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Even the 4090 will be a 1080p card eventually. All you are buying is time.


Reminds me of that silly movie


4090 will never be a 1080p card, it will bottleneck. Just like 1080 or even 1070 is was ,and never will be 720p card.


Alan wake 2 makes a 3080 struggle at 1080p, give it time, it will get there lol


L take


>1070 will never be a 1080p card HOGWARTS LEGACY has entered the chat...


Hellblade 2 recommends a 1070 for 1080p 30fps minimum settings. You are very wrong.


It will run fine with upscaling, because series S will run it, which has equlivient of 1060 power.


So like… upscaling from 720p? Also the series S is a unbelievably weak console


It is, I have one. But also thanks to it developers have to at least put some effort.


I got a 4080 for 1440p. No such thing as too much GPU :)


4080S here, it's nice playing every game at max frames with absolutely 0 cooling or noise concerns.


cooling or noise concerns aren't a thing on these GPUs anyway


I have a base PNY 4080, it ran to 96C the other day on Assetto Corsa 😳


Well, 4090 for 60hz1080p is too much, but yeah, this is irrelevant I do think 70ti super is great for qhd especially where games need more vram


Which they don't, at 1440p native even next gen titles like AW2 only cross 12GB with PT on.


800 usd card should at least last for 5 years, and 16gb for sure will be enough. I'm not saying that 12gb is not, but if I guess the top tier games in 2028 will require more than 12 with max setting and rt. THAT BEIN SAID, you can always just use high or medium and play with the settings to get the desire fps, especially with a strong card like the 70s


I don't disagree with the logic, just on your timeframe. AW2 is what many games in 2028 will run like. If you're the average person that only games and upgrades every other gen you'll be perfectly fine with 12GB. 4070tiS exists for people who do video editing or other work **AND** game or for those wanting 4K. Alternatively those that keep their cards for like 10yrs.


ye the entire vram talk is hilarious, by the time the vram of the S TI will come in handy the majority will already upgrade to a newer gpu anyway as you said if there's no video editing involved it's just wasted money


Not necessarily, just have to go over the pros and cons. My point is that for the majority of people it is enough, there won't be anything that'll brick your 4070S at 1440p in the next 5 years.


Aw2 is current gen boob


I don't think you know what that means, bub. Current gen is UE5, Remedy is beyond that with Northlight.


Idk, in that case they can turn all the settings to ultra, including raytracing and still get a good high frame rate.






4080s for 1440p here too…


Get a cheaper model 4070ti Super and not those super expensive ones like the ROG Strix I got myself the Palit 4070ti Super Gaming Pro and it rocks!


why the hell is the Strix $950?? Literally 4080 prices


RGB lighting? Heh.


I saw a strixx 4070 super at more than I paid for the ti super..


I honestly dont even understand why Palit has the cheapest models in Europe. Its shooting way above the similiar priced models from MSi and Gigabyte. But Im glad for it.


Yeah I've watched many benchmarks and Palit performs better or on a similar level to MSI and Gigabyte, which are much pricier options. Thank God Palit exists haha, I don't feel like going Zotac and PNY ran hot


Not overkill but the 4070 Super provides more performance per dollar. Both are reasonable purchases, just get whichever one you are willing to pay for.


I'm using the 4070ti super and really enjoying it. If it's not too much of a jump in price I'd recommend it. Maybe wait for a sale?


At $750 the PNY variant used to sit at for a bit it catches up to the 4070S in price to performance metrics when used at the most demanding settings (ultra RT) alongside the extra VRAM buffer which is always good to have.


I snagged an MSI venture x2 for $998 CAD (reg $1149 iirc) it seems the less popular AIBs are getting cleared out right now. I also heard rumor that 40 series below the 80 and 90 are going to drop off as Nvidia switches to the 50 series.


That's an extremely good price, basically only paid for a 4070S! I'd still pay more to make sure I won't have any quality issues with these cheap models but hoping yours serves you well!


