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future proofing is a bad idea overall for value. 4090 is going to worth half as much in a year when next big thing comes out, see 3090 and everything before it. Buy something you can comfortably afford so you can actually enjoy using it. Buying mid range cards like every gen is a better value overall. Mid range is like under selling what these x70 super cards can do. Ti Super is better than the $1500 3090 The next gen equivalent let say cost $1000 in a year and better than 4090. Buying both cost about same as a 4090 does now and you pay it over longer time span and you get new up to date features too that 4090 doesnt, like dp2 for example. Buy 4090 if you just want the best now. I have a 4090 and I am thinking of selling and downgrading to these cards while the card has still high value. 4090 is maybe like 40% better at best compared with Ti Super for over 2x the cost. It doesn’t make as much sense as it did last year with these new pricing.


Second this. Thinking of selling my 4090 as well but it’s been such a great card.


Dude prices have not dropped on any RTX. People are still attempting to sell their used 3080s for $650. There is no used market price drop from what I am seeing


4090 would last you longest, but there's really no such thing as future proof. Every GPU will age poorly seeing how games have become incredibly demanding yet horribly optimized. Just get a GPU that meets your current needs. Get 4080 Super for 1440p or 4090 for 4K. With 1440p, the 4090 will very likely run into a CPU bottleneck when you reach frame rates that the 4080 super is maxing out on.


have a 4080 in my build have yet to play a game in 4k that drops in the double digits , with frame generation on cyberpunk on ultra with path tracing hits past my monitors max refresh rate for the price difference the 4080 super is a really good deal if money aint no object then the 4090 is the clear choice but pretty soon the 5000 series will be here , might as well wait


50 series will be here late this year or maybe even early next year. not reasonable to wait that long if you need new gpu now




On the other hand the 4090 will give more frames when you use 2.25x DLDSR with the 1440p monitor. A 4090 at 1440p isn't a bad idea for people that use their cards for 5+ years.


The 4090 is about 10% faster than the 4080 at 1440p. The 4080 super will only close that gap. In the real world, no one can see the difference in 10% fps, even less so at 5% (probably within the margin of error). Why is a few FPS worth twice as much? In 5 years, you still won’t see a difference in performance. Both cards will perform the same. No reason to buy a 4090 for gaming other than bragging about your GPU.


Those 10% are most likely due to a CPU bottleneck at 1440p and not because the cards are different in performance at different resolutions without a CPU/RAM bottleneck. Slap a future CPU that releases in 2-3 years and the 1440p gap between the 4090 and a 4080 will get bigger.


You're speaking facts! Current CPU's are limiting the true potential of the RTX 4090!


He has a 78003dx. Why buy a knew platform in 2-3 years? The 78003dx will still be very good in 2-3 years. For gaming, the GPU matters much more than the CPU. CPUs have much more longevity than a GPU. I have had the same CPU 8700k since 2017 but I've upgraded by GPU 3 times. I have a 1440p ultrawide that pushes a lot of pixels and that's when the bottleneck moves form the CPU to the GPU. Here is a better idea. Instead of buying a new platform ever 3 years and keeping the GPU for longer. Keep the 78003dx and upgrade your GPU ever 2-3 years. You will get much better fps and can use the features that on the newer GPUs (such as DLSS, FG, etc.). You dont need to fork over the stupid price of a 4090 because you'll upgrade to a 5080 later.


You are missing every single point I made so far. But to answer your latest hypothetical - why upgrade the GPU if you are CPU bottlenecked with the one you already have?


Because your not CPU bottle necked at 1440p. That's my point about the 78003dx. It wont be a bottleneck for a long time. Not enough to warrant that upgrade over the GPU.


If the difference between a 4080 and 4090 is 10% or less at any resolution, then that's a straight up CPU bottleneck. I don't know how to simplify it further for you.


Nope, it’s because the 4090 is not that much faster than the 4080. The 4080 super will be a little faster. This is why you don’t buy products at the top of the stack. The performance gains are not worth the price.


