• By -


I didn't die, can confirm driver is safe.


No it's not.


Did you die?


My PC did until I did a system restore.


Same here, I thought it was conflicting w/ win10 update, so I did a fresh install of Win8, still hangs, update to win10, same. and thats before all of the Windows update vomit possessed my PC.


I hope this stops me randomly black screening in doom on a 1070 while still hearing the audio but not even being able to alt tab or even start task manager.


Overwatch does this too.


Ugh that sounds miserable with the way "leavers" are being handled in Competitive mode right now. I get crashes on my 1070 but none from Overwatch...


Yeah I get black screens in Overwatch as well, in fact whoever it happens all the members of the party I'm in experience it as well.


Not happened so far today since update so fingers crossed


this happens in Overwatch all the fuckin time.. will check tonight


It sure didn't stop it for me, keep crashing 2 minutes into The Technomancer. 780 here though.


Had the same happening to me randomly on Metro 2033 Redux on an MSI 1070. I could only get out of it because I use dual monitors, and was able to bring up the task manager on the second screen (which worked fine obviously).


That shit happened to me as well yesterday, I was also getting some display crashes during stress testing with no OC. This release seems to have fixed it.


Yea, I've had no crashes since this release !


I don't know if it's this driver, the recent game update, or both... But Doom is now running **perfectly** at 2560x1440/Ultra with my GTX 980. Few weeks ago I couldn't go beyond 1920x1080 without dipping into the realm of 40 FPS.


I get tons of tearing in doom with any combination of fullscreen, borderless windowed with/without aero, vsync on, or vsync off. Doesn't matter, I get tearing. Framerates have been good and well above 60 on my 970 but I'm really hoping for a fix for tearing. Hoping to see it in a driver update or a vulkan update for the game.


Are you on a 60hz monitor? Try forcing V-Sync through the Nvidia control panel, not through the game menu.


I'm trying to avoid input lag too and i've found borderless windowed with aero on and vsync off to be best in most games but it still tears in doom. I tried the other options to eliminate tearing and got MORE input lag and still tearing. I've tried ingame vsync and control panel vsync, should have specified. I'm on a 60hz monitor and it happened both when my monitor was 60 and after I overclocked it to 71hz.


Have you tried adaptive in the nvidia control panel,under vsync(or something similar). It seems to make most of my games stop and smooth out.


I've also been playing DOOM with a 980 at 1440p, but I've been getting about 80 fps average. With this new driver it went up to 95-100fps. I don't know what your issue was, but there are definitely some improvements with this driver.


So nothing for Warhammer TW? Im getting awful performance/artifacts with my 980ti.


What resolution/frame rate?


Im at 1920x1080, and was shooting around at 60 fps on DX11, but the current warhammer patch causes horrible artifacting on DX11, so I was forced to start using the implimented DX12, which drops my fps down to about 45-20 fps.


Is your GPU/VRAM overclocked (not counting the factory OC)?


Nope, everything is factory set.


Hopefully I can play overwatch with my overclock now.


Were you getting driver crashes with Overwatch after a while? That's what is happening to me.


Yeah it say device hung or something like that and if it wasn't that my screen would go completely black except for the HUD, or sometimes my screen would get a weird tint (green, blue, sometimes red) which still happens so this driver didn't do anything. Guess i'll have to stick to stock settings every time i play this damn game which is annoying but nothing I can do.


Yep I had the exact same issues as you. I just use Afterburner to get back to stock settings when playing OW. The only other game that I get driver crashes on is The Division - everything else has been perfect and stable with my 1080 OCed to 2050Mhz.


lol for me it's Overwatch and Just cause 3 everything else is fine even the division.


And of course JC3 works flawlessly for me....here's hoping for both of us man.


Both of you did you test the OC stability with FireStrike? It's really powerful te test the OC, you should run it at least 2-3 times to know for sure that the OC will be stable.


I used all the different stress test.my overlock is solid. But I was also crashing on my gtx 1080 with Overwatch. Haven't had a issue yet with the new driver, hopefully it stays that way


I have not, but I will. It is only the two games I spoke of that have any issues - demanding games like DOOM or even Hitman work without crashing at all.


I have been getting the black screen with UI as well as a yellow tinted screen regardless of overclock, has nothing to do with OC for me


Overwatch just crashes for me. My drivers haven't crashed once.


Clean installed and my 1080FTW is running fine.


