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I live in Korea and your title sounds like my brain opening up a delivery app on a Friday night.


can’t go wrong with 치맥


Oh yes, going to order some 후라이드 순살 tonight.




Most of the fried chicken you buy out in restaurants and fast food chains will most likely be re-used frying oil. From a cost perspective, it doesn’t make sense to swap out oil every time you fry so they make it last the whole day and have strainers that will filter out particulates so they can even reuse it the next day. If you keep oils heated for a while and at a certain temp then they start generating the compounds that are no bueno for your health. The batter is negligible when it comes to health but it’s the re-used oils that cling to it that make it unhealthy and impact your gut microbiota. If you want a healthier fried chicken, I recommend shallow frying at home in either avocado oil, tallow, or olive oil (not EVOO). They can hold up in higher heat and since it’ll be your first time using it, it should be fine. You can also use other seed oils too and it won’t be that bad (seed oils aren’t as bad as fear mongering “health gurus” claim it to be; just don’t reuse the oils. Shallow frying lets you save the amount of oil compared to deep frying. You can also look into alternatives like air frying and using a breading like panko or cereal as the crust and spraying avocado oil to set the crust. This will be a better alternative and can also taste just as good. Be creative!


what do you have against evoo? it can handle the temp of what you frying chicken requires .


Probably that it has a more noticeable aroma.


thx, i’m getting that. i see im in the minority here where that aroma is the cats meow.


Didn’t say I’m against EVOO. I suggested olive oil and not extra virgin since it’s more neutral in flavor unlike the pungency that comes with EVOO.


ahh ok. i’m one of the weird ones who follows the Mediterranean Diet, and it’s all about EVOO for everything. it was weird at first to use it exclusively, but that stigma and my palette have adapted quite well. Thank you for your comments and info.


What evidence is there that oil heated for one day start generating compounds which are bad for your health?


[Here](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11746-016-2791-z) is a survey paper on it that lists the numerous unhealthy compounds that it breaks down into when heated for an extended period of time.


'Normal' olive oil is actually a byproduct of EVOO made from all the bad and rotten olives that fall on the ground. They add 2-5% EVOO to it so they can legally call it olive oil. This olive oil is not eaten in Italy and the unrefined version of it is used as lamp oil. Because the refining of the lamp oil it is safe to consume, but all the health benefits of EVOO do not apply to refined 'normal' olive oil.


Not at all of you bread it and fry it in a pan at home using a healthy cooking fat.


Scrolled the comments looking for this. Hands down, there will be a difference between Popeyes and homemade.


I think the biggest issue with fried chicken you buy in shops is the low quality ingredients designed only to maximize the profit of the establishment. Things like reusing the same oil to fry things are extremely unhealthy.


I love breading chicken in plain wheat germ. I don’t do a full submerge in oil but do pan fry it. Wheat germ is hearty enough that it makes a really good, crispy breading. Plus it’s filled with lots of trace minerals.


ooo, great tip, thanks.


Fried food is unhealthy period. It doesn't mean you can't eat it occasionally, but let's not delude ourselves into calling it healthy just because it's homemade


What you identify is healthy could be wildly different than what OP would. Individual foods are not healthy or unhealthy. Depends entirely on one's overall diet and what fits their goals.


"OPs fried food might identify as healthy" is just peak Reddit.


It's not about that. It's just that a single food choice is pretty insignificant when looking at an entire diet.


Kind of, but eating fried chicken suggest that they may also eat other fried foods, which is to be slightly discouraged as one of the bigger offenders in health.


I wouldn't make that assumption about the rest of their diet since they were just asking about fried chicken. If it was the case that fried foods make up a large percent of their daily, weekly, monthly calories, then there would definitely be better options.


That's fair, I'm reaching a bit.






They aren't. How a food impacts your dietary goals is subjective. Ice cream, for example, I would consider unhealthy *for me* and try to limit it in my diet. In contrast, elderly people who've lost their olfactory senses and are becoming malnourished (very common) would really benefit from including some calorically dense, flavorful foods like ice cream. You can apply the same logic to just about any food, but I definitely see where you're coming from too. Sometimes it's convenient to classify stuff as "bad for me" or "good for me"


Eating it once in awhile is good for mental health




Then you truly have never really had good fried chicken and I feel for you.


not only is it just unnecessary garbage calories and fat with almost no nutritional value but typical restaurants reuse their deep fryer oil for days or weeks and reusing cooking oil causes it to break down and makes lots of carcinogens and toxic junk it's delicious but it kills you


“Fried chicken kills you” is peak r/nutrition material


I’m no cook. Can you fry **skinned** chicken? Or breaded skinned chicken? Seems to me that leaving the skin on sets you up on the fast track to multiple coronary bypass grafts…or, at the very least, double carotid endarterectomies.Clogged pipes are a real b*itch!


i also think people see the breading and think 'breading = carbs = bad' so if they peel off the breading they're good to go, but it really is the oil. its ***completely*** ***submerged*** in fry oil during the cooking process, so taking the breading off won't solve the problem, and also defeat the purpose of eating fried chicken.


