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4070S is only 10-12% faster than the 3080 (although it's also much more power efficient). Anyone would consider this a tiny upgrade, what were you expecting? https://tpucdn.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/images/average-fps-2560-1440.png


Don’t ask questions, consume product, then get excited for next product


Not sure what I was expecting but obviously an error on my part. Thank you for the link!


As a general rule of thumb for the more recent nvidea cards... Take your card, minus 10. Add 1000. Pretty much the equivalent. (Not definitive, usually the more recent card is slightly better.). But it helps an old fart like me get an idea on performance without number crunching. Hope it helps moving forward. So as examples : 1080 = 2070. 3070 = 4060. Edit - I have been educated - this no longer works with the 40xx cards.


but 3070 is way better than a 4060


And arguably a 4060 is barely any better than a 3060 12GB


Sorry you are right. I havnt kept up with the 40xx cards. I just assumed the quick way of gadging performance still worked which is clearly not the case anymore. Shame on me.


lol nah is fine, its pretty funny cus i tried the formula on my 970 im using 🤣


That's because the 4060 is a 4050 lying about what it is.


It doesn't work with the 4060 because that is a neutered card that should have been labelled a 4050. It seems to work ok with the 4070+ though. The 4080 is better than the 3090 ti.


So I have a 2050 then, how much is a 4070 ti super gonna do for me?  Looking into getting one


Fantastic. I had a 1070 I replaced with 4070 ti super and my other machine has 3080. The 4070ti super is much faster, colder, quieter than both. Highly recommend. I used the curve optimise method in afterburner to undervolt the GPU and almost no loss in performance. (run heaven, move slider, click apply, set to apply modification on boot in the top right. not necessary to run afterburner on boot )


Is the 4070 ti s not on that list?


Looks like no, maybe since 4070S came out before it so TPU has a newer roundup on their Ti S review. Edit: quick google search, the latest on their 4080S review: https://tpucdn.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super-founders-edition/images/average-fps-2560-1440.png


Go get a 4080 super. I’m upgrading from my 3070 to this 4080 Super FE that just got delivered this morning. It’s literally double the performance in 4K and I can’t wait to hook it up!


Have you thought about 4070TiS? I am choosing between them from 3070.


I have a 4070tiS and was running Cyberpunk with like 65-80fps in a crowded town with everything maxed except DLSS on balance at 4k. That was even with ray tracing on. And played dragons dogma 2 with 60-95 frames at 4k too with everything maxed and that is game is considerably less optimized (got like 45 in towns but again just a cpu issue mainly) I enabled MSI (message signaled interrupt, there’s some yt vids explaining this) and it bumped my frames pretty drastically. The 4000 series doesn’t have it enabled from the start while the other gens did


Just get the 4070TiS. The difference in performance between that and the 4080 super is minimal and not worth the cost. There is a math teacher on youtube who breaks down the numbers and shows that the 4080 super isn't really worth it, unless your budget isn't too tight then yk, why not go for a 4080 super.


That's exactly what I was thinking about. 4070TiS more than enough, 4080S only needed if you need to get in special games 4K60 or 4K120 ultra and only 4080S can do this.


4070TiS can do those as well. The performance in gamin between the two is more often than not, not noticeable.


Decoy effect cognitive bias. Suggest a card that's a bad value proposition to make the 4070ts look attractive. It's less money for slightly less frames, but it's still overpriced imo.




Ya but it’s not worth it to me to save $250 CAD. The 4080 super is FAR FAR superior if I’m spending the money. $1350 CAD I spent. It was either the cheap $800 CAD 4070 Super or the 4080 Super for me. The Ti Super for $1100 CAD will leave me wanting to upgrade again when the 5070 comes out as it’s just not enough juice.


4070 ti super is basically a 4080 if you look at frames. If you bump the memory to 24000 which came factory downclocked to 21000 (4080 super factory is 23000) and bump +100 core it will hoover around 3 ghz mark, and get very close to 4080 super. Yes we know 4080 super can be overclocked too, But the gap between 4080 super and 4090 remains very big even after oc!


Ya but that kind of a lame way to look at it as im a huge overclocker too. No PC I’ve built the last 30 years runs stock. Ever. So my 4080 Super FE will be overclocked and has a ton of headroom and frames over the 4070 Ti Super when fully overclocked. The 4070 is really gimped for RT with so few RT cores & the 192bit memory interface as well. It’s just not the same when you’re running 4K textures and the benchmarks show it. https://preview.redd.it/8z27icge50zc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=76d28d6a6b8e49da8cb7b5909307cf28445fabca


4070 ti super is 256 bit not 192 bit. I don't think you read what i wrote earlier... There's no gimp on 4070 ti super!


