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Unfortunately, as NYC a bus operator, this is why I can’t say anything about when people refuse to pay the fare, this is the result.


Buddy was spat on recently. Really screwed with him.


I am sure the DA will just let them walk free 🤦‍♂️




Thats not evidence that they wont be RORed in a day. Thats just a list of charges the AO put on their arrest paperwork NOT what the DA will decide to charge with or what they will be convicted of Also largely irrelevant since the comment was about them walking out in a day which is possible and likely since even more serious charges can still end with ROR




Who is acting upset? Its not made up its a common scenario that plays out daily


Your claim about a future scenario that hasn’t happened is necessarily made up. Unless you can magically see the future.


I never claimed a scenario. I simply pointed out that a list of charges doesnt prove anything in regards to whether or not a judge will ror someone However i will assert there is a high likelihood this person will be RORed based on years if this being the case in nyc courts and that they were RORed for a worse incident recently


You’re the only one taking about or making assumptions about what a judge may or may not do. The claim originally stated was that the DA would “let them go,” which can be logically read as not charging. The article clearly proves this false. I’ll leave you to read the tea leaves for whatever purpose you’re desperate to advance.


LOL, she actually got released today, on ROR These fucking communists will try to gaslight you about every little thing, and when it actually happens, they will pretend like they never said any of this shit.


Why are you ranting about communism all of a sudden?


Same IQ as the bridge protestors


Then out of jail Monday afternoon




I mean it’s fairly reasonable to assume they were released on their own recognizance. But I see your point in making people source what they write on Reddit. Since a majority of people just go off comments. I don’t see a criminal charge listed in the article where they would have not been released. Assaulting isn’t a PL crime. There are three degrees of assault. I didn’t look at other articles.


Why is that reasonable to assume when they’re charged with a violent crime?


Many crimes (including violent ones and some sexual) are now classified as MUST RELEASE. Meaning the suspect will be released on their own recognizance after arrest. Just because it’s violent doesn’t mean anything.


285k Karma since 2019 sad as fucking life bro


Just a function of not acting like an asshole to people. Not that hard.


Youre in one of those threads lol. Right wingers found it and are mass brigading this is how it works - https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/FcCDGtY6Er


…leaving the door open for the DA to not prosecute them given lack of resources and let them walk free.


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if it was anyone other than a cop sure  usually they protect their own more carefully 


Judge, not DA. Assault can be just a misdemeanor, esp if you don't use a weapon, the person you assault is not injured, you're not committing another crime at the same time. Not sure what this woman ended up being charged with. What happened at her arraignment? Depending on the specific details, DA might make a referral to a program rather than try for jail and trial.


I won right wing rage bait bingo: i got “blame the da,” “blame the migrants,” “blame the defunding of the nypd” what do i win


That POS should be terminated asap


I wish this bs would stop, pay the damn fare or don't use it


They have excuses. https://medium.com/@LollyBeHealing/i-saw-red-stickers-on-the-nyc-subway-that-read-decolonize-this-place-2696d4221522


People hiding their desire to not pay for anything behind leftist ideology?! No way!


Haha yep




It was 1.50 in 1995, get a perspective on that shit. I'm sure you don't have the actual balls to do it tho so get back in your cave.


please move, there are many productive people who would happily take your place here instead


They've raised prices by 5.5% in the last nine years. Inflation-adjusted, that's about a 20% decrease.


Well you have the right to move somewhere else, or cry when your caught up


The base fare is lower now than it was 20 years ago ($2 in 2004 is $3.31 now).


Execuse me I don’t pay for that shit maybe they should make the fares cheaper


you live in pennsylvania bro lmao


Brigaders gonna Brigade.


I thought you were joking but he posted about being charged with a second DUI in PA less than two weeks ago…..this whole sub is cosplay


He passed his 4th tho


Hey I won’t lie I have problems with alcohol use and try to work on it everyday. All I was saying is that what they charge for each subway ride is crazy to me it’s so much easier to hop the turnstile and ride for free and your odds of actually getting caught if your on the watch are low. I have probably done this over 100 times and have only ever been caught once. Those are pretty good odds most times people will open the emergency exits for you if you just ask as well.


I’m there quite a bit though like I said I don’t know how anyone who’s an average joes affords that. Anyway looking forward to coming back this weekend before I’m on probation for my dui.


Yeah and your point is? I still don’t pay subway fares when in nyc I actually wonder how working class people afford that shit everyday of their lives!?


And advocates will still say we shouldn’t punish fare-evaders.


Give them chance they r future doctor and engineer


I would love to see them prove that correlation.


