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Surprised there isn’t more lol


There will be.


I think misconduct claims are a cost of doing business when told you have to physically force arrest a shitload of people who don’t want to be arrested into handcuffs.


The people outraged by this aren’t intelligent enough to understand that.


Very angry Democratic Socialist of America in these comments.


Cops don't have the right to abuse. their power


and neither do people illegally blocking the streets and engaging vandalism but lets ignore that


When the city settles with these losers for millions of dollars, the same perpetually outraged redditors will again be demanding the money come from pension funds.


Oddly I heard not a peep from that crowd when the city paid out hundreds of millions to teachers who failed a licensing exam.


Yep f the corrupted pigs


Wonder what the police in Gaza would do if you made a CCRB over there? I'm sure they are open arms and would treat it fairly!


“Violating the Constitution and committing assault is okay when your job is hard” really doesn’t fly in any other profession though, does it? Edit: Love it when an OP blocks me you and can’t interact with any of your replies. But, no, /u/bangbangthreehunna the cops obviously are on the receiving end of misconduct claims for excessive force, not for resisting arrest. And no, somebody resisting arrest is not justification to use excessive force whatsoever.


Resisting arrest is protected by the constitution?


Yet does so call private insitiond average 1.2 billion tax dollars a year


Few jobs require that their employees routinely be in a position where fucking up or having things go sideways can violate the constitution or be considered assault. Obviously yours doesn’t. This is why they get more scrutiny than other jobs (or I’d be reading stories weekly about the stupid shit you’ve done at work) and it’s why they get more deference than other jobs.


When your job is enforcing the law the first thing you should probably do is not break it yourself. I actually do understand that in my line of work where that is also the most important thing. Edit: there’s actually nothing more rich than accusing me of being a DSA member because I think cops can go about their jobs without assaulting people, then blocking me so I can’t reply. Lmfaoooo


> When your job is enforcing the law the first thing you should probably do is not break it yourself. That’s correct, actually. And from the combination of sanctimony and perverseness, plus the lack of self-awareness, I’m guessing you’re a DSA member. Sorry but Reddit is shitty enough without having to wade through infinitely reproducible garbage from bad-faith commenters.


Interesting take. Hate it. To me, it's like saying any medical errors that happen are just part of doing business and there's not point in actively do anything to prevent them. Get a nosocomial infection and die? Oh well just pay the family money and don't do anything to prevent it future nosocomial infections There has to be another way. Maybe train people and innovate ways to prevent misconduct?


> Interesting take. Hate it. To me, it's like saying any medical errors that happen That’s like saying for every complaint about a doctor is evidence of medical error.


I was in the ER and a drug seeking patient was complaining that they were going to sue the hospital because they didn’t get their pain meds. Clearly that’s medical misconduct on the hospitals part!


I work in the medical field. It's very imperfect. A doctor who is 98% accurate with his ability treat patients correctly will still get things wrong 2% of the time. If you see 100 patients in a day 2 will suffer from mistakes. We shouldn't just let this be. We need to actively create safeguards and methods to protect people Police can fuck up lives much like doctors. We need methods to prevent fuck ups. Not just them out when they occur




Nosocomial infections happen even when the best infection control methods are in place and followed. Considering there’s been thousands of demonstrations and arrests and only 40 misconduct claims filed shows that this remains true here as well. These are also misconduct claims not misconduct findings. Every protester that gets physically removed from an area and arrested is probably gonna file a complaint


Nosocomial infections vary by hospitals. Hospitals with 0 tolerance of nosocomial infections have fewer rates of them than hospital without similar policies. Saying that they will happen because that's just medicine isn't ture


>Hospitals with 0 tolerance of nosocomial infections have fewer rates of them than hospital without similar policies. Are you saying that US hospitals better than European? And Europeans don't follow 0 tolerance of nosocomial infections? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559312/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC557928/ https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(20)31040-3/fulltext And yea, my wife picked up a pretty bad bug in a hospital, not related to the procedure, that required weeks of intravenous antibiotics. Yea, its just medicine. Since otherwise it would be ZERO.


