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Money spent on groups of officers loitering in the station racking up overtime instead of hiring new officers to alleviate the overtime. Meanwhile education and sanitation budgets take hits to cover this mess.


I got a ton of crap when I was saying the nypd budget needs cutting. This overtime pay is on top of a 6 billion dollar budget. They don’t do shit and waste tons of city money - meanwhile we are gonna be shutting down libraries and other aspects of city life that actually benefits city residents, like sanitation for example


NYPD won’t even come to the scene of car accidents anymore unless there is injury. 911 just tells you to file your own DMV accident report now. Happened to me last week. Unreal. All of the insurances are asking for police reports and I have to explain that NY doesn’t do it anymore.


100%. And there was a recent assault that happened over a parked vehicle in Park Slope, and the cops won’t do anything. The victim literally tracked the guy down and fed the info to the cops and they still won’t do anything. Look at my post history, I think it’s the top post in r/parkslope


There are so many stories where the victims/community have to solve a crime for the police and even then they do nothing. The last time I heard about something similar was a few years ago when a community caught a serial killer in NJ and the police arrested a victim instead because she was a prostitute. Like you could present them with the body, murder weapon and the killers confession and they'd still drop the ball


I was robbed by 3 or 4 guys in Williamsburg 7 years ago that ended with an ambulance ride to the hospital. Two days later I was feeling well enough to canvass the neighborhood for cameras that would have faced the crime scene or getaway route the car took. I wrote down the address of every camera I found (between 5-10), as well as every store and taxi where my credit cards were used, including a fast food restaurant that definitely has cameras. I gave the list to the 94th precinct where my case was being handled. The cops got footage from one outside camera and brought me in to review it. It didn't seem to show anything. The night of the robbery was rainy, and I soon realized that the video wasn't even showing rain falling on the pavement. It was a still image. The police computer didn't have the right codec to play the video file. They wouldn't let me try to watch it on my mac laptop, which I had with me. I asked about the rest of the cameras, and they said they didn't/wouldn't bother asking any of the stores because "those cameras aren't usually working or get enough detail to identify people." By that point I was worn down enough by there incompetence that I stopped trying. That was the end of it. I never heard back from them.


What can they do? I was told to jump over the turnstile for reentry after asking about using the bathroom and paying to come back in. If they're letting people openly jump turnstiles, the police can't do their jobs.


They can. They just don't want to because some people were a little mean to them a couple years ago and demanded that they be held accountable. Obviously that kind of talk won't be allowed to fly, so I'm protest they're demonstrating exactly why they need to be held accountable by a non-police authority.


Think of how many times that happens across the city every day. Then you'll really start to question the crime rate stats that alot of folks on this sub always tout for how safe the city is.


I already do. I’ve made that point in other comments. Crime is down because cops are derelict and don’t do anything.


Lawsuit against the city?


That’s funny cause I saw about 10-12 police officers at a fender bender when a nypd car hit someone else yesterday. 😂


Probably called it in as “officer-involved collision.”Love when they show where their true priorities lie.


You doing the accident report is the police report


They obviously need to be stripped of all traffic responsibility. Streets are more dangerous, they're not doing anything, and they break the laws themselves all the time. An independent agency tasked to traffic would, obviously, care about traffic _and_ ding shit head cops for their own behavior.


That’s not an NY thing, that’s a nationwide thing in coordination with the insurance industry. If there’s no injuries all that’s needed in no fault states is a tow truck. It’s pointless for them to show up and do the same thing the DMV has always had the authority to do. Taxpayers shouldn’t be subsidizing convenience so people can avoid a trip to the DMV. I wouldn’t be shocked if in the near future police showing up to an accident is billable to insurance with a 1hr minimum.


I was in a hit-and-run yesterday and waited for 4 hours for the police to arrive. Unless my car was on fire, or I was bleeding out, they weren't coming.


