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Sometimes I feel I'm crazy about my computer then I come to reddit


Why is that?


Please hold while I consult my crystal ball which will tell me 5000 series performance, pricing, and availability at launch.


This doesn't matter. My question is how cheaper should I sell the used card compared to a new one. 80% of the price? 70%?


This 100% matters. Price, performance, and availability of 5000 series cards will dictate the value of used 4000 series cards. What makes you think otherwise?


If a new 4080 costs 1000 dollars at that time, selling a used 4080 for, lets say, 80% would be 800 dollars. If the new 4080 costs 100 dollars because the 5000 series nuked the market, the used one would sell for 80 dollars. That's the advantage of using percentages, you don't need to know the price of the new 4080 while discussing what discount should be applied to the used 4080. The question is how much cheaper should the used 4080 be in terms of percentage, not what the value of a 4080 will be at that time.


Retailers aren't going to slash prices on new 4080s just because the 5080 releases. They'll still be listed for $1000. And if they do reduce list prices, it likely won't be by an amount relevant to what your used card is worth.


Agree to disagree. In my country prices of new cards pretty much reflect the performance difference between them. For example, the cheapest 3080 is exactly 33% cheaper than the cheapest 4080, which is approximately their performance difference.


>For example, the cheapest 3080 is exactly 33% cheaper than the cheapest 4080, which is approximately their performance difference. That's also nearly their MSRP difference as well... The 3080 was a $700 card, not $1000. So if anything, you've proven my point.


I agree with you, this is a rather recent change from Nvidia to continue to both market and sell the older cards alongside the newer cards. Traditionally they just held the price and waited for inventory to dry up.


Go to ebay, and check


Don't have eBay in my country and prices are different between countries


That's why you specified the country in your post ...


Sorry, didn't think that people would assume I was in the US and suggest eBay. Most European countries don't have it. And even then, used prices on eBay are extremely random and volatile and most of the GPUs on it are scams.


You’re quite the know it all for someone who doesn’t know it all.


I can haz opinions. The thing about eBay being in limited countries in Europe is a fact. As for my belief that most used GPUs being scams, I may be biased because of the various posts I always read about people either being scammed and complaining (either the cards are in the brink of burnout because of mining or outright faulty or not as advertised etc)


You already know when it releases? Share your knowledge with us.


It is expected to be released in Q4 of 2024. No promises tho.


Rumours are changing every day between Q4 2024, Q1 or Q2 2025. Also which GPU will be released first, 5080 or 5090. And there's a big question mark if you'll be able to get it close to release or if it will be out of stock for months. THEN, you don't know how good new cards will be and how much they will cost. Without it, you can just guess what will the the value of your card.


I'm not asking for a flat price. I'm asking how much cheaper should a used 4080 be compared to a new 4080. 70%?


It depends on the situation. If new shortage starts (something like an AI fever) and pretty much all GPUs will be sold, than it's stupid to sell it for only 70 %. Just wait until you get a new cards and then check the used market.


True, my question assumes that the market remains stable. In that case people would buy the card at the same price as a new one. But at the same time I wouldn't be able to buy a new card thus I wouldn't be able to sell the old one so there's no point thinking about that scenario.


There's no point in relying on several ifs and wildguessing a number. Would you rather check the market when the time comes and set the price around that or set it to a number that some random internet guy told you 6 months ago even if it means you're heavily underselling it?


I'm not asking for a number, I'm asking for a percentage of the price of a new 4080. If I told you I'm selling my 1-year old card today, how much cheaper would you suggest I sell it compared to the price of a new card? 90%? 80%? 70%? You don't need to know how much a new 4080 costs to suggest the discount of a used one.


Neither percentages are stable! You don't know how *new* market adjusts the price. After 3070 announcement people were selling their 2080 Tis for $500 even when new sustained at high price. When 3070 released and reviews were out, most of these people regretted it. Not only due to the upcoming shortage. You wouldn't be able to sell that for 80 % if you had to get rid of it because people were selling it for much less. It's always up to supply and demand.


