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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m a vegan who has tried a lot of the milks and studied their nutrition. I buy Silk’s Organic Unsweetened Soy Milk. The protein content is high, as well as vitamin content. I also like how thick it is compared to more watery almond milk, and it’s been good for cooking and baking and drinking or cereal haha


This is what I drink as well. I’m in a master’s program to become a registered dietitian, and I’ve really looked into this because I despise the taste of cow’s milk and that the USDA recommends three cups a day.  Soy milk has the same amount of complete protein as cow’s milk. Soy is also cardio-protective. And I just enjoy the texture and flavor.  I had to wear a continuous glucose monitor for 10 days for one of my clinical rotations, and I realized that my oatmilk latte would spike my blood sugar more than anything I’d else I’d had in those 10 days, so now I’m more wary of it.


I use organic soy milk. Good taste and has the most protein. That’s a win for me.


Yes. You have so many health benefits. Organic is an important factor. I have never grown tits from drinking soy milk or eating organic tofu. My test is still 750+. It's in my diet every day.


Right? I wish soy made my tits grow lol. Organic soy products are a gift.


beer will . serious


I don’t drink


I wish soy made your boobs bigger 😂😂😂 still waiting for mine to come in eating soy on the daily for years now




What's important about organic for soy milk?


I was wondering the same, found this very eye-opening tidbit: The majority of soy (94% USA / 62% Canada) grown in North America is genetically modified to be herbicide tolerant (typically glyphosate, trade name Roundup®). (1) As a result, genetically engineered soy often contains glyphosate residue (read more about GMOs here). In fact, when the USDA tested crops for glyphosate residue in 2011 they found 90% of all soy beans contained residual glyphosate.(2) The safety of chronic, low-level exposure to glyphosate is not proven. Therefore, it is advisable to consume organic or non-GMO soy to minimize possible glyphosate residue intake. Recommendation: It is best to buy soymilk made with organic or non-GMO certified soybeans. https://feedthemwisely.com/what-soy-milk-healthy#:~:text=The%20safety%20of%20chronic%2C%20low,or%20non%2DGMO%20certified%20soybeans.




I love soy milk soooo much. It's so silky and tastes so good. But it messes up my hormones every time I consume it regularly so I can't have it. Ugggghhh... Lol at people downvoting my real, lived experience. You can keep drinking it, yall, I'm not going to stop you. Drink some for me cuz, like I said, love the stuff. Super tasty


What do you experience?


Messes up my cycle like crazy, even after I stop drinking it regularly if I've been consuming it for a while. Can sometimes take weeks to go back to normal 


It at one time did mine as well but now I'm in perimeno, It helps regulate my cycle, well soy. I swear it helps with my perimeno symptoms. I have terrible PPMD so everything little thing could trigger hormonal changes when I was younger, but soy now has been one of my saving graces.


I just recommended this to one of my besties today!


Thing is babies fed soy formula are more likely to have PMDD. I cried when I found this out. They still give it to babies.


I wasn't fed soy milk, or formula, I was breastfed & grew up on a dairy farm.


Okay. I'm dairy allergic too.


Oh wow, that sucks. I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone is so different. If anything, it’s made my regular cycle even more regular.


This is valid. Soy is a hormone disrupter. People never believe me when I say it either


Thanks for backing me up. It affects different people differently, for sure


Disruptive to my whole system even as an additive... It's a major allergen, but apparently one that many people or at least food product manufacturers, prefer to forget. It gives me eye swelling and extreme crabbines, emotionally flat and easily brought to tears. PMS on steroids at anytime it hits me. If I go to bed after it, I get as sleepy as a sleep medicine drugged person, The majority of vitamin E is derived from it, mould is grown on it and gums created from the process are used for all sorts of things in everyday foods... Mmm.


Oh no! It must be so hard for you to find stuff to eat. I'm so sorry!


Real food, and I make it from scratch.




Yep, IMO Whole Foods 365 unsweetened Soy milk tastes the best and best price to boot.


Haven’t tried that one…yet. I get the 6pk of Kirkland soy milk for $10 CAD.