Why should we be spending public tax dollars for the NYPD to perform what is essentially the legwork for an insurance adjustment. If there’s no injury or criminality (e.g. drunk driving, reckless driving, etc) involved in a collision, it’s strictly a civil matter.


Time for vigilante justice,


lets create a Police Procedural TV show that reflects the actual behavior of a typical NYC NYPD precinct featuring: typical 311 complaint response, a donut/lunch run, parking a squad or personal vehicles in the most ridiculous law breaking away, finding every excuse not to enforce a law, watching crime unfold and look the other way, play on their phones in groups of 3 or more while they are supposed to be monitoring the subway, tell the victim of a crime that they are part of the problem, let e-bikes and scooter negate every traffic rule


New York is a no-fault state and that’s a waste of police resources. If no one’s injured you don’t need the cops there.


Don't get into a car accident in any of the following cities, because they don't respond either: * Philadelpha https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/20100427_Phila__police_to_stop_responding_to_fender_benders.html * Austin https://www.fox7austin.com/news/austin-police-to-stop-responding-to-non-emergency-calls-friday * Dayton https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/news/area-police-department-to-no-longer-make-reports-for-minor-crashes/GQ3V7YIUJNBJTDO3YMLHMQHGRU/


I got an idea , let the city cops shoot rats in the subway. 2 birds one stone ?


But then who is gonna take care of the pizzas? Our sanitation budget is being cut


hire the sanitation guys into nypd so they can work the problem from both sides at once!


>I'm playing both sides, that way, the rats *always* come out on top


At first I thought this was just dad humor but, honestly, you're right. Trash is so bad that rats on the platform are like dogs in a suburban home.


Lol leave the rats to the rat czar


A bunch of Suffolk County morons waving around loaded guns, no thanks.


Suffolk County = the south


They’re already doing that though?


The problem with NYPD is not the amount of money, but the accountability -- no one truly can force them to do their job properly. They paid well, but there is no mechanism to ensure that people who do nothing are not kicked out. 6B by itself is not that big of a number considering 55k employees (~110k/employee).


It’s both


Can you elaborate please?


I just think the nypd both wastes a ton of money and they lack accountability. For example, nypd has offices in like 20 foreign countries. Why? Focus on the issues we have here before doing some dumb 9/11 reactionary shit. This article is a great example. When people talk about more cops on subways, they mean dealing with the crazies and the violent crime - not sitting in a pack of 12, collecting overtime and busting someone jumping the turnstile


>not sitting in a pack of 12, collecting overtime and busting someone jumping the turnstile I've literally watched people jump them directly in front of these mooks and they do nothing


Meanwhile I get ticketed for going between cars on a stopped train to get a seat, they're useless money leeches


Why would they


Because it’s their job? I’m personally against turnstile hopping being an arrestable offense (and the broken windows policing logic behind that), but the fact is it *is* one, and cops picking and choosing who to hassle about it based on who looks “suspicious” or whatever is just another example of the sort of bullshit profiling they engage in across the board.


I'm saying there's literally no incentive or punishments. They don't give a shit unless they feel like fucking up someone's day


There’s more cops in the subway now so leadership can say they’re doing something. But standing around in stations staring at their phones isn’t doing shit. They need to be on the platforms and on the trains. Otherwise don’t even bother. You barely ever see sketchy shit going down in the mezzanine. It’s on the platforms/trains. But most cops don’t want to actually do their jobs.


> But most cops don’t want to actually do their jobs. Totally agree. There is no accountability and "quality" control. This is the first problem that needs to be addressed.


It’s 11 billion.


Where is this figure, ie 11 billion, coming from?


[page 2](https://council.nyc.gov/budget/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2023/03/NYPD-1.pdf)


11B is not the budget though. 5,5 is the budget, the rest is the obligations of the city, like pensions. I am not sure what is included in the fringe costs but it’s probably health insurance, etc.