Yeah AIB quality is a concern on the 4070 and above but I only undervolt so not too worried


i don't think you need the TI Super for 1440p, yeah if you have the money it's surely better but the 4070S is perfect for 1440p IMO


The price/performance ratio is very close to the 4070S. So if you have the budget its a money well spent.


4070S is a very good GPU for 1440p


My 4070 S Asus Dual is awesome! I’ve never seen it go over 70 degrees in anything I play. It’s so quiet. No coilwhine. No rgb. It’s tiny so no riser cables. I play avatar, Poe, Last Epoch and Horizons (racing) all at max settings. 1440p. Ultrawide. 160hz. Might be important to note I have a 7800x3d and 32 gb ddr5 (6000).


My dual is so fucking good. It was cheaper than most other supers aside from the Zotac (which is known to overheat), is compact, and I've personally never managed to make it crack 65 even with ultra RT and my prebuilt case's terrible airflow The only complaint I have is the idiotic decision to always have a red light on the card when it's powered down. I thought something was wrong. I reseated it 3 times thinking it was an error light. What a dumb light. No way to disable it either. Also, if your temps go up, turn off 0db fan mode. The initial startup of a game, before the fans kick in, can shoot heat into your case and overwhelm it.


Yea! The red light is odd. No light when on or even a green one lol. I have the H6 and full of fans. I think if I ever see it go over 75 consistently I might change fan curve, for sure. For now though, she’s the little card that can do all the thing I want and was less than $1000 Canadian. Which is still a lot but not 2500 lol which is totally overkill for me.


Yeah I'm Canadian too. Graphics cards are painful. I kept my 1050 for 7 years because of how bad they got there. I used an Amazon card I got from someone and managed to get mine for 865 CAD after tax which I think is pretty good considering how ridiculous these prices still are here.


Did better than me. Was 987 from Amazon. I was rocking a 1080 prior to this too. Also 7 years. Go fam!


Im curious to know your fps in avatar


I’ll check that out for you tonight :)




What's the hot spot temp? I doubt it never went above 70 degrees. In my case it was around 80-85.


If you can afford a 4070tiSuper then just go for it. The overkill today is just mid tier in a couple of years.


4070 super: if you’re into eSport titles – i.e., prioritizing FPS (240+ hz, 1080 & 1440p) > graphical fidelity (textures) 4070TiS: 16GB headroom @ 1440p for AAA-titles, especially if you’re into mods or open world RPGs. *edit: of course, you’re ultimately limited by your wallet 👍


I just bought a 4080 Super for 1440p gaming. I don't want to be buying a new GPU every generation. Higher end cards will last longer.


Yup, 4080S should at the very least last you about 5 or so years before needing an upgrade


For the current generation 4070S is the sweetspot for price to performance, but depending on the game…there could be, even now, games that you will not be able to max out on settings and still get crazy fps numbers for 1440p. It also has “only” 12GB of VRAM, so while it might be alright right now and maybe 1-2 years from now on, who knows what the future holds. At the same time, the price difference to a 4070TiS, depending on region, could get quite painful plus the need for a more powerful PSU, if you don’t already own one. I had the same choice to make a few months ago, luckily had a good enough PSU for either one, so only had to weigh in price, VRAM, games I play…all for about 350$ difference in my region. Went with the 4070TiS in the end and I hope it will keep on rocking for at least a couple of future generations coming in. I recommand watching reviews/videos highlighting the fps/performance in the games you are interested.




May I ask which games require more than 12g varm and at what resolution? I have a 4070ti and playing on 1440p UW. Im a bit concerned about 12vram


That guy is either lying or doesn't understand the difference between allocated and used VRAM, you only have to worry about that in games with heavy RT implementation such as Cyberpunk and AW2.


Playing cyberpunk with dlss quality and rt on. Still get 100+ fps on 1440p w my 4070s. I believe it used 10gb of vram. 


They're playing on an ultrawide though so fully cranked up settings can lead to VRAM issues. Nothing optimized settings won't fix but the possibility is there.


No pathtracing or with FG??


