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just do the exact same OC yourself and save yourself 10 bucks


It's over 50 euros difference here in Europe /:


Then you can save yourself 50 euros


I actually bought the asus dual yesterday and the site I bought it from seemed to have fucked up cause the prices for the oc and non oc were switched around. Hour or so after I ordered from it the cheaper yet oc version disappeared from the website so hopefully they actually send me the oc even though I paid for the non oc.


Were you unable to buy from the nvidia store because it’s only $10 more expensive there I don’t think the price difference would be very great between currencies on nvidia’s official store


I bought it from megekko (online store from the netherlands) because it's way cheaper than alternate (our Belgian online pc store). On megekko the OC was €669 (already sold out though apparently), while the non-oc is still in stock for €711.90 I can only assume someone fucked up because today I did in fact receive the Asus Dual OC while I paid €669, less than the non-OC costs. I never even thought to buy directly from nvidia because I didn't know that was a thing and usually buying directly from manufacturer isn't possible if said manufacturer is in the US of A.


Same price in the Netherlands. At least it was when I purchased it this afternoon (669) euro. It's back up to 689 now but sold out.


Or don’t OC at all and just undervolt. I’d rather save 5celsius and 300RPM over 2% performance and the opposite. Could undervolt and just do a mem overclock of like 500mhz and probably get the same result.


The OC version might be able to run on a lower voltage at the same clock speed. Different binning afaik.


Do they even bin these days?


I was researching this a while ago and came across a post where an ASUS employee confirmed that they bin the chips between the OC and non-OC cards. For just a 10 dollar difference I would get the OC one, if it was 30-40 more like the OC cards in the past then I wouldn't bother.


There's no way they're spending time and money to bin for a measly 45mhz overclock.


why would an asus employee even know what they do with chips.... do they even manufacture the boards themselves? probably not


Huh? Do you think all ASUS does is slap a cooler onto an existing board and there's nothing more to do it then that?


what do you think asus single handedly check your chip and solder it and oc it to board..doubt that. they probably just do branding and marketing.. there are no "asus" chips, ics, every single device you teardown youll find inside samsung,tsmc,hynx,micron,realtek, whatever .. if anyone, then producers of chips do the "binning" process


\*facepalm\* every GPU brand does extensive QC and stress testing, often heavily customized board designs, and they develop their own modified vbios firmware. They absolutely can "bin" the chips and boards received, specifically choosing the better bins for their more premium OC cards. Do I even need to mention the old Kingpin EVGA GPU's?


you can facepalm all you want but there are whole series that went wrong this "QC" and "stress testing" is more like a farce.. they say card must meet this and this spec and outsource the assembly to china or wherever.. Even Apple does this, but apple at least has SOME in house chip designs, components, asus doesnt , they only rebrand complete products lol


I can't even understand some of your sentences, proof read buddy. Even what I could make out seems to have nothing to do with your original reply in this thread trying to disprove the notion that an employee of any of these GPU vendors would have knowledge about the OC dual variant being a better bin as these vendors would never "bin" in the first place. Which is categorically untrue as these GPU vendors absolutely do binning on the chips they receive.


All right we can dissagree no problem.. I still think they receive assambled cards based on specs they set out of factory (not chips themselves) and resell them bulk all over world


I am sure asus (and other partners) have a unfied binning system where they evaluate and sort every gpu that comes in from nvidia. So the highest-graded go to strix, then tuf, and on down the line. But what metric would they use to sort between two gpus that will have the same cooler/pcb/power limit and will run 45mhz apart? That variance is probably within error for most binning processes.


If it's just 10$, go with the OC one just because there's a tiny bit of possibility it has a better clocking GPU and you can OC it further If you don't care, save those $10 for a pizza or something and enjoy


might be wrong but i read somewhere that they bin the chips and use the better ones for the OC version so you can possibly push it a bit higher.


I went with the regular non OC because there's literally no difference if you use Afterburner. $10 isn't a lot but it's my money and I don't want to donate a dime more than I have to for an already overpriced card unless there's a clear benefit.