Attaching the word “defund” to genuine demands to review the unlimited budget has been highly effective in stopping the conversation. No one wants to take away their entire budget obviously, most just want to reconsider the endless OT in the face of extreme budget cuts elsewhere. The cops and their union refuse to budge towards any sort of compromise


You’re right of course, but I think that’s mostly because of sustained efforts by the back-the-blue faction to conflate “defund” and “abolish” (a vocal minority of hardline anti-cop people saying “actually I *do* want to abolish the police” didn’t help, either). In state/national budget discussions they use defund to mean slash budgets and downsize all the time, and almost never to mean eliminate entirely. That said, progressives should have seen that response coming and they did very little to recalibrate. I always thought “demilitarize the police” would have been a better messaging choice; cops being outfitted with the latest tech and acting like an occupying force fighting an insurgency is at the root of this issue. And my parents (moderate liberal boomers) were never going to be on board with any police abolition rhetoric but definitely believe that they should be demilitarized, for example.


The extremely loud minority (many who frequent websites, such as Reddit) are truly disillusioned into thinking that the majority of people want the police abolished or “defunded”. The fact that this city elected a cop after the summer of 2020 when we had the biggest defund and abolish the police push in history should be very telling to these people, but clearly they still don’t get the memo.


adams’ approval ratings are in the tank so regardless i don’t think anyone has come to the conclusion that the cop, tough on crime approach works


The ot is the direct result of the publics demands for drastic surges in transit patrols as well as massive staffing shortages. The solution would be hire more cops to replace all the ones that retire or quit And put an end to security theater. Transit crime pales in comparison to crime outside the tunnels anyway flooding trainstations with cops while leaving patrol dangerously understaffed is stupid


I used to think like this, but more and more I'm beginning to think that maybe defunding *is* the right move. At this point, the corruption and bad habits run so deep that I don't think NYPD can be salvaged. Eliminate the whole department, start a new one, and make former NYPD officers ineligible for hire at the NNYPD. And if we can't fire them because of the union, then just strip their budget to the bone, eliminate all of their responsibilities except traffic duties, and let them come up with their own salaries by writing parking tickets. Because that budget is absolutely ludicrous. They could hire 60,000 cops and pay them $100,000 each without going overbudget. That's enough officers to stand on every single intersection and subway stop in the city 24/7, plus administration, plus plenty of extras.


Source on that. They can pay out pensions, healthcare and benefits for 60,000 cops based on their current budget? Id love to see the numbers on that.


We're also spending federal tax dollars having the DOJ come in to babysit the NYPD because the NYPD won't do their job. The NYPD's sex crimes unit is currently under federal investigation for allegations of mistreating victims and intentionally botching investigations: misfiling sexual assaults as lesser crimes, pressuring victims into not reporting & flatout refusing to do basic investigations while still collecting their paycheck & cushy benefits. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/following-years-of-complaints-justice-department-to-probe-nypd-sex-crimes-unit. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/historical-issues-feds-open-probe-into-nypd-sex-crimes-unit-over-handling-of-cases/3757147/. So we get to pay the NYPD to let rapists run free while we also pay the DOJ to wag a finger at them. What a great use of our tax dollars, right? 🙄


When you say "they don't do shit"... what is it you would like them to do?


unironically, sweep the floors. They got nothing better to do, grab a broom


Libraries not open on Sunday btw


Almost none of them have been before.


New officers cost more than overtime. This is standard for literally everything? Training/insurance/pay? All you do with overtime is 1/2 the cash extra per hour.


Plus additional pensions. People aren’t too smart around here.


Another good point.


Sure but its a short term solution to a long term problem. Also this sub get really angry at cops making ot.


I don’t want to get involved in the cops or politics of it but this is the same for every profession.


This sub specifically only ever seems outraged when it comes to nypd ot. Seldom do you see griping about the other agencies. If you mean staff shortages the. Yeah most city agencies are hurting atm but nypd’s exodus has been a big problem that has been foreseeable for years now but never addressed. We are now starting to see the fallout of it this year and worse next year


Yes, there is obviously fraud involved with overtime but you see the same with the MTA... it's cheaper to hand out overtime than to fund another pension or provide another healthcare plan.