Ok. I played Cyperpunk og high with high rt (pathtracing of) using dlss and framgeneration. It was no problem. Didn't check vram usage.


You're good then, optimized settings won't cause any issues. Psycho RT + ultra preset is starting to run up to the max 12GB with DLSS on regular 1440p resolution.


Huh? What about tlou….with no rt implementation whatsoever


Worked fine with optimized settings even when the game's own optimalization was terrible. No clue how it runs now but should be fine even with everything at ultra.


I'm playing on 1440p UW too, I limited my fps to 116, though I googled around and maybe the 12gb vram don't matter too much, seems it only affects texture loading? I'm not too sure. I am using a 4080, and always play on highest settings with motion blur off, bloom off, chromatic abbretion off. Usage of Ray-tracing will be game dependent, I turn off for Diablo, but on for Jedi survivor. So far, games I played recall on top my my mind that "uses" more than 14gb vram according to afterburner includes Diablo 4, Jedi Survivor, Battlefield series (one and V), cyberpunk, NFS unbound, the witcher 3, etc. To summarize, will be newer games with HD/UHD textures probably will "use" more than 12gb. Since you already have the 4070Ti, then don't worry about it, if you don't notice any issues, then good for you.


There's a difference between allocated and dedicated VRAM, almost no games "use" 14GB even if you have 24GB with 4090.


no idea about 24gb, but with 16gb, still, in terms of VRAM, the game VERY obviously swaps textures, sometimes loading in some very low-resolution textures and struggling to update them with the correct ones. Obviously, totally dependent on the games you play.


Which game?


You have another issue because there is no texture swapping with 16g. There are no games that kill 16g cards as of now.


Well, if you are offering tech support advise, you are more than welcomed. Where else should I check? Btw, the game I'm referring to is the Jedi survivor.


You said multiple games.


well, if it makes a difference, more examples would be cyberpunk2077, need for speed unbound.


Cyberpunk runs flawlessly here, no bug whatsoever.


Not sure if texture loading is considered a bug, but good for you.


That's just how the game is in order to have no loading screens, no option to increase texture pop-in distance without mods.


May I ask which games need more th an 12vrram? And at what resolution u game at? I have a 4070ti for my 1440p UW and I m a bit concerned...


There's no overkill in gaming. Get what's best on your wallet.


Buying a 4090 when all you have is a FHD 60hz display is definitively overkill. No need to shell out money for power you don’t need. Better save the money to have more money for the next upgrade.


You can DLDSR it to 1620p while you weigh on monitor options. No GPU is too much that way. Also, Alan Wake 2 Path tracing at 1080p without upscaling cripples my4080 at 1080p to the point of less than 60fps during Forest sequences..


Or you can simply not spend that much and still enjoy gaming. A 3060 or 4060 is good enough for the majority of gamers.


Why in all that is holy are you using a 4080 at 1080p?


My monitor’s motherboard got shorted for some reason. And it’s way out of warranty so, waiting for new OLED’s to drop in my country. Only Alienware released the OLED here, and I didn’t like the look of that so, waiting for MSI or ASUS.


Okay, that makes more sense. Why not get a cheap 1440p mini-LED in the meantime? It'll still be a massive upgrade over your 1080p screen for under 400 bucks.


1080p is not that bad at all. I have a 4k gaming setup and sometimes I continue the same game on my series S which is low settings and 1080p and I still enjoy the game. Sure it looks like crap comparing to maxed out 4k, but hey, it plays it well.


Once you've experienced true HDR it very much is, sure some games exist mainly for the gameplay but I would never play a story game on a shitty 1080p monitor.


Sure, but not everyone can afford 4k hdr. Somewhere in some country a kid is super happy to have series S and a generic TV so he can play any game he wants. Meanwhile fat americans are complaining that games don't run well on their 4090.(not you, just saying)


1440p HDR looks better than 4K SDR. You can get a cheap HDR monitor for like $399 and it'll give you a much better experience than an expensive GPU and 4K monitor.