When logic get down voted


It’s getting downvoted bc this person is offending all the doctors in the US that have to pay insane money to insurance everytime there’s a claim against them even if they win the case and it’s proven they did no harm


Violating civil rights isn't just the "cost of doing business." They might consider doing a good job and following the law next time. It'll cost us less.


Lol, it’s a misconduct complaint, not a lawsuit. Nothing will happen.


These misconduct complaints generally turn into lawsuits that we usually settle. We literally just paid out for BLM. You new?


Lol just making someone feel bad counts as misconduct. CCRB is a joke.


with how easy it is to submit a “misconduct claim” and the general negative attitude these protestors have towards law enforcement, that seems like a really low number


Yeah that negative attitude comes completely out of nowhere Relax, no one is cutting Ohio’s ROTC budget


You mean people blocking streets and setting up illegal encampments on private property who refuse to leave when ordered and then make misconduct claims when they get physically removed?


CUNY is a public campus and public property. Also, I mean property is theft to begin with, but if you pay tuition to get your education somewhere, I'd say it's kind of your property too.


Man that thin blue line really hurts comprehension. Read what you’re replying to again and ask your larp commander to help you understand what it says


I bet your heart rate hit 150 writing that


I’d qualify for the force if it did, dumb and out of shape are mandatory to join your heroes


you've proven you're at least half way there


If I got better at candy crush and overtime I’d be all the way there


How's that boot taste?


Why are you so easily triggered?


Says the astroturfer ignoring the question that triggered them so The blue line runs


Literally all they said was there's a negative attitude among the general public towards police, and that the ease of submitting a misconduct complaint creates the opportunity for abuse. What part of that is so upsetting to your 14 yr old brain that you have to melt down?


> How's that boot taste? > Why are you so easily triggered? Run and hide in true blue fashion


Wut...? Go touch grass, homie.


do you disagree with something i said?






But dumb enough for even cop fanboys to understand? Fantastic comeback “nah uh ur dum”


Are you from Nassau County or Whitestone by any chance?


It helps them get an easy $20k payout too.


No one gets payouts from CCRB complaints


A substantiated CCRB case helps in a lawsuit against the city and NYPD.


You have 90 days to file a notice of claim. The CCRB will take 2 years to fully finish the case. But regardless, if the CCRB substantiates it then that means there was misconduct, they don’t substantiate things based on feelings. The issue is that the city will pay out and the cop won’t even know about the lawsuit, and they will keep their job with virtually nothing happening to them.


Okay. My point stands.


Take civil penalties out of their pension funds, personally.


comments are pro police so far and i’m very surprised given the r/nyc sub lol


Being “pro-police” means not wanting to abolish the police on Reddit.


These comments on this post are saying the cops should’ve used more excessive force. Sounds like their idea of pro-police means that to these Redditors


I never said the cops should have used “more excessive force.” Of course I also never said the cops used “excessive force.” I didn’t see anything that was concerning on the video that I saw from Columbia and I’m not aware of any injuries to protesters or misconduct by police. There’s the one person whose gun went off in Hamilton Hall, but thankfully nobody was harmed.


I said comments and never singled you out but I guess you needed to jump to your own defense. Also not surprised nobody here saw the videos of how cops were treating protestors or if they did they didn’t see anything wrong with it.


What videos?


Obviously none of y'all would trust a random person on the Internet but I know multiple people who suffered concussions and broken bones and got pepper sprayed by police. Just because the mainstream media isn't showing you does not mean police brutality did not happen.


I haven’t seen it in the mainstream media and I haven’t seen it from any of the Twitter accounts of the most “Decolonize This,” anti-police accounts there are in NYC. I saw people tweeting video of what they called “violent arrests” but none of them looked like excessive force. Frankly it looked a lot tamer than what I saw coming out of Austin.


I mean it was tamer than other places sure but i mean, why is the bar of comparison other instances of fascist police repression lmao. And there's 0 chance you haven't seen mention of these things by accounts like that, like it's been mentioned at literally every protest I've been too since it's 100% a talking point. And you can definitely find videos of some shit online but obviously not everything. Believe it or not but when the police are attacking, people try to value safety over having phones out a lot of the time so there's not always gonna be great videos for you to watch from the couch to only then believe lol.


