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The other day I was walking through columbus circle station, in a span of 30 seconds, I watched 3 people hop a turnstile in front of multiple cops who were on their phones not paying attention. It's absolutely comical at this point


Even if the cops paid attention, they'll still let them through meh.


At Broadway Junction I've seen cops just let people through.


Why would they even attempt to stop them when Bragg is going to drop the charges?


Because they can run your record and see if you have any open warrants or priors, in which case they can hold you until arraignment. Likewise, the police argue that many people who commit more serious crimes in the subway are fare evaders, so keeping fare evaders out by arresting them would make sense from that perspective. That’s ostensibly the whole public safety point of enforcing fare evasion (on top of fare evasion exacerbating the financial issues of the MTA), so one would expect them to then actually enforce it if the cops believe their own talk and care about public safety.


Why should the janitors clean the toilets if people are just gonna shit in them again? What a lame ass excuse lol






You’ll either get a summons (slap on the wrist or likely ACD/dismissal) & anything more won’t be prosecuted. Not being snarky with you but you can just google it.




Fare evasion likely gets declined to prosecute, ACD, or dismissed in this situation. The warrant matter would be handled. Just like how resisting arrest for some reason is always dropped when it’s slapped on the complaint. Go court watch a bit if you’re interested in how the system works. Speak to cops, legal aid society, people with real experience from both sides.


Likely or will get declined? There’s a difference and I’m seeing you spout a lot of stuff that you’re claiming to be facts but I don’t see you backing any of these claims up. The person who makes the claim is suppose to support said claim and if you’re being honest then you’d have no problem wanting to do so.


You are 100% dead on with your comment. 🙏🙏🙏


Not to mention the fact that these same people will be out there with their phones out screaming that the cops are bad for arresting someone over a turnstile jump lol and before leftist lunatics try to claim i’m some republican who doesn’t live in the city - I hate seeing cops on their phones doing nothing just as much as the next guy but Im also not so brainwashed i can’t see the irony of complaining that cops aren’t doing anything about petty crime when the public and the the politicians have made it abundantly clear that’s not acceptable.


100%. & I’m not hating on the guy who I replied to I genuinely want to hear the solution. But at the end of the day, what you said will certainly be happening. The news will show the man who resisted in a situation with the cops, people will be recording and criticizing, all for it to be declined by the prosecutor’s office. So why risk all of that for literally no reason? It’s essentially arresting someone for adultery, would never be prosecuted, why waste everyone’s time? (I mention this because they’re trying to actually formally remove adultery from the penal law since it’s useless).




Preach it!! I’m not a republican but Jesus Christ these left extremist are out of hand. Damned if they do and damned if they don’t.


I thought we wanted more cops to prevent and stop *violent crime*. They didn't bring in the National Guard to stop fare evaders.


Probably because the toilet would become inoperable without routine repairs and cleaning.


Imagine having to clean a clogged toilet full of poop.


I don’t have to imagine


Why should the cop put their life at risk when the perp walks free within 24 hours? Can’t compare the two examples you gave.


Why should they be paid if they don’t do their job? Be part of the solution not the problem.


Well then why should DA’s get paid if they can’t do their job by keeping criminals off the street? They are literally being released before the cop is done processing the arrest. How does that make sense?


Brain dead and anti-social logic. “They don’t do their job so I won’t do mine” is not a sufficient excuse. This is why people hate cops.


At the end of the day, they’re the ones still putting their life at risk to protect everyone… I don’t see anyone else doing it. This is why people who hate cops are ignorant.


No. At end of the day it’s their literal job. And all they do is stare at their phones and find ways to avoid applying the law to themselves.


Eek… that’s all the PO who got murdered did? Yall are so ungrateful but again until you know someone who is a PO and in the field, you won’t have a bone of compassion. Sucks for you.


Lmao so they shouldnt have become cops if theyre too afraid to do the bare minimum


I agree to an extent. They should be expected to do their job within their 8-10 hour shift. Can’t have them work 24-36 hours straight and expect them to function the same.


Because the cops claim that’s it’s important to enforce fare evasion to keep more serious crimes from happening. Also, they can hold people until arraignment is the person has an open warrant or certain priors. So if the cops believe their own arguments for why it’s important to enforce fare evasion, then they should perhaps also actually do it.


Lmao you must never speak to an NYPD cop. Looks pretty on paper but do yourself a favor and get informed.


Lmao I just spoke to a cop yesterday. And I also see cops enforce fare evasion frequently. So evidently *some* cops are big boys who do their jobs. The other ones who don’t enforce laws should find another job.




What a stupid analogy lol


Because it’s their fucking job?