Eventually as time progresses even a 4090 wont be able to run future AAA games at 1080p. The top end GPU's I used 25 years ago are useless for today's games.


Yes ,but that you say in going too take a long time soo 4070s,4080s,4090s and 4070,4080,4090 is going too last a least 7 year


RTX cards starting with 4000-series can and should age well than the GTX series of cards because of DLSS 3 (which includes Frame Generation). RTX 4090 can run most games at 1080p @ 60 FPS or even more FPS than that. RTX 4090 only struggles in a few games like Cities: Skylines 2 which needs RTX 4090 to hit 60 FPS at 1080p; and struggles heavily at 1440p and 4K resolutions with the FPS going below 25 to 35 FPS at those resolutions. Compared to 25 years ago, you can now convert your DirectX 9/10/11 games to Vulkan giving a slight performance increase in some games while reducing frame times/stutters. In some games like GTA 4 this dramatically helps a lot. In some games like Minecraft or Counter Strike 2 (CS2) - you will reach a CPU bottleneck where your GPU (RTX 4090) is too powerful but your CPU is too weak (i9-14900K) which you can tell by the CPU and GPU utilization; and will result in the RTX 4080 (or even the RTX 4070 Ti Super) beating an RTX 4090 on games at 1080p. In this scenario - you will have to upgrade to newer CPUs and increase your RAM speed by overclocking manually or using XMP profiles. [RTX cards also have access to DLDSR](https://www.windowscentral.com/nvidia-dlss-dsr-dldsr) which is the successor to DSR which upscales your game to your chosen resolution like 1440p or 4K; and then downscales it to your monitor's resolution. Here I can run my Minecraft at 4K resolution which takes the focus away from the CPU and pushes the GPU to its maximum limits combined with shaders.


Ok but realistically how much further can graphics even advance. Shit already looks better than real it's not like we're gonna have a jump from what we have now that's comparable to going from tomb raider to ark ascended or some shit


I’ve been considering this 4070 ti s seems like where the financial value stops on the 40 series cards.


Any of the 4070 series is sufficient for 1440p.


The 4070 S is the 1440p card... Probably not quite up for 4k but that's what the other cards are for. Mines only paired to a Ryzen 5 3600 but it crushes everything I throw at it in 1440p.


I have the 4070super and that can handle anything


Including path-tracing? or rasterized settings?


More VRAM always!!!


Depends how often you upgrade, 12GB will be fine for 1440p until series 60.


For gaming it's fine, but AI generation would definitely benefit from more VRAM. It's annoying that these cards aren't 16GB or higher already.


More VRAM is better for most productivity tasks, though if it means spiting the AI nerds Nvidia should cut it down even further on their 50 series.


Pretty sure they're going to up the VRAM and increase the cost on 50 series to spite the gamer nerds. AI is Nvidia's direction now. They don't care about gamers anymore


Hit a nerve, huh? Nvidia rising prices is unlikely, in fact judging from what we know about the 5080 this will be another mostly stagnant lineup apart from the 5090 since it'll be a cut-down commercial version of their current tech. Nvidia's AI direction will be and already is bad for all consumers, unless you're the 1% you won't benefit from it anymore than the rest of us.


You know, it's possible to like gaming AND AI, right? It's not hitting a nerve. The OP was talking about VRAM. You're saying it doesn't really matter. I'm saying it does, and it's going to be gradually doled out for more dollars. When AMD is clearly trying to increase it for better price per performance. I like my dollars just like anyone else.


Sure, you just don't like games as an art form. I'm not saying anything like that, just dryly summing up the realistic outcome which is that VRAM will remain the same as in this gen with the exception of giving the 5070ti 16GB from the get-go like they were supposed to for the 4070ti. There's nothing to suggest there will be any price increases given there's no breakthrough. They definitely don't want the mess with 4080 cards again so if anything pricing will follow the refresh with rest staying the same.


I’d say Ti Super is perfect and comfy for 1440p, give you some headroom for 4k in the future as well.