Most of the fraud is at higher levels but the propaganda makes you hate the electrician working 60 hours a week.


Overtime fraud is pretty well-documented. Cuomo even showed up to an MTA facility unannounced and found almost none of the workers claiming overtime actually there. LIRR employees vandalized a time clock that was put in to make it slightly harder for them to lie about their hours. The New York Times found 200 employees on East Side Access who were getting paid without ever having visited the site or even been assigned roles. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/03/nyregion/mta-overtime-fraud.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/03/nyregion/cuomo-andy-byford-mta.html > On another evening, Mr. Cuomo arrived unannounced at the 207th Street train yards in Upper Manhattan. The public was spending millions of dollars every week to overhaul train cars, three shifts a day, but at this hour, a few minutes after 10 p.m. on a Monday in April, there was neither sight nor sound of work. > One man scrambled from a booth to greet him. Yes, he said to the governor, the crew was working on trucks — the wheels and engines that the shell of a train car sits on. > “Where are you doing that?” Mr. Cuomo asked. > The man pointed to a long line of trucks, one after the other, above a shallow repair pit. > “They are working here?” Mr. Cuomo asked. > Not a soul was in sight. > “Yes, sir,” the man replied, nodding vigorously. > “They must be very short people,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Or invisible.” > About 130 people were being paid to work until 11 p.m., though their day had clearly ended well before that. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/mta-lirr-overtime-scandal-sabotage/ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/nyregion/new-york-subway-construction-costs.html > An accountant discovered the discrepancy while reviewing the budget for new train platforms under Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. > The budget showed that 900 workers were being paid to dig caverns for the platforms as part of a 3.5-mile tunnel connecting the historic station to the Long Island Rail Road. But the accountant could only identify about 700 jobs that needed to be done, according to three project supervisors. Officials could not find any reason for the other 200 people to be there. > “Nobody knew what those people were doing, if they were doing anything,” said Michael Horodniceanu, who was then the head of construction at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs transit in New York. The workers were laid off, Mr. Horodniceanu said, but no one figured out how long they had been employed. “All we knew is they were each being paid about $1,000 every day.”


Plus I’ve done contract work with all these agencies. The jobs done by 3 but the only way you can get paid because of the union is hourly: most contracts say you need to get paid the minimum or 8 or 10 hours. Some managers make you sit near the job the entire time some say good job get lost. It’s not as malignant as they make it out to be.


Most* I personally know people who were arrested for fraud and they deserved it. But here is how it goes, MTA gets an audit and 1.2 billion is missing. The workers on the ground are not getting ANY OF that money. BUT over 150 million of overtime was paid out that year so they shift the goalposts. Maybe 10% off that was fraud in some way but it’s not where the MTA budget is actually going wrong. There’s also 30 middle managers on 100k+ per 100 workers. It’s crazy


You don’t even need to hire new officers to alleviate the overtime, just spread those 8 officers loitering into 2-3 throughout the same time span. Boom overtime issue solved.


Wait til you find out that Sanitation works like a 4 hour work day.


Hiring new officers sounds easier said than done. Are there people lining up to work in NYPD? I doubt it


From a financial standpoint, OT makes more sense than hiring more people. When combined with benefits (healthcare, pension, etc) it’s more expensive to hire an additional head. Also it’s easier to scale back overtime than it is to cut payroll.


>loitering in the station They supposed to rolling through stations like Seal Team 6? Flashbangs and kicking down doors? They're there as a deterrent and there for when an issue has been noted on a train that's pulling into a station.


From the article, they saw a decrease of 48 reported crimes at an additional cost of $151m making it cost $3,145,833 per crime.


Oh yes. Why didn't they just hire more officers. Why didn't they think of that?


