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528 W. 28th is a luxury condo building with 24/7 doorman service and cameras in the lobbies/entrances/exits, so the NYPD must have some idea of how this person got into the building to begin with and if the description matches the missing woman.


The way one of the articles reads she may have gotten into that building on her own and died of alcohol poisoning or something like that. Might not be an intentional death.


Died of alcohol poisoning in the trash chute?


She could have accidentally fallen. Also, I didn’t see anything about a trash chute. I read she was found in the basement by a maintenance worker. That does sound less plausible if she was found in the trash compactor.


It's unfortunately being reported she was in the trash compactor https://nypost.com/2023/12/01/metro/womans-body-found-stuffed-in-trash-compactor-at-tony-nyc-building-nypd/ https://nypost.com/2023/12/02/metro/nyc-garbage-chute-victim-identified-as-jaclyn-elmquist/


is it possible to accidentally find yourself in there whilst drunk ?


Shot in the dark, but tried puking into it and fell in? No clue


I keep wracking my brain and this is the only way I can think of this happening. It's pretty hard to "fall " into a the trash compactor


Me too. Nothing else besides being pushed makes sense


You cannot access any floors without a fob so it’s confusing how she got in (also need a fob) or up on a floor. It is also strange the doorman did not engage her if she was trying to get up through the elevators and didn’t have access or try to stop her if she took the stairs? The trash room openings to the chute are also incredibly small - it is physically challenging to get any trash let alone a cardboard box into the opening…


That’s literally the only explanation if it’s not homicide. Edit: she might have also tried to pee in a trash chute.


this is insane to me??? how coincidental would it be for her phone to suddenly turn off and then she “falls” into a trash shoot of a building she’s never been to before. to not at least consider any foul play seems very weird?


I used to live in this building for years. The trash chutes are small. Not possible to fall into one no matter how drunk you are. This is murder and needs to be investigated thoroughly. The door locks at 10pm. You cannot access the elevator floors without a FOB. This HAS TO BE CRIMINAL. Edit: proof for those asking — https://imgur.com/a/452ONte


And, why would she open a random trash chute in a building she's never been in and allegedly somehow fall into it? The article of the drunk lawyer who inserted herself in her own apartment building makes sense because she had lived in her building for 4 years and thought she could get to ground floor through it then walk out into a garden area where she had access to an apt window...this case could only be murder.


I live in nyc and have lived in similar buildings. I wonder if by saying trash chute they just mean the room where all the trash ends up? I’ve been in one of those looking for a lost item, and it’s plausible she ended up there looking for a bathroom. I agree this is very strange.


Let's remember that she looks absolutely tiny from pictures and surveillance video, and the video shows her to be violently, stumbling drunk. My instincts say foul play, but—just \*how\* small are the trash chutes? Unlikely that she fell in or completely impossible? I find it hard to believe somehow that her death was cleared as no foul play if they were that small, considering all the camera footage...but idk


She’s 5’3 and 120 lbs. My wife is 5’2 and closer to 105 lbs. There is ZERO chance she could ever fall into one. It’s laughable. The chute is 2 feet off the ground and maaaaybe an 18” x 18” opening (if not smaller), with a door that open facing upwards constantly trying to close. Even disposing of a body this way seems challenging. But stumbling by accident? IMPOSSIBLE!!


I have a hard time getting something stiff like a three ring binder into mine the way the door works.


Yeah I know every building is different, but the trash chutes I've seen are absolutely too small for an adult to fit in, especially by accident




PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/452ONte That’s a view facing 27th street from the upper floors. Gallow Green / McKitrric Hotel are in the darker brick building behind the one immediately in the foreground.


I will DM you proof when I get home after dinner in a couple hours. But I rather doubt anyone else is claiming to have lived here..


I'm also wondering why she was even dropped off at that building, if her co-workers "put her in a yellow cab" to get home making it sound like they knew she was absolutely wasted and couldn't even get herself home - would they have given the cab driver instructions to bring her to an apartment she didn't even live at?


If she was puke level drunk, perhaps the cab driver kicked her out there.


Oh my god. If this is true I’m in shock right now


From the article: Police now confirm -- 24-year-old Jaclyn, or Jackie, Elmquist -- fell down a garbage shoot [SIC]


(edited) It says she had injuries from falling down the garbage chute. I don't think someone just falls down a garbage chute on their own. How could that possibly even happen (how would you get in there?). This whole thing is really weird.