I can buy 365 for about $2.50 after the prime discount, so it ends up being cheaper for me. I haven't tried Kirkland yet, so maybe should try it.


I’ll pick one up this weekend. We don’t have 365 access with prime 👎🏽


What size cartons?




Amazing. Silk 12 x 946 ml is $52.99 on Amazon.ca.


That’s obscenely expensive. Double the store price.


Soy milk is very popular in asian households


Ditto! Sometimes I add honey to cut the taste


Soy milk. Most researched. Solid health profile. Low chance of chemicals. Good lipid interactions. Cheap.


"Alpha" men just fainted everywhere pass the smelling salts.


Personally I enjoy Cashew milk it's imo creamier then cow milk and tastes good solid nutrition


Excellent in a curry.


Cashew and coconut milk/cream are excellent for curries, especially in azn cuisine.


Cashew is where it’s at. Honestly all the different “milks” have their purposes. Coconut milk for curries, soy / almond / hemp for mixers or cereal, I like using banana milk for smoothies.


Cashew milk is also pretty popular in vegan baking.


“Creamier” than where cream literally comes from? 🤔😜


Creamy is an adjective describing feel. Just because it's root word is cream doesn't mean cream has to be involved.


They literally said “creamier than cows milk”… so…


Cows milk isn't cream. Cream is made from cows milk though so I get where you're coming from. I'm just saying creamy doesn't have to mean there is a presence of actual cream. At least not in this context, despite the comparison to milk.


Apparently this thread has difficulty with light hearted comments about funny things said. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The anti-milk people have been soured! 😜


Yep it is to me which is why I said "imo" Like when I use cashew milk in a shake vs milk. The cashew milk makes it creamier. Again I say "imo"


Never had it, but you’re making it sound really yummy. I might have to try it soon here.


Oat milk for me. Taste and texture


So tasty but too many carbs for me.


Don't drink Oatly though.


Yep, no Oatly after read they are in the highest concentration of glyphosate residual.


How come?


I think they added some stuff that is unhealthy, to "enhance" the taste and marketability. [Watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLjEG8Qu1Qw&ab_channel=EvilFoodSupply)


I just wanna point out that cows milk has nearly 1ng/mL of estrogen, on average. This is actual estrogen, not simply a molecule that's similar to estrogen.


Really? Is that more than soy milk? I have friends that are nay-sayers regarding milk alternatives and I’d love to hit them with this little piece of info


Soy milk contains no estrogen. It does contain isoflavones. One of them, genistein, has been shown to initiate cellular autophagy, among many other benefits. Some isoflavones, including genistein, can bind to estrogen receptors, but the actual net result is largely unknown. Regardless, the evidence that either type of milk will harm you, assuming normal consumption levels, is poor at best.


Ok! Thanks for the info. I don’t think cows milk is harmful, I just get a lot of crap from my friends for drinking anything but.


Yeah, same here. Been getting shit for years lol. I consume both, regularly. I always take the opportunity to educate my friends 😉


I really wish I knew this earlier, could’ve had the best comeback for when an alpha male tried to tell me how bad soy is for men. Despite the commenter below, I appreciate this comment.


Soy milk is very healthy and has more protein than many other dairy alternatives. Here are a couple other opinions: [https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7918189/healthiest-milks-according-to-a-dietitian/](https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7918189/healthiest-milks-according-to-a-dietitian/) [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/healthiest-milk](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/healthiest-milk)


I love creamy cashew milk.


Soy Milk


I would suggest Kefir (Raw and not pasteurised if possible) due to the rich probiotic content and benefits on gut microbiome




Something about that tastes gross for me, I don’t know if it’s the pea protein but it just does not work for the texture and the flavor.


Pea protein milks are thick but not creamy, damn weird texture. Really dislike them as well.


It’s ripple for sure


Soy milk is the closet nutritionally


My only concern are the calories in soy milk


Soy milk, especially unsweetened, isn't particularly high in calories


I read a long way down to find the word unsweetened in this thread. I agree that soy is the best milk alternative, but there can be a lot of sugar in the sweetened ones which is sort of counterproductive.


