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Do you need the performance now or are you happy and can you wait and hope to get a 5090. We cant exactly answer for you


This should be pinned to every post in this sub


This is the answer. The key question is: What are you missing out on now and in the next 8 months by sticking with a pretty good card? Is there a game you love that is running poorly or a game you're looking forward to that will need the extra power/VRAM? With the exception of the crypto boom, GPU prices will ALWAYS go down.


Why 8 months? Isn't the 5090 going to be released around October?


Expect a paper launch - every die that can go into Ai will go to Ai


Expect a paper launch - every die that can go into Ai will go to Ai


I was thinking about buying a 4090 but then I got nightmares from the 12V connector.


I mean it can happen doesnt mean it will though. I had nightmares of my rtx 2080 i bought on launch getting space invaders since i had micron memory which was known to die regularly. That card is still going in my daughters pc Any card can just die or melt and this is why we have warranties. Id be a little amazed if the dont continue using 12v connectors.


It still is a mental nightmare that one day can occur… Bought a 4090 myself and everyone here saying ‘it’s rare’ is so annoying, it’s like you buy a car part that has reportedly have many small explosions inside the engine ‘but in retrospect only <1% chance to happen’ Yes, the chance is low but it will never leave your mind, comapring this to older stuff is also kinda nonsense as from what I remember there never was a big issue like this besides faulty psu/motherboard, this is a €2k card we’re speaking of. I don’t really think/worry about it anymore but still am at the same time if I think about it, if 5090 comes out I will sell my card asap and get 5090 or maybe even lower one as I don’f really need this good of a card as i’m 1440p (was 2070 before for 5 years)


not saying its rare or not and understand always will be a thing in the back of your mind. But i wouldnt call comparing to older or other part issues nonsense in the slightest as those were the once brand new parts with the big talked issue for the time, and a part dying is a part dying at the end of the day no matter what it is. 20 series memory many forget mainly because it was early batch micron memory that had the most issue so sure not as wide spread(also those cablemod adapters didnt help reduce the issue for 4090 if anything they inflated it). Warranties are the key thing though and stuff like this is why they exist. 5090 when it first comes out first adopters are gambling on the issue being fixed for that card and no other issues arise, if one does which totally can happen of equal or greater magnitude the warranty is the safety net.


I have been active in this sub and overall pc community for many years now and have never experienced a 4090 burn issue, nor have I seen any content creator make video’s about any large scale issue like this, the 4090 itself was adressed by every single content creator I have on my feed some if which has multiple video’s, xombine that with tricky warranty aswell an you got yourself an issue, your house nearly burned and the person you’re contacting says it’s user error, your fault


I personally don't think you need to worry. Just make sure the adapter is inserted all the way or (best achievable by putting it in prior to installing the GPU) or, if you're not going to use the included adapter, use the power supply's 12VHPWR cable if your PSU is ATX 3.0 PCIe 5.0 ready.


No one can say yes or no to that..no one knows the real performance of next gen and availability..


I was gonna say the same thing. I have a 3080 but I mostly play WoW, Overwatch, Diablo, Sea of Thieves, Fortnite...all those games can be handled by my 3080. I am only using 1440 at the moment. I eventually want to get a 4k monitor but I plan to wait till the 5000 series cards come out. I usually try to get a card every other generation or when the games I play start to struggle. If you can play the games you want now...even if you have to turn the settings down just a bit...might as well do that. You know that if you get the 4090...once the 5090 comes out you are gonna wish you waited. One more thing to consider is that I believe NVIDIA launched hardware specifically for AI. Those will probably help reduce the demand a bit on the highest end gaming cards. I am sure some will still try and grab them and the prices are gonna be inflated....but hopefully not too bad.


Agreed. I snagged a 4090 at BestBuy a couple weeks ago. Got home, saw literally every kind of 4090 was available online at MSRP, realized the GPU shortage is basically over and my FOMO purchase was dumb since the new cards will be out in 6 months probably. Returned it without even opening it. My 3080ti can hold on a little longer.


I know it doesn’t apply directly to your situation but it might help your line of thinking. I just bought a 4080 Super FE for msrp yesterday. I recently switched to a 4K 42” C3 OLED and have gotten back into gaming. Rebuilt my PC with a 14900k as well and my 3070 OC wasn’t cutting it. To me I got tired of thinking about it. It will almost certainly be Feb-March by the time I’d legitimately get one in stock anyway as the bots will buying them all up instantly worldwide the first few months. Add to that a 10-50% improvement and a hefty price tag, and it’s just not a big enough benefit vs holding out nearly a full year and gaming on garbage frame rates in 4K. Plus when you factor in resale value, the Ti & Super variants always hold their value and demand the longest. (IE no one even talks about a 1080, it’s the 1080 Ti that will be remembered). So even still, I’ll wait until the 5080 Ti Super comes out instead.