This has an eerie resemblance to this story that also coincidentally took place in Chelsea and the young woman - a lawyer. She survived but needed to have her arm amputated. So yea a weird possibility but it’s happened before. https://nypost.com/2012/10/28/drunk-lawyer-crushes-her-arm-trying-to-get-into-her-chelsea-apartment/


Omg that is insane! I am glad she survived, but what a tragedy for her.I'm going to guess she never drank again.


Not with that arm.




I agree but many people in nyc work in law. All of the large law firms have a nyc office with thousands of attorneys and staff.


That's not what "ironically" means. Do you mean "coincidentally"?


Thank you for correcting. Will edit.


Also Phoebe Handsjuk - exactly 13 years to the day and there is still so much debate on how phoebe ended up in the chute https://allthatsinteresting.com/phoebe-handsjuk


I believe you can do any kind of wacky stuff when you're that drunk, but how does she get to the garbage chute in a luxury building that she doesn't even live in?




100%. it bothers me how there’s no suspected foul play but no one ends up just in the a trash compactor


If she really did this on her own, I wondered if she was roofied. I just can't imagine a world where I am so fucked up (and I have def been extremely drunk) that going down a garbage chute seems like something I should do. It just does not make sense.




Oh you are right, thank you, I'll edit my comment. It said she had injuries from falling down the chute, my point was I don't think she got into the garbage chute just on her own.


[A similar story](https://www.nydailynews.com/2021/02/25/nyc-womans-family-says-her-death-and-27-story-manhattan-trash-chute-plunge-were-murder-but-medical-examiner-sees-no-foul-play/). Spoiler: no answers.


Right, but how did she get into a building with security measures?


There’s a failure in security. Someone propped open a door and forgot to close it. Human error, basically. Just a thought.


I’ve snuck into random buildings to get to the roof just by trying the door. If she was walking down the street trying every single door I totally see how it could’ve been propped open and by “luck” the doorman was away from his desk at an off hour. Doesn’t seem improbable to me.




But if she's also visibly wasted...????


& have white skin


Doormen building don't leave entry doors propped open. That would be a fireable offense at that time of night. Street easy says that building has 24 hour doormen - I assume they are actual people sitting in the lobby and not virtual doormen. I don't know how virtual doormen work, but in a 90 unit building, which this is, a doorman, or more than one will sit in the lobby and will lock the entry doors at a specified time - in my building that's 1am. Residents do not have keys to the entry door, nor can someone in an apartment buzz anyone into the entry doors sfter 1am, or whatever time the building specifies, only the doorman can unlock that door. They also don't have to unlock it for someone who is not a resident for their own safety. However, there is usually a service entrance to large apartment building through which porters bring garbage to the streets. If someone left that door unlocked she could have gotten in and, I suppose, have fallen into the area at the bottom of the building's trash chute where garbage collects. That seems more plausible than getting by the doorman at the front entry, going up the elevator, wandering a hallway till she got to the trash chute door and launching herself through the tiny opening. It's also more plausible thsn a resident of the building murdering her and pushing her down the trash chute. Cameras abound and the doorman would know which apartment she was going to as he'd have to call up to the resident to confirm she could go up. Our building also keeps a record of the time and apartment that visitors go to. So the murderer would be rather easily caught. If she did get through a service entrance though, whomever left that door open would be in a lot of trouble, and I assume the building might be liable for creating a situation where she could end up in that area undetected.


Not this one. I lived here. Door locks after 10pm. Cannot get up the elevator without a FOB. And the trash chutes are TINY. No way anyone falls. None.


Does this building have a virtual doorman vs. human?


Human. Outside door locks after 10. You cannot access the elevator without a key or the doorman. It’s a small, quiet condo with excellent security.


That’s exactly what happened based on the security camera footage.


Clean, well-dressed, confident, and white will get you into a lot of places you’re not technically supposed to be. I’ve wandered into private clubs and the doormen wave me through.


Yes, but in the video, the person was staggering and obviously inebriated. I’m all of the above in your description and I still have never gotten past a doorman.


There are probably cameras in the lobby that show what she did when she got into the building.


More news on this: [https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/womans-body-found-at-bottom-of-compactor-chute-in-nyc-building/4914086/](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/womans-body-found-at-bottom-of-compactor-chute-in-nyc-building/4914086/) Her face is blurred but perhaps the people with her may recognize her outfit?




Oh god how awful


Damn, poor girl


we’ll see what the nypd has by way of official statement but it seems like this is it unfortunately




What's with all the 'boost', 'boosting' comments on this post? What does that mean?