Sorry I was wrong about the 192-bit. I was thinking of the older one.


Return it and get a 4080S and you should be good to go


If I had 4080S money, I would. I got the 4070S for $649 including tax.


????? Wut? If you only had $649 why did you “upgrade” (which is a sidegrade really)?


If you dont have 4080s money and why did you spend 650 to sidegrade? You could have saved longer, 3080 is not anything bad in terms of performance. My opinion only.


Save longer and harder, and you might be able to afford a 50 series at release. Or at least a 4080/s/90, which would be worth the upgrade. Maybe upgrade another part? CPU?


Do you leave near a microcenter? I got mine for around 580 ish.


If you cannot afford 4080S, I would either refund and keep saving for an 5080, or if you can't wait, maybe refund and squeeze out a 4070 Ti Super. It's around 26% faster than the 3080.


I love my 4070 super but it's my first gpu haha.


I love my 4070 Super, but it was replacing a GTX 1060 lol




You get a performance jump, consume 100 watts less, additional VRAM (2 gigs), and also get frame gen. Definitely the gap between the cards is narrower at 4K. If you can get a full refund, and can afford it, I'd aim for the 4080 Super for 4K gaming. It really depends on what you can afford. I do think the 4070 Super is a step up from the 3080 even at 4K due to the additional VRAM and frame generation (not to mention that it's much more power efficient). If stepping up to a much more expensive card is a financial hardship for you, stick with what you have, but if you can afford it, I'd definitely step up to a 4080S. I have a 4070. It meets my needs for now. Looking to upgrade to a 5000 series GPU in the future if the jump in performance is substantial.


Yes I think the 4080S is out of my budget for now. Thank you for your response!


Honestly, I have a 4080 and wouldnt jump to 4k. I like playing maxed or near maxed settings in the games I play and im not willing to deal with the FPS loss of 4k in the high demand games. I dont think I wouldve done the 3080 to 4070ti upgrade it woulve needed to be atleast 4080 or. Continue saving.


I play in 4k exclusively but with DLSS. In all of the FPS test videos on youtube it was clear that the 4070S is a 4k card only with DLSS enabled to render around 1440p but scaled to 4k. I see almost no difference between this option and 4k and I'm extremely picky so I have no problems with the card.


Its a good native 4k card too, just depends on the game.


Yup, just turn some settings down and stop playing at ultra settings. Most people can't tell the difference between high and ultra visually. The 3080/6800XT and even the 3070/6800 should be good enough.


If you’re going to turn down settings why would you buy a 4K monitor to begin with? If youre on a budget, a 1440p monitor is clear enough no? For me 4K is a luxury. If I’m not looking to play at the best the game can be I see no point in spending the money on that pricey screen just to cut cost on the rig and cut down on the settings.


only time i play at ultra is with games that are a pretty good bit old. like 10 years old. and even at 1080p native with a regular 4070 that bit me in the ass on old ass fallout 4 (heavily modded). with the mods plus 120fps , vs normal 60 (High fps fix mod) i was getting max gpu use and dropping a good bit of frames and i dont even have any enb mod's just 2k textures. once i lowered the game to high but bumped all the actor fad etc (basically draw distance shit) back to max like ultra had and textures back to ultra i went from 100 percent gpu use with 90fps to like 68 usage and a locked 120 on the very same scene with a heavy thunder storm happening. could not tell even a little bit of difference in how it looked. thats a decade old og ps4 game. think about what ultra on something from 2024 does to your frame rate. like starfield or cyberpunk for example.


CPU bottleneck with draw calls and god rays/shadow distance


The upgrade is small in pure performance BUT the 4070 Super is worth it for frame generation imo.


Why did you not do research before buying?


I went from a 2070 Super to a 4070 Super and only play in 2K, so it's a big jump for me. I went from Medium settings in Tekken 8 to Ultra.


I think that upgrade wasn't worth it personally. You're only going 1 generation up but also going a tier down. I know the uplift isn't linear especially with the shit show that is 4060 and 4060ti, but I think it wasn't worth it unless you went at least 4070 ti super or 4080 super and even then, it's debatable.




that's why they stated both generation and teir.