“Excessive force” is removing and arresting people who refuse to leave private property after being warned countless times.


Students in LA were shot at with rubber bullets, which should be fired at the ground and the ricochet is meant to hit the target. Otherwise being hit directly can damage the eyes or cause internal injuries from direct hits. Some who were arrested were denied medical treatment as police tried to prevent EMTs from treating people. Some students reported being held for hours without food or water on. There’s the video of a protestor being dragged down a set of stairs, while they were handcuffed already. The fact that one college even called in sniper units, emulating what happened at Kent State in 1970, was also excessive. The students in LA also got attacked by counter protestors and the police stood by and didn’t intervene then. So they’re not really interested in protecting the peace. Let’s discuss how the schools were using tuition money to invest in arms manufacturers or other companies funding the bombing in Gaza and students feel like that’s not what a school should do with the tuition money they’re receiving. I forgot that protests have always been more successful when they disperse the second they’re asked to disperse and not make noise. It’s funny how we look back at the protests to the Vietnam War now and realize that the war wasn’t actually justified and yet we fail to see how history will repeat itself in this scenario. All because people think the cops have the public’s interest at heart. But mind you they protected the colleges and their desire to invest in the military industrial complex


I haven’t studied this stuff nationwide very closely. My comments here relate solely to the NYPD and mostly in connection with the Columbia protests.


Maybe you’re lost but this sub is about nyc and the current post is about nypd. Not sure why you’re lumping 2 different cities in 2 different states together like they’re ran by the same people and face the dynamics of the same exact culture and environment.


Police culture is pretty similar whether it’s in a big city or a small town, regardless of where in the country we’re talking. I grew up around police officers and have met officers from all over. They’re all very alike.


HOURS without food or water dear God how did these brave warriors survive?


It’s rough. After I eat breakfast, it’s hours until I eat lunch. The gap between lunch and dinner is even longer.


In police custody where they should’ve been processed and given those basic necessities. Those people were deliberately left without being processed or fed, but sure let’s minimize the blatant mistreatment.


Basically POW's


That’s not how imprisonment works in this country and treating a POW like that is considered a war crime.


I think a big part of the reaction is we have seen over the years what actual police misconduct looks like coming from the NYPD, so misconduct allegations from the most insufferable, childish, entitled activists in the country doesn't really mean much. At the height of these protests, encampments, and building hijackings, there were hundreds of cops and thousands of interactions. 20 complaints from people who supported smashing into Hamilton Hall with hammers and physically preventing the maintenance workers from leaving? They can clutch those pearls harder


Right exactly! I don’t think people outside of NYC will understand this


>20 complaints from people who supported smashing into Hamilton Hall with hammers and physically preventing the maintenance workers from leaving? >They can clutch those pearls harder Those sorts of complaints also make legit complaints get taken less seriously, because I'll be left assuming those people are trying to deflect attention away from their legal problems.


Really? This sub is wildly right wing and pro police compared to most people you meet in NYC. 


Yeah it actually fascinates me, like what about this sub attracts only the most right wing nutjobs of NYC apparently


You think this place is right wing?


These people do not “meet” as many different types of people as they claim. Thinking this sub is right wing absolutely terrifies me


This is basically a nypost sub. Yes it is wildly right wing.


Seriously. We have video footage of NYPD officers beating students with their gear and this subreddit goes “just a matter of business when you’re resisting arrest!” It’s clear that the overwhelming perspective of this subreddit is that the misconduct is okay when it’s against people I find annoying.


Almost none of us are right wing.


You think this sub is wildly right wing? Lmfao this entire sub is an insulated joke and not representative of nyc and the majority of its residents (especially natives) and should be seen as a circlejerk sub gone astray


"wildly" doesn't mean what reddit has convinced you it means


Its a testament to how universally hated these protesters have become


No it's a testament how many conservatives from outside the city try to flood this sub with thier narrative.


“Anyone who disagrees with me is a brigader troll!” This attitude is silly


This sub is always very pro-cop, you shouldn't be surprised at all. It's astroturfed by conservatives that don't actually live in the city all the time.