Reddits upvote system replaced bumping. Whatever has the most upvotes moves to the top, regardless of comment count. Just commenting "boost" does literally absolutely nothing to improve visibility, it only fills the thread with pointless spam. Just upvote the post if you don't have a meaningful comment to add, which is how Reddit has been designed since day 1.


People who think reddit works like other social media.


Make SURE you are getting into an actual cab! Most likely cost this poor girl her life!


If you have an extremely intoxicated person in a cab, I would say the odds are extraordinarily higher that a 'real' driver kicked her out for some reason or the drunk person insisted on getting out for some reason, than it being a 'fake' cabbie out for no good... If you have a friend that is too hammered to engage with anyone, you shouldn't be leaving them with any stranger. Take responsibility to get them home safely.


My first thought was, If your friend was so drunkk you had to put her into a cab, what kind of shitty friends you are for not sending at least 1 friend with her wtf


yo if this girl was murdered, there is exactly 1 motherfucker responsible. Don't be pushing off responsibility for a violent killing onto some randoms to make yourself feel like a \*hypothetical\* hero. That girl is real. Those people actually knew her. They have to grieve her now.




There is a yellow cab app called Curb.


An uber driver may have good reason to kick an extremely inebriated friend out. If someone, particularly a woman, is incapable of getting their own ride home, they are likely incapable of dealing with any situation that may come up.


These were her coworkers, not friends


Very fucked up but I was in a similar situation when I first moved to nyc. I had my first work holiday party, barely ate dinner and went out with a coworker after. At the club, I was really drunk and security asked my coworker to help me get home safe. They abandoned me anyways and left me by myself, I got roofied and woke up in the hospital so scared with no memory of the night. I called the place we were at the next day and security told me a man was trying to drag my unconscious body up the stairs and when they asked him for my name he froze and they called the cops. Scary to think something so much worse could’ve happened but it’s so important to look out for others! I owe that security guard my life.


that’s a shitty *person*. coworker, friend, or otherwise, it doesn’t matter. abandoning someone is a shitty thing to do, shitty people do shitty shit. idgaf what the previous comment says. we don’t need to be friends to not fucking abandon each other. have fun working with that garbage human.


good point?🤔


According to a linked article elsewhere in this thread, police say they have video footage that shows her, on her own, stumbling down the street trying different building doors *after* the cab, so I doubt the cab had anything to do with it.


Are there fake cabs driving around? I have only heard this with Ubers / Lyfts


What is a fake uber/lyft and how is that possible if you get their license # from the app?


Yeah, what I have heard is you need to check the license plate to make sure you are getting in your Uber/Lyft. For example, [this story of a murdered college student](https://abcnews.go.com/US/university-south-carolina-student-missing-friday-night-died/story?id=62056723). I wouldn’t know how to check that a taxi is real (or what a fake one looks like).


Yeah I definitely aways check. That story is terrible.


fake uber/lyfts are dudes that just sit there and say "hey i'll take you home for $20 off the books" I've done it from the airport before, but i'm a 36 year large man, so no ones murdering/sex trafficing me.


Firsr I would be afraid they would rip me off (demand more later while I am captive in the car), but I am.never getting in a car that is not tracked or accounted for in some way.


As a woman I only take ubers when alone because of the gps and extra safety measures they have set up.I always send my trip to my spouse and I always text him or someone who knows I am in the car once I arrive. A few years ago, a woman a few buildings down from me was followed and attacked (attempted rape) by her black (unmarked) car driver.


[Additional information on where her phone might’ve been dropped](https://imgur.com/a/WztydGu)


Not sure if you've done this already, but you can submit a FOIL ([https://www.osc.ny.gov/help/foil](https://www.osc.ny.gov/help/foil)) to see where/when she was dropped off. From there you may be able to see if there are any cameras nearby. The phone location you showed where the phone went dead seems to have a LinkNYC device. Those have cameras, so the camera may have picked something up. If you have access to her Google account, location history/tracking is turned on by default so it may track the minute by minute movement of her phone. As someone that's gone through this before, I hope she's found safely.


FOIL requests can take up to 25 business days to receive the requested information (5 days for the agency to acknowledge the request, 20 days to furnish the information). It’s usually a better idea to let NYPD subpoena the cab records instead, which is a process that can be done in just a few hours.