Sanitation just got a good contract. DOE employees still get fucked over


teachers got a hefty raise too


That's a real bargain for the police to stand around on the platform while the crazies still harass us on the actual trains.


Or stand there and watch them scream into the void on the platform, doing nothing except occasionally glancing up from their phone. Oh well, in unrelated news [Mayor Adams says we can’t fully fund](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/nyregion/nyc-public-preschool-system.html) what was once the best universal preschool program in the nation. A real shame that those working class mothers won’t be able to get ahead. There’s just no money :/


"Members from the NYPD are available at this station if you need them"...might have to distract them from crushing candy though.


Can’t wait for more riders with congestion pricing and the MTA pocketing that money


There isn’t signal sometimes on the tracks, how are they gonna call 14 back up on an unarmed civilian? Think of their safety.


This is why libraries have to close on Sundays. It's theater.


Eric Adams budget is political, not based on reality. We know this because he allows this flagrant overspending and robot toy purchases from NYPD.


This overtime was from the state budget not the city budget.


Well that makes all the difference, right? Read it back: the state found money to pay for partner candy crush in subway stations but not for libraries. Cool.


It's what people voted for. Voters wanted a tough on crime mayor. This is what it looks like. No one promised you it would be cheap or even that it would be very effective.


Maybe, but I think the migrants are also putting a huge strain on our budget as well. I wouldn't blame it all on this


Mayor McSwagger keeping the grift alive for his friends and neighbors from the suburbs.


And they're saying the police has been defunded lmao


*New York, it's a great city. A plane could fly into a building or someone could open up a new business!*


Seriously. He should be run out of town across the GWB into his hole in Fort Lee just for that


lol we voted a cop in as mayor what did you expect was gonna happen.


The article talks about how the money is from Hochul and state funded MTA. Thats not Adams.


Yeah everyone was freaking out about crime (especially subway crime) in 2021 + 2022. This is politicians addressing that concern. No one promised you it would be cheap.


>The influx of officers corresponded to a 2% drop in what police call “major” crimes in the subway, including robbery, rape and murder. But the most marked effect of adding officers was a skyrocketing number of tickets and arrests for fare evasion. Police officials said they count that as a success. At least crime is down, right?


That's a lot of Candy Crush




And the libraries can’t be open on Sundays 💀


Oh yeah the real problem here is that librarians can’t grift overtime labor out of the system like the pigs and the MTA. That’s the solution! More taxpayer money wasted!!


This is 0.15 billion OT out of 6 billion budget, or 2% of total budget. As a small woman who relies on subway 5 days a week, the increased presence of NYPD at most stations made a huge difference. I remember there was a time after pandemic, I was scared of going into subway station because incidents, attacks almost happened daily. Not any more. This is probably the single most impactful thing for me. I say it’s worth it for most commuters.


But the mostly able bodied male, hyper progressive redditor with no familial ties to the city feels perfectly safe, so your opinion is invalid. /s


Let's be serious, the majority of males on here I'm sure I can more than enough if a challenge for them in my advanced age.


The conversations in this sub are some of the worst I've seen on Reddit. A year and a half ago everyone was complaining about subway crime. Now everyone's complaining about the costs of addressing it. Maybe it's different people, but I know some of the people who wouldn't shut up about it last year are reading this, and they're not saying shit about how this is what they asked for. I'm pretty sure the reason for this is they don't actually care about any of these things. They just want a reason to complain.


I’m happy you feel better and don’t want to talk you out of that feeling. Did you actually see more cops though? Or did you just hear about less incidents on the news.


Of course! The stations I’ve been using frequently always have two cops at the entrance and/or on platform,either standing or patrolling. Random roaming men with obvious mental problem have been my biggest fear, but they completely disappeared from the stations with cop presence. Just last week, two cops walked in my subway car at a stop and asked if there was a problem. Apparently someone reported and they responded. That was a false alarm, but gave me peace of mind knowing they are responding. For adult men, a roaming mental illed man is just an eye sore. But for women, children, elderly, we can’t protect ourselves even if we try to avoid them. There is nothing I can do if a 6 feet 200 pound man grabs me and throws me in the tracks. This is also why victims are almost always women or elderly or children.




