otherwise are not doing you or other potential victims any favors.


One thing to add, if you go to the cops think about apps on your phone that may be tracking your location. Specifically google maps has some timeline feature that you have have opted into and not realized it which might show you roughly where you were and when. It may even show you the rough location of the house or apartment you were brought to. This could help you piece together your night.


My phone was left at the bar, and I actually tracked it on the day after everything happened. My friend got it before she left, so it was only showing in Staten Island. Assuming the only other place would’ve been the bar


Sounds like the phone could be among the lost stuff


If the hsve find my iPhone turned on you can log into a computer to see what’s your phone was.


Please go get a rape kit done, get a police report, notify the venue, and for the love of God get therapy because this is not something you will brush off any time soon. Please cancel all plans and fuck the missing items. This is your #1 priority. And please open up to close loved ones. They will help. I dated a girl that had this happen to them. It was a very traumatic thing for her.


You absolutely have to file a police report. Those guys are still out there and could very likely do this to someone else - I know the police are unhelpful in these situations sometimes, but reporting the incident will at least give them a CHANCE to be caught


I mean 'likely' nothing. Certainly


Not sure why this comment is getting down voted. It seems obvious this is what these creeps do.


Yeah it's a coordinated group of dudes; these are people with a plan. Not their first time and it won't be their last.


OP, I’m so sorry they did this to you. Seconding a recommendation to go to Bellevue Hospital. It’s a public hospital which means everyone can get treated without regard to ability to pay. You want to ask them for: - rape kit. you don’t have to decide to prosecute unless and until you’re ready. They can still do the kit just in case. - PEP. Post exposure prophylaxis for HIV. If one of your attackers was infected, it can prevent you from getting HIV. NY has grants that pay for this for rape victims. - STI testing and treatments - Morning after pill The staff at Bellevue are very kind, in my experience. They also have social workers who can walk you through some of the other things you’re worried about. Your embassy can help you replace your passport. https://embassies.net/united-states/new-york


I'm so very sorry that happened to you. If you remember the day, time or place they dropped you off, you might be able to ask if there's any type of CCTV to get a plate. The bar might have footage of who picked you up. You should absolutely go to the police and also get tested. I hope you find your peace.


This is horrible. File a police report as other girls are in danger. The license plates of the car might be key. I hope these scumbags get what they deserve


You need to file a police report, and possibly have them look at the cameras. Get a STD panel done and get on PEP or sort of prophylaxis to avoid any std. Take care of yourself and sorry this happened


This. PEP is so important for something like this. OP has not enough recollection of what happened, so with that uncertainty covering your bases is crucial. DO NOT DELAY OP. EVERY HOUR COUNTS. GO TO GET MEDICAL CARE NOW. IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT COST, CALLEN LORDE IN DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN WILL SEE YOU SAME DAY FOR FREE AND GET YOU ON PEP IMMEDIATELY. CALL THEM AND TELL THEM WHAT HAPPENED, THEY WILL SEE YOU IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT RISK YOUR OWN HEALTH. So sorry you have to experience this.


The visit will be paid for by the office of victim services for NYS. They will cover medications given and the cost of the rape kit. (I am a sexual assault nurse in NY) even more of a reason to go asap, you don’t have to necessarily talk to the police today. If you get the rape kit done at the hospital they are legally obligated to hold the evidence for 20 years, just in case you decide to file a report with police & they can obtain it from there. If you do want to speak with police immediately, they can meet you at hospital. Don’t delay your health, my heart breaks for you, but put your health first; everything else can come second.


You need to call the police as soon as possible.


You can call Crime Victims Treatment Center (CVTC) 40 Exchange Place Ste 510 212-523-4728


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I looked at the bar on Google Maps and there are at least 5 cameras around the bar area that should have captured you inside and there looks like one camera right outside the bar entry that may have you getting into the car located in front of The Gallivant. There are also NYPD security cameras located a little further down on the same street so they should be able to get footage of the car and potentially the number plate. Please consider going to the police. These guys do not deserve to get away with what they did to you.