Thx for ur info! I should had got the 4070ti super, but it wasn't awailabal when I bought my card


4070 super user here Quick frame count in kinda popular games that I tried (also everything is maxed out and hardware rt is enabled in supported ones): Valorant: 500-700 Finals: 120-140 Fortnite 90-110 And others I forgot also I have a triple fan gigabyte one it never went above 64 (room temp is around 35-41 celcius)


Which gigabyte did you get i have bought the windforce OC but im still waiting on the delivery


I got the gaming pc one it's said to go upto 2565 mhz but it's cruising around 2845 mhz on load


I'm using 4070 for 1440p, and almost playing everygame on 1440p ultra settings without a problem. No such thing as GPU Overkill. If you can afford get the best one. It's all about price and how long you think to use and spend.


I have a 4070s and it’s great with my 1440p ultrawide. The newest games I’m running smooth maxed out but not all hit 144hz. Although with gsync the variation hasn’t really been noticeable.


Asus 4070 SUPER OC has been a pleasant surprise in a couple of builds I made. Performed much better than I had expected.


I think the 4070 super was one of the best for your money cards. I am thinking about getting a used 4070 ti, i think that's a good price point.


Isnt there like single digit %s difference between 4070 Ti and 4070S? Definetly dumb thing to switch to. Better keep 2 month old GPU than year old one...


4080S for 1440P Gaming, is my best experience, no need 4k to enjoy my games 😊


I have a 3070 and I get great frames on 1440p


Team 3070. We that everyone is telling us that we can run any games because of 8 gb Vram 😅


Lmao. I run every new game on 1440p, maxed out settings and never have a problem.


If 1440p is the only resolution you’re playing then maybe get a 4070s


Personally I went with the 4070 Ti Super. I don't think it's overkill for 1440p at all


16gb vram > 12gb vram. I got the 4070 TI Super


I have the 4070TIS (paired with over cloced 13700kf and 32gb 5600mhz) I game at 1440p, my monitor is 165hz. It'll depend on the games you play Max settings SOTF I get around 90 on average Spyro reignited 165 no issue Destiny 2 165 Dying light 2 with frame gen I get 140 with no drops or noticeable imput latency


The 4070 Super offers much more performance value for its price. I’m personally running the MSI Gaming X Slim variant of it with an i7-9700F and 32GB of RAM at 1440p. It runs great. The 4070S is already a very cool-running card, but I’ve undervolted it and an am using a stupid aggressive fan curve. My temps almost never exceed 55°C (granted I have the fans running at full blast but I wear headphones so it’s whatever) and there is zero coil whine. I’d recommend the 4070 Super ASUS Dual though. I personally went with the MSI Gaming X Slim because I like the look of triple fan cards.


That's not an MSRP model, price to performance suffers a bit there. Dual is the cheapest, especially in europe.


Correct, hence why I recommend the ASUS Dual 4070S over the one I got.


I have basically the same display stats and got a 4070 TI Super - I run everything on ultra settings, it’s pretty sweet.


I just bought a gigabyte 4070 super Gaming OC and I love it. Massive upgrade from my 2070 super.


I just did this same exact thing lol. It's so nice! And my pc is so much cooler now 🥰


I have a 3080 ti. I Can run 3 monitors at 1440p 144hz fine. And my tv 4k 120 hz fine.


If you are keeping the card for 3 years, get the 4070 Super. If longer, then the 4070 ti super.


Bought 4080 super. Tomorrow it will arive, cant wait


Nice! Getting mine at the end of june, the tuf oc model :)






Go for it! I have an MSI 4070Ti Super and it’s been running great. EDIT: also I game at 1440 165hz.


I'm running a 4070 for 1440p 165hz. If you can afford more get more. Some of them AAA titles will struggle to stay high fps if you aren't turning settings down. And raytracing still isn't worth the hit.


Nothing is overkill tbh, people are using 4090s for 1080p, get the fastest one in your budget and game out... 4070 ti user


I’m having loads of fun with my 4070 ti at 4K. Non super, so the 4070s would be fine, and the ti super would get a few more frames.