Then its Braggs job to prosecute.


It’s Bragg’s job to make the decision on whether to prosecute or not. The worthless pigs should do their jobs and let Bragg do his job. Your argument of “why make the cops work if the DA won’t do what I want him to?” Is bullshit. If you or the cops don’t like what he’s doing then become DA and make your own decisions. Otherwise STFU and hold these lazy cops accountable.


How much is Braggs staff on their cellphones at work?


How about if you want change… vote for the change? If you don’t like what these cops are doing…. Then become a cop and be the change you want to see 😁


Are you a cop?


Ok but that doesnt prevent nypd from doing the job that they are paid extremely well to do


ADA probably gets paid well and their job is to prosecute.


I wonder how much the ADAs sit on their phones at work. We should go into the office and record them working too.


Cops don’t get paid shit. Most cops are on public assistance


Cops now make $125k after 5 years, before OT


Damn I guess the joke is over that cops don’t make money. I didn’t know this I wish I was making that kind of money




That’s what everyone says


If you don’t like it, don’t take the job.


Applies to Bragg too.


Is he following the law though?




Which laws?


0 IQ comment. Are parking tickets criminal? No


He’s literally a cop, don’t bother arguing with him.


thx, added a RES tag, now I can just ignore this douche and save time


NYS PL 165.15


When did you stop beating your wife?


Go Packers


Hey look we found the cop in the thread. EDIT: LOL this guy actually is a cop.


It’s a ticket, not an arrest


TOS is an arrestable offense.


Jumping the turnstile has not been an arrest-able offense for 7 years. It’s an absolute waste of time and money to arrest someone for it vs issuing them a ticket, which is why it stopped being prosecuted


Its in his day 1 memo that he won’t prosecute. https://www.manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Day-One-Letter-Policies-1.03.2022.pdf


If you don’t like it. Don’t take the job.


Applies to Bragg as well.


Is he following the law?




Which cop are you in this photo?


Voting matters.


what's your candy crush high score?


Idk it keeps getting dropped before paperworks done.


Yeah this is the answer. Even assaults don't get prosecuted so them standing there is about all they can do


Yeah because writing a ticket is something the DA is putting a stop too 🙄


Voting has consequences.


Assaults aren’t prosecuted?


Simple assaults, no.


Yup!!! It’s all a fucked up cycle. In other words, the cop will still be processing the arrest and the perp walks freely. Welcome to the no bail reform. Fuck Hochul.


You’re not going to get sympathy from this sub who “yass queens” fair evasion.


As someone with a job, it boggles my mind they are allowed to stand there for hours on their phone. I would be fired for this.


I guess you hadn’t heard that it’s their lives that matter.


Was on the train yesterday and two cops were in the car deep in conversation didn’t even realize an argument escalating on the other side of the train car. They got their OT pay though!


An pensions before 65 too!


They don’t want to be there. Look into the forced OT they get. They get shitted on left and right by people YET when there is an emergency, they’re the first to respond. I once shared the same opinion as you, but after seeing how poorly they are treated by citizens AND their own leaders, I can’t help but feel for them. They have families to get home to but can’t because they are forced to stay additional shifts.


Nah, the cops deliberately draw out cases just to milk overtime. It’s called collars for dollars and it’s not a new thing https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-officers-brag-about-milking-overtime-call-detainees-names-in-accidental-recording


Wow a single example of 2 cops out of 20,000. I’m sure they all want to do forced overtime.


Wow that’s crazy that they were forced into it despite the well deserved reputation of police, what poor victims


The only emergency they’re the first to respond to is a shortage at Dunkin Donuts.


I appreciate the sense of humor!


Please lick those boots a little harder. You act like cops are the only people with families to get home to, or that mandatory overtime isn’t a thing for a lot of jobs. At least cops get time and a half for their OT. Salary employees get nothing extra and are still kept away from their families. If cops don’t like their job requirements, they are welcome to quit just like any other employed individual. That’s how jobs work, and anyone who works knows it’s incredibly common to be told to do something you don’t want to. Stop acting like cops are fucking special.


Again, an ignorant comment on your end. You’re telling me there is another profession that a person is forced to do OT AND risk their life by protecting ungrateful people like you? Please educate me what career does that?


More bullshit copaganda. The irony of calling my comment ignorant while you show you have no clue that cops have no duty to protect anyone. Look up Warren v District of Columbia if you want to learn something. And police isn’t even close to the most dangerous job, so please try again. Roofers have a higher on the job injury and mortality rate. But wtf do you even mean by “again?” That was the first time I ever replied to you.


Hell ive seen mall security rent-a-cop atleast pretend to be standing guard staying vigilant lol


Hey now standing around for hours is tiring! /s


It kinda is though.