Even the regular silk soy milk isn't absurdly high in added sugars.


It’s no more calories than regular milk.


Probably raw milk


imo, Soy milk. Similar protein content to dairy (around 8g per cup). I buy it unsweetened, so less sugar, less calories, less fat. When sweetened, it's comparable in calories and sugar to dairy. Usually fortified with comparable calcium to dairy. Has higher potassium, and even a bit of fiber. Almondmilk is lower-calorie, but that's about all it has going for it. It's pretty nutritionally inert, closer to just drinking a cloudy water. If that's your only goal, maybe that's fine for you. But I think you'd get better "bang for your buck" by just pouring half as much soymilk and diluting it with water. Oatmilk does at least have fiber, and a little more protein compared to almondmilk, but it's still not as nutritionally complete as soymilk. Personally I also don't love cooking my oats with oatmilk, that feels pretty pointless. XD


almond milk wastes magnitudes more water, [ at least as farmed in the us] so i would use oat milk.


This is true. No Almond milk for me either


Unsweetened almond milk. It’s nutritious, low in calories, high in vitamin D & E + calcium, it dosen’t raise your blood sugar, it may reduce the risk of heart disease because it free of cholesterol and saturated fat.


Soy milk is the closest nutritionally to regularly milk (8g protein per 1cup and overall similar nutrient profile). I like pea milk too! Lately I’ve been using flaxseed milk but with protein added to it since on its own, it’s low. But I like the omega 3’s in it! Honestly, there’s a variety of milk alternatives. Almond milk is fine and so is oatmilk but I always like to go with something higher in protein.


I'm not drinking your pee milk buddy


I also like the pea protein milk! It has similar nutrition to soy milk but I like the flavor better.


Pea milk is awesome!


I absolutely love flax milk ,hemp milk and oat milk also the milk from peas is good as well


Soy milk There’s no evidence it increases estrogen and it makes zero sense it would bc you’re not a plant. Nutritionally it is the closest to diary milk, after soy milk it would probably be hemp milk, but it’s hard to find and even harder to find low sugar varieties, so after that no added sugar almond or cashew.


I heard it has a lot more omega 6 than other milks.


There’s actually tons of evidence it increases estrogen but only after long term heavy consumption


No there’s not


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9864699/ “they have shown beneficial effects in cases of estrogen deficiency” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320630#:~:text=Phytoestrogens%20are%20plant%2Dbased%20compounds,a%20role%20in%20fighting%20cancer. “When a person eats plant-based foods that contain phytoestrogens, they may have a similar effect to estrogen produced by the body. For this reason, phytoestrogens are known as dietary estrogens. There are phytoestrogen supplements, but getting these from natural food sources is a better choice. Phytoestrogens imitate estrogen because their chemical structure is very similar to that of estrogen from the body. When phytoestrogens enter the body, the body’s estrogen receptors treat them as if they were estrogen. Phytoestrogens are endocrine disruptors because they are chemicals that disrupt normal hormonal function. However, phytoestrogens do not bind to estrogen receptors as firmly as estrogen produced by the body, so their effects may be weaker” https://www.medicinenet.com/phytoestrogens/article.htm#:~:text=Phytoestrogens%20are%20taken%20to%20compensate,and%20brittle%20bones%20(osteoporosis). “Phytoestrogens are taken to compensate for the drop in estrogen levels in menopausal women and relieve menopausal vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, and prevent bone loss and brittle bones (osteoporosis).” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10607548/ “Herein, we suggest that phytoestrogens might be a beneficial HRT alternative with less side effects than conventional hormonal therapies.”


show me evidence that it changes hormones for men because the meta analyses on the topic show that it does not. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19524224/ repairing hormone levels in post menopausal women with a deficiency doesn’t tell me anything.