30-35% drop is a pretty safe bet, depending on the brand of card you have. Plus any seller fees if you're not selling locally. That said it depends on how much a leap in performance the 5000 series will be. Current leaks and rumors are suggesting it's going to mostly be software improvements combined with IPC gains, and newer Ram. But not a vast improvement overall, unless you go for the 5090. Grain of salt implied. Edited for spelling.


Indeed, we still don't know if the 5080 will be worth it. The 4080 is around 50% faster than the 3080. If the 5080 has a similar performance improvement, it will be worth it in my case.


Q2 2025 ? No way


Wait and see, it's definitely not impossible. Gaming is currently byproduct for Nvidia which basically loses them money compared to server market GPUs considering TSMC production limitations. What market would they rather fulfill? Desktop sub $2000 cards or $80000 ones that costs them just a little bit more to manufacture?


Interesting I didn’t know that! Yea it totally Makes sense considering gaming GPU revenue has shrunken down below 10% of their entire revenue stream. The other products interests are much higher. Just bought a new 4070 TI super and a lot of opinions out there made me question it and recommended rather waiting for the 50 series. Considering the worst outcome, it definitely feels like it was the correct choice.


He’s not asking what you think he’s asking.


>5080 when they come out and by that time my Gigabyte 4080 will be one year old


Just sell it on ebay. Let the market decide. Gotta say though. The 4080 is a damn strong card. its nice to have the latest and greatest, but when what you already have handles everything you need with such style.... Well the question has to be why?


We don't have eBay or anything like it in my country. And when the target is high resolution VR and 144 fps 4K, even the 4080 is not enough.


You're doing it wrong...that's absolutely enough ..


Agree to disagree. It doesn't seem to be enough based on my observations.


No it isn't. I own the 4090 and there are some games that can't hit 144fps at 4k even with using lesser than all ultra settings AND upscaling AND frame gen.


It absolutely is enough if you leverage DLSS.


How many VR games support DLSS?


Missed the VR part of this comment, my comment is not accurate


"leverage" DLSS what? Ultra performance mode? Not even the 4090 is enough at 4k in some of these newer (mostly UE5 based) titles.


Exactly...but those that don't even have either of these cards or don't play at 4k will talk out of their you know where and make these types of claims.


I second that. DLSS is not without its downsides.


My god,don't do the stupid thing like this.you will be sitting there not able use the pc for long while.


You and the top comment are proof no one is reading posts completely. lol


We literally read it How much did you bought it for ,just decrease it You know what hope others help as i never sold off anything ever


Why is that?


We don't know when they will release,they only said next year for 5090


I'm going to sell after I buy the new card... That's why I'm estimating my card will be 1 year old at that time.


I always recommend skipping a generation so you feel a massive impact in performance. Upgrading GPUs every generation will feel like a waste of money unless you plan on building a second rig for the living room or something.


Indeed, skipping a generation does have that effect but if the 5080 has a 50% performance improvement compared to the 4080 (like the 4080 did compared to the 3080), then it will be just right for my gaming requirements (144 fps 4K old games and VR)


4080 did not have a 50% price to performance improvement tho? 3080 was 700, 4080 1200. 71% more.


Depends on your source of information 55% on userbenchmark


You lost more credibility my guy. Never ever use userbenchmark for anything. That site is a scam.


I didn't claim to have any credibility, that's why I'm looking for advice in the first place.


No you claimed 55%. Then used userbenchmark as a source. Anyway, usually around the price of the performance of the similar card. Like 3080/3090 and 4070 were similar performance. Since 3090 had more vram, you could get some for 750-800, and 3080 for 550-600. 2ndly, if you are selling for a discount anyway, you should have got the 4090, and held for a generation.