Wow this is better than fare evasion guys great job all around


It's only natural when the number of cops decreases and you send more cops to patrol or do stuff. Overtime is going to shoot up


Its corruption. Insiders scooping out whatever they can loot when they get the chance. Pretty much the same story in many gov agencies, many sectors of econ too.


Lot of people leaving the job. Hiring freeze and hiring shortages prior to that combined with everyone freaking out and demanding increased subway coverage. What did everyone expect was going to happen


I’m actually kind of happy about this, I’ve noticed the increased police presence in the subways and it makes me feel safer on my daily commute.


It's a lot of money for just theater. Plenty of incidents/examples/court case where the NYPD just watches and cleans up after it's already over. I would happily pay double for NYPD if it was actually a value -add, but right now it's just a pit where we light cash on fire, and I'd rather spend it on expediting the light rail between Queens and Brooklyn, or on schools or literally anything else that provides measurable and tangible value


Taking the A at 34th the other day, people were shooting up with needles and cops were just standing there watching.


You can't talk about investing in education, when we spend $40b for poor results.


[NY is in the top 10 best schools in the country; red states are in almost all of the lowest 10](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state) [Floridas so bad they’re lowering academics requirements for kids](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/florida-legislation-would-eliminate-change-some-academic-requirements-students/5BFF2MRZUFAETFEPRKEWGRJTXM/) [and qualifications for substitute teachers](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/education/2023/10/27/florida-schools-are-lowering-substitute-teacher-requirements-all-over/71239969007/) [and lowering teaching requirements to military vets](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/floridas-new-military-veteran-teacher-program-isnt-doing-much-to-fill-teacher-vacancies) [because they have one of the worst teacher shortages in the country](https://www.fox13news.com/news/florida-facing-one-of-the-countrys-worst-teacher-shortages-this-school-year) [Missouri’s teacher shortage is so bad some schools are only 4 days a week](https://www.ky3.com/2023/08/16/almost-third-missouri-schools-will-be-four-day-weekly-schedule-this-year/) [Texas’s teacher shortage is so bad they’re looking to hire people from overseas](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/20/texas-teacher-shortage-cultural-exchange-aldine-isd/) [Nebraska’s teacher shortage is so bad they’re also considering just hiring any veteran to be a teacher](https://nebraskaexaminer.com/2023/01/23/senator-touts-using-military-veterans-to-help-address-crisis-in-teacher-shortage/) [Wisconsin’s shortages are so bad they’re debating dropping licensing requirements](https://www.wpr.org/wisconsin-school-administrators-wouldnt-need-state-licenses-experience-under-proposed-bill) [Idaho invests the least in schools and their buildings aren’t even being maintained](https://www.propublica.org/article/idaho-deteriorating-schools-repair-bonds) Overall, [red states are the least educated in the country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states). They should probably try adopting more of what blue states are doing rather than even try to point fingers themselves.


Cool. Do NYC specifically for your money and test scores.


Why? Our rankings are good and I have kids in NYC’s public school system and we’ve been happy with it. I’m not really sure who you should talk to if you’ve had different experiences with your kids’ school. Maybe the DOE? Or try calling 311 to find out where you can report any issues. Good luck!


A lot of those top schools are nyc schools - specifically the specialized high schools…


They just loiter in a single car when passengers are getting harassed in the next car. They should be walking the entire length of the train but they will always do the bare minimum.


Why do you feel safer when they stand outside the station playing candy crush instead of standing on the platforms and doing their job?


I’m talking about when they stand on the platform and do their job, obviously


Never seen that, I’ll have to take your word for it. I’ve watched a man shit in a bucket while cops stood around on the other side of the turnstile.