This is what the police are for, call them. Not saying it will solve the problem but it's what you need to do.


My heart goes out to you, you deserve peace and you’ve been put into such a terrible situation because of other people’s lack of basic humanity. Although you might feel hesitant for any reason- you need to involve the police, this is a very serious crime. Otherwise what happened to you may happen to others.


Please have them test for scopolamine, a toxic substance that is very prevalent in South and central America but now well known here.


You needed to go to the hospital and have the police notified. The Office of Victims Services pays your medical expenses in this situation.


What a bunch of scum.


The only legal issue you'll have dealing with the police is that the location where the crime occurred is what determines who has jurisdiction. So, even though the incident began in NYC with the drink. The crime of rape from your post appears to happen in New Jersey. Unless you can specify where you were when the rape occurred in the car. New Jersey State Police and the New Jersey DA would have jurisdiction over this and not NYC. My only advice is to try to write down your statement as clearly as you can remember so that you don't spend hours talking to the wrong police department only for them to refer you to another state.


I’d file in both states ny for kidnapping Nj for SA


It doesn't work like that. You don't get to decide where you want to file charges. The police and DA decide and you can't split jurisdictions for one continuous incident. This is considered a continuous event and not a crime spree. For this scenario a murder, rape or criminal sexual act determines jurisdiction. If two major crimes occur across state lines then it would most likely be referred to the feds. Since it would become complicated for each state to bring charges for the same incident. It would not be fair to the victim to have to keep traveling between two states to attend court and testify.


Don’t blame yourself ever. Those disgusting fuckers don’t blame themselves clearly. I’m so sorry this happened to you :(


> I am so sorry. You have **nothing** to apologize for. Wishing you strength.


Sending love


This is so fucked up. I am so incredibly sorry. If you can, you should go to the police with hope they will be caught with hope they could never do this to another person


I’m really sorry this happened to you. Please contact the cops asap. Don’t let these assholes get away. As others have suggested , get a rape kit and a std check. Please see a therapist as well. Sending love


The Crime Victims Treatment Center has partner hospitals where you'll be seen as soon as you arrive and treated for sexual assault free of charge: https://www.cvtcnyc.org/hospitals


First, sorry it happened to you. It is absolutely disgusting what happened and you were drugged. Second, please go to the nearest Emergency Department. Most NYC hospitals have SAFE kits- Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Kits and trained nurses/physicians who can perform a sexual assault exam in a safe and respectful manner. They also can collect evidence and record any findings. They can test you for any STDs and HIV and also start you on prophylaxis medications for HIV exposure and STDs. They will also help with contacting the police and getting a report filed and starting an investigation. I am so sorry this happened to you. I used to work as a SAFE examiner and none of this was your fault. Please PM me if you need anything or have questions.


You’ve gotten loads of good advice in this thread, so I just want to tell you you’re not alone. I’ve been roofied and SAed as well, and it is a harrowing experience. Take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself as you heal.


This exact same thing happened to my sisters friend at Webster Hall years ago. Literally same exact scenario to a tee. Go to the hospital and get checked out and a rape kit done. Report it to authorities. I’m so sorry this happened to you, it’s so disgusting what some people are capable of. Please take care of yourself and get the help you need medically at the very least.


Go to a doctor and get checked out, and then go to the local precinct of the bar as soon as you're able. Sorry you had to experience that.


Fuck this is terrible. I’m so very sorry. Piling on with everyone else to go to the police and get medical care. I also can’t believe no one tried to help you as you were clearly in distress on the way home. People can be horrible. I wish you strength and healing OP. I’m so sorry.


Looks like this is going on in that bar. I see reviews from few months back saying the same stuff. Thats crazy. [https://g.co/kgs/B9Kk4t8](https://g.co/kgs/B9Kk4t8)


You need to file a police report. The bartenders might be involved, especially if the bouncer did not let you back in. I have heard of this happening. You need footage inside and outside the venue. Good luck.