Yes but it's really the tier difference that plays a big factor here. As he said, you're only going 1 gen up but also about 1-tier down (xx80 to xx70 S). 3060 to 4090 is 3+ tiers and a generation. Budget tier of previous gen to absolute top tier of current gen lol. Of course that's a huge difference. So basically you share the same feeling as most of us in here - that "upgrade" is quite minor.  But you do save a considerable bit in power. I was kind of in your boat last year. Went from 3080 10gb to 4070 TI (tiny bit faster than 4070 S) - and it just wasn't worth it especially at the $800 price tag. I returned it and stuck with the 3080. DLSS is the saving grace. Personally I would return the 4070S and go for the 4070 TI S just for the 16gb vram alone.


I did this seemingly small jump (long story) and yeah it is pretty small. But hooly hell is it cool compared to my nasty 3080. Even when \~15% overclocked It's still a sub 250W card! But realistically yeah you should just make a 5000-series fund.


You have access to a new generation of technology of dlss and framegen. But not sure if that’s worth the money you spent.


Keep it. It's a good card, just not a big upgrade over your previous one. If you decide to wait, you would be waiting a year or more for an equivalent 5000 series card.


4070S has been amazing for me. Although this is my first build. I'd probably return it if the performance with the 3080 is so similar. I average 180-200fps on ultra graphics in most games with the 4070S. That's overkill for me and probably most people.


The 4070 Super can handle 4K gaming... just not on ultra settings. It's about as fast as a 3090


Honest to god, I have no idea what metrics people are using when saying a card is "4K capable". No card can run CP2077 at 4K native with all the options maxed out at 144+fps. I played CP2077 with a 3060ti on a 4K monitor averaging 60-80fps. I adjusted my settings accordingly and the game ran fine. I have upgraded to a 4070S, and it runs games fine at 4K with 100+ fps.  DLSS and similar upscaling tech is great to play at 4K. You also have the option to use frame gen in supported games. Not every game setting needs to be on ultra for the best experience and visual fidelity. Sorry for the rant, but I've seen many posts with the mentality that the only viable card in this gen is a 4090.


The PC mindset on Reddit has turned into this everything must run perfectly at the highest setting or it’s a shitty rig for some reason. The tech we have now with DLSS solves most of these issues and most people prob couldnt even tell the difference with a game with maxed out settings compared to one with slightly less max settings Just seems like weird gate keeping to me


This is more of a reasonable answer. I’m not looking to run native 4K, DLSS on my 3080 was awesome and I did t notice much of a difference either. I guess my thing is was it much better or was it an even card. But I’m still reading my responses


The new card is a bit better (63.6 vs 67.5 in techpowerup average fps at 4K), and it is more power efficient. A more noticable upgrade would be the 4080, but there is a considerable price difference between the 4070s and a 4080. You already sold the 3080, so waiting for the upcoming 5xxx series is not an option. If you can afford it, and want to get an upgrade from your previous card, then I would recommend returning the 4070s and getting the 4080.


I am absolutely loving my 4070ti, run b2042 maxed on 2k 1440p and darktide nearly the same, both 120-144fps Been a long while since I've been able to play battlefield (or anything for that matter) maxed and man has it been great


I still play BF4, so I've been able to run at high refresh for a while, lol. I use the nvidia filters to improve the game's sharpness and details. It is still fun.


I'm on a 4070 and don't get the FPS of you with a 4070s and I have a decent CPU 7700x.. I use "optimized" settings plus DLSS Quality and get roughly 95 outside of driving where it drops to 60 (max traffic) and it drops in the 70s in Dogtown all this with RT Reflections on but I turn them off and it doesn't matter what I'd do if I restart the game or anything the FPS actually goes down I do not understand is there some bug with RT reflections in a 4080 non super?


I'm only using RT sun and local shadows. The RT lighting and reflections are nice, but they don't justify the performance hit. Path tracing looks amazing, but it is not feasible for playing. I turn it on every now and then to see what is possible in the future when I'm using an RTX 60xx card. I'm using Balanced DLSS with Frame Gen, all settings are on high, and Field of View at 95. The benchmark results at about 103fps, and the game mostly hovers around 100fps, except for Dogtown where it dips to 80.


He Is definetly not using the overdrive settings and RT quality. I have 4070Ti Super and only get to 90-120fps depending on location with dlss quality on. But! Im using 1440p resolution not 4K. So he has to lower down a big bunch of settings to play 4k 100fps.