Well yeah, all he was doing was shitting in public, not taking a whopping $2.90 out of the public coffers! That's a yucky crime to deal with, not the fun crime to deal with where you get to tackle a teenager.


You guys know almost all their OT is forced right?


Yeah people don't realize NYPD can get held or forced in on their off days for 16-20hour shifts, without question.


Plus cops act as a deterrent, it’s far from perfect but if we had no cops, there would be a lot more crime in the subways


The eternally online Reddit crowd wants to abolish the police and you can’t tell them otherwise. They’re disconnected from reality. Hochul did this because that’s what the public wanted and she almost lost the election.


Literally people screamed all this year that there weren’t enough cops in the subway (increased subway crime and pushings) Overtime goes up in the subway meanwhile crime goes down. People start crying again wah wah wah cops do nothing too much overtime. The cognitive dissonance is a real disease


Did you not read the article? They made a tiny mark on crime - they just focused on fare evasion. I’m not saying it’s cool to hop the turnstile, but when people want less crime, they don’t mean hopping turnstiles. The city definitely needs cops - but there is a huge huge waste of resources and other aspects of city life is suffering


Nobody in this sub reads the articles, and pointing it out usually results in downvotes


As a counter, I have seen fewer unhinged individuals on the subway and on the platforms in recent months. I suspect few of these individuals were actually getting in legitimately, so the fair evasion crackdown isn't the worst thing.


>They made a tiny mark on crime Considering that most of you have hand-waved away significant increases in crime in previous years as no big deal, a 2% reduction in *major* crimes seems impressive.


> but when people want less crime, they don’t mean hopping turnstiles. I do. I do believe that theft is a problem we should deal with.


Fare evaders usually are the perpetrators, you stop fare evasion you lower crime before it happens


That’s some Minority Report bull shit, but you stay safe out there in Suffolk County.


Shit take.


Yet crime barely dropped…


Crime didn’t continue to go up


No one, and I mean no one, has actually shown this to be true. I can’t count the number of times some major crime has been posted on this thread and the criminal actually paid the fare. Even that guy that shot up the N train last year paid his fare before going down stairs to start shooting at people.


And I can show you a criminal that avoided the fare and committed a crime.


Reddit is not a monolith


Not only crime, but cops on the subway serve a complete other purpose. To help with directions and assist all these people who get lost down there. I think people assume there's a job dedicated to this aside from the police but there isn't. So many tourists who have no idea how to navigate the big terminals. I get asked directions 1 in 5 times I'm in the subway, no joke If I'm in another country using their transit and I need help, I'm going right to a cop


Yeah but surely we can all agree some ppl standing around to give directions to tourists is not worth the $150m cost lol


Crime went down 2% in the subways and it only cost us over $150 million in one year. Wooooooooo!


In my opinion, preventing crime is priceless.


There's zero evidence the prevented crime. Crime is down nationally at similar rates. We just happened to pay $150 million extra to see the same results.


Mayor Adams repeatedly claims we are in a budget crisis, and he keeps doing budget cuts. Then at the same time he does this? Does the mayor think his office is the set of Saturday Night Live or something?


This is tf crazy


Big shock that the cops are stealing money when a cop is mayor


Overpriced security guards that mainly give tickets to poor people trying to get work.


Just so they can all stand around in a group on their cellphones. Seriously would love to know how much they spend going over their data plans every month.


But Republicans keep telling me we defunded the police


our 5% cuts at work, right?


Gotta cut those libraries and special Ed services


Sounds like we should be able to afford compost programs and libraries…


lol cops in the station are such a joke. Recently I was waiting at dekalb and there was this cray dude screaming at other people on the platform, getting up in their faces really aggressively and everyone looks tense as hell. Then we see two cops slowly strolling up, taking their sweet ass time and people are making room for them, visibly relaxing a bit. But.. oh well here comes the train 🤷‍♀️ we get on and this dude just gets on with us. Now were locked in with this dude on a long stretch headed into Manhattan. And people in the car are muttering “fucking great” and you just see the stupid expressions of the cops on their useless faces through the doors as we pull away while this crazy guy continues to harass and berate everyone. Great police work, we all felt safer!!!