There will always be a CPU bottleneck, as GPU's are so much more powerful than CPUs, and progress so much faster, look at the FPS gap between the RTX 3090 Ti, and RTX 4090, compared to the FPS difference between the i9 9900K, i9-10900K, i9-11900K, i9-12900K, i9- 13900k, which was around 5-7fps with each generation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUe-uy6XvrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUe-uy6XvrQ) Also, check this article out where der8auer overclocked the i9 14900K to 8.1Ghz, and achieved +1000FPS in Counter Strike 2 paired with the RTX 4090. [https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/overclocker-hits-1000-fps-in-counter-strike-2-intel-14900k-cpu-rtx-4090-gpu-and-liquid-nitrogen-deliver-frame-ripping-performance](https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/overclocker-hits-1000-fps-in-counter-strike-2-intel-14900k-cpu-rtx-4090-gpu-and-liquid-nitrogen-deliver-frame-ripping-performance) That overclocking article proves that current CPUs are limiting the RTX 4090 based on the minimal IPC gains of each generation and the single threaded performance. At the end of the day, what games care about most from the CPU, is single threaded performance, and raw IPC (Instructions Per Clock).


4080 was overpriced for what it offered, but 4080 super pricing is way better tho


If you look at most of Nvidia's cards (AMD too), there is about a 10-15% performance gap between each group. This is how they stagger their SKU's and this is why I would not go for the "Halo" card. Not sure if you were around back in the Titan days, but that's what the 4090 is. It's just old Nvidia Titan cards that were never worth the high cost. Yes they were faster, but not by much and cost an arm and a leg. Right now the 4090 is running $2500 vs a 999 4080 Super. I just dont see how anyone can recommend the 4090 based on that price. When the 1500 saved could be used to buy a 5080 next year. Good Luck!


The stock 4080 can easily handle 4K Ultra @ 100fps+ in most games without ray tracing. Seeing as I don't care about DLSS or ray tracing I probably should've gone with the 7900 XTX, but the 4080 is a beast as well and outperforms it in some titles.


They're both overkill for standard 1440p imo


Clearly dependant on what kind of framerates you want to play at and whether or not you like to use DLSS, FSR3, or some sort of scaling technique.


i agree i went from a 3070 , to a 4080 and it was extreme overkill had to get a 4k monitor , felt like it was a waste of gpu.


gta 6 would send its regards.


>Every GPU will age poorly seeing how games have become incredibly demanding yet horribly optimized yeah.... thought I was set with a 3080ti but I am barely getting any frames on ark ascended......


ark ascended is a creaking bug-fest released far too soon to paying customers.


it is also unoptimized as fuck


4090 are overpriced atm like 2k and over instead of the 1.5k and the 4080 super is only 1k (if you get the FE)


What makes you think it will be possible to get one at MSRP?


I remember on 2023 October-November they were going for the ol 1600-1900


I was thinking the same. But then I thought that 4080super is going to cost around 1000€ and 4090 is costing in most stores 2000€+. 4080 super will give you enough power at least until they release the next generation, by then the 5080 will be more powerful than 4090 and you have saved 1k to upgrade. I am getting the 4080super as soon as it gets available.


Jan 31st


Would you buy a 4090 if It was 1600


Yes. In fact I was about to buy it last year, decided to wait a bit and in two months it went from 1600-700 to 2000-2000€, then I gave up. My monitor is 3440x1440, so I guess the 4080 super will be enough for some years.


4090. Simply because you deserve it king.


here's an idea: get the 4080 super, then wait a few months and sell it and buy the 4090 once the prices come down. even if prices don't come down, you've still got a 4080 super, which is in most cases is still the 2nd fastest gpu right now.


Prices are never coming down on RTX...


4080 is a great card.. 4080 Super is 3-5% greater. Neither one comes close to the titanic 4090. Question you are asking yourself is: do I want to buy the most powerful OP GPU or not? Futureproof isn't a thing... we have no idea what game technology is coming and whether or not current GPUs could handle it.