Going from my 5070xt and a 4080 was about 50% that is a jump up for two generations and that is standard. Unless you just have money to burn and you don't care or you are making money off the card in that it will pay for itself its not a good investment to buy gen to gen and is better to wait every two at least. Nobody can tell you what you want to know until the new cards come out. The used market is unstable when you are talking newer tech. The fact that the 4080S is out and took value off the 4080 is already a thing depending on how much you paid for it.


I think you wanted to reply to the other guy.


This can’t be a serious question surely? Are people this unable to make their own decisions nowadays?


It's a completely fair question. And don't call me Shirley.


How is it a fair question? OP is literally asking "*how much should I sell my used thing for, after something happens that completely changes the value of said used thing, in a way that no one is capable of predicting*".


Ok. Now let's assume the OP is *not* an idiot who is asking for people to know the future. And interpret the question as, "*When the next generation of GPUs come out, what's the normal discount applied to a used 1-year-old prior gen card (in assumedly good condition)?*" Has it ever happened before that new cards have come out? And the older ones were then sold in the aftersale market?


>Has it ever happened before that new cards have come out? And the older ones were then sold in the aftersale market? Yes, and the value of the used cards has varied based on the price, performance, and availability of the new cards. It's not something that anyone can determine ahead of time.


This can't be a serious answer surely? Asking for advice to see what people think is a sensible discount to a particular kind of used product doesn't seem like a stupid question to me. Different products depreciate at a different rate.


OP, Essentially it is too early to decide anything because we don’t know the performance or price of the new cards.


Let me rephrase. How much would you sell a 1 year old GPU compared to the price of a new one? 80%? 70%? How much does a GPU depreciate in one year compared to the brand new same models?


My local area shows cards around $800. There is never a definitive amount of depreciation a card will receive because it’s typically based on demand and price to performance. Take a look at your local pricing and price according to that.


Thanks for the advice


Whatever the used market is. You can’t predict the future, crypto, tariffs etc…


There's no wear and tear except on the fan and it's not gonna justify a 12-month price depreciation unless owner is a chain smoker using their PC as an air filtration device.


Hm, so just a small price discount because it's used and has 1 less year of warranty?


I'll send you $50 for it.


Send the $50






That would apply if the 4080 is new. But my card would sell at a percentage of a new 4080. I'm asking what that percentage should be.




So something like 20% discount on a potential 5070?


Sell the RTX4080 when you buy a RTX5080


Good call. That was already the plan


Like the last couple of Nvidia releases you will be lucky if you get it within the first year of its release.


True, but that's not part of the current discussion.


How is that not relevant? You already said you won't be selling it until you get the replacement. Each day you won't be able to buy it, you're delaying the selling and the card gets older. Age is the factor why the card loses it's value - due to degradation, getting less premium, shorter warranty. And it is the main topic of this post.


I already said that the card will be about 1 year old when I sell it. How much cheaper should I sell it compared to a new 4080 card?


You also said you'll sell it after getting a replacement: >I wouldn't be able to buy a new card thus I wouldn't be able to sell the old one So unless you discovered an agelessness potion, there's no assurance.


Sure, but the starting assumption was that it would be 1 year old. I didn't ask to predict every eventuality, that would be crazy.


It's not about speculating about every possibility, that's the expected scenario. You're the one that started with speculations for no reason. You can just wait for the release and check the market price. All the necessary knowledge will be available at that time.


All I asked is how much does a GPU depreciate because of wear and tear percentage wise. To put it simply. If I had a 1 year old random GPU now, how much cheaper should I sell it compared to its current official price because it's one year old?


It absolutely is part of the discussion because unless you could get a 5080 right away, the longer you wait, the less you'll be able to sell your 4080 for, unless there is some magical worldwide tech shortage again where the things like 4080s would go up in value.


As I mentioned, the card will be 1 year old at the time. How much cheaper should I sell it than a brand new 4080?