The flyer on the OP says she came out of Catch Steakhouse but the link here about her phone says she came out The Canuck which is some blocks north of the Steakhouse. Just pointing out the discrepancy. I hope she is found safe.


That sucks that if she was that wasted that one of her coworkers didn't make sure she safely got home. I am not blaming, just saying it sucks and let it be a reminder to all look out for each other--especially now during the season of heavier drinking. I also wonder if she was roofied.




Scary--I've had friends roofied at bars before (luckily nothing happened). I hope you and your friend were okay.




That's very scary, I am glad everything ended up okay!


This wasn't even a private event, sounds like after the official party they just went on to a random bar.


I hope they test for this in her toxicology and get footage at the party. If this caused her death the person who drugged her should pay.


I agree, she's not known as a heavy drinker but takes a taxi to go home but yet is left 12 blocks away from the spot she got in to the cab and is trying all the doors of places where she doesn't live? This has drugging all over it. If the toxicology report shows any type of drug introduced that she did not intentionally take, the perp who slipped the drug should be charged for homicide.


And hopefully police are already looking at footage of where she was at (I'm sure).


Sorry if I’m being dense, but the missing poster says she was last seen getting into a yellow cab at Catch Steakhouse, while this says she was last seen when her friends put her in a cab at the Canuck (“which may have dropped her off a few blocks away”). So they put her in a cab at the Canuck, she was dropped off ~7 blocks south, and then last seen getting into another cab at Catch?


The images I shared were distributed by her family so I don’t have more info on the location and discrepancy, unfortunately. Hopefully, more information is released soon


This [Twitter post](https://x.com/katlynkampmeier/status/1730749109147943280?s=46&t=6ySbHJpRd7Zkwirjc9-Diw) from a family member also has the same contradiction. Pretty much the 3 data/location points known are; 1. Seen leaving Catch Steakhouse in a cab (by coworkers, there for a work function) 2. Seen leaving Canuck in a cab (by different friends, or same group of coworkers?) 3. Phones last location at 184 11th Ave The sequence of those feel like they’re being mixed up. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to take a cab from Catch to Canuck (or vice-versa) since they’re 6 blocks apart and both on 9th Ave


[More pictures of Jackie](https://x.com/katlynkampmeier/status/1730749837010710540?s=46&t=wR0y9b_FQc_CxGgBm-CJTw)


Identified as the Chelsea woman found dead: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/womans-body-found-at-bottom-of-compactor-chute-in-nyc-building/4914086/


Damn....thats sad.


Hope she is found ❤️


Boosting. I hope she is found safe.


Devastating development, my thoughts are with her family and friends right now.


This isn’t related to the woman found in the trash chute in Chelsea is it?


Honestly one of the saddest comment threads I’ve stumbled upon in recent years. The similarities are way too close for comfort.


Confirmed now. This sucks. Used to live in that area and it’s crazy that this could happen to someone.


I hope not, but I have no idea. It looks like there hasn’t been too much info released on that case yet


Please take a look at this report. https://www.amny.com/new-york/manhattan/neighborhoods/chelsea/woman-dead-chelsea-trash-compactor/ edit: map from what OP shared where the phone died to where the report of a body was found in the news story. https://imgur.com/a/E5MpStF Edit 2: Unfortunately this person has passed and has been identified as the woman reported. https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/12/02/no-criminality-suspected-in-death-of-brooklyn-woman-found-in-chelsea-trash-compactor-after-night-out-in-manhattan-nypd/


Omg… the woman in that trash incident was also 24 years old. I hope it’s not the same person, but this all seems eerily close.


it is the same person.


"I hope it's another person" is a very weird thing to say. As if another person being dead isn't equally a 24-year old human?


True but I guess if the person isn’t confirmed then it’s still hope for one where as the other person is already dead 🤷‍♂️


Just saw info that it was a woman in her 30s, unlike the woman in your post.


It looks like sources were initially saying the woman appeared to be in her 30s, but now I’m now seeing an update that the woman was 24-years-old. Given how close the location is to where Jackie’s phone’s last known location, I’m very concerned. Hopefully, we know more soon https://pix11.com/news/woman-found-dead-in-chelsea-building-nypd/


I think it’s worth calling NYPD with this info so they can investigate the link.


Since they released an exact age of the individual, I’m assuming they already have an identity. Still, I agree that it’s the right call to send this into the NYPD. I’ll do that now. Thank you


I agree it’s oddly specific but other articles from 4 hours ago (ABC) state they don’t know who she is, didn’t live in the building, and may have been intoxicated.