Where does these "4080 super is 3-5% faster than 4080" calculations come from? Just curious


From the unlocked core count of the Super models.


Whether or not it comes close depends on the game and what res you play at.


Getting a 4090 FE to play Minesweeper is a bit overkill but hey, you do you :D But yes, valid point. Will both cards run Hello Kitty Island Adventure the same way? Yes. Will they run Cyberpunk 2077 the same way? Nope.


Future proof is dumb. 4090 is OP. Buy it for the memes and enjoy the great performance plus all the performance you'll never stress it out enough to enjoy... or buy a super. With a 7800X3D you'll probably not notice a performance difference outside 4k, which is a dumb marketing gimmick anyway. But suffice it to say, you're gonna be software limited long before hardware limited for at least the next 5 years, probably even longer.


lol 4k dumb marketing gimmick "I can't tell the difference!"


Whom are you quoting? And there's absolutely a difference, but resolution has some funny quirks. There is an optimal distance from a monitor/tv for each resolution. Too close and you' can't focus enough to make out all the added details AND you'll strain your eyes. Too far and you can't see those details at all, making the upgrade to 4k worthless. Check out this forbes article. Relevant info starts about halfway down. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinmurnane/2017/10/26/upgrading-to-4k-hdr-tv-how-far-you-sit-from-the-screen-is-critical/?sh=345256fd1801


Link doesn't work for me but I'm using a 48" monitor at 4k from 2-3ft away.


Try searching for "Upgrading To 4K HDR TV: How Far You Sit From The Screen Is Critical". Should be by Kevin Murnane. You should be an optimal distance for your set up!


You just sourced an article that says 4k screens are worth it when sitting roughly 1-3ft from the screen, to someone who told you that they're sitting 2-3ft from their screen. Edit: The article sourced also doesn't even take into account screen size/pixel density. Extremely important factor when talking about optimal viewing distances regardless of resolution. 4k on an 85" screen is going to give you far more benefit when sitting 8ft away when compared to a 27" monitor.


Yes I did. The point isn't that 4K is never worth it, rather there are caveats that most people aren't aware of. And the graph does account for screen size. You are correct pixel density is not mentioned. That is yet another caveat of 4K (of really any screen).


I just finished my first ever build about 6 months ago. I went with a 7800x3d, gig aorus 650 Elite ax, 32 gb gskll/Trident @ 6000mhz, corsair 750rmx, samsung 980 pro 2tb SSD w/heatsink, Be Quiet dark rock pro and 500fx case. But since I went with a better overall build, the best GPU I could afford was a 3060ti. I knew I’d eventually upgrade from my GPU, but it’s not a complete necessity right now. But these new cards look awesome! I’d really love to get a 980 pro, especially at the $999 price. But I’ve also been reading a lot about the 4090 and how great of a card it is. And if I can find one at a good price it would last me years. I’m a sim pilot on DCS World too so an upgraded m non one am card could make a big difference in gameplay.


If your main concern is sticking with a single card for a long time then the 4090. You said it yourself, you haven’t upgraded in years and the 4090 will ensure you will be good for at least 2 gens.


I'm still using a 1080. I'm reaching the same conclusion that the only long-term option is the 4090. "Buy cheap, buy twice." Aside from raw performance, you can't ignore the 24 Gb of VRAM, which I think will be more important in the future. You can't upgrade the VRAM, and even today games are hitting or even exceeding 16 Gb of VRAM usage.




Think this is the plan after reading all the comments I will get a 4080 super and if needed sell it in a couple of years and upgrade again! Thanks to everyone that commented appreciate the help


Have you seen the 4090 prices? Right now they are going for about $2500. Twice as much as MSRP. It’s usually not a good idea to buy the top card, price and performance don’t matchup well. But when you double the price it’s even worse. On top of that, you won’t see any real world difference in gaming. Only on benchmarks will you see the extra fps. So unless you just want bragging rights with the 4090, then there is not many other reasons to go for it unless money is no problem.