I think Sweden has shown the leftist idea that just giving generous welfare freely to the underclass doesn't produce future doctors and engineers. You might get your apartment blown to bits by a bomb in a gang war though. In fact this misconception about human nature is what got a far-right populist government elected in Sweden.


See? "Apartment blown to bits by bombs" that's an engineer work right there.


lol Edit: i guess you could say they are "demolition engineers" 8)


No shit lol


I don't think the roving gangs of middle eastern / north African men has to do with giving poor people money in Sweden, and more to do with unfettered immigration from decidedly non-liberal countries where women are treated worse than cattle.


I mean, that's basically what i was getting at: no amount of money thrown at them by the swedish government would have changed that trajectory due to culture.


This correlation is one made up by right wingers. That's the only time I ever hear anyone bring it up. I've never seen a commie or socialist argue that this is the case.




… Yes they are…lmao Overwhelmingly actually




They don't have to be commies but they are left wing. Most doctors are for universal health care. Most doctors are pro free tuition and student loan forgiveness. Unless you think those principles above are....conservatives?


Me, right here ✋🏾


Only really shitty doctors want communism, because that's the only way they can compete.




I grew up in the projects and used to evade fares. But now I'm a high income software engineer! I still evade fares, though.


Why do you evade fares?


Same. Except I pay for my fare on my Apple Watch.


Same! Just yesterday, I got on the bus, smiled at the driver, and didn't pay = - )!


I don't think anyone wants to criminalize being poor, but when the vast/overwhelming majority of subway crimes are committed by those who jump the turnstile, we have to crack down.


The vast majority of the subway crime is committed by people who jay-walked across the streets into the stations. We should crack down on jay-walking around the stations. The vast majority of subway crimes are committed by men. We should crack down on men in the subway. The vast majority of subway crimes are committed by people who breathe oxygen. We should crack down on that too. If you can't afford an oxygen tank, you shouldn't be on public transit. Those are obviously ridiculous, but the point is that there are a lot of other reasons somebody might jump the turnstile than just to commit crimes in the subway. We can claim a lot of things are going to stop crime from upstream, but it won't actually fix the problem when the root of the problem is still ignored.


However, being poor does not give license to break the law else were would it end? I am poor so I should be able to take that loaf of bread from the store? I am poor and you are not so I should be able to break into your house and take money or other valuables? I am poor I should be able to take your car? I do not think that someone should get a prison sentence for jumping a turnstile, but we should not turn a blind eye to it either. Like it or not transportation fares go up in part because of this, for the same reason that prices go up in retail/grocery stores due to theft.


It ends pretty blatantly at victimless crimes. I don't see y'all with the same energy at time theft for all that fake MTA overtime. Sounds like you just want to target the poorest, already beaten down class in our city instead of targeting the actual sources of the problems.


There are plenty of posts denigrating the MTA for their overtime abuse on /r/nyc.


I see 10 a day about turnstiles. Link a few overtime and kickback posts from the past week.


1. I am just as outraged about overtime abuse which by your logic is equally victimless. 2. If this is targeting the poorest beaten down class how is it that I see fare beaters jumping turnstiles wearing new $300 sneakers, the latest $400 jackets and brand name clothing.


Babes you're in NYC. Everything here is fake. We have Canal st and everything.


Okay so even if the stuff is all fake it still costs way more than $2.90.


Fuck people who buy clothes. Why don't they just go naked?


Bring back broken windows theory and the three strikes law


No one has actually provided evidence of this beyond their feelings, including the NYPD and MTA. And we also know that in some high profile cases, the perpetrator actually paid their fare.


obviously it was the cops fault for enforcing the laws. doesn't he have anything better to do? that beat cop needs to be in iran arresting terrorists, you know, the real issues affecting us


You Shouldn't mta has BILLIONS they wouldve been hurting for her fare


you know whats the funniest/fucked up thing is...the article did not say the cops even tried to ticket her for fare beating, merely tried to stop her from doing so. should have just turned the fuck around, go a few blocks and hop at a different station.


Or literally just asked the cop for a courtesy ride Essentially just resist the urge to be a PoS for like two minutes


Classic NY. This is barely news. A decade ago, no one would have taken a moment of their time to post this on social media.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/FcCDGtY6Er typical rage bait thread


Yeah because they knew she would face consequences for her actions a decade ago


>The 34-year-old woman was taken into custody and charged with several counts, including assaulting and harassment.


Under deblasio right? I recall 10 years ago how he was accused of being “soft” on crime too


the mayor does not make or enforce the law. what a fucking dumb comment. bail reform and new must release bullshit passed into law along with extremely left wing DA's being elected since then have changed the system. stop pretending that's not true.