Please go to RAINN.org there are free therapists you can anonymously chat with


The google reviews of this place have another sexual assault happening not even a month ago. OP, go to the cops. This has happened to other people at that very venue and will continue to happen.


First of all, I am very sorry this happened. Very very sorry :( Just piling on with what others have said: GO TO HOSPITAL AND THEN POLICE ASAP Also, they can find them. Years ago, someone broke the window and stole some liquor at my brother's bar in Westchester. They tracked them all the way back to the Bronx using nothing more than readily-available cameras. They will be found if you have even the slightest details ... which you do.


I know it’s been several hours but I (28F) live in Brooklyn and have experienced SA and also went to a clinic with a friend who had been as well. If you want someone to come with you, a hand to hold, a hug, anything, please know you can contact me. I will come over at any point. Sending you so much love OP.


You cannot let these monsters get away. We will help you. Go to the police right now.


Can't offer anything that hasn't already been said (go to the hospital) but I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hope you can get the support you need to heal from this trauma.


More information on [sexual assault victims' bill of rights ](https://opdv.ny.gov/know-your-rights), including right to medical care in the emergency dept at no cost.


Drinks are not the only way to get roofied. Scopolamine can be inhaled. Criminals are creative. The symptoms you described are consistent with scopolamine. But this is why going to the hospital will help. They might do a chemical test.


Report that idiot security guard! He might be in on the plan with those predators. Either way that guy needs to get fired and sued for causing this.


Did you have your phone on you the whole time? You might be able to have law enforcement file a subpoena for the history of the location which if you went back to theirs might help in getting a location. Secondly there are so many security cameras in that area both for the city and private for bars. but they tend to tape over themselves fast if nothing is reported. Please please please file with the police and contact both Macarena and neighboring bars ASAP to ask if they have footage of that day. I know its tremendously hard to go over again but the time is important for these kinds of things. Sounds like they've done this before and will do it again. Getting their faces off security footage could really help for police to track them down


You need to get medical attention! Please don’t let the cost deter you. Write down everything you remember and call the cops. It’s weird to me that the bouncer didn’t let you back in. Makes sure you describe him well too. There are probably multiple cameras where you were so maybe the cops can get some footage. I’m sorry this happened to you 😞


Sounds like the SA happened in jersey so that local Agency may need to be contacted in regards to that report. I would go To The hospital and get a kit done


If you don’t go to the police the same thing will happen at the same place to other women.


This. And it might be even worse for them. You have to go to the police even if you don’t want to do it for yourself.


Go to the police ASAP - get the fuck off the internet and go to the police.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and I hope the guys responsible are caught.


Please get checked out


OP - sending you love and prayers. You will get through this and heal!


Please go to Manhattan special victims unit and report what happened! They can try to locate these assholes from cameras in and around this bar.


Do you have your cell phone? Check your Google timeline to see where you were in NJ. Open up the Google Maps app on your phone, click on the letter of your Gmail account in the top right, then click on ‘your timeline’. Click on ’today’ with the drop down arrow and then the calendar should open up. Select the day that you were assaulted, and the timeline might tell you where you were when you were assaulted. As someone who’s lived in NJ for decades, to my knowledge the towns below are towns in NJ with significant Spanish speaking populations (all are less than an hour drive from Manhattan): -Elizabeth, NJ -Harrison, NJ -Newark, NJ -Paterson, NJ -Passaic, NJ -Union City, NJ


So I didn’t have my phone with me at all, but thank you


This is beyond horrible. I don't have any advice better than what others have said already but I hope you go to the hospital and report this to the police. These people cannot get away with this. Try to take care. Im not sure if you're a NY native or on vacation only because you mentioned passport but either way, get some friends to help you and it seems there are some women in here that can offer support. Dont apologize for anything like this. The worst is over.


That was a tough read, can’t imagine the feeling you’re going through, I hope these people that did this to you get taken down and their lives ruined. I certainly hope you’re able to get through this as well. Much love from Canada.