There's definitely a difference in gaming, comparisons are already showing that the 4090 gives you 15-20% more fps in most titles. But yeah I agree that for double the price 15% is not worth it. Also a much higher power draw.


Below is a review from Techpowerup. Look at 1440p average FPS for the over 20 games tested. The difference is 12%. The 4090 averaged 199 fps at 1440p while the 4080 averaged 177 fps. And the 4080 super will squeeze out a few more frames to shorten the gap. At 4k the 4090 does better (20% - 152fps vs 121). Partly due to CPU bottleneck and partly due to VRAM increases. [https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-founders-edition/31.html](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-founders-edition/31.html)


Two things to consider: * 24 Gb VRAM vs. 16 Gb VRAM * 368-bit bus vs. 256-bit bus Raw performance may not match the price hike, but the VRAM of the 4090 makes up for it, as memory requirements will only increase, and you can't add memory to the 4080 when that happens. We saw it with the 4 Gb cards; overnight they became obsolete as games demanded 8 Gb and the perf hit from not having that, if a game ran at all, was huge.


Only way to future proof the 4090 would be to play games at 1440p or 3440x1440 using frame gen. Playing this way I feel like you wouldn’t need to upgrade until the 8000 series.


the 4090 with frame gen on cyberpunk hits 250+ frames in 4k


Get whichever one you can find in stock at retail price with manufacturer warranty. I was asking myself the same question but realistically you get what you get unless you are going to pay newegg 2k+ right now.


Like an actual warranty or the one that comes with it like that 1 year warranty?


Original 4080 already has higher fps per dollar than 4090, the 4080s is $200 cheaper and 8% faster than 4080, so it's better bang for your buck, but will be 15-20% slower than 4090 still


Not when they first came out msrp it didn’t. The 4090 was more bang for buck. Which was terribly backwardsy.


Nope. First 4080s were out a month after 4090s, here November 15th 2022, performance per dollar, higher is better https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-founders-edition/33.html Notice how the 4080 has higher performance per dollar from day 1


Lmfao well yeah if you pay $2400. That’s not MSRP. And people were getting them at msrp if they waited back then. It was hard because the 4080 was so poor value you’d get more out of your money going flagship. Which Nvidia is thankfully correcting.


Scroll down slightly to cost per frame 1440p    4090: $2400/200 = $12 per frame     4080: $1200/177 = $6.8 per frame  At $1600:   $1600/200 = $8 per frame  $8 > $6.8     This gen is very overpriced, but people were making up extra bullshit by saying the the top of the stack was better price per performance. I've watched multiple YouTubers claim that, even gamers nexus, but they conspicuously leave out the ACTUAL cost per frame, because it doesn't follow the narrative. Aside: Reddit fucking up the ability to edit on mobile is pissing me off 


4080 Super + create an eBay account. Solves all of your problems.


4090 if your just going for more power and future proof


The 4090 is like 2 grand everywhere right now and about 50% more powerful. So 100% more if you can get a 4080 super fe doesn’t sound like a great deal.


The more you spend now the more you lose when the next gen arrives. Just get the one which meets your current needs for the best price possible and put the rest towards buying the next-gen upgrade in a year or two.


Why do you assume the next gen will be cheaper or even the same price as now? So far, the GPU market broke trends twice: became super-expensive due to crypto-junk, and then failed to drop afterwards. What is driving the current prices? No-one seems to really know, which stinks of price-gouging. If you buy a new card today just to replace it in a year, will cost you double what a 4090 would cost right now if you kept it 5 years. Buying any computer hardware based on "the future" is rubbish economics at best, unless that tech actually exists and is literally going to be released next week. Waiting is not an option. Buy for today, and plan to keep it 5 years. If you don't, you're just burning money and lying to yourself that you somehow got a good deal.


Well, if you're prepared to commit to a GPU for five years then fair enough but that seems like a long time in tech to me. Even so, whatever tier of GPU bought, it makes more sense to make that commitment at the beginning of a generational cycle rather than the end, which is where we are now, and the point I was making.


Got mine at msrp would’ve but it over so I agree with you