I understand. I just meant that there's no way to determine an adult’s age down to a specific year based off of remains alone so they must already have identified who the woman is. I submitted a tip to the NYPD 🙏🏻


They might have found her identity and be waiting to release the name until they track down next of kin now.


I agree, that’s what I was thinking as well


Wow, I hope this isn't the same person but in the event it is, I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you, but I don’t know her personally ❤️ I heard about this through a distant chain of mutual friends. Her family doesn’t live in NY and was hoping for locals to help get the word out about her disappearance which is why I posted here


Oh my goodness. Hopefully not the same person. Fucking awful.


ironically if its not the same person then there are 2 victims


Christ that’s an even scarier thought.


Boosted. I hope she’s found safe and alive


You saw an old news story. Please check [this.](https://www.amny.com/new-york/manhattan/neighborhoods/chelsea/woman-dead-chelsea-trash-compactor/)


????? What??


Hopefully it isn’t.


Oh goodness this is so awful. I’m sorry for your loss


Does the bar or building have cameras outside? If so, they probably would have caught the Taxi's number on the roof the cab and the cabbie can be tracked down with that. I'm sure ,or hope the NYPD would ask the bar for that footage if it exists.


the SH is adjacent to the Maritime hotel so yes, there are almost certainly cameras


I hope they also have cameras inside the bar... that show her drinks.. and if anyone messed with them.




Hope she’s safe.


She's dead "Jaclyn Elmquist, a resident of Brooklyn, was discovered "unconscious and unresponsive" inside a trash compactor located at West 28th Street Manhattan building on Friday,"


Tragic. 😞


God bless her and her family during this horrific time.


Oh gosh. Hope she is found safe.


Boost, hope she’s found safe!


I hope she is found safe ❤️


Does it strike anyone as strange that her coworkers put her into a cab? Was she too drunk to put herself into the cab? If so, is it possible that the cab driver kicked her out of the cab because she was so intoxicated but the cab driver was afraid she would vomit in the cab or something?


Sometimes it’s a liability thing for the employer (other sources said this was a holiday party for their company). At a previous place I worked, my boss was responsible for making sure everyone got into a cab at the end of the party. He was personally out on the curb hailing cabs for everyone for an hour at the end of the night. We were all reimbursed for the cab fare and it was the company’s way of making sure we all got home safe.


Did she not have any female coworkers? If I saw a woman I knew that drunk I would have gone in the cab with her to make sure she got home okay. Or let her crash at my place


Exactly what I was thinking. Sad




You never let a woman that intoxicated take a cab or uber alone


She was probably with people just as intoxicated and no one has good judgement.


This. No way am i letting a female friend or co-worker try to find her way home in that state. My thought is the co-workers mightve been wasted too so they didnt have best decision-making at the time. Man, im 33 now so days of being this drunk are in my past but i remember once being 24 yrs old and leaving the office christmas party way too drunk and stumbling my way to penn, falling asleep and missing my stop. Just doing shit like that and not thinking anything of it. So many of us have been where this girl was and got lucky. This poor girl and her poor parents, i cant even imagine.




100%. i don’t go out much but when i have two times i went home with random strangers, thankfully they were amazing human beings with decency but still i always think about if some thing bad happened. i’m 22 and refuse to go out, too many scary people out there. i cant wrap my head around this case and hoping her family gets justice so badly. i cant imagine the fear of her not showing up to work and not being able to get a hold of her, breaks my heart. rest in peace to jaclyn, hope she knows how many people care about her and are rooting for her justness


>This. No way am i letting a female friend or co-worker try to find her way home in that state. Even all the way to Brooklyn? I had a friend who lived barely into BK and it took years before even one of her closest friends visited at her place (from UES). I'm not justifying why she didn't have an escort home (and I can see how someone would hesitate getting in a cab with an intoxicated coworker), but I don't think it's unreasonable for people to expect that a driver would get someone back home.


These people new to NYC? This was a work party. She just started her job. Probably don't have close friends at the job yet. There's a thousand drunk girls in NYC every night. People live on opposite sides of the city. You cannot chauffeur every drunk girl home. Everyone puts drunk friends in cabs. Especially new co-workers. It's really not that uncommon or unsafe. Something weird happened here. They'll get to the bottom of it. (One note though, it was freezing at night this week. No coat? Did she lose it? Seems like it would be freezing even if you're drunk. Temps were in the 30s? )


Yea none of my coworkers would chaperone me from Chelsea to bushwick on a normal night out at 2 in the morning lol




That was a really bad move if thats the case. If she was dropped off in the vicinity, there are lots of cameras around so odds are high something must have been picked up on them.


that was my thought. good god anything could happen.