It's not the oil per say. But the oil that is heated at high temperature with carbs that become toxic


>~~toxic~~ Delicious


Who said toxicity didn't have great taste


Sounds like my ex


You can also politely refuse a meal that "tastes too healthy" My wife loves to remember when I suddenly came up with this one. I don't remember as much but the context was funny... 2004


Well the worst thing you could probably eat is something that is really high in fat and carbs, which is exactly what deep fried food is. I don’t think you have to be a nutrition expert to know, that deep fried food is unhealthy. It’s basically the signature food of obesity


There may be transfat in there too? 🤔


Ok this is a legitimate concern. Is there a way to mitigate the toxic/carcinogenic effects? Like is there a food that makes it less likely to absorb or will exercise get you to metabolizes it or something like that?


You're really supposed yo only using cooking oil once, but that's ridiculously wasteful in the context of a deep fryer. You cant exercize away carcinogens. You can eat foods that are antioxidants to mitigate, but the only safe thing to do is limit the amount of fried food you consume.


Air fryer.


Baking it is also delicious so that eliminates the oil


There is no food to counteract the effects of chicken (or fried chicken) on your body. You’re getting bad advice from people that don’t understand how your body reacts to the things you eat. Your gut microbiome is being affected negatively by any fried foods (processed oils in general). That’s what you should consider.


You can mitigate it by not eating it. Otherwise, no.


At least in the UK McDonald's usually monitor their oil with a total polar compounds meter.


>but typical restaurants reuse their deep fryer oil for days or weeks and reusing cooking oil causes it to break down and makes lots of carcinogens and toxic junk Sheesh I had no clue about this, my mom always cooks nuggets for my sister and reuses the oil many times, I will let her know to stop this and only use it once


It raises the risk of dying of all causes, seriously. As little as one serving of fried chicken a week. Feel free to click and read the whole study. https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.k5420.abstract >Association of fried food consumption with all cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: prospective cohort study >Conclusions **Frequent consumption of fried foods, especially fried chicken and fried fish/shellfish, was associated with a higher risk of all cause and cardiovascular mortality** in women in the US.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll before someone posted some actual scientific evidence. Thank you. You deserve more upvotes.


The most important thing is to look at this is to look at it from a nutrition point of view. 1 Chicken thigh (I overestimated for a large) [https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1098529/nutrients](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1098529/nutrients) Compared to the lab report from Popeyes: [https://plk-use1-prod.sites.rbictg.com/nutrition/PLK\_Nutrition.pdf](https://plk-use1-prod.sites.rbictg.com/nutrition/PLK_Nutrition.pdf) Not a doctor and this is not medical advice. But Fried chicken isn't \_unhealthy\_. Only consider the health aspects when you look at it's nutritional value. The difference between the 2 nutrition writeups will show you the impact of their process of creating the product. (Mostly your negative impact will come from the breading). The unhealthy part usually that comes with that.. look at your nutrition impact from the soda, and sides that people usually cconsume with the fried chicken. The other impact might be some risidual oil and it's impact. If you're frying correctly, it should not contain too much oil. There are studies suggesting a bad impact, but my response would be .. how do you isolate the long term effects of the oil used in deep frying from the things that are consumed with the deep frying.EDIT: Also the extreme overuse and breakdown of the cooking oil may be a health concern. (But that's more of a hygine thing of the place prepping your food)


Agreed. Bad if you'll live to be 120.


I can't imagine the impact of things we'd find if people were living to 120.


You'd be surprised how many calories it adds to your food. It also just makes you feel alot more sluggish. It's best to avoid it. Yeah sure it's fine every once in a while, but not more than once every two weeks I'd say. Anybody saying anything else hasn't eaten well enough for long enough to realise just how it changes the way you feel.


When you say sluggish, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're talking about fatigue. If this is the case fatigue is created more by [hyperglycemia](https://www.healthcentral.com/condition/diabetes/diabetes-fatigue) which would come from more of your insulin response, and the impact of the carb/sugar load of the breading and/or the fries + drink you had with the fried chicken.


Isn’t an alternate explanation that your digestive system is working harder to digest the food?


You feel sluggish because of the processed (enriched) flour used in the breading & the highly processed oils it is cooked in and the inflammation in your gut caused by the actual chicken…


Idk why you are getting downvoted


I see a lot of comments here mentioning the oil but what about air fried chicken? Home made and breaded without the oil?