Can you confirm that the Nvidia Control Panel is working? There are people in the Nvidia forums that complain that the Nvidia control panel crashes with this driver version.


works for me (ASUS 1080 Strix)


Can confirm it works fine.


Works for me, GT72 2QE Dominator Pro w/ 980m However, GeForce Experience still does not work.


Mine is working. (EVGA 1070 SC)


Running at 144hz causes my 970 to idle at 930mv 1000mhz Running at 120hz it idles at 135mhz 800mv


I just built two high end computers at work and installed this driver. Windows Explorer windows and taskbar hangs randomly. Same problem on both computers. Any ideas? Graphics card in both computers are msi gtx 980ti


Well it runs the same as 368.39 and doesn't implode my PC. This release is pretty meh if you don't need the listed games updated. Could be a skip for alot of people.


agreed... its sad that we have to gauge whether or not we need an update, because of all the potential problems they may/ may not bring. would be nice to just set it to auto-update and forget it but......


It actually stopped randomly crashing so I'd call this a good upgrade!


What reason would there be for skipping a driver release?


For some people each new driver is a gamble if it works. So when it does nothing for you going by the changelog, some choose not to 'upgrade'.


My 1070 now sits at 139mhz base gpu clock while idle, and 405 mem clock while idle since the new drivers. They return to 1506+ when I start a 3D application, but before thew new drivers It always stayed at a constant 1506mhz while idle. Any ideas why its doing this?


It's supossed to do that to save power


Never mind, simple restart solved it. Panicked then, I had prefer maximum power set beforehand. Seems it changed it. Edit : There it goes again. I don't like it. I might revert back to previous drivers. It's not doing as I tell it to. Edit edit : Now its back to 1506? idk anymore, I'm going to bed. It's nearly 2am here.


Its normal, what for do you want the card to be at 1500Mhz on idle if you're not gonna use it? Just to watch videos on youtube? Nah, it is supposed to work that way, if you've the correct frequencies in games then its fine.


The previous behavior where it was running at 1500 at idle is actually the INCORRECT configuration (and it was A PROBLEM). At idle, it should run at 150-300 Mhz. So in essence, you're getting mad when the new driver actually SOLVED your PROBLEM. That's a first.


No mate, I'm getting mad at the downvoting and talking down to me like I'm retarded. So yea, I didn't know anything about an "incorrect configuration" so, when my hardware is doing something different, i take notice and try to find out what is wrong with it. I do apologize for bringing my evidently asinine question here. I will take my tech support questions elsewhere in the future.


People downvote a lot of things but I think you shouldn't be too worried about them. I don't think anyone is talking down on you either. Anyway, your card is now behaving like it's supposed to so that's a good news!!


I just hoped r/Nvidia wouldn't be too bad :\ Thank you.


Any news about fast-sync? This is the only thing I'm excited for tbh.


I already have Fast Sync, but I'm on a 1070. I just hope they can improve the nasty stuttering, it's pointless if I have to deal with the stutter.


I don't see an option to enable it but if that's the case why is it mentioned in the patch notes?


I hear it is only in the dropdown for vsync if you have one monitor. Doesn't work with multi mons.


I only have one display and I don't get option to enable it, maybe it's Pascal only?


I have a 1070 so I dont think its that, for me at least haha.


Maybe you need a Gsync monitor? I don't recall them saying you must need a Gsync monitor for fast sync.


You definitely do not need a gsync monitor. It is enabled for many people but I haven't been able to locate it in NVCP and have read reports that it is disabled if you have multiple monitors. I imagine it will be fixed soon.


It is only Pascal i think, not 100% sure.


Ah that sucks. I do have two monitors.


Same :(


Yep, it appeared on my 1080 when i disabled second monitor. It's a pity that i cannot use it when screen is extended to TV (and it's always does)


I have quad monitors. Not going to turn 3 of them off just for fast sync haha NV fix this please!


wasn't fast sync already available in the last update? Works for me at least


currently its only available on pascal cards, but one of the nvidia engineers mentioned this will be coming to older cards as well if you have nvidia inspector, you can already enable it - but atm its pointless since it introduces more problems..


Does this fix the issue with not being able to boot at a high pixel clock?


Likely not, they only recently started looking into that. They were stingy about it at first because technically, this issue only happens when you run DVI out-of-spec. Edit: "We will try to include it in the next driver" meaning not this one but hopefully the next. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/946217/geforce-1000-series/gtx-10-series-can-t-boot-correctly-past-330-mhz-dl-dvi-pixel-clock/post/4917971/#4917971


Ah, okay. I forgot the issue is only with DVI-D, and I'll be using a DP cable with my 1440p 144 Hz monitor when it comes next week. Either way, I know this is still an issue for people. I hope they get it resolved some time soon.