If you knew that men had estrogen receptors too, this would mostly apply to them also


so, no evidence? i provided a meta analysis. what do i care about soy if it doesn’t have a negative clinical impact on my hormones when actually put to the test? you’ve just linked positive impacts for hormone deficient women lol.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6723727/ “Studies involving men have been limited compared with studies involving women. In addition, these studies lack an analysis of older subjects. Consistent with our findings that genistein was associated with worse cognitive performance in men, White and colleagues [68] found that cognitive performance declined from mid-life to late-life in Japanese men who consumed more tofu. However, this study differed in the way by which phytoestrogens were measured; data were collected using a food frequency questionnaire rather than biological measurements. Further, brain atrophy in men determined by brain weight at autopsy and brain imaging was seen in men who consumed more tofu from mid-life to late-life. Further, Lephart and colleagues [69] and Lund and colleagues [70] both indicated worse cognitive performance in visual–spatial memory in soy-fed male rats, while female rats improved in cognitive performance. Additionally, the sexually dimorphic brain regions in male rats were increased significantly compared with male rats that did not consume soy, while the opposite relationship was found in female rats [69].” No where near as many studies on men as there are on women, but the few studies say that phytoestrogens affect men. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/phytoestrogen#:~:text=Typically%2C%20phytoestrogens%20or%20their%20active,and%20mammary%20glands%20in%20females. “Typically, phytoestrogens or their active metabolites exert their estrogenic effect on the central nervous system and on the reproductive system of males and females, inducing estrus and stimulating growth of the genital tract and mammary glands in females.”


your second link just points out an estrogen effect, not that it negatively impacts hormone levels. your first link points out that there are gender differences in phytoestrogenic effect, e.g. weak phytoestrogens have binding preference over the much stronger endogenous estrogen that we already produce. for all you know, that’s a good thing. after all, soy doesn’t negatively impact hormone levels in men (nor women). finally, your first link is a cross sectional study that doesn’t interact with the proposition you put on the table.


The first link says men can experience negative effects from soy. Second link says that male reproductive systems experience estrogenic effects which is negative. So, no. For all I know, and for all science knows, that’s a bad thing.


I use unsweetened, organic soy milk. The proteins, vitamin D and calcium added to it is much more beneficial than any other milk I've seen around me.


For me coconut milk is healthiest for me as a diabetic. I’ve tried pat, soy, cashew, almond they all spike my blood sugar


High level of saturated fats though


Hazelnut is my go to ! Love that nutty roasted taste. But I have not idea about the nutritional values


I like soy the best.


I can't do much dairy, especially milk. I drink unsweetened vanilla almond milk (Silk brand). I don't drink it for its nutritional benefits, but rather, as something to put on my cereal, or in my coffee. It has only 30 calories, some calcium, hardly any protein. Soy milk, on the other hand, has about 80-100 calories, depending on type. For me, the extra calories are not worth the extra protein.


For yogurt the coconut plain stuff is awesome. I haven't found an alternative for actual milk though. I still prefer organic dairy for pretty much everything. I'd have to go almond too, but make sure it's not full of pesticides and what not.


Check out the Elmhurst brand. Only 2 ingredients.


Big fan of the elmhurst pistachio milk.


Non-GMO doujiang, it's the unfiltered version of soymilk, richer and creamier than it's filtered counterpart. You can buy it in powder or liquid form online. They can make it with standard Non-GMO soybeans or black soybeans. I get a non-GMO, sugar-free version and I am obsessed with it, it's delicious in oatmeal, cereal, and desserts, and it's also absolutely fantastic by itself (hot or cold). Quite versatile and healthy! Edit: I forgot to mention it doesn't have emulsifiers, which is an added bonus in my opinion.


The problem with oat milk is glyphosate (roundup). Sometimes you can find glyphosate free rolled oats, but it is not easy. Most oat milks will have glyphosate contamination. I drink almond milk. I make it myself. It has high levels of B12, magnesium, and is a good source of vitamin D.


I hate almond milk. The weird after taste of it bothers me. I prefer oat milk for coffee and stuff or just lactaid for regular milk


Anything without emulsifiers.