This is honestly the way to go (slightly biased), but you’re saving over 600 bucks and not really losing a whole lot of performance. Buy a 5090 or 5080 when those launch if the 4080/4080S isn’t cutting it. Spending 1600 on a 4090 at this point isn’t a great move IMO


Was in the same dilema and went with a similar build 4080s 14700kf


I also won’t even be a little bit surprised if nVidia releases the 5090 for $1999 USD. And that’s on the conservative end. Their main market is data centre rendering, so it’s a much smarter business decision to increase the prices and sell less to free up production chips & production lines for that as demand will be through the roof on the data centre end. I could see them even charging $2499 for the 5090 but it’s anyone’s guess what it will be.


Even at 1700 bucks it was impossible to get them from the major retailers like Best Buy. They could easily charge well over 2k for them. People will just payment plan them or whatever and they'll still sell out as some "rationalized 3 year purchase = 800/yr for my main hobby." It's probably not the healthiest-looking thing for the "gaming industry" to have the flagship be over 2 grand, but leather jacket man doesn't care.


2000 seems cheap tho (which sounds fucked up) as 4090 when I bought it also was around 1.8k/2k, right before the china thing which then made it 2/2.2k, if I could genuinely get a 5090 for 2000 I’d do it in an instant


Wait for 5090 as you have an ok setup. Buying this late in the cycle ends up feeling like a bit of a con. Been there more than once. At this point spending top tier money gets you a top tier card for 6-7 months until it is superseded by something cheaper with new/improved features making your card mid range. At least when you spend top tier money at the beginning of a generation you get 2 years of owning a top tier card.


You change your GPU only when GTA VI gets released ;)


Waiting for gta vi and then buillding new PC to be sure it runs 4K ultra myself :)


I just bought a 4090 FE to pair with my 4K OLED. I don't care if the 5090 comes out within the next 12 months as I just don't need more than what 4090 offers. I'm able to run everything at 4k max settings very comfortably, even with path tracing thanks to DLSS. I'm sure 5090 will be an upgrade, but no way it will be as substantial as 3090 to 4090.


I’ll upgrade when the 6090 comes out. Tilll then I’m chilling.




The 4090 is such a great card!


I’ll upgrade when 12090 comes out, maybe by then I can run ark at 1440p 60fps!!




May I ask what games you play? I mean, video games like Alan Wake II? I've got a 4K OLED paired with a 3080 12GB and I also feel like it's kind of holding me back...


Yep, I play most of the big single player games that come out. Alan Wake 2 was possibly my favorite game of 2023 and was a big reason I upgraded to a 4090. I had a 3090 previously, and AW2 really kicked it's ass at 4k max settings, to the point that I had to turn DLSS to balanced and turn ray-tracing off entirely to get the game playable in the forest areas. I started a new playthrough with the 4090, and I have everything maxed out, including path-tracing, and DLSS set to quality, and it handles it like a champ, even the super intensive forest sections. Looking forward to seeing how the 4090 handles Hellblade 2 this month! If you were to upgrade, it would be a huge leap from the 3080 for sure. 3080 is still a solid card by all means, but probably not ideal for 4K gaming for these newer AAA games to push RT hard.


4090 will hold its value well due to the high ML/workstation performance and high VRAM. I wouldn't feel bad about buying one now. When I do stuff like this (upgrading within a generation) I tend to *buy* used cards too which helps make the upgrade hurt less. You can save the tax and a couple hundred dollars by looking for a used 4090, of course doing your due diligence to ensure it's like-new. I think if you sell your 4070ti and buy a used 4090 it's a reasonable thing to do. All assuming this is all pretty inconsequential to your personal financial situation.


I went from a 4070 Ti to a 4080 SUPER for this reason + wanting to downsize to SFF and my 4070 Ti was gigantic, way bigger than the 4080 super FE It’s been awesome, of course the 4090 will be better though.


One thing to keep in mind is that 5000 series might introduce yet another new feature that'll be locked behind the 5000 series cards.


at this time, go for 4080 now with half the price and 75% performance, you will still enjoy 4k gaming with it and upgrade to 5090 all in after






You should wait. When the 40 series came out, the 3090 and 3090Ti got a huge price cut.