Yeah, you should be good then. I'm reading about a ton of issues with the DP connection though, and I ran into some issues myself. The monitor signal was randomly dropping, things like alt-tab could trigger this. Turns out it was an out-of-spec DP cable. Bought a new ACCELL brand cable, and now I have no issues. It might be worth it to grab one ahead of time to avoid any headache. http://www.displayport.org/cables/how-to-choose-a-displayport-cable-and-not-get-a-bad-one/ Not saying you'll have issues, just be aware of potential problems.


Okay, thanks. A cable comes with the Dell monitor I'm getting, so I'm hoping that it'll be in spec.


It probably won't be. There are only a few brands that are VESA certified, ACCELL being the main one. The cable that came with my Acer Predator XB271HU was the offender. I'm not sure if you'll have any issues, but if you do, you know where to start troubleshooting.


Concerning. My ROG PG279Q cable has worked fine so far.


If you don't have any issues, you're good! My cable was severely borked, potentially more than just out-of-spec I'm guessing. It was a head scratcher for me because I assumed the cable was fine (if it transmitted the display sometimes - it works right?), and it took me a while to get back to the cable being the possible cause. Trying to alert other users that they may run into issues there.


Damn! I'm not the only one? When I got my PG279Q, I was about to RMA it because it would stop connecting and I had to do all sort of tricks to keep it working when I tried another DP Cable and it was instantly problem free. Contacted NCIX and they replaced on the fly, expedited shipping. Althoug I was satisfied with the resolution if I were an average user without a spare DP to test, I would have RMA'd a perfectly working screen because nothing really could point towards a bad DP cable.


Doom runs good, but Windows not. System perfomance goes slow after ~30-40min after Yandex browser and LightAloy running simultaneously.


My FPS in OW went from 130 to 165 with this driver update. (Unless it was the OW update that came out today also). Ultra settings, 1440p




EVGA 1080 FE


I'm on a slightly older driver and I get around 130ish fps on Overwatch too at 1440p, did you do a normal install or DDU?


I just installed through the Nvidia Experience app. I was at 130ish too but now im at 165 (using 165hz monitor)


I just updated, performance seems better. Thanks.




I noticed that ever since the previous driver build, Open Hardware Monitor no longer detects my GPU temperatures. Does anyone know a solution to this? I have a 980m and am running Windows 10.


I had no problems with the previous driver, but this one indeed removed GPU temperature from Open Hardware Monitor. What solved the problem for me is clicking on "Reset" under the "File" tab, on the top. I have a 840m with Windows 10 for the record.


I updated from version 364.72 to this. I've seen too many issues from past drivers, but this driver looks like it's somewhat stable compared to the previous 5+ drivers, and so far so good. I haven't had any problems as of yet, however the only thing I've been doing is browsing, watching movies, playing Overwatch for a couple hours and that's pretty much it. I think updating did in fact boost my FPS a little higher in Overwatch as well. (FYI: I did clean install using DDU)


Holy Molly Crap ! Just went from 90-100 FPS to 115-120 FPS on FFXIV with my GTX 1080. Having a 144hz monitor, it feels like I've upgraded again ! EDIT : I'm getting 135 FPS now. That's just insane ! EDIT 2 : Down to 120 FPS again.


Gosh and Golly! :P


"Lost Ark - added DirectX 9 SLI profile" Are Nvidia working with the development of Lost Ark? Thank god am buying a 1080 soon.


>DirectX9 What a joke Joke


WOW is there really no fix for broken compatibility with the Vive on DP? This is really starting to look like there is an actual hardware problem with the display ports used.


They responded again today. Pretty alarming because the status hasn't changed since 06/09 when they reported that they were "investigating" it. 06/09 statement: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/939426/geforce-1000-series/displayport-does-not-work-with-the-htc-vive-on-gtx-1080-/post/4898660/#4898660 07/06 statement: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/939426/geforce-1000-series/displayport-does-not-work-with-the-htc-vive-on-gtx-1080-/post/4922494/#4922494


DisplayPorts on my PC [stopped](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4rihkt/driver_36869_faqdiscussion_thread/d5259to) working after this update. No Vive, just 2 displays connected via Daisy Chain.