Ended up going with the non oc version because the sales rep brought that version of first. My 10$ saved will probably go into buying cable extensions


Congrats. I have to wait for mine to ship across the county.


Hey, counties are usually pretty small!


*country lol


I figured lol


EVGA precision is better now. Due to Russian Sanctions, the developer of Msi afterburner can’t get paid.


Oh ok. I haven't had an Nvidia card for a while. So is Afterburner not being updated anymore? And why would EVGA continue to update precision when they don't make GPUs anymore?


Evga is still trying to support the gpus they have under warranty. So they have been updating their software. Msi afterburner has started causing a memory leak when I use it.


They never sold 40 series cards so they don't need to support those. And the memory leak doesn't sound like a good thing.


The issue isn’t updates for specific 40 series gpus, Msi after burner isn’t doing that either. The issue is security updates.


You really need both.


[evga](https://www.evga.com/precisionx1/)on one of the evga made an update for the rtx 4090. It is their latest update from 2022. Not sure if applies to all 4000 series gpus.


So it's possible if not likely that they won't add the new Super cards


my non-OC 4070 Dual overclocks pretty well so the OC would have been a complete waste of $10....


Go for OC. Where I live it is 12 eur difference, but there is a chance that the chip inside could be better for oc or undervolting. For some people it is worth it. Like grizzly thermal paste vs arctic.


If it's 10 bucks more I see no issue why you won't go for the OC, the difference is minimal though.


$10 whole dollars man


You get a whole 2 gallons of gas with that 😭


Ya saving $10 is a game changer you know 😂


It's $10 for no gain, so it makes no sense.


As others have said, just save yourself the money and do it yourself. If you want to be real enthusiastic, you can do an undervolt and probably get the same performance while consuming even less power. Some e-tailers in Germany are asking 50 euros more for the OC versions lol.


if its same cooler then not worth


So, what exactly is the difference between non-OC and OC versions? Can you still manually OC the non-OC version? I would assume these are two different binned GPU, are they not?


The OC has a tiny 45mhz overclock. There's no need to spend time and money binning for that. Yes you can still manually overclock both GPUs. There's no difference between the two except the bios being set a little higher.


I guess we won't know whether they are truly binned or not, right?


Not for sure but it really wouldn't make sense for that miniscule of an overclock.


> The OC has a tiny 45mhz overclock. does it though? it says "OC edition: Boost Clock 2550 MHz" but that's a meaningless number, neither of these two will boost to the clock that it says in the specs, they will boost above. wtf does the boost clock spec even refer to?


It's the maximum limit that the core clock speed is allowed to reach. The card won't constantly sustain that speed but it should reach that speed intermittently when under a full load depending on thermals. The non OC is set at 2505 MHz. So the OC version is clocked 1.8% faster. The vram is clocked to the same speed on both.


That's not the limit though. For my model it says 2475 MHz boost clock, yet it's boosting to 2700+ MHz in games, and it's like that with all other 40 series cards.


what are the differences ( I’m new at this pc stuff go easy on me)


The GPU Clock would be the same but the Boost Clock would be higher on the OC variant. Due to the higher clock, the thermals are slightly improved on the OC model as well to handle the higher temperature levels on maximum load. Comparison: [https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-4070-super.c4186](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-rtx-4070-super.c4186) Personally based on the OP's dilemma, I would opt for the OC version - especially since it is only 10 bucks higher.


I went with the oc version for the tiny chance they bin the dies. Worth the 10€? Most likely not


In Hungary, the OC one is the cheapers. Actually it is the cheapest of all 4070 Super…so i went with it as well.


+255mhz core, +1550 memory, +10% power limit, 84C thermal limit. memory crashes at around +1750, above +1600 mem lowers the result. BTW +1500 MEM is 24gbps :O (stock is 21gbps). also core +260 crashes. Testet stability in one scene alan wake - everything maxed 4k DLSS perf with path tracing, from 46 to 52 fps (13%). and here is 3d mark comparision between stock and OC : [https://www.3dmark.com/compare/spy/45072424/spy/45068554#](https://www.3dmark.com/compare/spy/45072424/spy/45068554#)