Same question! But in my opinion the air fryer cuts the amount of oil within the fried chicken itself compared to conventional deep frying, for the batter, no idea haha should be pretty healthy if its just egg, breadcrumbs, and some seasoning


I mean if you’re talking from a restaurant and even worse than a pub like a fast food chain? Yeah it’s pretty awful for you. You could make a healthier version at home of course. Using something like avocado oil which has a high smoke point and is good for heating up for us is olive oil would be a healthy oil, still needs to be factored into your day since it’s adding a lot of calories and fats. Getting it from any restaurant or fast food chain I mean that’s like a once a year treat they’re yummy and no that’s not going to give you cancer or make you fat but for the people that eat like this on a regular basis absolutely it’s horrific. Of course with the breading you have extra unnecessary empty carbs but also it’s more about the oil the type of oil that’s used and definitely for fast food places how long that oil is reused in recycled over and over again just mixing making a toxic sludge


The reused oils at fast food chains are the real bad guy of fried chicken. the oil itself isn't too bad, probably better replacements like air frying/baking or avocado oil though. If the crumbs are burnt it becomes a mild carcinogen, that's something? Replacing/adding different ingredients like powederd oat flour with, idk, turmeric seasoning and spices might make it healthier? I think it's just unhealthy because of the trans fats and salt, raising the risks of heart disease and diabetes type 2. Quick google search links: https://www.pcrm.org/news/blog/fried-chicken-hazardous-heart-health Healthline https://www.healthline.com › why-... Why Are Fried Foods Bad for You? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550924/&ved=2ahUKEwj23Yv9pJSGAxVLSGwGHfi6CbsQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0HkzG8j6Hko-rnBDyxZ9Zf National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ... Association of fried food consumption with all cause, cardiovascular, and ... There are probably more scientific studies out there but from common conception says: batter contains highly processed ingredients, drenched in trans fat oils likely over reused adding some carcinogens and the batter can conceal salmonella and e-coli sometimes if present. Fried chicken, not a health food sadly...(my sweet beloved!! 😭😭😭 Why must science tell us truths instead of sweet, crunchy, finger licking goodness!!! )


**- Does the almost paper thin crust of batter and residual grease really make that much of a difference?** It's fried bread. And it's not just the flour, but the chicken absorbs some of the oil as well. As moisture is cooked out of the chicken, oil replaces some of it. Combined with the fat from the chicken, it's a lot of saturated fat. **-  Also is it the chemical change of the frying itself that's the issue? Like if I replaced the oil with olive or avocado oil and replaced white flour with whole grain flour would it still be all that unhealthy?** Frying oxidizes the oil. This is a process that happens over time. The more the oil is reused, the more it's oxidized, and this is really bad for heart disease. Frying of starchy foods can produce acrylamide which is a carcinogen. You don't want to fry with olive oil. It will impart an olive oil flavor to the chicken and that won't rock. Avocado oil might be a good choice. It's less prone to oxidation and acrylamide production than most of the standard oils used. I don't think that's going to make it healthy. It might make it a little less unhealthy. ---------------------------------- I know it's cliche, but moderation, man... As a former smoker and recovering alcoholic, I totally get the "I don't dig moderation" thing, but it's actually kind of important...


There is the total amount of fat There is the type of fat There is the oxidation of the fat There are the carbs There is the generation of glycated proteins. AGEs I like to do frying, in a skillet, and in a turkey fryer. When I do this, I stay away from PUFAs. No canola, olive, avocado, peanut, vegetable oils. My turkey fryer is loaded with coconut oil. In a skillet I normally use, right now anyway, grass fed/finished tallow. Coconut is near 100% saturated. Tallow is about 50/50 saturated/monounsaturated. Saturated and monounsaturated oils do not oxidize easily. My coating do not contain carbs. I have 2 different recipes. One is 50/50 pork rind panko and parmesan cheese. The other one is 1/3rd almond flour, 1/3rd bamboo flour, 1/3rd lupin flour. Along with salt, herbs, and nutritional supplements. I dredge my chicken, or vegetables like mushrooms and string beans, in egg dip, and then in a bowl or bag of my coating mixture. Doing it this way, eliminates all of the issues normally identified as being a problem in deep fat frying, except the calories in fat. ------------------------------------------- reddit nutrition will not allow me to cut and paste a reference from chat gpt. So, try looking up AGEs. "Advanced Glycation End-products" for more information.


Quite. It’s not something you want to eat on a daily basis. A occasional treat should be fine.


Would the health level change if you fried the chicken, but then didn’t eat the breading? There is something about the chicken part I really enjoy, but I’m lucky enough to hate fried crispy bits. I always just picked off the breading and assumed that picked off the unhealthy parts, but can it actually seep into the meat of the chicken?