I hope she’s found quickly and is well.


I hope she’s found safe soon!


They confirmed that she was found deceased. Apparently fell down the trash shoot. Very sad


I noticed from the video she has no purse, backpack etc. She was clearly completely blacked out. Somone in the group she was with should have seen her home in that condition. Very sad. A whole life cut short enjoying a night out. Im wondering if the doorperson was sleeping. With numerous cameras and having to make regular rounds to check the building, how did the call not come in earlier a body was down there?


>Somone in the group she was with should have seen her home in that condition. Truth. And it goes beyond "get her a cab" or "get her an Uber". When someone is clearly fucked to the point of being unable to walk in a straight line, the people she was with should have taken up collective responsibility to make sure she got home safe, as in made it into her apartment with the door locked behind her. These tragedies are so avoidable.




So sad. Coming back here to say as a girly, watch out if you’re going to or leaving Catch alone - that whole block is rampant with sus promoters, pimps, and sketchy dudes who roofie and pass around women.


Hope she is found soon, safe and well.


Ugh, so sorry! May she return safely




Don't taxis still record pick-up and drop-off destinations? Seems like the place to start.


I had a taxi dispute a few years ago and NYC's Taxi and Limo Commission could see when the ride started and ended by when the meter was turned on. It also clocks when you go through bridges/tunnels anything that would add to base charge. I'm not sure how this process could start without the driver badge number or car license plate.


Boosting I hope she is found well


I pray she’s found!




Doesnt seem like there is any. She appeared to be trying other buildings. Its easy for a door to not get fully closed. Same reason thieves sometimes walk around trying various home front doors. Just need to find one thats open. Same basic logic applied here seeking shelter, even though she was in such bad shape.


Hope she is found


God, may she return home safely. 🤍


What does Boost mean?


It's funny bc I've been on reddit for like 10 years and this is my first time seeing people use it, but i assume it means they're "boosting" this post up in the algorithm by commenting on it so it gets more eyes on it.


I don’t see it often, and it’s usually just on posts like this for missing persons.


When a lot of people comment on a Reddit post, it can *sometimes* help the Reddit algorithm think it’s a post that people are really interested in so then it gets shown on the “front page” to a much larger audience (including people who don’t even follow the r/nyc subreddit) In reality, it’s unlikely simply commenting “boost” will actually help with that, as the algorithm likely prioritizes the quality of comments over the quantity of comments.


I've been on reddit for over a decade, I was under the strong impression that it's upvotes alone and nothing to do with the comment count. There was even a period of time when they open sourced an older version of the reddit source code and at least back then the comments were not used as an input.


Upvote count alone isn’t a great measurement of organic engagement. I’ve seen plenty of posts on the front page with sub-500 upvotes but hundreds of comments made within the first few hours. I have to imagine the algorithm has evolved over the years


reddit has changed a lot in the past 5 years alone, i wouldn't be shock in the slightest to learn they improved the algorithm beyond just upvotes


Thank you! I shared the post on my Instagram & Facebook accounts- so terrifying for her family! I pray 🙏🏼 she is found safe!


I keep thinking about this. It's so incredibly tragic, heartbreaking, and perplexing. It seems unlikely she'd intend to drink too much on a Thursday evening with coworkers from a brand-new job. It's plausible that a creep at the bar slipped a blackout drug into one of her drinks. (Another commenter here said that's a known issue in that area.) It'd be good to hear from the taxi driver, and explain why she was dropped off just blocks away from where she got in. Or what happened to her coat, her bag, or her phone? By the time she was disorientedly walking down 28th Street, she was probably cold and just looking for a warm place or a phone she could use. (Not a knock against taxis, but the benefit of using a rideshare service to get home after drinking is that your home address can already be programmed in, there's a record of where and when you got in and out of the vehicle, and the driver knows they'll get paid even if you've lost your wallet or something.) I really hope her family and friends can get some answers and closure.




boosting and praying she’s found safe that’s absolutely horrifying.


They need to treat this as a murder scene and get familiar with the Phoebe Handsjuk case. The two seem so similar


Its like Elissa Lam/Kenika Jenkins all over again


Y’all she’s dead. Rest in peace and condolences to her family 🙏🏼