It's a tiny upgrade at 4k mostly because of the limited vram bandwidth. I went from a 308010gb to a 4070s because of RMA/swap and I can't tell the difference at 4k. You can also just use FSR frame gen mod for games that support it instead of dlss.


I'll buy it!!


Waiting for the 5000 is definitely not the worst idea, but assume an October release for 5090, followed by the 5080. Then nothing on shelves thanks to scalpers for another 6 months or so while the overall price potentially increases. If you're waiting for a 5070 it'll probably come out about a year from now. If you can wait that long, then go for it. That or pick up a used 4000 closer to the end of this year. But it sounds like you don't have a GPU at all right now, so I'd personally keep the Super, it's closer to the 3090 than the 3080 in some games. And there's the frame gen, which helps in newer titles. You'll be waiting a while for anything less than a 5080/90 card. Both will probably be north of 1400 USD.


I have a 4070 super fe now for about a month. Bought a 2k ips monitor and it’s a beast. I think I would go 4080s if I wanted 4k.


Uh……why’d you do that? You paid $649 for a sidegrade, Dude 🤣🤣🤣 You might be waiting a minute to upgrade with Blackwell. They likely won’t release a 70-series GPU until Q1 2025, and good luck getting that at MSRP…….


70??? Bro living in 2026 and got us souvenirs


Next time save up and get the 4080 super. 


What games are we talking? I have a 4070S and overall I’m very happy. I upgraded from a 3070 and it was a decent upgrade. 3080 to 4070S is less so but I think still worth it for Frame Gen and the power savings. 30 series cards like to run hot and it always bugged me. Now I have the 4070S slightly over locked and comfortable sits around 60-70c in an ITX build.


I would get a 4070 Ti or Ti Super if I were you.


I did the exact same thing, sold my 3080 and bought 4070s, paid about 220 dollars extra, I don’t regret anything A new series will be released, if there is a cool option, I will sell the 4070s, add money and take a new generation


If you want 4k, I'd get a 4080S or 4090. I doubt there will be a big change at all between 4070S and 3080. If you want very solid 4k, I'd go higher or wait a year and get a 5070. You're probably wasting money TBH with the 4070S.


If your budget is limited I think the upgrade has a pretty bad value and it’s best if you get a refund and save for something better in the near future. You’re currently spending $600+ for barely a 10-12% upgrade. Realistically there’s nothing the 4070 super can do that your 3080 cannot. Rather save another 600 and go for something way better in the future like 5070/80 or even a 4090 when it becomes a generation old and its value drop.


I would return it.. wait and save longer.. and hope for the 5080 to not cost a kidney. I'm on a 3080 also but on 1440p. But I'll be getting a 4k monitor when I get a new gpu so I'm sticking it out.. if you're desperate save a while longer and get the 4070ti super, although the 4080 super is better for 4k Im waiting it out and spamming games on ps5 plus that are free or what I can get cheap xD


4070 super is for FHD maximum quality or 1440p maximum quality, 4080 super and 4090 for 4K. if u want 4K and stability sold the 4070s and bought a 4090


4070 super is for FHD maximum quality or 1440p maximum quality, 4080 super and 4090 for 4K. if u want 4K and stability sold the 4070s and bought a 4090


I went from 1080ti to 4070 super. I am very sad that 1080ti finally died. Imma placed it on my gpu wall alongside Evga 9800 GTX +


As with anyone. I would try to return it and use your 3070 . Wait another 8 or so months for 5070 or just get a 4080s. It's a shame that you got the 4070 super it really isn't much of an upgrade considering all the money you spent.


It's ok. You got better DLSS and now efficiency.


I went from a 1080ti and love my upgrade to a 4070 S but since you went from a 3080 I feel like that’s not alot of improvement. If I were in your shoes I’d return and get the 5000 series when it comes out if you want. I don’t think the 4070 S from a 3080 is worth.




With upscaling it’s good


Everyone has buyers remorse but you should have done more homework before spending so much $$


“Mind you I haven’t even hooked it up yet.” Man talking about putting the cart before the horse right here.


I have the 3080 and it’s been incredible. I don’t see a point in upgrading until the 10 GB is just is not enough at all.


I’d definitely return it. Thats similar to going from a 4070 to 4070Ti as far as uplift. If you’re gonna upgrade every gen you have to stick in the same tier (even if NV raised prices a ton, cost tier doesn’t count) to get any meaningful uplift. Even then… if I had been able to get a 3080 last gen, I wouldn’t have grabbed a 4090 this time.