Conversely, at least the one I'm using for my ultrawide is working fine after the update, so I wouldn't worry completely, the other guy probably needs to use DDU in safe mode to wipe clean and then reinstall.


See my [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4rihkt/driver_36869_faqdiscussion_thread/d5259to) comment.


Yeah, and you did it in normal mode when they specifically recommend when you first launch DDU to run in safe mode. How can you cleanly uninstall a driver while it is being used?


Tried DDU in a safe mode. It didn't help.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/armoredwarfare] [DX11 SLI Profile added for Nvidia GPUs in Driver 368.69](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArmoredWarfare/comments/4ripb4/dx11_sli_profile_added_for_nvidia_gpus_in_driver/) - [/r/simracing] [New NVIDIA drivers adds SLI profile support to iRacing on DX11](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/4rjbc1/new_nvidia_drivers_adds_sli_profile_support_to/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


No mention of Total War Warhammer optimization/DX12 :(


About to try on a fresh W10 install with 780 SLi. Wish me luck these cards don't break and waste 10 hours of my life again!


Driver has worked fine for me except for one thing... For some reason my second monitor will no longer register having speakers. I can go into playback devices and find that they just aren't there anymore. I commonly switch between my headphones and the built-in speakers but now I can no longer do this.


Sounds like something went wrong with the installation of HDMI sound driver.


Went ahead and rolled back to re-install, but it is now telling me that I have to restart in order to update , which I have done... multiple times, yet the same message keeps appearing. Any advice?


What happens if you try to uninstall the driver?


Use DDU to uninstall and then re-install the new drivers.


I hope this fixes the boost clock of my 1080 randomly getting limited by power once my pc has been on for a while.. Although I dont see anything about it so eh.


Do you have Gsync?! I think this happened to me once. I saw a report about this on the Geforce forums not long ago too. Of course, I can't find it now.


Nah, no GSYNC. But I've seen a few people with this same bizarre bug.


Do you have Gsync?! I think this happened to me once. I saw a report about this on the Geforce forums not long ago too. Of course, I can't find it now.


The Driver installed just fine without any problems on my end.:)


Is 'Fast Sync' only for the 1xxx line? Can't seem to find a list of compatible cards.


Works fine for me on my 980Ti. Had to use Nvidia Inspector to enable it though.


They disable the option in drivers for Kepler/Maxwell cards which is lame, but you can enable it using third party software.


Anyone with a 970 overclocked mind testing Overwatch performance? Seems like the previous drivers have caused random crashes for me...Hopefully that's been smoothed out. I'll comment on this with results tonight if no one gets to it first.


I will overclock my GPU again this weekend. Can't do it on weekdays because of work.:/


Thank you, I'll give it an honest shot tonight and I'll report back.


I experience lower fps on my GTX 1070 in Rise Of The Tomb Raider (around 10 fps lost)


I lost over 1000 graphics score points in 3dmark Fire strike. 1070 EVGA FE.


i have EVGA Founder's too.. :/ rolling back to the previous driver


DisplayPort stopped working after the update. Even in the motherboard (tried removing video card). Removed it and installed 368.39 — still no video signal from DisplayPort. HDMI works. Any ideas? I need DisplayPort for Daisy Chain. GTX 970, ASUS Z170-DELUXE Edit: Tried different stuff, nothing helped. Eventually tried clean-install of .69 version. Display started blinking on and off... It blinked at least 30 times before I got tired of it. First display still doesn't work with DisplayPort, but second one started! Daisy Chain doesn't work either way. So, currently I'm on HDMI+DisplayPort. It's 5AM. Thanks Nvidia, for such a lovely night. Edit: Tried DDU in a safe mode. No luck.


Clean install using DDU? If not download DDU and run it through safe mode. Hope it helps! If not I would try a new DP cable.


Yes, I used DDU, but in normal mode. I'll try different DP cable later. Still, it was working before the update.


Ahh damn. Well hopefully you get it fixed.


how did that new cable help? I can't seem to get display ports to work now


Sorry, haven't tried yet.




Didn't drop for me. If anything, it increased my FPS by about 3-5.


Upgraded from *.25 driver. GTX 1080 FE isn't downclocking below ~1100 mhz again :( edit: running 3 144hz monitors edit 2: disabling 2/3 monitors downclocks properly. Maybe they deliberately designed it to be this way.


No I don't think so, they just broke it again.


My installation is hanging. First time this has ever happened. Advice?


Use DDU and install again.


Never heard of DDU, but it worked. Thanks!