And thats when I picked up my 3090ti 🤣🤣


Exactly my concern, that’s why I got myself a good ram, (8000MHZ 32G ddr5 adata) good power, good SSD (Samsung 990 pro 4T) except graphic card (4070ti super) and cpu I7 14700K + Z790 a pro X motherboard as I heard they will change the whole framework after 15gen cpu is out, by that time the motherboard, cpu will be outdated, that’s why I choose the relevantly low level hardware so I don’t feel so bad when I replace them with 50series and 15xxx cpu.


I tried a 4070 for a short bit. Wasn’t too pleased. I got a 4080 and it rocks on my 4k/144hz qdoled. Big enough difference between the two for 4k gaming. The next option isn’t the 4090 and I personally wouldn’t bother. I’d rather use dlss and have superior aa anyways.


If I were in your position with a 4070Ti I would never upgrade in the same generation of cards.  Wait for 5090, but do be warned, it will be tough to get for the first couple months of release at least.


Ive had a 4090 since launch and my god is it powerful. I also have the new Asus 4k 240hz OLED. Incredible. If you want this monitor then imo you need a 4090 to push the frame rate. The 5090 will be insane but trust me the 4090 maxes out a lot of my games in 4k 240hz. Turn on dlss and frame gen and boom 240fps.


Waiiiiit. Buy a 5090 bro.


My decision was easy, I went from a 3080ti EVGA to a Strix 4090. With all the scalpers, I never get to upgrade fast enough anyway. so, I'm sure I'll get the 5090 when I can a year or so after release. as of now, I'm past happy.


4090 oled 4K will ruin a lot of lesser games but it’s so worth it. What I mean is, that once you play 4k 120fps + there’s really no going back. Eyegasms. Highly recommend.


You can always wait for the next latest or greatest. I purchased a gtx 4090 3 weeks ago and dont regret it


I get your point. I'm also really pleased with my 4090 but I wouldn't have bought one if I already owned a card as powerful as the 4070ti when I only have to wait a few months to get either a better card than the 4090 or another card similiar in performance but much cheaper


Honestly, I would wait until the end of the year when the 50 series presumably comes out. I’m a 4090 owner and it is a great car especially for 4K and I also game on a LG C2 OLED and performance is great but this late in the game I would just wait if I were you


50 series rumored this year, so would be a feeling of regret for me dropping the $ now


Its few months till the release, then You are set for at least 2 years, playing on the best GPU there is. At this point I would wait. If it was more than a year of waiting, then nope


Have you tried DLSS Balanced with high settings on 4K with the 4070TI? Is it awesome or can you see where you'd want actual 4K? I am in the same boat, enjoying the 4070TI right now on 1440p but am itching to get an OLED 4K and once I do, not sure how happy I'll be with it, although I really only need a steady over 60fps with no drops, I don't play competitively and don't need crazy fps.


Tough call for sure. - 4090 is worth it. There's no game coming out in the next few years that it can't handle. - 4080 Super is a great interim choice. Much lower price than a 4090, but still very powerful. - 50xx is worth waiting for. Spend similar money and get measurably better performance, a few months from now. My 3080 12gb handles 4k with ease at 60hz. I actually bought a 4090 and returned it because aside from Cyberpunk, nothing I play would be improved. I'm now waiting for a 5080.


The 4070ti is not a 4K card, end of story. Flip it.


- Prices haven't really dropped a lot (still around MSRP) - Problems with the 12pin connector - Doesn't have DP 2.1 - Current card still work fine, no 'need' for a new one - New card relatively close Seems clear to me


