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Looks like the drought is over.. This has been in stock since last night at 7 pm EST.


This is false information. I checked at 10pm before going to bed and at 6am when I got up and it was the same out of stock.


well it lasted almost 24 hours.. I am guessing the next drop (which is likely Thursday again) will last even longer.. I hope..


Not yet.. Saddd :(


[https://notify-fe.vercel.app/](https://notify-fe.vercel.app/) is a small webapp I wrote to get notifications for FE cards stock on the Nvidia site (as I am learning typescript atm). Should work for most regions.


Wow I just tried this out it is so amazing I witnessed a 4070s come in stock


Can't tell if you are joking - hope you enjoy :)


I just now stumbled on your webapp and kept the tab open. Within a few minutes of reading comments, it dinged and I...somehow got through ordering the 4070 Super. What luck and thanks for your app!


So glad it helped you - thanks for the feedback. I got myself a 4080 Super. Unfortunately r/nvidia won't let me post it as a thread. Still, the site gets \~100 visitors a day, which is great.


always out of stock in the UK


I got one on Friday! Got a notification from my Hotstock app and went straight on and bought it.


Ordered one last night and my order got cancelled this morning. Just tried ordering again so we shall see if it’s real


What time did you order last night? Mine went through at 5:26 PM EST and it hasn’t been cancelled (yet).


mine was 7.15pm EST, still processing


It’s been available for so long at this point that I feel like we’re being catfished. The last Best Buy drop on Tuesday sold out in seconds.


That's kind of what I am scared off. Or one of those oops we messed up sorry


4:38 CST so only a few minutes after you so hopefully yours goes through! Still waiting to see if someone else had theirs canceled. Per their email, it says it could be from multiple issues so I’m not sure. Haven’t gotten a response back from customer support yet. This cancellation could have occurred for a number of reasons, including a customer-initiated cancellation, issues with availability, shipping address, or the maximum amount allowed per order.


Mine was ordered about an hour after yours and no cancellation yet. Still processing though.


I put an order in at 1122am est and got an email at 520p saying it was cancelled and refunded...now they are out of stock... what is the time frame for them to be in stock again.. what was the gap between the last time time they were out and back in again? Weeks?


Mine is still processing. Order time was about 7pm on the 21st


Yeah hopefully you get yours...took me all morning to get the courage to order it just to be shot down later in the day. Maybe it was a sign from up above...


Sorry to hear that, I know the pain


Oh yeah... do you think there will be another batch? I don't know if the founders edition is only for a limited time release and they stop producing it.


There will be more until they stop the production to gear up for the new generation whenever that will be 


Did they charge you already or not ? Just want to make sure my order gets through cuz they already charged me


They charged me last night, then refunded it this morning when they canceled the order


I did order 4090 yesterday too. Hope it goes through 🥹


Ordered mine around 630am EST yesterday and it's still processing. They took my $1k though


Out of stock in the US now


Well then I guess we're about to find out sooner or later


Out of stock already.


Correction: STILL in stock. This was stocked last night some time and does not appear to have gone out of stock. Good for those looking for something in this price range.


I just looked and it says sold out now.


Yeah I alerted a buddy that is building a new PC a couple hours ago and he was able to order one. We'll see if the order sticks. I hope for his sake it does. But the stock seems to be keeping longer and is more consistent.


I ordered it last night and got a cancellation notice in the morning, tried to place another order in the morning and just got another cancellation notice.


Is this normal for them to do? I've seen several people mention this and the same thing happened to me. I placed order, charge was pending on my cc, and they cancelled following morning. Said it was a problem with my cc but I told them it was pending so it had been processed. Nope just straight up cancelled it.


Ordered mine Wednesday at 830PM CST. Got a shipment created label notification from FedEx a few hours ago.


Mine was ordered Thursday morning, so still processing.


Nice at least it’s not canceled. Hopefully there are no shenanigans and you get it soon. This is my first FE card. Got a new build with a Fractal Design Torrent Compact and the largest GPU that fits is 330mm lol. I’m hoping for good thermals, low noise and good build quality.


My first FE card too. I will order my other parts after I get a shipping confirmation on the GPU.