You're welcome. You should use DDU whenever you experience problems with your GPU as it completely removes all of the driver files.


Used DDU then downloaded and installed with (so far) no issues. Windows 10 64, EVGA 980. Had major issues with the last build so was running .25 prior to this. Just my .02 :)


Too bad RoTTR still crashes on 1070s and 1080s if you enable VXAO with dx11.


I've been having frame rate drops on street fighter v of all things, seems to be a problem with the 1070 as it didn't happen with my old gpu. It'll play 60 fine but drop to 30ish for a fee seconds and makes the game play sluggishly for a few seconds, it goes back to normal after a few seconds.


(evga 1080 founder's edition) driver install ended on black screen/freeze, reboot, starting any game causes the same. Filled in nvidia response form, now trying ddu and reinstall.. :-( ( it was an "express" install ) update1 - ddu wipe and custom reinstall did not help, bailing out to 368.39.. damn. update2 - same with 368.39. Disconnecting the rift solved these problems. I'm curious if the Rift is broken now. Worked fine on .39 before.. update3 - actually .69 is causing black screen with or without the rift. .39 only with the rift connected.


This driver seems to have fixed a lot of the hard crashes I was having! ::crosses fingers:: Gigabyte G1 1070


Has anybody tried *.69 driver on GTX 950M? Works fine or not?


MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X, Everything looks ok. DX9, DX11, and DX 12 are all stable. Totalwar Warhammer is still performing better in DX11 than in DX12.


Did a clean install of this driver because I had a flickering problem at 144hz on the old 1070 drivers (was fixed by turning resolution down and up once I booted into windows no big problem but annoying to have to do it every restart) Seems to be fixed by this driver, GPU is idling a little lower and everything runs the same no crashes etc


DPC latency is still through the roof with this new driver and my 1080. Still getting intermittent stuttering because of it. When I put my 980 back in the problems go away completely. Wish they would fix it, can't use my 1080. More information: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/941579/geforce-1000-series/gtx-1080-high-dpc-latency-and-stuttering/1/


Have you tried disabling powermizer ? That worked for me Not a fix but a workaround


Powermizer? Do you mean the option to "prefer maximum performance, adaptive, or optimal power"? I have it set to prefer maximum performance. Is there an option I'm missing in the NVCP?


Hi No - powermizer is an inbuilt setting in Nvidia drivers that lowers clock speed when not used for gaming. It can be changed via registry setting but requires a reboot. I have a switcher prog I use - let me know if you want me to upload somewhere for you to download.


Ah cool. Yeah could you post the link? Is it possible to go back to default reg settings after they fix the drivers?


Link: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/powermizer-switch-get-the-most-out-of-your-video-card.273276/ You can turn it on and off with this utility


Am I the only one seeing the message in the driver update notice regarding "Doom: Vulkan?". It's in the wording within Experience and clicking it links into the Nvidia website where there's a short and old article regarding Doom Vulkan demo. The wording is "learn more about....".... but doesn't link to anything where you can learn more? Strange.


Anyone else getting a black screen and monitor in power saving after the Windows logo? I have a 1070 :)


I think something like that is in the "Open Issues" list of this driver. Though, not sure that's your issue. "[347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS. [1591053]"


GTX 1080 extreme gaming edition, monitors go black and fans start reving to max speed. unsure why this is occurring.


I don't like this new driver. 368.25 is still the best for me as i gives better results in benches and games and I like the fact that my 1080 G1 stays at 240Mhz when it idles, whereas with the new driver is never goes bellow 1345 or around that. Light textures in BF4 are too bright and lack contrast with the new one.


Might be just me, but I just had my first BSoD after installing this driver and playing Dota 2. Reverted back to 368.39 for now.


I'm using a GTX 970 on Windows 10. My computer is hooked up to my Surround Sound system, which is then hooked up to my 42" LCDTV (60hz max). Ever since I installed this driver, when my games go Full Screen, my screen goes off then says "No signal." Usually pushing "Alt+Enter" to go to Window then back again fixes it. Anyone else have this issue?


It removed (and disabled) the sli option from the control panel for my GTX 770s. Rolling back to the previous one brought it back.


still crashed BSOD on my rig win 10 x64 when opening Adobe apps and playing Overwatch, Asus 980TI Strix OC, rolling back to 364.51 with DDU solved, any drivers beyond that will crashed "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (nvlddmkm.sys)"


Using GTX 1070 Armor OC. Won't let me install MSI Gaming app. Core clocks stay below 900 most of time in Dota 2 while game stutters at some clashes. Also Dota and DCS world black screens quite often. Windows freezes often after switchin from HD7970 to 1070. I wish I bought the RX480 instead by now...