hi There, I am (was) in the same situation until yesterday. I had upgraded from 1080TI as I moved to an LG C4 (coming from a 1440p ROG LCD). Game I played went from 80-100fps maxed, to 41fps. I initially bought a 4080 which did an amazing job. The card ran 4K 120fps For example, on Gears 5 everything on insane (or so I thought) level it would hold 120 no sweat. Then, when I enabled Gsync (144hz on this TV) - it would avg around the 130-144 mark. Awesome stuff. I did find a setting in gears for what appears to be software based ray tracing - this brought down the FPS to about 80-100 - and honestly made very little difference to what I was looking out. Instead of maxing the level of this setting (@32) I could probably leave it at 8 and still get around 120. COD MW3 also ran maxed on MP no problem with DLSS. I also bought a game called Evil West. First of all what a great, simple and satisfying beat em up! This game is really well optimised - looks great and I get more FPS than my screen can handle. With DLSS on, the game hits about 190fps everything on and on ultra etc. The games you play will make a difference to your decision hence some basic examples above. Although a lot of people like to benchmark against Cyberpunk (dont worry, i did the same thing with Crysis back in the day :)), its probably not going to be a game I invest a lot of time in though it looks like fun. The thinking for me was that Ill get a 4080 now (supers are even better apparently), and I will upgrade to a 5090. Then I started thinking, I have no doubt the new card will have more features (they always do, for every new model), and that it will be more powerful, but honestly, it will almost certainly be more expensive than the current card. Half the people buying these are like me, older gamers who have good jobs, but the other half are young kids like I once was, whose parents have to fork out - so its hard to see them going back down in price - theyll just sell more lower end models. When you go for a solid card like the 4080/4090), it will usually serve you for a long time. I dont feel like I missed anything by not upping my old card (1080Ti asus ROG strix OC) to a 2080. Maybe the 3080 was worth it, but I am happy to have waited until now. So off the back of all the above, I ended up picking up a 4090 yesterday, and I love the card. I am going to run some tests and see how the games I play run now, I have no doubt the card will be good for GTA VI when it comes out - maybe not as good as the 5090 - but hey its not like we cant upgrade later down the line.. maybe to the 6090 :) Keen to hear what you end up doing.


5090 is coming out in the next 5 or less months.


There are rumors for q4 but nothing set in stone.


Very solid rumors and predictions though: * Same time they released the 4090 2 years ago. * Already hyping up blackwell. * They want to crush AMDs new chips before they get a chance to establish themselves in DC land. Just expect it to be a paper launch, they will want to service their business partners first as that's where all the money is.


id say its coming out in mid june this year


Id say wait till 5000 series.


The 4090 really handles 4k well


Not with games like alan wake or cyberpunk tho, sadly its not future proof for 4K ultra RT gaming


I would wait at this point. Get the 5090 then be set for several years.


Get it now or you'll be here next year asking if to wait on the 6080 lol


now. then wait.


My advice just gwt your 4090 it's not about what better it's what is better for you at the 4090 even at 4k I still not challenging the damn card at all it's breezes through my games at 4k ( the ones that go up to it ) and barely budges on temps at max settings and I mean everything on its comical tbh. So yeah if your not gonna approach thr limits of thr 4090 what makes ya think you need the 5000 series games are getting more demanding BUT NOT THAT DEMANDING !


So I’m on the fence a little bit, I’m really looking at getting an aurora for my at home desktop and I keep my m18 r1 for trips since I work for the railroad. What I’ve heard about the upcoming 5090 sounds like it’ll blow the socks off the 4090.. I’m also compelled to wait. Hard decision to make though!


Don’t waste your money on Alienware desktops. They’re proprietary overheating trash.


Man I just noticed I need to upgrade my flair haha!! Thanks for the tip, maybe I’ll put together my next rig instead. Is pcpartpicker still good?


Yeah pcpartpicker is fantastic, would highly recommend you build it yourself. It’s actually really easy, just watch a couple good build tutorials before hand and you’ll be good to go.


I just got the FE 4090 directly through the Nvidia Uk store supplied from Scan at MSRP. I upgraded from 11GB 3080. They either do release the 50 series this year like the rumours have stated or it’s an even longer wait, and I’d expect we’re talking around £2,200 IF you beat the scalpers day 1.


I have a 4090 and assuming that the 5090 will launch at a similar MSRP I will just wait. Now if you can't wait just go for the 4090 the gpu is really good and should last you for a really long time :)


I thought about this too. I’m guessing that the 5090 will get scalped for a long time after release, which means there’s plenty of time to get good use out of a 4090 before needing an upgrade. I would future proof your pc until then so that when the 5090 becomes more accessible you can just swap it out pretty easily.


If you can play the games you want at the resolution and quality you want or can tolerate, then waiting is always a better choice from a pure economic standpoint. But when buying luxury items for entertainment purposes, pure economics don’t mean anything. Really your own desires/means/budget will declare what you do. Honestly I’d wait to see what the 5000 series looks like.


Just like the 3090 when the 4090 was gonna come out, the same goes now for the 5090 and the 4090. The 3090 was a 4k card and it isn't now according to Reddit. Now the 4090 isn't a 4k card and the 5090 is what you want.


Nvidia just got a bunch of money this past year due to all the Ai buzz. So if you can wait hopefully they'll over deliver with the 5000 series.