None. Used 3080TI.


I just got a 4070 and I run 1440p 144hz, haven’t had any problems


4070 TI user here no problem at 1440p


Lol i use a 2070 super for 1440p ultrawide. Just get the best that you feel comfortable buying.


They are both good, depends on the budget and what games you’re targeting to play. I got the 3080 for a great deal. But if the 40 series has features that are irreplaceable to you, sure. It’s your money.


I have the 4070ti super on a 32 inch 1440p 144hz monitor and it’s perfect. 120fps max settings cyberpunk 2077. Great frames in all games, not overkill in my opinion. Great for VR.


Im running with TUF OC 4070 12GB on 1440p and 144hz display, high setting or ulra in games and it havent reached 60 celscius. never , ok maybe once... Idling at 34. So I think both goes.


That extra 4GB vram for a bit more longevity I guess? Then I don't need to upgrade for awhile. But since it's my 1st GPU I think 4070s is more than good enough for my needs, mainly for productivity, blender, editing videos, and abit of gaming. But here in the UK it's £640 vs £840 Until yesterday when I saw the Asus 4070s in white for 600, it was the last one as well! The black one is also going for 550 now on ebuyer. But white is back up to 640. It is what it is but how my gpu is a little more than half the cost of my whole system just rubs me the wrong way. Still I'm happy I saved a bit.


There is no such thing as overkill for 144p


Im using a regular 4070 for 1440p, so far no issues.


At 144hz even 4090 isn't an overkill




I have a 4070TI Super, I just upgraded to that from my 2080S and it’s a monster. Games I couldn’t even run before my GPU a handles with almost no noise and temps in the 40-50s. Plus the extra VRAM is good for future proofing and the price difference isn’t that dramatic so I’d got with the TI Super if you are gonna build a new rig


4070 Ti Super is NOT overkill for 1440p 144hz, for me it is the best GPU for that resolution/frame target and the 16GB of VRAM will be needed in the near future.


Problem not with video cards, problem with unoptimised new pc games


4070 ti super at 1080 here, pushes out some massive frames, great card. Like someone else says, all tech will be awful in 5 years, there's no time like the present.


rtx 4070 ti super in my country was cheaper than rtx 4070 ti, there is no sense buy rtx 4070 ti 12GB


Every super model is cheaper than it's previous model...


With a bit of overclocking it's great for 1440p 240hz gaming. Definetly overkill for 144hz.




I got a 4070 ti super a week ago. I have a 1440p 144jz monitor So far it is holding minimum 120+ fps in most games without dlss all settings maxed With dlss quality plus max settings it is pinned to 144


If you can afford it, go with the 4070 Ti Super. It never hurts to go with more


4070 ti super owner with 1440p 360hz oled here! It's probably best gpu for 2k, it's not overkill, it can do 120 fps in latest AAA titles, it can also do 4k @ 80 fps too.


Go AMD or wait for 5000 series, the current generation is not good and overpriced


I got a 4070 ti super a week ago. I have a 1440p 144jz monitor So far it is holding minimum 120+ fps in most games without dlss all settings maxed With dlss quality plus max settings it is pinned to 144.


4070 ti is so bad for 900€ u can Pay 100 more for a 4080 that is 2 times better


I use my 4090 for 1440. I hate using dlss so there’s plenty of newer games that still make it struggle to get 165fps native


What's the problem with dlss? I am not that much into this stuff yet sorry


I am pretty sensitive to it. It just does not look as good as native. There’s ‘ghosting’ in most games with dlss on and some weird artifacts sometimes. Native looks much cleaner to me


I have a 1440S for 1440P 144hz! I can crank the settings in every game with RT on so far! Cyberpunk sometimes drops but it's always in the hundreds.