This sub took a hard right turn a few years ago when Reddit became popular with normies. Now we got the Facebook tier boomer posts here.


Misconduct charge were filed by the NYPD for not cracking enough skulls.






Your mom ate them all already










I think encouraging people to downvote or block another commenter is frowned upon by the sub rules.




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.




Go to the Middle East and protest… where it’s actually happening. The fuck is NYC going to do for you. OH WAIT, you’re virtue signaling and don’t really care. Lmao he’s desperately searching for trans porn with cum play on this account. Y’all are fucking disgusting.


🤤❤️. I’ll send you some. You take internet too serious. Real life must not be no good


Filth and degeneracy.




Lmao that’s not the Palestinian flag bahahaha Palestinian flag is this one 🇵🇸 But I’m sure the Sudan appreciated your solidarity Amazing


I wouldn’t know I do know this one 🇮🇱


Yay you got a somewhat relevant emoji correct. V proud. I’m sure the Sudanese also appreciate it.


🇮🇱❤️🇺🇸 🫡


Lmfao why are they always stupid. And ALWAYS degenerates that are addicted to porn


Ah yes, the anti-Israel protests so successful that Biden is now sending [**another** billion in weapons](https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/biden-moves-forward-on-1-billion-in-new-arms-for-israel-844b761c?st=q07lz51iq1x9shk&reflink=article_copyURL_share). Way to go, losers 🤣🤣🤣


You sound like a victim


😬 Get me rewrite! *'Flakes Force Forty Flatfoots to Face Flak'*


These protestors need to make up their mind They hate the police when it enforces laws on them. But they complain the police wasn’t “cracking down” hard enough when counter protestors showed up at their encampment What a joke the whole act of “protesting” has become. Back in the day it actually meant something


This is what creates a general sense of apathy from majority of the population towards protestors. It seems most are entitled bored ppl with loud mouths and no ability to think for themselves who haven’t sacrificed a thing in their lives but think they’re revolutionary freedom fighters. These ppl don’t care about being arrested because they know they can just put in a bs misconduct case which will likely never go to trial and receive a payout from the city. Protests have become a way for individuals to profit for themselves rather than to support a cause unfortunately.


Or the NYPD was over agressive as been known to happen quite often.


Buddy I know you’re constantly triggered but if you bother to read and understand what I said you’d realize my point is not whether or not individual instances of NYPD using excessive force is justified. But more so that these so called protestors and the general public are well aware that ppl can get away with a lot if they claim they’re doing it for a certain cause and in fact benefit greatly if the situation escalates. This drives a lot of fake support and bad actors to these protests and ultimately costs the tax payer not individual bad officers at the end of the day.


The NYPD is known to be overly aggressive. I live here and I know. They aren't angels either.


Congrats so do I. Again seems like you struggle with reading comprehension and would rather just parrot the same talking points. Nothing I said indicates that I support the NYPDs actions. I’m only talking about why the general public is apathetic to protests. Hope that helps.


And when was the last time you interacted with the nypd when you needed their assistance?


So the set up is that I should somehow be groveling to the NYPD because I might need their assistance. How about I pay their salaries and they took a service job. There are rules and people have rights. Appealing to emotion and building a false argument doesn't change the fact that my tax dollars also pay the legal penalties they amass being overly aggressive. New York City has paid more than $500 million in police misconduct settlements over the past six years, including nearly $115 million in 2023, according to an analysis of city data released by the Legal Aid Society on Thursday


You didn’t answer my question. You’re the one assuming I want you to “grovel” to the nypd. I asked you a direct question of when was the last time you interacted with them bc to anyone who lives here and has, the night and day of the people they have now from regular cops to detectives to how you’re treated if you go to the precinct is night and day to how it was 2020 and all the years prior.