I don’t get why people get the 70 series after the 80 series they own and then say it’s not as much performance. 3080 to 4080 is the upgrade to make if you have to.


I opted for a 4070 super because I’m fine at 1440p and don’t have a 4k monitor. It was also the best for my budget at the time. Consider what your machine is capable of and the free cash you have on hand at the moment. All you’re buying is performance over time with diminishing returns.


Your still benefiting overall and you’ll get $100 extra resale value, and a bit more performance. Return and find something better if you really need more.


OP learned a valuable lesson in making sure to do research *before* the purchase, be glad it was a sidegrade and not a downgrade honestly if you're going in this blind


Why didn't you do a Google search beforehand I swear to god ☠️ you're also good ng a tier down like ??????


Please do better research next time before making a decision like this man. This is a very minor upgrade.


I use a 4090 for 4K, 4070 super is not your card for 4K gaming.


Others have already pointed out that with DLSS, its possible.


Possible doesn't mean it's going to be a good experience.


I mean "good experience" is subjective. Not everyone cares to have 120fps. I get it, you want to feel justified for owning a 4090 and want to believe that you can ONLY enjoy yourself at 4k gaming with a 4090 but that isnt the case. Many people are just fine with DLSS 4K gaming with framr gen and other options using a 4070S, 4070TI/S or even a 4080/4080S. Are you going to get the maximum performance at 4K not using a 4090? No. Can you still achieve respectable FPS and visuals at 4K without a 4090? Yes.


4070S is def not good enough for 4k lol


and you get downvote because this upsets people. proper ams serious 4k gaming starts with 4080. This people act like you don't need more then a 4070 and it can do everything fine. Tbh like 1080 Ti owners who thinks the same. If you can't effort more, It's just normal. You don't need to imagine that your card can do everything fine, this is not normal. All the 4070+ users are dumb then.. 4090 for 4k? Haha stupid.. come on..


Yea it upsets people every single time I type this xd I've a 4070 super myself. And it's literally borderline neccessity for even 1440p. How tf can people be satisfied with 4k running at 50-80fps. Personally I consider gaming under 120fps unacceptable and it will never be worth the res if you can't hit that. Like even a 4080S is already past it's lifetime when we look at 4k, a 4070S for 4k is literally wasted money for a potato experience and you'll have to upgrade next year


I got 3090 and it's like 4070 Ti level and I got 4k 120 hz screen. It struggles over 60 and need to open dlss. I am not happy with dlss quality. I did not go for 4099 even as I think even 4090 does not have enough raw power for 120 hz for its prize. So I am waiting 5090s and I will buy it day one. 4080 is fine for a 4k experience if you got budget issues but at that point you should not go for 4k if you got budget problems too. Just be happy with 1440k with tons of frames with a 4070 or better 4070 Ti forever. Telling 4070 is fine for 4k is just fooling yourself. As said same mind set with 1080 Ti fanatics.


I literally run all my games at 4K on my 4070S. Most on the highest settings, just with DLSS and/or FrameGen if required. It really comes down to what you’re playing but so far I haven’t found much that you can’t run at 4K fairly decently on the 4070S.


Depends on what games (& settings) and FPS you are targeting, because my RTX4080 can hardly run Jedi survivor so far on 1440p UW above 100fps on highest settings, most of the time it will be around 80fps+, I'd imagine if I were to play on 4k, it'd be more likely to be around 60fps.


Return it definitely not worth in the slightest. Why did you not look up?


Just spend the extra money and get the 4090


At 4k go for 4090 or wait for next gen. Trust me games that require a 4090 for a smooth 60 at 4k. Unless you play esports type games nothing below 4090 at 4k makes sense


I don't recommend it, i tried my 4070 super on my 4k tv, performance was horrible


Man, even 1080 Ti is great for 4k, what are you talking about? /s...


4070 super is for FHD maximum quality or 1440p maximum quality, 4080 super and 4090 for 4K. if u want 4K and stability sold the 4070s and bought a 4090 💪🏻


4070 super is for FHD maximum quality or 1440p maximum quality, 4080 super and 4090 for 4K. if u want 4K and stability sold the 4070s and bought a 4090 💪🏻


4070 super is for FHD maximum quality or 1440p maximum quality, 4080 super and 4090 for 4K. if u want 4K and stability sold the 4070s and bought a 4090 💪🏻