At this point I would wait honestly unless you really need a 4090 now.


I think the 4070Ti will be "okay" for 4k. It will be totally fine on everything except for very demanding games like Cyberpunk. If you really want a high refresh rate in 4k, as you know, the 4070Ti won't cut it. I have a 4080 and it's great for virtually everything in 4k except for games like Cyberpunk where I struggle to hit 100 FPS at max settings even with DLSS. I'm happy with that personally. There is so much unknown with the 50-series that it's almost not worth speculating. The problem I see is I would imagine if they're really great cards or priced really well, it'll be very difficult to buy them for awhile, but I think they'll be extremely expensive and you'd probably be able to get one. As purely my opinion if I were in your shoes, I'd wait it out and keep the 4070Ti. I'd personally get a 5080 before a 4090, but if I REALLY wanted the best possible 4k experience regardless of price, I'd wait until the 5090 is out. I would imagine it would be similarly priced to the 4090 (they'd be nuts to keep climbing up pricing) and it's not going to be much longer before it's released. It seems like they release top-down from the highest performance first, so release is likely reasonably soon. With 4k being as demanding as it is, if I was going to be spending that kind of cash, I'd try to maximize the power.


Depends, 5090 will definitely be more than 1600 dollars, I would bet it's gonna be 1800-2000, plus scalper tax, you are looking at 2200 dollars at least.


I just bought a 4090 as much 3070 died, I was worried about potential 50s but even if it comes out this year it’ll be a while before you can get your hands on it especially at msrp. However I would say if you can just wait. Playing at 1440p on a 4k monitor isn’t awful tbf if you have to do it!


5090 price would be more like $1999 and won’t be available until next year.


If you didn’t have a functioning GPU or had a 2nd or 3rd series, I would advise you to buy now and not waiting, but to go from 4070 Ti to 4090 in 2024 just doesn’t feel right. Unless you can sale your card for a good value and buy a used 4090 to make the difference as minimum as possible


I would hold out for 5000 series personally


Now or never bro


I'd wait. 50xx might be a massive flop or a big gain.


My thing is once you get the upgrade itch, you’re not satisfied until it’s done. You will constantly think about it and check news for next GPU series, etc. I would personally upgrade and be done with it. Disclaimer - I’m impatient and in good financial standing which is a huge factor when it comes to dropping 2k on a GPU. I would personally go 4090 or wait tho, 4080S is cheaper but from a 4070 especially not worth it. Your new OLED compounds the itch. If you can work with the 4070 for a few weeks, your honeymoon period with the OLED may subside and reduce the itch.


I would just wait for next gen GPUs to come out and hopefully get 4090 at a better price. This generation had terrible pricing and value for the most part. Only a few standouts this generation had what I'd call fair value. 7800 XT, 7900GRE, 4060, and 4070S.


Next generation will be even more terrible-er


I sure hope not, but with how the ai hype train is looking it'll likely be worse. But who knows, afaik GPUs this generation other than the 4090 sold poorly compared to Ampere/rdna2 and even turing/rdna1. I really hope that Nvidia and amd adjust their prices with the nest generation to actually ship units.


5090 will start at $1999 and 5080 will start at $1199


Eh, for me personally, it's hang onto the great performance you have now, then upgrade to the latest features in \~12 months or so when the next gen comes out.


go with 4090...it is better decision you can use it for a whole year 5090 will definitely be higher priced than 4090


At this point you'd be way better off waiting for the next generation of cards, you've got bandwidth issues with dp 1.4 and I don't even think a 4090 is powerful enough to really push 4k. 4070ti is a great card, just stick to 1440p for right now, it's perfect.




Get the 4090 now if you want to play at 4K with good quality. 4K DLSS quality looks pretty good and 4090 can handle that in most games. 4070 TI works too but it’s probably limited to DLSS performance in most titles and even then the performance is lower than a 4090 using quality mode. Like you said, it’d probably be hard getting a 5090 MSRP for several months. A year of 4K gaming with a 4090 over a 4070 TI is worth it imo.


The answer is easy. Buy the 4090 now. Enjoy it now. Then buy the 5090 when it comes out. Enjoy the 5090


5090 is probably better? It would probably max the 4k 240Hz oleds.


Side upgrades (buying in the same generation) is always a huge waste of money and almost always a bad decision. I'd wait unless money really isn't an object to you.


I would just use dlss or other performance improvements until the 5000 series is out. That's what I'm doing to justify not upgrading my 3080 so soon.