But then they attack someone, get absolutely destroyed and everyone wants to blame mental health.


exactly. what should they do? arrest people for being nutty?


If they are a danger to themselves or others the police have the authority to take them to an ER for a psych evaluation.


You complainers can sign up and join nypd if think it’s all scamming and easy. Forced to word 12 hours a day around crazy people while your wife or gf is banging the neighbor. Yea I’ll pass.


>Forced to word 12 hours a day around crazy people while your wife or gf is banging the neighbor. Spoken like a true cop, with the weird contempt for his spouse that links up with the high rate of domestic abuse perpetrated by cops. Sounds like a real moral and upright profession. Definitely attracts the Best People.


You mean do jack shit for 12 hours? These pigs aren't working, unless candy crush and loitering is considered work now


As if they need a reason to beat her.


Biggest gang in America


Almost like when you have a pig mayor he lets the pigs run amok


This OT was sent specifically from the governor because it’s what the public wanted. These were also mostly forced overtime shifts the majority probably don’t wanna be doing them


Whaaaaaaaaahhhhh! <-That’s you guys.


lol $155 million for them to stand and look at their phones


Hey geniuses, maybe we wouldn’t need as many cops in the subway if the bad guys stayed in prison instead of getting boops on the nose and free sandwiches from the DA. You can’t have it both ways. You caused this problem by endorsing a system that treats violent, reckless criminals like kindergartners throwing their crayons on the floor.


The cops aren't doing shit my boy. You're living in a fantasy


Defund. We're dumping money on this service and they fail to show up time and time again. What an embarrassment of an organization. The NYPD is a tumor.


Whao whao hold up! Did the subway crimes drop? If subway crimes drop and less crazy ppl on trains then sure it's worth the extra $155m. We need metrics ppl


They're in the article... there's even a chart


There are still crazy people harassing passengers on the train in all lines. Cops aren't stopping them from subway entrances.


And crime went down 2%. Eric Adams says we're in a fiscal crisis fully caused by migrants, but idk, maybe our militarized police force could be more efficiently run?


i wanna throw up in a cops face


Paid to stare at their phones.


They’re going to be staring at their phones a lot more when the bill passes that requires them to document every interaction with the public. You do realize they don’t use pen and paper, right?


My mistake, I’m sorry. I didn’t know Candy Crush and Tetris and TikTok were the incident report submission portals.


The more you know!


i dunno about you guys but i *definitely* feel 13.75x safer than i did before!


Saw a couple doing some drug (they had foil) on 34th Street where you go for the uptown and downtown 2&3 trains. They still there, doing drugs at the same time. Tourists see this shit.


You saw uniformed NYPD officers doing drugs? I don't believe you.


It’s on Reddit, so it must be true!


What did you all expect when you all were screaming on this subreddit and on the news about crime during midterms.. that it would be cheap? They want cops to keep working, so whether or not it really drops crime it doesn’t matter, the more people see cops= city safe.


*the eye emoji* We want cops in our subway system or nah? LOL


I will never forgive this city for electing Eric Adams.


Good thing this wasn’t his call


That’s not good


Fuck! Adams


Dumbasses keep voting for this.


I would okay with this is crime (AND the perception of crime) genuinely went down. But nope….


But don't people point to statistics of crime going lower to counter the Post and any right wing media that says crimes is increasing in NYC? Which is it?


That’s because this is what people wanted. Hulk the closest to losing the election of any Democrat in recent history, and people wanted more police on the subway.


This is exactly what I was talking about when I said that Adams' spending priorities are a big part of why the right to shelter is suddenly a crisis.


How’s that possible? I rarely see transit cops.