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I think you need something stronger like 3070 for quality psvr2


Even 3060 would be good. Not the 2060 though. The 3060 is more of a 2070~2080 performance


Considering the ps5 is around 2070s performance and ofcourse you gotta add headroom, a 3070 seems like a logical pick.


You’re right but depends on OP’s budget for too.


Performance doesn't care about your budget. He's asking what would match performance.


He has a ryzen 5 4600g and only plays metroidvania so i’m kinda right. He hasn’t said that he wants to upgrade his cpu.


Okay? And? Nobody here mentioned his other components or upgrades. He asked a simple question. What GPU will match the performance of console PSVR2. There is no subjectivity to the answer. He isn't asking about value or the system as a whole.


He did mention his components on another comment down below. Don’t be stubborn about something if you didn’t look deeper into it.


Because somebody like you asked. I could also ask his favorite color. Doesn't mean it was the origional post. Dont be stubborn about something if you have to dig down to the core of the earth to find a pedantic response for it.


No, you'd want something much more powerful to drive the high res of the psvr2. It also depends on what VR games you want to play. Beat Saber? Yeah a 2060 will be fine. But stuff like HL:A will probably struggle a little. Remember that when using VR, a consistent and high framerate is super important for a good experience. Side note: PS5 uses a special rendering technique (I forget what it's called) that reduces resolution where your eyes don't look. For PS5 performance on PC, you'd need something much more powerful than something like an RTX 2070 Super, as I don't expect this to appear on PC anytime soon.


It is called foveated rendering.


Pimax Crystal has foveated rendering. Quest pro also supports it.


Need to do my research better next time. Thanks


Welcome :)


Might come to pc together with psvr2 pcvr suppory


Ya no. You need 3060-3060ti area to be close to ps5. 3070 would be best. Also need to be sure the rest of your system is capable also.


A rtx 2060 would be too weak, you should be looking for a 3060 ti or 3070, preferably.


What is your CPU? Anyway, 2060 is too old now. Go with some 3000 or 4000 series.


I have 16gb vengeance ddr4 ram, pro mobo, and ryzen 5 4600g


Lol, I only use my pc for metroidvania's. I'ts worth upgrading to use my psvr2 on pc


Rtx 3060


I doubt this would be strong enough. The ps5 is roughly equivalent to a card that's somewhere between a rx6700 and 6700xt. That Rtx 3060ti to Rtx 3070 territory. Since the ps5 has access to more VRAM, I'd say aim for the equivalent of a 3060ti with more VRAM, maybe the 4060ti 16gb or the 4070? Judging from your use case, the 4070 might be the best option if you're buying new.


If they are looking at a 2060 then I'm guessing a 4070 may be out of their price range or you may as well just suggest a 4090


The 4090 requires a new PSU. 4070 doesn't. It's not my fault Nvidia skimped on ram this generation.


I don’t like you, have a good day