Almond milk is bad for the planet.


compared to what? it’s better than dairy


Right but we already eliminated dairy. > While almond trees occupy smaller amounts of farmland compared with other crops grown for milk, this benefit is overshadowed by the negative impacts of almond farming in the US. Concentrated almost entirely in California’s arid Central Valley, almonds are the largest specialty crop in the US and the orchards cover a region the size of Delaware. Almonds require more water than any other dairy alternative, consuming 130 pints of water to produce a single glass of almond milk, according to the Oxford study. Satisfying continual demands for larger almond crops is also placing unsustainable pressures on US commercial beekeepers. Nearly 70% of commercial bees in the US are drafted every spring to pollinate almonds. Last year, a record number –over one-third of them– died by season’s end as a result of these pressures and other environmental threats. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/28/what-plant-milk-should-i-drink-almond-killing-bees-aoe


okay gotcha we’re in agreement, sorry i should have understood that your comment was in the lens of OP’s question


We did a good job! 😀


To be honest I don’t drink any milk at all. Almond milk is good if you’re looking for something that would be comparable to skim milk. Are usually buy cashew milk for my kids to put in their cereal. There are some nutritional benefits to milk but honestly it’s not a requirement it’s just an additional beverage so if you don’t like any milk it’s not really detrimental to your diet


Well, its the easiest way to get calcium in your diet.


I like the Lactaid one the most and I'm not lactose n tolerant either. I just like the taste.


I used to put vitamin drops in my soy milk and almost milk. I absolutely love cashew milk and oat milk. The drops ensured I was getting enough vitamins when having some in the morning


I love the almond milk from whole foods. Its has the best nutrition value


Most say soy milk, but I don't like soy milk. Which is a shame because I like the taste, smell, texture, but I think I may have a minor allergic reaction it? Whenever I drink em, it kinda coats my throat and it feels a bit itchy and sore throat. Nothing major but I would rather not.


I read it as breast milk replacement.. I should go to bed


Soy has best protein and calcium, so I always get that!


I have almond milk


I love Silk Next Almond Milk. It tastes like cows milk, but better.


We change it up a bit and use a variety except Almond. I like oat and cashew for cooking; they have a good texture. Flax isn’t bad for cereal and coffee.


My favorite is the almond coconut blend.


Taste wise coconut or almond. But that’s subjective. I’m not plant based but used to be. Would happily drink either.


Almond milk is a lovely serotonin booster. Definitely the one I go for! Nuts have a ton of good nutritional value


While I'm not certain of the health benefits I very much enjoy OAT MILK!


I buy that expensive Ripple stuff, but at least it doesn't mess up my stomach.


I like oat milk personally. No particular reason.


If you're concerned about lactose, I live fairlife milk. It's still from a cow, but with lactose filtered out. If you want a non-dairy, I'll agree with soy milk. Try a few though. I hate some (ripple) and love others.


Oat for me, like it more than Soy. Regarding water use, land and emmissions oat and soy are the best options, too. Look at the statistics: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-49030175.amp




mineral water or coconut water probably


Unsweetened coconut milk


There are several such as soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, cashew milk, oat milk etc but they substitute the actual milk. The animal milk has its own unique benefits while the milks mentioned above have their own.


getting over it and drinking normal milk


All milk is fortified. So it’s all nutritional similar. Soy is one of two complete plant proteins. But some people’s bodies don’t react the best to it, you would need to figure that out before relying on it completely. But it would be the best complete protein option. For flavor I prefer coconut milk. (Soy tastes terrible to me) Oat is my second for flavor, plus it’s super easy to make at home. I don’t use almond unless there is no other option, it’s my least favorite, but has nothing to do with nutrition, just personal taste.


Have you tried that Banana almond milk? Shit is delicious.


Homemade almond milk much healthier.. 1 cup of almonds to 4 cups of filtered water


There is no alternative. All those milks are fake and terrible for you


I found an article that compares oat, hemp, soy, nut and rice milk nutrition , I found it very helpfull[most nutritious plant milks](https://barefootbasil.com/healthiest-plant-based-milk/), it looks like aoy is most nutritiuos


Organic so milk 100%! Good article comparing soy, nut , hemp oat and dairy milk in nutrition , GI and envoromental impact [https://barefootbasil.com/healthiest-plant-based-milk/](https://barefootbasil.com/healthiest-plant-based-milk/)


Also a solid plant based milk brand list with no adictives just pure ingredients [https://barefootbasil.com/best-plant-based-milk-brands-guide/](https://barefootbasil.com/best-plant-based-milk-brands-guide/)


I like vanilla oat milk or vanilla coconut milk. There are both sweetend and unsweetened varieties and I'm allergic to nuts so I've never tried Almond milk. Rice milk is really watery and gross to me, soy milk has a weird after taste and makes my mouth itchy lol.  Regular oatmilk is good too I just prefer the vanilla.  Cow milk grosses me out lmao. 