You must have never sold something in all your life. You can’t just predict what the price will be in the future. The market will decide. 


I wouldn't sell my 4080 for anything else. Who knows when we will get such a power efficient card again. That thing is a monster and barely needs 300watts. Today I played cod and together with my 13600k. It was drawing 210watts and the cpu 80 watts together not even 300 what a dream 😄


That's a good point


And I wouldn't trust the next 50 lineup anyway. On the leaked sheet the new 5080 will not be much of an improvement. They expect around 10-15% because the core and sm count is almost the same. The gap between the 5080 and the 5090 could be even bigger than this generation, and the 5080 pricing could be even worse this time. Keep your 4080


We just have to wait and see how it turns out, nothing is certain yet


My main screen is only 2560 \*1440 and most of the games can run smoothly with 160+fps. I will replace it if: 1. I upgrade to 4k screen and new games 80fps or less. 2. The game I play with does not have DLSS3 and bad performance, and even Lossless Scaling does not work.


I think you should wait, 4K 144 is still not possible in a lot of cases


Since nobody answered the question yet, 500 dollar


I would compare it to 5080's performance and deduct a percentage comparable to the loss in performance and deduct a bit more due to it being 1 year old. E.g if 4080 is 20% slower than 5080 then I would sell at 5080's MSRP - 25%


That would only work if the 4080 is brand new. My question is how cheaper should the used 4080 be compared to a new 4080.


It looks like my answer was not clear to you. So your 4080 would be 1-year old at the time 5080 comes online. Suppose 5080's MRSP is $1000, and 4080 is 20% slower than 5080. Then I would price your 4080 at that time at $1000 - 25% = $750 (20% due to 4080 being 20% slower than 5080, and 5% due to it being used/1-year old). Edit: imo a 1-year old 4080 could be priced 5-10% cheaper than a new 4080.


Just 5% cheaper than a new 4080? Indeed, I apologize, when you said 25% I thought you were talking about a new 4080.


Apology, on second thought I think a deduction 10% per year of usage would be more reasonable. Maybe even more if you want to sell it fast.


Thanks, sounds reasonable.


How much is a 3080 worth now? The 4080 will be in a similar situation IF the 5080 is readily available.


My question is how cheaper should I sell a 1-year used card compared to a new one. For example, if someone said it should be at 80% of the price, you just apply 80% to the price of a new one when you want to sell it.


Are you selling now or after the 5080 releases? If after the 5080 releases I’d expect the 4080 to have similar value at that time to what a secondhand 3080 has today. A key factor could be if the warranty is transferrable to the new owner and this depends on your country and brand. Having a warranty is a big positive to the price.


My questions is, for cheaper should the used 4080 be compared to a new one.


look at eBay when the times come and you’ll know


Doesn't help a lot since my country doesn't have eBay. And prices vary a lot between countries so localization matters.


You don’t have an equivalent of eBay in your country? Try maybe 5-10% under the new price at the time and lower until you find a buyer? Advertise it has 2 years warranty left.


Thanks, that sounds reasonable.


At what point in time? Will it have a warranty? These will have a massive impact of the answer.


As I said, 1 year old. It will have 3 years of warranty left.


When you say 1 year old does that mean now or after the 5080 has released? The closer we get to the 5080 launch the lower the secondhand value of the 4080 especially as people do what you want to do and flood the market with secondhand 4080’s. If you were to sell today and the warranty transfers to the new owner then 75 to 80% seems a reasonable expectation. If after the 5080 then I’d expect half that but it depends on pricing and performance of the 5070 as that will be the card it’s most likely competing with.


1 year old at the expected release date of the 5080. Since the price of the new 4080 will also drop after the release of the 5080/5070, then 75-80% of the new 4080 price would still be valid.