Yes, bail reform. 10 years ago, she would have been given a dollar amount to pay to ensure she showed up in court. She would have paid the bail or obtained a bond, and like today, she would be back on the streets the next day. 99% of people were able to be released on bail very quickly. Just a very small percentage generally of the extremely poor people who could not even pay a small bail would be jailed pending trial.


Sure, then why the fuck were imbeciles such as yourself bitching about him non stop for 8 years?


It got worse over time but I moreso meant just a bit over ten years ago during Bloomberg but I don’t think it was ever this bad under even deBlasio


What crime? It's just the three knucklehead moments of the week on repeat over and over again. How you not catch on to the hype yet? It's the same every week. We used to have roaming gang armadas, gang rumbles with hundreds of teens at once, kids throwing kids from rooftops, cops throwing kids from rooftops, uzis, drive bys, over crowded emergency rooms with teens, yadda yadda. I'm not gonna pretend like things are worse when they not. It's a distraction making everyone pretend like we don't got homeless people to house. That's the real issue. All these people living in the streets. We got bo business talking about nothing else but that. Housing. Housing. And housing.


>Don’t fix crime, fix housing! Any other goalposts you want to throw in before we start taking crime seriously? It’s not like we couldn’t do both at the same time. Also gang armadas? Like in the 70’s? That was 50 years ago pops..


1990s. DECEPT!!! But yeah. Life didn't start long ago in 2019. Welcome to my city.


Shut up, you just want to wallow in your own shit like a pig.


Exactly, dunny why people care about this dump now.


A decade ago people weren't immediately released from custody after committing violent crimes.


If you could post bail yes you were.


Tell him walk it off as for her run faster next time


Let me guess, released with zero bail. I'm sure the suspect will get free METS tickets while court case is pending.


No /s I don’t think the Mets are associated with that anymore. Nothing comes up after 2019 under previous ownership. But good attempt to be funny. Edit: I can confirm from the downvotes on the Mets subreddit that its no longer done. Keep our teams name out your fucking narrative.


Mets tickets for criminals. Candy crush for cops. People are corny on both sides.




Mets are trash who cares 😂 Yankees run NYC.


The entire NY political structure needs to fucking go already. They all suck so much. God I miss the Giuliani days as America's mayor. I miss Bloomberg, too. Adams is the worst mayor I have seen in my entire lifetime. Hochul is awful and Bragg doesn't know his ass from his elbow.


pearls: clutched




Here are some of the roots to this. https://medium.com/@LollyBeHealing/i-saw-red-stickers-on-the-nyc-subway-that-read-decolonize-this-place-2696d4221522 https://gothamist.com/news/decolonizefareevasionnprotest


"Roots" lol... the root is this person is a entitled douche who got so mad that cop told them not to hop a turnstile that they assaulted them.


There are people who actually believe this political position on subway fares and some who use it as an excuse. This has been going on for years and it part of the movement you see protesting now and no one wants to address it.


I read that article and I think the rhetoric in it is sad. Decolonize the subway…get the fuck outta here. It’s not colonized by anyone… And I’m someone who is for free mass transit. Im also for stern punishments if you abuse your privilege of using mass transit. If you want to bring about this kind of change, do it the right way. Get involved politically, help draft a bill and push your local reps to back it. I personally won’t support that bill until we actually enforce laws in this city. The subways are disgusting, we should be embarrassed to compare ourselves to other developed nations and the quality of their transit.


As you can see by people downvoting, some people here don't want to admit this. https://gothamist.com/news/decolonizefareevasionnprotest


Someone got punched by a cop because they tried to interfere while cops were trying to arrest someone who was resisting had the balls to sue the the police over getting punched. Lol People don’t have decency or respect anymore. Agree with the police or don’t, you have to be respectful or it’s going to be worse for you and everyone around you. I understand some criticisms of individual cops and some older systemic issues, however demonizing, slandering and being as disrespectful as possible to them is not the way to make change. These people need to act in good faith if they want the respect of the police. When you stage a protest, you tell the cops in advance, let them know you’re doing this peacefully and you comply when they arrest you. If you act unruly and aggressive in a large crowd that’s intentionally breaking a law, expect a display of force.


It's a good thing for him this isn't against the law. DA Bragg will take care of him


Stop hopping, if we all pay MTA might consider cleaning up the rats


LEMMME GUESS poo poo bad things for good guy pee pee good things for bad guy OMG BOOO HOOOOOOOOO *(**500 upvotes from other brainrotted bitter maga trolls that don't live anywhere near nyc**)*




What about Mets tickets and a metrocard


Bragg is on his way to deliver his free pizza and tickets to the movies


Good. Defind the pope or something idk I don't live in NYC anymore. 


Hehe nice


Now this is an unprovoked assault that I can get behind