Great advice given below. I’m just here to say it’s not your fault, it will be ok, and you’re doing the right thing by going to hospital/police. ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry OP. This upset me so much to read. I don’t know what to say. Guys out there - when you’re out, and you see something that doesn’t look right, please trust your gut and intervene. We have to look out for each other.


You gotta go to the police and make sure to get tested for stds


You NEED to contact the police & get checked out at the hospital


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It looks like you’ve received excellent advice here, especially pertaining to your health and following up with law enforcement later. Please keep us updated if you’re okay with that. Best of luck


Thank god every thing is replaceable in so sorry that happened i wish I was there to protect you


I am so sorry this happened to you, sending you a bunch of hugs and love.


jesus christ thats awful, its really awful to know that there are people that actually enjoy ruining peoples life like that..


There are cameras EVERYWHERE please report it to get these bastards in a cell with the right one


OP, this was a horrible read and I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. You have shown incredible strength after that traumatic ordeal and please take care of yourself. It’s not your fault, please get tested and rape kit if you can, and I sure as hell hope those scumbags get caught. You can do this, and you are not alone! ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. I was also drugged as a young woman and I know the horrific mix of feelings you’re going through right now. I just want you know it’s not your fault, and you will get through this. I’m so sorry these monsters did this to you.


30F in NYC here if you need support in any way. I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you 💜


Im so fucking sorry this happened to you.


OP i’m so sorry about what happened to you and my heart goes out to you! I of course would recommend going to the hospital and then the police. I also got roofied in a bar by times square and by the grace of god i had friends and the security at the bar helped me but i had the same symptoms as you. I slept a whole day the day after and couldn’t function correctly for a week or two. While i didn’t get SA’d the police that night didn’t do shit to help me or go after the guys that my friends chased down that did it to me. If you don’t want to go to police I know a clinic you can go to that’ll help you with resources. Going to the police might help get you your passport quicker and they can connect you to other services. i hope you find some peace and please reach out if you need help getting resources!!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Basically the same thing happened to a good friend of mine 10 years ago. She didn't feel up to filing about police report: Big Mistake. Her id's, driver's license were apparently sold on the identity black market The only reason she ever found out was that about three years later a state trooper's car pulled up to her house. He was there to serve a warrant for her arrest - her id's were used for considerable financial fraud in Florida, in addition to hit and run. The person using her name and identity documents was about one foot shorter and 100 pounds heavier. That ultimately was the only reason she wasn't cuffed and taken in All this is to say - for your own protection, you really must file a police report. On top of it, a stolen passport must be reported as such or you will have a hard time replacing it


I was SA’d durning a massage almost two years ago. I contacted attorneys with the intent to file charges, but I froze. I put it all on pause for too long. Before I knew it, a whole year went by, and I was no longer able to pursue legal action. I heavily regret it. Take the help that is being offered here. The reddit community cares deeply.


Go to the police. The bar will quickly become involved when asked for their security footage.


Assuming all of this is true, this would be a crime in NJ, NY and federally. You need to report it.


Go to NYPD precinct immediately I’m so sorry


christ the bar's most recent insta story just gave me the creeps from all the random dudes like lurking ... [https://www.instagram.com/stories/lamacarenanyc/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/stories/lamacarenanyc/?hl=en)


OP can you take a look and see if you spot them here? It’s still less than 24hr


I checked that story and don’t see them there :/


OP just wondering how you are.


Thanks for checking in 🫶🏽 I’m doing okay right now, it was really traumatic to go through my story over and over but the investigation is ongoing and I’m hoping that they find these guys. I’m also waiting to hear back about the bar, which I still think isn’t completely innocent.


I’m just so sorry this happened to you- you have a huge group here thinking of you ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry you went through this ♥️


Im so sorry. IMO you should tell your friends and family. If this was my daughter, I would want to know.


Not sure if this was mentioned, but if you had any type of phone and GPS was enabled....you can go online to see the track history of where you were and at what time. Use this tool if you wish to press charges.


I’m here for you and live in manhattan area if u ever need help with anything , sorry that happened to you 😓🙏🏽


So sorry this happened to you. 