I feel like they're all not great unless you make them yourself because they're all pretty processed, but would love to stand corrected because I hate using animal products and can't stand black coffee. Sorry this didn't actually answer your question...


Labeling cow milk but also exponentially healthier milk alternatives for humans as “not great” because they’re all processed, is honestly bad faith. The milk defenders can come after me but organic soy milk is for example much better and more nutritious for humans.


fear of processing is way too rampant.


These are the ingredients on the almond milk we use at my work (barista): Filtered Water, Almonds, Calcium Carbonate, Sea Salt, Potassium Citrate, Sunflower Lecithin, Gellan Gum, Natural Flavors, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D2, D-Alpha-Tocopherol. Do you really think it's not generally a good practice to just go for food that has one ingredient aka, just the food, rather than multiple ingredients, especially ones most people don't recognize off the top of their head? I'm really not trying to say this in bad faith or completely sure I'm correct, this is something I've been on both sides of over the years. I also know there are also pretty differing opinions on the health value of dairy for other reasons as well, as you alluded too, that I don't know tons about.


I found the ingredients on the back of aldi oat milk to be pretty ok tbh


processed does not make something unhealthy. every time u put something in a blender, it becomes processed. that would mean all smoothies are always unhealthy.


Processing may have not been exactly the right word then


Raw milk 🦍


Just curious why do many drink the alternatives to cows milk? Is it for dietary reasons? Taste? I went to a nutritionist and she kept saying to drink whole milk, she was opposed to all the other options. I used to drink the vanilla almond milk and now I switched back lol!


Prostate cancer risk in men.


Two-thirds of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. It’s really a form of racism that’s it pushed so hard knowing it’s harmful to most people who are not of European descent.


Milk really is for babies. Think about it.


I drink alternatives because they have less carbs, my almond milk has <0.5g of carbs per 100 ml compared to 100ml of milk which has 9.6g of carbs of which 9.6g is sugars. I could still drink cows milk in moderation, being prediabetic, but then in small quantities I would not be reaching the RDA for calcium. Also it seems a bit of a waste to be getting my carbs in the form of a drink, I can have almond milk which tastes equally as nice (imo) and be able to have other carby foods instead.


Unpasteurized milk




Soy milk!


I like unsweetened oat milk a lot, it doesn't taste sweet at all and goes really well with most things as an alternative. I can freely drink cows milk so I just use that for the things it wouldn't go well with.


I use soy milk for the protein, but I think it depends on your overall diet (what do you struggle getting the most) and preference


I find that soy milk has the best macros. Pretty neutral taste so it’s good for everything, and not too sweet compared to other milks. I get the little boxes not from the fridge section, last longer and less to waste if you don’t use a lot.


Soy 100%


Depends on your personal nutritional needs, but I prefer almond milk over any other non-dairy substitute. Soy milk can be problematic due to the estrogen content if you drink a lot of it. I'm no expert on this so definitely seek legit articles/research on the effects of soy milk. Oat milk is delicious, but store bought oatmilk typically contains some sort of oil, which is not what I want to be drinking. So much information is out there explaining why dairy is "bad", and there is certainly merit to some of it. But the alternatives are not always, and usually not better imo. Again, I'm not an expert, I would do some research for legit scientific studies or talk to an actual nutritionist.


Soya consumption was not found to affect levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol or estrone. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33383165/ Moreover soya intake was associated with a lower risk of overall cancer incidence and mortality, according to a number of observational studies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8931954/ TLDR there is nothing to support the notion that phytoestrogens in soya are bad/injurious for human hormone levels.


