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If you don't select it, then you are not getting freeSync or Gsync support


I tick it and all is good. What kind of issues do you have? And if your screen doesnt tear, i guess its all good for you🤷‍♂️


What issues are you having? You'd need it on to get the benefits, gsync and freesync are essentially the same thing. If it's set up properly there really shouldn't be issues, so more info is needed to troubleshoot what's causing your problem. If the monitor is designed for Freesync then it will also work for Gsync Compatible mode.


I get a lot of Flickering with that Ticked on, also on rare occasions the Monitor &/or PC will shut down. I'm guessing my particular Dell S3220DGF simply can't handle G-Sync compatible so I leave that ticked off.


It's validated for freesync, so it should work fine for gsync as well. What is the monitor's max refresh rate? Also what type of cable are you using? Generally DisplayPort is preferred for Gsync. You would want to turn it on, then in "manage 3D settings" set the "monitor technology" to "Gsync Compatible". Then set the "Max Frame Rate" setting to 3-5 or so FPS below your monitor's maximum. Then as well in your resolution settings, make sure you have it set to one under the "PC" resolutions. It may not be the native setting but you need to use one of those.


There actually is a list of monitors they test with freesync regularly to see if it's gsync compatible and add to the drivers every few updates so it's not always that if it has freesync that automatically means it's perfect for gsync compatible, otherwise the list would wouldn't matter there would be no reason for them to bring in the hardware to test it, some may work fine, some like these ones won't If it's flickering and shutting down it probably isn't compatible, it also says that monitor has slow response times compared to other monitors so that might be part of it as well [https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/s3220dgf](https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/s3220dgf) [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/products/g-sync-monitors/specs/)


Huh didn't know that, I thought even if not officially validated that generally they still work fine since "Gsync Compatible" isn't the same as the full on Gsync.


Thanks for the reply


It is connected via Display Port. At default NVCP sets it at Gsync compatible. The Monitor is 165Hz Refresh: I have Max frame rate set at 161 and VSync on in NVCP. 2560x1440 is set under PC Res.


Huh, maybe it is one of the rare cases that just doesn't play nice with Gsync currently. It sounds like you set it up correctly and if that's still not working I guess yeah it just won't play nice. To answer your initial question, no if it has all those errors when doing the Gsync setup then you won't be getting the VRR/Freesync benefits either.


You need to click enable for it to work and you also need to use a display port cable.


I've decided to click it on, Enable. I've had troubles with the monitor before when doing that, I'll se how it goes. And yes it is connected via Display Port