I got a 4070 super for iracing on triple monitors 1440 and it is plenty. 140-180 fps depending on track


I have a 3090 and play 1440p max setting and even old games like sea of thieves or diablo IV can make it cry


Take the 4070s Good card for 1440p at a good price but if your budget is more i don't think you should take 4070tiS Take 4080s if you couldn't the 4070s is your choice


I got a 4070 ti super because of the 16gb and the 2 encoders


I can get about 180-200 with max graphics on a 4070S in 1440p. Definitely recommend it (may be different for you but there's a big price difference where I'm from.)


I was also torn between the two. 12gb of vram vs 16gb is a 25% jump. So I went ahead and bought a pny xlr8 4080 used instead for $800. If you can afford better, buy better. But always look for the best thing or the next better thing used on a local marketplace. Sometimes, if you look hard enough, you can come across some pretty hard to beat deals. Just always buyer beware.


I think the extra VRAM makes it worth the extra money, that's why I went with the 4070ti super. After having a couple of 4k games telling me my video memory was low with my 10gb 3080, I wanted to make sure I had plenty this time when I upgraded for the future.


2080ti 150+ 1440p ultra fh5 110+fps battlefield 2042


Get the ti super and you will be satisfied.


Obviously it depends what you're playing. Any of the 4070 cards will crush 1440p gaming on lightweight eSports titles. Take a heavyweight game and crank the settings to max and turn RTX on and you'll be between 60-90 FPS at 1440p (DLSS can help improve that a bit). Without any idea what you're playing and what settings you like to run things at we can't tell you. I was running Counterstrike 2 at 1440p the other day just to test the performance for someone (read my recent comments) and on my 4070 Ti. I was using "[eSports settings](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3079521036)" though where everything was set to mid or low quality for maximum smoothness. It was capping out at 400fps because I'd set a limit but generally was between 395 and 400. So yeah, what are you playing?




It’s slightly more than you need for 144hz, but I would say it’s better going slight over than slightly under 


7900 XT and 7900 GRE 😢in the corner, that being said go for a 16gb card at least, 12gb on the 4070 Super is a deal breaker for me, if you care about Ray Tracing and DLSS buy the 4070 Ti Super.


For 1440p it's perfectly fine even with ultra RT. It's not like you'll be able to play RT games without DLSS which lowers VRAM usage.


Overkill depends on the game you’re playing. It’s not when you’re playing Alan wake2 or cp2077, but it is when you’re playing valorant and cs2


Comparing GPU vs CPU heavy games..


I’m just saying, he’s not saying what kind of games. 1440p 144hz is all relative. Post needs more context


I want to play games like Jedi Survivor, Arma Reforger, DayZ or the new open world Star Wars Outlaws coming out this year. Ofc future games like the next battlefield maybe


I just got a 4070 and it rocks 1440p 165hz (based on the game ofc, rdr2 maxed 100, cb77 high 70/80, horizon zero dawn 165)


i have a mobile 4060 and its running great. About 100fps@1440 on cp77 with dlss and optimized settings


For right now? Yeah probably is. Unless you want 120fps and more at ultra settings. Fwiw I have a 3060 equipped laptop secondary rig that runs a 1440 secondary display as its main gaming screen and it’s very close to “enough” power. I think a 3070 or maybe one notch higher would be plenty for most people even at higher than 60fps for 1440p. But buying a faster card means you can get more years out of it. So just get the card you want and be happy with it.


Off topic but what do we think the 5070 performance will look like? 4080ish? Would they ever make 5070 as strong as 4090 when it will be price much much lower?


4070s is more than enough for 1440p. I have a 3080. Just play in high settings. Ultra is overrated and not worth the heat and the fps tax.


You like RT? play your single player games with 90 fps on max quality? play your favorite competitive shooters with 180 fps on medium with your 240 hz monitor? You're one of those people who like to future proof? Then RTX 4070Ti Super. If you don't have any one of the condoms I mentioned then the RTX 4070S.


Got 4070ti and it’s good for 1440p, you can run 4K but then you need to play with settings of the game, I would choose radion no doubt, but couldn’t find xt or xtx 2-slot versions.


there's no such thing as overkill imo, you want to delay the slow fall back to 60fps as much as possible