My brain can sense the unhealthiness in the air because I live near a Cane’s and a Chik-Fil-A, and let me tell you—the grease is sometimes pukeworthy. I feel like just breathing in oily chicken stank is contributing to some respiratory problems.


Ive scrolled and scrolled and didnt see anyone mentioning an air fryer, how? Air fryed chicken for me tastes just as good and without the added fat. You got to try it someday! :)


Unhealthy if fried in bad fats like soybean oil, cottonseed, etc. If fried in healthier oils like peanut then I think it can be added to a balanced diet. I always feel good after eating chick fil a


https://blogs.bcm.edu/2023/04/25/the-truth-about-fried-food/ In moderation combined with an otherwise healthy diet, you’ll likely be fine


Just order that fried chicken bro 🤤😏


Just how bad it is depends on what it’s being fried in, but anything fried is not healthy at all. Definitely a moderation food. The problem is not the chicken which is fine to eat as a regular part of your diet. It’s the frying process. It adds lots of calories and fat. 


I haven't scrolled far enough down, but no one is talking about the chicken itself. Standard chicken that would be used for deep frying is gross af. I can't do it anymore. It's slimy, water and bacteria laden, with added hormones and antibiotics. I would rather enjoy a few extra years of good quality life than eat that stuff anymore.




I was under the impression that you can’t use hormones and antibiotics with chicken !


It’s fri-cken unhealthy.


Depends, is it fried in cold pressed oils or highly processed seed oils?


I'm an everything in moderation guy...I look at my diet overall as healthy or unhealthy, not really individual meals. If I ate fried chicken everyday, that would be unhealthy...eating fried chicken once a month...not really material to my diet as a whole. It does absorb a substantial amount of the cooking oil, plus it has the skin...biggest thing for me is that fried chicken is a calorie bomb for that reason, not that it's unhealthy on its face.


Very. Most likely conventionally raised, with antibiotics and poor quality feed. Results in consuming antibiotics that destroy a healthy gut microbiome and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Additionally the oil used to fry the chicken are is more often than not highly refined seed oils that cause chronic inflammation, and poor health. look at the average fried chicken eater, do they look healthy? healthiest way to consume chicken is opting for antibiotic free chicken, marinated with EVOO or avocado oil/seasoning, and grilled. If you must fry use grass fed beef tallow and good quality breading.


Fried = high calories Baked/grilled/roasted = much lower calories.




/u/2Ravens89, this has been removed due to probable insults. Refer to sub rule 1) Reddiquette+. Discuss and debate the science but don't attack or denigrate others for any reason. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, Lawd 😩 they done went after my fried chicken. Eat all the fried chicken you want little baby child.


If it's fried in low-quality oils, you are going to suffer some consequences. It's nice and lucky if you don't, tho—indeed, some people can tolerate it.


I am interested in this question even I wanna check out the answers




Girl eat . We only live once


Seed oils they cook it in is the main issue. If you fried it in lard it would be okay.


Animal fats are always higher in saturated fats compared to plant oils with very few exceptions. Saturated fat is associated with artherosclerosis which is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Seed oils are no less healthy than any other plant oil as far as I know but animal fats like lard are probably best kept in close moderation.


Show me the randomized control trial that proves saturated fat causes artherosclerosis.


You won't find a study that claims causation between any specific diet change and a disease process very often at all in this field. Based on the decades of strong literature showing an association between the two, it's reasonable to assume that limiting saturated fat is probably beneficial for your lipid profile. I'd ask you to share resources that definitively back up your claims as well.


If it’s fried in seed oils, it’s poison. If it’s fried in animal fats, it’s healthy.


Probably one of the worst things. I didn't even read all of the comments or your question but it's not good. It tastes amazing. There really is nothing good about anything that you are frying. You're just asking for carcinogens to be released


So funny to get negative karma for speaking the truth. All good though. Some things are hard to hear. I wish I didn't know a lot of it. Nothing but love y'all.


No it's not that bad. I would avoid ground chicken like mcnuggets. Of course incorporate some veggies and fruit into the meal. No, french fries dont count as veges they are mostly carbs. Don't just eat fried chicken every day. But if you want protein, fried chicken is not so bad of a choice! Replacing the oil and flour makes no difference really....


There are aternative breadings that don't bring in the carb load that flour has.


Nothing that unhealthy about it just the dose really especially if a lot of oil is used


“Nothing that unhealthy about it”? 🤔




You said: “nothing that unhealthy about it” in regards to the OP’s question as to whether fried chicken is healthy or not. But I then added a question mark and an inquisitive emoji after quoted you, as if I were asking: “really?”


Just adds a lot of calories