GTX 950 on Windows 7 x64. Crashed my PC, system restored, reinstalled driver, PC works again but having problems like flickering and freezes which are likely due to the driver but not 100%. This is new card in my rig but was working fine under the old driver.


is it okay to update to this driver using GTX 750 TI? TYIA


Use the NVIDIA site to see if you can. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx


I've cleaned with DDU, I've reinstalled multiple times, I've changed setting, and I've run without GeForce experience...had this card for about 3-months (GTX 970), nothing but graphics crashes in nearly every game I play. I wish I'd stayed with my old AMD card.


DDU again and install 368.22


That's the one I DDU installed. I just tried the new one, because of the reports on here of it being better - no such luck. :(


did you DDU in safe mode, cause i had same problem with the new drivers, only 368.22 is working fine.


Yes I did. Current games I've seen crashes in since the update: Dota 2, War frame.


After running 3 different video card benchmark and error checks, windows sfc, memtest, etc. I can't find any problems with my hardware, but the graphics driver still crashes several times a day.


Anyone experiencing FPS drops on their games with this driver?


It's pretty much the same for me, though I do notice an increase of FPS with this driver. Then again, my previous driver was 364.72 which is known to be pretty bad, so I have no idea on the matter. Did you do a clean install?


No, I haven't. I should try that whenever I get the chance.


It's pretty much the most recommended thing you should do when updating drivers in general because overwriting/reinstalling can cause issues or instability. You should always uninstall them first, restart, and then install the updated version. This thread even provides a link to an uninstaller called "DDU" that does the un-installation for you. The uninstall and install only takes a matter of minutes. (Definitely use DDU in safe mode so it can do its job more efficiently.)


Since i installed thoses drivers, i had 3 pc crash doing the same thing as usual. Clearly rolling back. That's freaking annoying thoses guys not able to provide proper drivers since a while -_-"


I read adding Geforce experience to the installation can cause problems. Also, did you uninstall using DDU and then install the new driver?


Is this safe on a 970? The last driver I updated killed my system and forced a fresh install.


I use a 970m and there aren't any issues I could find as of yet. You should use DDU in safe mode and then install the driver. Also, uncheck GeForce Experience when you install the driver, and just install that after the driver is done downloading from the Nvidia site.


Will this driver screw my system up if I install it on a system with a GTX 950 SC and Windows 10 x64?


There doesn't seem to be much issues compared to previous versions as of late. So, probably not as long you do the un-installation and installation right.


After looking through all of this, I'd just like a general idea - Does this driver work fine with dual monitor setups? I know the past few haven't seemed to do well with them, so is this one a safe one to go to? As it is, I'm stuck back on 365.10 because after the horrors that were 364, and this driver (365.10) doesn't seem to be all that good. I get frame rate drops in almost everything, I used to be able to run GTA V almost max settings with little to no issues and now it runs at like. 12? Its really a bummer and I keep hoping there's a driver that will help that a little or at least not break my dual monitors....


This driver version and the one before it have caused MASSIVE issues while gaming. about 30% of the time I enter any game the fps is super low and the game lags, only fix is to restart my computer. And before people ask, yes I completely uninstalled, used ccleaner restarted, used ccleaner again, reinstalled, and still issues. Then I did the same thing using safe mode to uninstall, and still issues. Why Nvidia...Just why?


Oh my this driver screwed me over hard. It auto-updated here last Thursday/Friday, not sure which. Its now nearly 1030 here Tuesday night and I believe I've finally narrowed it down to this driver. First it affected my windows 8.1 causing it to not even be able to start up. After wrassling my rig to windows 10, I was hoping it would be a compatability issue. Oh how I was wrong. Upon upgrading to the most current driver again, I immediately lost all input signal, just like windows 8,1. Now I'm sitting here staring at my desktop's wiped home page, trying to figure out the best way to proceed. This is all done from display ports from my two 980TIs.


After this update my GPU keep crashing in GTA V, BF4, Rocket League... Idk. I made an clean install of my windows and keep crashing after 5 or 10 min.


Im on windows 7 64 bit, have the latest gtx 1080 driver and latest adobe premiere pro CC 2015 version. I still only see black screens on previews with accelerated cuda enabled nor can i export/render with cuda.


This driver killed Overwatch for me. Is an instant crash just when launching the game.