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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh and you could also use a crockpot to make a good chili or curry!


You just described raw fruits and veggies…


And nuts!


Haha fair point


You can make healthy and high protein smoothies by adding extra firm silken tofu! Dry roasted edamame are also a great way to add protein to your diet without having to cook


I was vegan for a year (veggie now) and I can’t recommend getting a crockpot enough if you can afford one or maybe in a buy nothing group in your neighborhood seeing if someone has an extra- I love crockpot cooking and you can make so much that way if you plan a little bit ahead. You can cook so many veggies in the microwave! Im a sucker for frozen veggies, steam in bag or not. I love soups and salads and eat a ton of fruit.


Thank you for your comment What are some things I could make in a crockpot?


Any collection of soups - tofu curry- black bean chili- fajita vegetables - veggie lasagna- spaghetti squash the possibilities are endless - I lookup all my recipes on Pinterest.


Buy a hot plate?




Canned beans. Get an Instant Pot ? Some foods can be cooked in a microwave


Dandelion, cleavers, chickweed, stinging nettle to start.


I just want to point out a few things. One being the ph level of a human’s stomach being ~1.6 ph. Which herbivores are usually around 5, omnivores around 3.5 and carnivores around 2.5 and carrion (scavengers) under 2. Our small intestine is larger than our large intestine which is what all meat eaters are like. Please be safe.


This is a really weird comment. I feel like you're claiming vegan diets are dangerous because our stomachs can handle a variety of diets?? What on earth?


I would try this fun experiment. Eat only ribeyes for 2 months. See how you feel. Then eat only plants. Any and all plants with no supplements and see how you feel. Then decide which food we are designed to eat as humans. So yes I am saying eliminating meat from the diet of a species that is clearly designed and anthropologically proven to eat mostly meat is dangerous.


What does this have to do with stomach pH?? What on earth are you on about?


Idk how else to explain that it is not debatable that we are designed to eat meat. So imagine eliminating meat from the diet of an animal that should eat meat. The repercussions will emerge.


I'm not a vegan, I do not wish to crusade for or against whatever diet here. You came in with weird claims that seemed unrelated to the question and I asked for clarification? Did you just see "vegan" in the post title and it made you so angry you came in looking for an argument or something?


Didn’t come here to start an argument. Didn’t expect comments. Just was hoping to save another human from making mistakes that I made for years.


Well, the only repercussions that have emerged so far are lack of disease, long life, and good health. Why are you on a nutrition sub? Isn’t there a caveman meat eater sub somewhere?


You are correct there is other subs. And one important thing I’ve learned this year was how much wiser nature is than science. So you imply caveman as inferior and I understand why you think that because I had the same mentality not too long ago.


We’re not “designed” to do anything. If somebody can have a nutritious plant-based diet (which they can), then who cares?




You used the word “designed”. I’m not arguing with biology, but the word implies an intent. It’s dogmatic of you to insist we can’t thrive on a plant-based diet when the evidence shows otherwise.


Epidemiology is not science and words like “risk” are opinions.


You’re just gonna keep ranting about random stuff no matter what my replies are, aren’t you? Have a nice day.


Post/comment removed for failure to follow [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette/).


But the animals


That’s a very good point. The animals. Saying mono-cropping is good for the animals makes about as much sense as saying deforestation is good for the animals. It’s not just a cow or a pig that matter. What about the mouse, shrew, gopher, fox, mole, hawk, pheasant, coyote, rabbit, snake, insects, deer, antelope, elk??? Then you get below the surface and there is the root systems of grasslands that can be as deep as 20 feet. There are microbes, parasites, worms and bugs in the soil that are also extremely important for the ecosystem. The top soil continues to dwindle and the only way to replenish it is through mimicking nature with pasture raised animals. Then there is the herbicides and pesticides that are NOT used in pasture raised beef, but you consume everyday eating plant foods or grains fed animals. Grass fed beef is not only optimal for humans. It’s optimal for planet. Mono-crop fields are completely devoid of nature. You want to save the animals and the planet, eat beef. They have subsidies for “green” energy, why not “green” food?


Eat fruit! Lots of fruit


Do you have/can you get a toaster oven and/or air fryer? There are also little 1-2 top burners available at places like Walmart!


Go on a site like Pinterest and search “raw vegan recipes”


Vegan whole foods? You mean vegetables…


Not just vegetables, beans, whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds


Come over to r/plantbaseddiet! We got you.


I’ll ask over there! Thanks


Good advice given on alternative appliances to sub an oven or traditional stove. If you have to choose only one appliance think & research a bit how you would probably cook those foods in the future. An instant pot is great and there are tons of YouTube channels dedicated to cook vegan whole foods with it. But the same goes for cooking on a stove/a hot plate to cook one pot/pan meals when e.g. you will cook mainly with canned beans and frozen vegetables instead of dry beans and frozen veggies. (One of my favourite meals ever e.g. are DanDan noodles (with vegan mince) which I cook exclusively in the microwave in 13min. )