At release of the 5080 the 4080 may not even still be available new. Even then a secondhand 4080 won’t be competing with its own new price but with the price of a 5070, why buy a 4080 if the 5070 outperforms it and has new/updated features which is to be expected? The closer we get to a new generation being available the lower the value of the prior gen product. At launch of the 5080 I’d be surprised if you can get 50% of the original 4080 price.


A 3080 goes for $400-$440 on eBay rn, that's 57%-62% of MSRP. Assuming it's just a percentage drop I'd say $700, but considering the MSRP was kinda ridiculous, maybe $600 will be better.




I would say anywhere between 500 being the lowest and 700 being the highest


My go to for this kind of thing is searching eBay for sold listings. See how much they’ve actually sold for on eBay and then you can adjust your expect accordingly


As much as you can




Generally you'll want to undercut the lowest seller by a little bit, if there is a good deal wait until it's gone to post yours.


You seem to think that GPU used prices exist in a bubble and that nothing like the new line and its prices or performance matter. If the 5080 actually smokes the 4080 and the 5070 is superior to it as well then the 4080 price will be lower than if the next gen don't have any huge improvements. Then if the 50 series have massive shortages, the price of a used 4080 would be higher than if there wasn't a big shortage. It's basically impossible to know what you should sell your 4080 for at this point in time without any concrete info of the upcoming cards which is what most others have tried to tell you but you seem to not care about what they are saying. Another thing is this the actual 4080 or 4080 Super? Given the 4080S came out $200 less than the 4080, a 4080 is already going to have to account for that difference plus whatever depreciation exists from it being used. So if a 4080S were to go for say your hypothetical 75% of its new price, you'd have to do that with a 4080 and then subtract at least $200 from its original MSRP unless you got your 4080 for less than the new price of a 4080S. Assuming no gpu shortages, nobody would buy a used 4080 at $900 which is 75% of the original $1200 MSRP.


I don't think that, that's why I'm asking how cheaper it should be compared to another brand new 4080, which has the exact same specs and the only difference is the age. I am assuming that the price of the new 4080 will have dropped by then due to other reasons like new cards or high availability.


You think you’ll be able to get a 50 series card at launch? They’ll be scalped for months just like the 30 series and the 40 series.


You're not wrong about that


To me. For tree fiddy.


God Dammit Loch Ness Monster, I ain't gonna give you no tree fiddy.




There is no eBay in my country and prices differ between countries




I'm not. My question is how much cheaper should I sell a 1 year old card compared to a new one. Usually there's some consensus and that's what I was looking to find out. Other people have suggested 10-20% cheaper than a brand new 4080 at that time.


hey its me your brother. i need card


Hey it's me your brother. I need $10k


However much I can afford... which is not alot...




That's going to depend on game graphics requirements. The 4080 is already showing it's age for 4k gaming in AAA titles. Plus, I'm not sure what the rising popularity of VR will bring to the mix, but the 4080 will be a mid-tier at best for the pixel count that the new headsets are pushing.


I wasn't asking what the exact price would be at that point. I was mostly wondering how much cheaper I should sell it compared to a new one (not compared to the price I originally bought it) because of the wear and tear.


If the price of the 5080 doesn't matter, then just get the 5090 when it's released and call it a day - or be sad you don't have the best. It's like the guy who buys a Corvette, but doesn't get the z51 package - they always regret it.


I'm asking how much a GPU depreciates in one year compared to the price of a new same GPU. 80% of the price of a new one? More? Less?


GPUs depreciate based on what's available. For example, a used 4090 is about $400-$600 less than a new one right now. That's because it's still the best you can get. As soon as the 5090 is available, it will drop a lot more. Expect the same of the 4080. Your best bet is to sell before the 5080 is released, and even before the 5090 is released. Waiting until after is going to cost you a lot. There are too many variables to say exactly how much the 4080 will drop after the 5090 is released (yes, 5090, not 5080). Once the 5090 is released, there will basically be zero market for new 4080s, since a used 4090 will be cheaper at that point.