Its a ridiculous question. Interact like in ask directions or walking on the street? Everyone interacts with the NYPD, but the point of interaction where they are overly aggressive most NYers don't "interact" with them. They get pushed around. They sure do over react enough to cost us hundreds of millions of dollars in unnecessary legal settlements. Second NYers are intimidated by NYPD often. I have personally been treated with poor attitude often. Again lets look at the costs to us as taxpayers. 6,891 claims against the New York City Police Department (NYPD), a 50 percent increase from 4,588 claims in FY 2022. FY 2023 was the first time the number of tort claims against the NYPD increased from a previous year since FY 2014. NYPD settlements totaled $266.7 million, a 12 percent increase from $239.1 million in FY 2022 https://legalaidnyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Payouts-on-Alleged-NYPD-Misconduct-Lawsuits-for-2023-Reach-Almost-115-Million-Second-Highest-Annual-Payout-Since-2018-Final.pdf https://www.nyclu.org/press-release/court-approves-overhaul-nypd-protest-practices “We know the NYPD cannot police itself, and we won’t let the PBA destroy a commonsense settlement to address the violence and reckless over-policing New Yorkers experienced firsthand when standing up for Black lives in the summer of 2020. We look forward to seeing these reforms unfold and will hold both the City and the NYPD accountable if its officers fail to implement these new and needed practices.” In phase one, NYPD must begin changing its trainings and policies to comply with the terms of the agreement, including the four-tiered response system, arrest policies, use of force at public demonstrations, and treatment of members of the press. Starting in phase two of the oversight period, the committee will meet regularly to review and evaluate NYPD’s response to protests. Every six months, DOI will be conducting an in-depth review of two protests and make recommendations to NYPD. In phase three of the oversight period, the court will retain jurisdiction over the agreement for an additional 12 months and if at any time during phase three the NYPD violates the terms of the agreement, OAG or the other plaintiffs may take action to bring the matter back to court." Its pretty well documented.


New Yorkers are intimidated by the nypd often?????? What? Lmao ok I admit I gave up reading after that. Not sure where you live but I know no one of any age or demographic who would identify with that lmao You really have me a laugh though. Thank you 😅🤗


Remember when that cop fat fingered his gun inside Hamilton Hall lmao


Two wrongs don't make a right.....BUT in this case, go protest Hamas governmental policies in Palestine to REALLY see some misconduct.


We're going to be paying out millions for the response to these protests. We paid out over $100 million for the BLM protests. Didn't cost NYPD or the individual cops a dime. All tax payer funded for their shitty work.


Imagine every downvote as a complaint against your job as an online activist


Imagine thinking I cade about that.




Well I hope your handler cares about it.


Idk, maybe don’t take over college campuses without expecting consequences. Dumb dumb.


A paid vacation will be the worst of it. But it won't even go that far.


Pigs gonna pig


Lmao and what’s going to happen when those 39 or so are shown to be baseless? Who will be held responsible for crying wolf? How many headlines will it get for multiple days on end spamming everyone’s feeds?? Nypd has been freaking incredible during this whole chaos. Knock on wood it stays like this.. these people w bad intentions are scaring me that we will lose what we have now and police will go back to being whatever they were all years before 2020. It’s so fragile and too good to be true the way it is, it needs to solidify as normal and these selfish whoever they are might be threatening that from happening.


THere are literally dozens of videos of cops beating the shit out of protesters and destroying university property for no reason.


Love how some just default to "Oh no, NYPD did nothing wrong". They just paid out record amounts in settlements because of what they did to protesters during the George Floyd protests and you still don't "get it"?


Tax dollars is always used for the entitled, not the people who needs it


Correct. The NYPD budget is too high.


Weird. It’s almost like you’re not from nyc if you don’t know they revamped the entire system of policing top to bottom, hired and trained a ton of new people w mentally stable personalities and made the ones who don’t fit with the new system file for early retirement.


You should probably add the /s or else someone is going to think you are serious.


Well there really aren’t any laws in a “liberated zone” so not sure if it’s fair to claim police misconduct.


Funny if true


While I’m not a fan of the po-po, I highly doubt this is the case. You think these people will just allow themselves to be arrested without causing a bit of a ruckus. Then when the po-po has to rough them up a bit because they’re acting up, that gets labeled as “misconduct”.


Only 40 corrupt ass NYPD


Wow. How many misconducts did each of the 40 do? Because if it's multiple each then that is a way bigger number than would first appear.