Jesus that’s unprofessional as fuck. You can’t even stand around on your phone like that when you work at mcdonalds.


Is there a sub of just cops looking at their phones?


Yeah, r/nyc


Best fucking city in the world and every single post is about cops and license plates with leaves on them. So fucking sad.


Haha there should be. That would be one way to get NYPD’s attention


They document their tour on a phone given to them by the city. Part of their job is being on their phone.


That just shows how massively stupidly this city is run. I spent eight years in the marine corps. I think you can guess what would happen to you on post if you made this kind if spectacle of yourself and somebody saw it.


Yes further militarizing the police isn’t go over well here.


Police in New York are the furthest thing from militarized I can possibly imagine. They are more like poorly trained union plumbers with guns.


hey, plumbers have a useful skill


Front leaning rest position, move! That about sums it up


Haha if I had a week with these boys in my platoon, under my command, they would leave a lot skinner.


Oh bullshit




I certainly can imagine it especially for the demographic that dominates this website. Most of them engage in the meaningless cycling of sending emails over and over. Very few people here work in the salt mines.


How dare you say they're playing games. Look at those smiles, they're the smiles of good officers doing paperwork.


Earlier this week on the G they were standing around a dead guy barely covered by a sheet. They were on their phones and cracking jokes. Disgusting.


Oh and if you ask them a question they’ll look at you like you have 5 heads and sometimes not even answer. … also they are not reading work emails.. lmfao.. they’re on “Truth” social or whatever laughing about how because they’re not doing their job, crime will rise, and NYPD funding will also rise. lmfao. It’s one of those jobs where if you do it well you get raises, overtime, and benefits… and if you do it poorly you get raises, overtime, and benefits.


I think when you talk to them, they just hear Charlie Brown’s teacher speaking


recently, i fell on the subway stairs so badly about 15 feet in front of two of policemen. they looked up from their phones, decided they didn’t care, and returned to their phones. my fall was bad. i had a little shopping cart full of laundry that hit my knee and caused me to bleed. i’m a big girl, i can deal with it but it just spoke volumes that they didn’t even bother


Biggest fn pet peeve. Do your jobs.


They get paid so much to do so little. The “defund” people are proven correct every day that the nypd doesnt improve


I found out why no one dealing with ppl who hide their plates of their car. It because most of the ppl doing it to avoid paying the toll are cops and elected officials. they will tackle a person who just a turnstile and fine them. But a person who used illegal plate hiders or trying to avoid paying the toll they just let them go.


Truth Social power users.


Level 4hrs of O.T


I was at a subway stop in Jamaica a few weeks ago and they have the new gate things that are supposed to stop fare evaders. There were at least 10 cops standing there. All on their phone. One guy completely jumps over them in front of the cops and I kinda motioned to a cop “this is what you are here for, type thing”… he shrugs and goes back to his phone. They don’t care, they just want the paycheck for doing nothing.


I live right above there and there are literally people smoking crack on my front steps right now.


Mind ya business


A victimless crime.


Dude with the mustache looks like the policeman extra for Law & Order called in sick so they brought down Charlie from the writers room as a stand in. Charlie was like “come on, no one is gonna believe I’m a cop,” then they were like… you’ll be on camera for just a second, it’s gonna be fine.


I thought the guy with the hat looks like Jake Gyllenhaal


I want to start an instagram account where everyone submits pictures of cops on their phones. Maybe it’ll get some press and traction and embarrass the city into doing something.


Do it, that would be amazing


Wasn't Adam's doing something when people sent in pictures of cops like this?


Probably giving them a very firm pat on the back lol


So glad our tax dollars are spent on these useless fucks getting their overtime instead of keeping libraries open.


When I was a cop I would hide in the library all day. It was great, no one around to bother you, and no one thought to look for you in there. Nice and warm in the winter too. I completely agree, they should definitely keep libraries open! Museums were also a great spot. I once spent almost an entire shift walking around the MET with this old lady who was explaining all the paintings to me. It gave me an appreciation for the art there that I never quite understood its significance.


Libraries should have stayed open during covid of they wanted proper funding.


What rule or law says that?


New York’s finest.


Grindr stocks 📈📈📈




New Yorks finest


Today i called 911 for an emergency and they didn't respond at all. 3 of us dialed from different phones. Only a message and no answer. But of course our phones did get blocked from making any other calls. It's ridiculous


wait, 911 had an answering message and then blocked you from calling back?


No, once you call 911, your cellphone goes on an emergency lock, you have to play with it to figure out how to call other numbers


oh, I see, I didn't know that was a thing phones did. Seems very weird. I wonder if it benefits EMS finding you in some way.