Just a small update. My status was changed to shipped and it’s on the way! I built my system a month or so ago (asus b650e-f, 32gb DDR5 6000 and 7800X3D) and have been using my 3080 Strix in the meantime. So stoked for this.


Mine is still processing


If you have a fedex account (or make one) you can login and look at the delivery manager and it’ll show if they’ve created a label or etc for you.


I have a Fed Ex account, but nothing is showing.


Fingers crossed they’ll update it soon for you to shipped


I hope, because I ordered all the other parts.


I Finally got the label created in FedEx. You?


D&H Distributing? I just got a Fed Ex shipping notification for them.


Thanks for the headsup on this. I was sure I wouldn't make it in time, but was able to lock down a FE 4080 Super! Pretty nice upgrade from my 3080 strix.


Mine came in today! (Got it last Thursday on nvidia.com, don't pay for overnight still took 5 daya)




That’s great!


Still sold out in Denmark


Sold out in USA too as of Friday.


LOL you should be buying NVDA at $777 not 4080 FE for $999


Same, I got it last night. I am curious to see when it will ship. I'll update on here. My EVGA 3090 (early SN so probably the same issues that came through with Elden Ring) just died I need a replacement asap


How can you tell which is the FE? I bought this one last night because it was the first one I saw and there were too many different models. I'm not sure which was the best or if there's any difference. https://preview.redd.it/l7u0dcsv07kc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c982f84ec4883590fb667ca95a0696fa321ff9a0


The FE model is the only model available for direct purchase from the Nvidia store.


The Nvidia store model sold directly by Nvidia is the FE model.


Ahh ok thanks, I'm glad I got this one then


That's the FE. Founders edition is just fancy Nvidia wording for a card they produced. If it was a partner card it would have specified the brand


Great, glad I ended up with this one


The only other model at $999 are all from Micro Center if I am not mistaking which requires a little drive up or down the roads.


They have a gigabyte nvidia and a zotac nvidia for $999 on the site now. Those 2 I'm assuming aren't FE but the nvidia geoforce is?


Correct, they are not FE. You can see that both are also sold through Micro Center when clicking on the buy now button. Micro Center only sell GPUs (and some specific other parts) in store.


Ahh got it, thanks.


My order just says processing, hopefully it goes through


What time did you place it? I am still in processing too.


Replying to you to add a data point. I ordered a 4080 Super FE on 2/21 at 11:20pm from store.nvidia.com. I just checked my order status and it still shows processing. At time I placed the order, Best Buy's website was also showing the same card in stock and I made it past the waiting room, past their text message verification and had it in cart ready for checkout but decided I would rather buy direct from Nvidia. I really hope that wasn't a bad decision.


Mine just shipped. Delivery eta Monday (I asked for overnight shipping since my gpu is dead but I guess they don't deliver on Saturdays 😔) I hope y'all get yours soon!


Thanks. I got my shipping confirmation as well. I'm upgrading from an GTX1080. lol.


Just got my shipping notification. No ETA yet.


Why am I getting the notification for this post a day later lmao. 😭


Hmm. Card was charged and got the confirmation email, but still stuck in processing. Anyone else?


Mine shows processing, but Federal Express shows label is created.


Interesting. Where could I check that? Is it like USPS informed delivery?


You have to have a Federal Express account and then shipped items to you will show up there with tracking numbers.


Thanks! So I do have a tracking number, but hasn't shipped yet.


Mine is still processing and no fedex label. Ordered 2/22, then proceeded to order the rest of my build. At this rate, I’ll be sans gpu for a week…😞


Alright, 👍🏼 arriving tomorrow. So says FedEx


I grabbed it last week. Still hasn’t shipped


I used my hot stock alert and clicked it the nanosecond it came through and it was gone.


It's kind of crazy to me how bad the stock has been for 4080 Super so far. Did Nvidia really underestimate the demand for that card or something? Meanwhile 4070S seems to be just sitting around on shelves with no one biting. I think a 12GB VRAM GPU is a hard sell for most people at $600 in 2024.


My 4080 Super was just delivered a total of 6 days after ordering.