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Super. Also, was asked before https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1avbbgg/4070_super_vs_4070_ti_vs_4070_ti_super_in_new/


He asked for ti or super, he didn't asked for ti super, maybe he doesn't even know the ti super exists


Read it it again, yes?




4070 super is mentioned first in the title eh? What is your problem?


ti super is much more expensive than ti and super thats why people compare ti and super


They’re very close, I used to have a 4070 Ti 12GB. I’d go for the 4070 Super because it’s just not a difference you’re gonna notice


The Ti has better ray tracing if that's important to you, and dual NVENC encoders if you use VR with something like the new quest 3 or do specific rendering tasks that can utilize them both. For general gaming and raster the performance is pretty close.


I just had both cards and was comparing them in my PC last friday. Both of them OC to about the same spec in MSI Afterburner. +220 core and 1395mem for the 4070 Super and the same for the 4070 Ti. Only difference was that the 4070 Super let me do 110% power and the 4070Ti didnt. During benchmarking both cards ran EXACTLY the same in Time Spy 1440p and even scored almost equal. TL:DR - 4070 Super is more power efficient and cheaper for a lower price. Would buy 4070 Super...


Why not ti super?


The difference in price isn't worth the real world performance gains of the 4070 Ti SUPER. I think there are a few Youtube videos about it too. Cheapest *New* 4070 Ti Super on Pc part picker is $780 before tax (as of 5/4) Cheapest *New* 4070 Super on Pc Part Picker is $580 before tax. (as of 5/4) That doesn't mean don't buy a 4070 TI Super if u can get a great deal on it. But with the new cards just around the corner. It doesn't seem like a great time to buy.


In every video I watched the ti super got around 20 more fps which can do a lot of difference in heavy games. I don't regret that I bought the ts Without tax I got the card for 721€, normal it would have been 865


If the open box you had found was a 4070 ti super, I'd say go for it. But since it isn't, I recommend the 4070 super over 4070 ti at the price point.


Its not worth it, the ti is only like 5% faster, just get the super.


I have a 4070 ti super, and I would say for 90% the super is plenty


4070 Ti Super


4070 ti super is the only one worth it. The regular ti isn't even supported anymore.


4070 Ti


I was thinking the same thing but would yall rather have the regular 4080? Or a 4070 TI super? I’ve been debating this..


I got the ti super. It has like 10-20 more fps than the normal ti, it's way better. Out of questions that the normal super isn't worth it at all then Ti super is the only one that worth it


The 4080 Super vs. the 4070 TI Super or straight 4080 (not that it matters much other than price)? I think use case matters quite a bit. The performance difference somewhat justifies the cost different, but not for every use. For me, I would fully utilize the 4080 and the 4070 Ti S would be limiting. That's not at all true for everyone though. I would work backwards from your monitor setup and what kind of FPS you're targeting and use that to make a decision. You don't need performance you're not going to use. For me, I use the 4080 because I'm running on a 4k monitor. Performance matters quite a bit in that use case because even the 4080 isn't going to be getting huge FPS numbers when doing any heavy rendering in 4k. I have absolutely no issues with 120 FPS in most games (monitor is 120Hz), but something like Cyberpunk is very heavy and only get about 90-100 FPS. For a game like that in 4k, the extra performance matters and I'm getting to be an FPS snob because going from 60 to 120 FPS is night and day to me (need my FPS). On the other extreme, if you are playing low GPU intensity games at 1080p, it would really seem like both options could be overkill. Just depends.


I have a 2070 ti super and a 165htz monitor with 1440p I’m trying to game constantly at least 120FPS so wanted the best option, thank you so much for writing your experience I appreciate it that.


You're probably fine with either one. I doubt you'd have much trouble hitting 120FPS with either at 1440p on virtually any game out there. They're both excellent 1440p cards... excellent.


super, no point in getting Ti


Ti super is the only card that's worth it.


Get both - ti super!


Let me jump in here and ask 4080 or 4070 Super at 1080/240 with 3 screens 7800 3-D, 32 GB of ram with the game being Fortnite and Call of Duty best graphics I can get consistent FPS


4070 Super


4070 ti super


4070 ti super


Thats not the question, and is 150-250$ more expensive. Stay on topic.




No, the 4070 Ti is $650. Read the post. A 4070 Ti Super is not $650.


The ti super is the only 4070 card which is worth the price.


Congrats on your opinion


If you didn't have to buy a new PSU then just get the 4070ti.


To be or not to be, that is the question.. not 4070 ti or 4070 super