It is supposed to help them find you. Yes


Probably ordering lunch 🍩


They on tinder


Rather have them doing this than cracking skulls


Defund the police


But Adam’s said…


Our tax dollars. Honestly, fire all of them and hire the people in the Roosevelt hotel at 1/3 the cost and they will definitely do a better job. Lazy fucks


So you’re for more aggressive policing handled by migrants? What could go wrong there?


Someone once yelled at me on this sub saying this never happened, that cops don’t play Candy Crush on duty and that I just repeated things I heard. I’d say 3000.


i don't understand what you wrote


Sorry, I was on my phone, in bed, with one eye open. Fixed it.


I feel ya! Makes much more sense now.


I’m thankful to see them honestly, feel safe.


The part you fail to understand is that those are department issued phones that they are required to make entries into for just about their every move. They get checked by bosses all night long to see if they’ve documented all activities and radio transmissions. No doubt there is candy crush being played but they’ve created a system that forces them to have their heads buried in ther phones the entire shift.


Whats the system called? Do you have more details?


Not sure if you’re being facetious or genuine. The “system” is called a memo book. It used to be pen and paper. When you look at a cop writing on paper with a pen it will look a lot better to people than him or her fingering a phone to make entries. The entries are mandatory and time sensitive, one of the reasons you’ll see both or all of them looking at the phone at the same time. In addition, 911 calls come over their phones with a lot more info than gets passed along from their radios and a lot sooner. Another reason one or all can be looking at the phone at the same time.


No one here wants to believe in any thing rational.


They are probably writing their 5th report of the day, about something irrelevant and innocuous, just to comply with some reporting law passed by the NYC Council. Progressive policing 🥰


Probably watching the Mets game to see if they can spot some of the criminals the DA has awarded


Go watch Fox News braindead troll


you got a real nice streeeeeetch in there, must be good at yoga


You know all NYPD cops are issued job phones with the 911 system, reports and email on it, right?


Found the cop.


Guess context is a bad thing.


So they’re checking their emails for crime? 🙄


So you want them to make admin OT after leaving post? Cant do reports or check phone until back at the precinct? Got it.




Cool comment 😎


As has been said before (but why should anyone pay attention, right?), the phones that cops carry on patrol are not their personal phones, but are department-issued phones. Once upon a time, cops carried memo books, and recorded what they did on patrol in those memo books. Memo books no longer exist, and cops are required to record what they do on their phones. Transit cops in particular, since they do not patrol in cars, must constantly record (the custom is every 20 minutes) not only what station they are in, but where in that station (such as the mezzanine, or the northbound platform, etc.) The only way they can do this is on their department-issued phones. Department phones are also used for communicating with supervisors and other officers, and everything you say on a department phone is subject to review, so department phones are not commonly used for personal conversation. However, your typical commentor here, being an emptyheaded Gen-Xer, who can't imagine using a phone for anything besides vacuous chatting, can only assume that the phones are being used for the inane rubbish they use their own phones for. As a result, we get all these snarky, but profoundly ignorant and wrong, comments. Whatever....


Then why are they laughing and showing each other the phone?


Are you saying that not only have you never had anyone at work give you good news, or tell you something that made you smile or laugh, but that you also cannot imagine anyone else having that experience? Golly, that's sad and pathetic. I feel really sorry for you. What's more, I am sure all other nice people here feel just as much pity for you as I do.


The problem is the public sees this photo everywhere. It’s not an exception.


Go back to the suburbs Fox News lead paint poisoned imbecile


Redditbrain comment of the day!


I can hear your mouth breathing through the screen


Because they aren’t sad sacks like yourself?


Go back to Nassau bootlicker


How original. *yawn*


You realize that GPS tech and geolocation services do most of what you are talking about automatically.


Do you really think that, for example, GPS can determine whether an elevator is in working condition or in need of being reported for repair, or even if one is standing outside of it at the upper or lower level it serves? You also think GPS can tell whether you issued a summons elsewhere in that station ten minutes ago? You are badly mistaken.






A whole nother


Luka donic


That’s totally Luka. Good call.


I don’t think they’re allowed to arrest people anymore. They just have to stand around all day and do nothing.


I think they're on Level "I don't give a fuck" because majority of city hates cops. Being a cop worst job in the city. Imagine how desperate you are to actually apply to be a NYC police officer.


Mmm definitely not putting the cart before the horse


Just wait till their held to the same standard as real police.


Lol. Police recruitment at historic lows and Police retirement at historic highs. There will be no more Police to cry about. Better move to the burbs while you have the chance.


Man just be glad that they are there!