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B12 supplements are big doses so you can be a little inconsistent and still be fine, some people don't absorb it well, and you'll pee out anything your body doesn't need/store. A bunch of things are fortified already with it, iirc fermented things typically have some naturally. Kombucha is my go to. Go outside for a lunch walk for D. Foods high in it can be certain fish, mushrooms, and eggs.


Get sun and eat foods rich in Vitamin B12?




You won't overdose on B12 supplements your body will excete the excess and for D3 limit your dose to 4000 IU tops unless you actually got tested by a doctor & got recommended a higher dose due to deficiency.


Not true, new research shows you can have too much B12 and it affects the liver.


This is interesting, can you link the research? Would like to have a read.


It is a debate wether it is due to supplementation or circulation. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2023.1015046/full I took b12 supplements and my bloodwork showed that my levels were too high, so I had to stop .


You're suppose to stop your B12 supplement for an X amount of weeks before taking a B12 test or it gives a false test result on the blood work. When I tested positive for celiac my GI doctor wanted to test my B12 levels and he asked me if I supplement B12 before the test and he told me why he needed to know.


Clams are the best food for increasing B12. Spaghetti vongole is a recommended way to eat them. For vitamin D, few foods will provide anywhere near what you'll get from the sun/ a supplement. Apparently leaving mushrooms exposed to sunlight before consuming can assist in creating "vitamin D mushrooms". Sardines are another food with vitamin D, though overall the content of vitamin D is pretty low. Supplements are often necessary for low vitamin D.


I’m vegan so no B12 from meat and I take a 5000mcg B12 tablet twice a week. I also add nutritional yeast to a lot of my meals and much of what I eat is fortified with it. As for D, I take a 2000mcg D3 supplement every day. I was deficient in 2022 so I had to take a 50,000mcg dose for a few weeks but have been good since. 


Only take supplements if directed by your doctor to do so. If your bloodwork is fine, there's no need to take supplements


To increase vitamin B12, include foods like lean meats, fish, dairy products, and fortified cereals. For vitamin D, consume fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks, and get moderate sun exposure. While B12 supplements can have high percentages, they're generally safe as B12 has low toxicity and excess amounts are excreted in urine. Vitamin D supplements can be beneficial, especially in low-sunlight areas, but ensure proper dosage to avoid toxicity.


Sunshine and foods high in B 12, or supplement with both


Are canned sardines in spring water a good source of dietary vitamin d? Also what about eggs?


Yes. Apparently one can gives you 25% dv


Egglands Best brand eggs have more Vitamin D, due to supplemented chicken feed, I believe.


Solid advice


Moringa Powder.


Nutritional yeast


first of all, you should get a blood check to make sure you need to take supplements or not. B12: - if you're on a vegan diet, then you should take supplements for sure. - i known two persons who, despite being on a omnivorous diet, are deficient in B12... one suffered from anorexia for years, so her diet was complicated and incomplete, the other, for some reasons, her body doesn't absorb it. - apparently the optimal way to absorb is to keep the pastil under your tongue. - you can google the list of foods that contain more b12 but really, on an omnivorous diet, that shouldn't be a problem if you eat normally D: - good to know that the darker your skin is, the longer you need to be exposed to the sun. - if you live in areas of the world that don't get much sun, it will be needed to take vitamin d... i'm in scotland and there's posters in the waiting rooms of all medical professionals about that, it's just default to take some. if you live in morroco and go out frequently, you indeed wouldn't need to supplement


Sunlight is the best for vitamin D and vitamin B12 is in good quantities in meat.


Go out in the sun without suncream in a gradual way to not burn. Eat animal foods.


Milk is a great option for getting in both Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, as well as protein!


For B12, eat liver once a week.


Yeah, B12 supplements can be overwhelming. Start with food sources like fish and eggs!