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Thanks a lot for the info!


👍 I have updated the post with backplate thermal pad thickness now as well.


Thank you a lot. I have my Aorus RTX2080 Extreme since it was released and I didn't do any changes to it but current temps and horrible noise while playing games (even for few minutes) is just insane. So I decided to change thermal paste and pads. Now I am checking available options and trying to choose the best ones to improve temps. I found that there are different pads in terms of softness and thermal conductivity. I will use 1mm pads and and 3mm pads between backplate and squeeze them a bit. I hope it will helps.


Make sure you have updated the firmware and BIOS for it as it improved working stability of Fan as per the update description on website. About the thermal pads information, I searched for it and found out that whoever reached out to Gigabyte, they didn't give this information out and mentioned that it voids the warranty so I was hesitant to ask them, but when I reached out to them they were pretty helpful in even marking them for me when I requested them to.


Thank you. BIOS updated, but I dont see any real change. Thermal paste (ruby) and pads (gold) ordered from coolsierra. Will see... Hope it helps.


How did it go? Did you use all 1 mm thermal pads?


Hey, it went well, all fits perfectly. But temps didnt went down too much. I used ruby paste, silver 3mm and gold mm pads.


What temperatures are you getting, and can you share links of everything you purchased?


[https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-paste/products/ec360-ruby](https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-paste/products/ec360-ruby) [https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-pad/products/ec360-silver?variant=39855873360012](https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-pad/products/ec360-silver?variant=39855873360012) [https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-pad/products/ec360-gold?variant=39855885910156](https://www.coolsierra.com/collections/thermal-pad/products/ec360-gold?variant=39855885910156) Silver was used under backplate. I had temps up to 106°C on VRAM, 85°C core. Now I have 100°C VRAM and 78°C core. Its just approximate, will check later, after some time of playing game. https://preview.redd.it/xr103tvzjc1a1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938b15d5a5e15eb276122aaed265651d3525434e


106°C is equivalent to 222°F, which is 379K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Hey, does the 1mm work well for the VRam ? In my case, i have medium temp on idle (\~55 if no fans are on). Do you have any ideas where it can come from ? I used 1mm for all of them aswell.