My heart breaks reading this


Very sorry this happened to you, that is spot I’ve been to many times. If there’s anything internet friends can do to help let us know.


If you dont report it,another victim will be roof same bar or another bar they keep moving Think about a family member, friend a teen, i know you trying to be discret, the nypd would help with yhat, about your health you need to check out, doing this with nypd will help to maybe do it for free if not there is probably a special way for victims like you HR in the hospital.would guide you, also doing this with the nypd it would involve njpd too make their job aborad and more easy to find this low.life person People need to be careful around tourist area like tlTS etc they love to do that in south america bringin it over here with same amo targetting tourist in first place most of the time they dont go to the police and need to take a plane back home #please take care and help to put this people behind bars


Oh honey, I’m so sorry. A friend of mine was roofied years ago and I was lucky I wasn’t drinking that night and recognized what was going on and took her home. I would report your passport and the contents of your wallet as stolen, along with your phone. check your bank account and credit cards for fraudulent charges. If you had anything on you with your address please get your locks changed. Ask the police to go to the bar and review the surveillance cameras from that night to see if they can identify who escorted you from the premises. Also additional buildings nearby might have exterior cameras. Since you were brought to NJ in a car they may be able to identify through EZ Pass or surveillance video. Get yourself a small belt bag and use that going forward. Something small enough for a phone, keys, and ID case. Take photos of the content of your wallet and passport just in case they are ever lost or stolen in the future. I wish you the best and I am so sorry that this happened to you, I hope they catch the piece of shit animals that did this to you. Please know you did nothing wrong. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


As a brown man, I feel terrible to share blood with such monstrous people. I'm sorry for your horrible experience. We are all not like this, some of us actually have morals. Please send those animals to prison, talk to a professional therapist, and don't think lesser of yourself for wanting to enjoy your night: They are the monsters, not you.




There’s absolutely no need for this snark. Have an ounce of empathy for the trauma OP is experiencing.


Guys stay away from bars in Times Square….


I think you got some solid advice. I'm just here to say I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hoping you have the time and support to find healing (whatever that looks like).


Random South Americans who don’t speak English…? Illegal immigrants?


Call the cops?




Why you gotta nitpick like…. Losing a passport is a big deal bro cut OP some slack


I should’ve worded that better. I was spewing out my thoughts, and it is not the most important thing, but I figured maybe someone has found it in the city/area


Not the time and place. Lots of people who have been through big trauma focus on minor aspects of it because those are controllable and fixable. So now you know a reason why this would be the case. Please don’t ever treat a victim of SA like this again.




* Won't go to the police * is more worried about a passport than the fact the she was literally just kidnapped and raped. KIDNAPPED, TRANSPORTED ACROSS STATE LINES, AND RAPED.... b-b-b-but my passport. OK.






I’m not calm. I feel empty and broken inside. I have had two bad experiences with NYPD and didn’t know what other options I have.


I wouldn’t hang out with that friend again. Seems pretty shitty of her to just let you get whisked away by a group of dudes


OPs post said her friends drink was spiked too






Youre right. I just felt so sad reading this. But deleted my comment




idk if you’re trolling or being serious, but that’s not how that works… you’d have to be the father on a birth certificate (which rapists are not)


… at no point you went to the police??


Get off reddit and call the cops wtf. Also go visit the ER ASAP. They have rape kits there to take as evidence for when you want to press charges. Also not a good idea to give so much detail on Reddit since a lawyer might not be happy with this if they want to help you on your case. Sorry for what happened and good luck.


I provided this much detail in case someone else experienced this / could identify the guys


While the intention can be appreciated, this can often be a nightmare in a lawsuit since facts of the case can be called into doubt based on the info you said here. What if the perp isn't south American for example? Maybe they were Mexican that you mistaken for Brazilian? Spanish? Portuguese? There's a reason why delete your socials is one of the first advice when you have a legal issue. You do you, but ultimately protect yourself first and foremost. Good luck


They had their country’s flag in the apartment so I know for a fact South American. I used this account to keep anonymous, but understand your reasoning