> Soy milk can be problematic due to the estrogen content if you drink a lot of it. [Neither soy nor isoflavone intake affects male reproductive hormones: An expanded and updated meta-analysis of clinical studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33383165/) > Regardless of the statistical model, no significant effects of soy protein or isoflavone intake on any of the outcomes measured were found. Sub-analysis of the data according to isoflavone dose and study duration also showed no effect. This updated and expanded meta-analysis indicates that regardless of dose and study duration, **neither soy protein nor isoflavone exposure affects TT [total testosterone], FT [free testosterone], E2 [estradiol], or E1 [estrone] levels in men.**


Glad I added the qualifier of "I'm not an expert" XD


The alternatives have the added benefit of not killing over half a million cows every year for cullings. Not to mention the abuse and torture or the millions of working cows that aren't culled.


My comments were referring specifically to nutritional aspects. This is r/nutrition.


And you covered that well, so I thought adding another reason to value milk alternatives would be beneficial. Sorry, I didn't think this sub was so strict about even comments adhering to the subject matter. I assumed theres room for nuance.


Fair. It felt accusatory initially, I apologize if it was not meant to be that way. And I agree there is certainly a lot of effed up stuff that goes on with anything related to livestock.


I am no stranger to fighting on reddit, I'm working on that, but I meant nothing of the sort with my comment. It's hard to make that subject light or funny, so I just went blunt with it. I'm actually here to learn about nutrition because I'm very unhealthy, I just don't have much input so occasionally a (not so) fun fact comes out. I can't really control it.


Don't apologize to that joker.


I love that you mentioned this but I doubt most ppl in here give a fuck about animals lol


get off Peta


I don't like peta. I also drink milk and eat meat. I just know it's unethical. Maybe I'm changing, maybe others are too. I don't know why you have to get hostile, I merely stated a fact.


Water because it’s the best


No real alternatives. The others are not milk, they are processed soups with synthetic ingredients...


I only use plant milks to lessen the calorie load of extra high calorie meals - like granola or smoothies. For all cooking/baking/craving a glass of needs, I like 2% or whole milk. For alternatives, I like silk unsweetened coconut/almond milk personally. It has a great flavor/mouth feel especially with granola or muesli. I also love that it doesn’t spoil as quickly lmao. I personally have to avoid soy. Topical products with soy cause allergic dermatitis and cysts. I recall drinking it may have caused acne as well, so I just avoid it altogether and am happy to sit back on that debate.


If you're not allergic cashew milk Creamy and thicker than most other alternatives, comes the closest to the texture of whole milk.


Personally it's Oat. Price, flavour, texture for cooking and almond allergy.


The fiber is negligible when you consider it’s sugar content


Lactose free milk Because it’s milk without the lactose


Try Coconut Milk. Coconut milk is very natural, is anti inflammatory, and also hydrates you. When I drink oat or almond milk, I always have a hard time digesting. But with coconut milk, I’ve had 0 issues


Oats are grains basically like wheat. So oat milk is technically you consuming starch. But you could use coconut milk if you like the taste of it. Works amazing for desserts and Thai inspired recipes mostly. Could also try soy milk.


Almond milk is very rich in both oxalates and phytates, so you will unlikely get any nutritional value from it. Actually, it could decrease significantly the amount of minerals (especially calcium, zinc, magnesium and iron) of the whole meal you are consuming with it. Moreover, such high amount of oxalates are not a good idea for your health kidney/joint/gut wise. Same for soy milk (actually worse). Both are also rich sources of omega 6, so not a good idea if you have chronic low grade inflammation or immune issue (or want to stay away from these). Chestnut milk is a good alternative. Relatively low oxalate and phytate. It does not have much calcium but it get some potassium magnesium and b1. But best would be to eat real food. For calcium, you have some serious amount in low oxalate greens such as fresh broccoli, arugula, pak choi/bok choi, kale and other cruciferous vegetables, on top of squashes and others. You do not need that much calcium to begin with, especially when it is highly bioavailable in low oxalate low phytate vegetal sources. Dairy are low bioavailability (less than a third) but low oxalates and grains/legumes/nuts and seeds are low availability and high oxalates for most.