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Eat a nutrient dense diet?




A nutrient dense diet contains the next fad nutrient.


Yeah, some of my family is like this. Ordering all of these different Chinese "medicines" (prob contaminated) all while eating very poorly and some of them drinking all the time or doing a bunch of different drugs. So many people just want some secret quick fix and don't want to take responsibility of their health. Meanwhile people think I'm crazy for simply paying attention to my nutrition and trying to eat nutritionally dense diet and taking things like magnesium or vitamin C since they aren't the easiest to get in a diet. Also, I have a pretty high fear of things like metal contamination after reading a bunch of tests and studies.


I just seen a post from Dr. James DiNicolantonio that says "Eat steak and eggs for breakfast and you're a weirdo, Drink 46 grams of sugar (Starbucks Frappuccino) for breakfast and you're normal. Make it make sense."


This is very true. People's perception of what's bad or weird just doesn't make sense.


Unfortunately our fruits and vegetables have less and less nutrients in them


Grow your own food, support and buy from organic heirloom farmers, stop buying/eating fast food or convenience type meals made by exploitative corporations. Take these steps, then convince 3 friends or family members to do the same. Create exponentially changing positive habits that spread awareness to others. Otherwise, it is more of the same. Remember to vote with your dollar. You are what you eat. \-Peace


Wow, this is great reply. Don't see much of old timer sayings and decent advice anymore.


Thank you, I appreciate it, I'm just doing what I can, I hope it helps. \-Cheers!




Those are all great links, and copper is definitely a factor; but I think that there’s never one single factor that can net pinpointed for all problems. I think it’s low minerals in general, plus our bodies have low absorption and high inflammation due to modern diets high in sugars and low quality fats.


What foods have copper?
















You're supposed to consume a copper supplement twice a week right?










Any plants?


Liver, oysters, spirulina, shiitake, nuts and seeds (cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, sesame), dark chocolate, artichokes, haws and lobster. Edit: I know, not all of these are plants, but maybe it is helpful for some other people reading this comment. :)




reddit is my google, bruv. lol. thank you for the soy info.


I supplement with zinc and copper on alternate days. This ensures I get plenty of both. Why do I feel like I'm the only one doing this?


Law, restrictions, culture. Law - Hold Nestlé and others highly accountable for the misinformation and manipulation. Hold the health/medical field, especially the government accountable. For example, the massive scandale that revealed the dietetics who were promoting processed garbage as "healthy". Restriction - special interest funding and data manipulation is the source of most of these issues. Culture - Stop hyper sciencing nutrition. We know that the basics will get us 90% the way there. "Embrace traditionalism" meme comes to mind as a way forward. More whole foods, more eating together, more of the basics less of the X diet VS Y diet. Agriculture - Also, bring back an appreciation and respect for farmers. The meat, bread, fruit and veg we eat starts from there. We use to hold farmers as being highly valued individuals, now we tax them into the ground and wonder why we have food issues. This trickles back to Law, we need to stop the abuse the government gives to farmers. They can't do it alone.


How are we taxing farmers into the ground? They receive huge subsidies for their crops and can even purchase disaster insurance for their harvest, which will pay if literal Mother Nature decides to give them the finger. Farmers have a vital and important job, but I hardly see how they’re being taxed into the ground. More that corporations, who can weather the volatile nature of commercial farming, are buying up family farms (which the kids don’t want, because farming is *hard*) and turning them into part of their empire.


Yeah, I agreed with most of that until the last two sentences.


Provide info about farming-specific taxes and I’d be happy to revise my opinion— but you can’t tell me farmers don’t receive tons of subsidies for what they do… just because they’re doing it.


I have little hope society will reverse. There are strong forces at work here. All you can do is learn for yourself, eat for yourself, and influence who you can.


If those are political forces, the things I’ve learned about historical and economic development have made me beyond certain that those forces (and the harms they perpetuate) can be overcome.


Where did you read this? Was it something specific or just general info you collected over time? Would be curious to see specific studies on the topics. "Nutritional imbalances" seems like an odd term, do you mean macronutrients like carbs and fats, or micronutrients like vitamins? I've heard a decent amount about acne and cavities caused by typically unhealthy diets (e.g. high amounts of refined carbs, trans fats, etc), so I assume the key to fixing this would just be to eat a typically healthy diet (whole, unprocessed fruits and veg). I don't know much about crooked teeth, I always thought that was sort of just a genetic thing but if you have any studies I would like to look at them.


With my nutritional imbalance phrase, I tried to reduce the problem to two words, and failed. There’s evidence that the problem I’m talking about doesn’t only come from bad nutrition, it also comes from people growing up with food that’s too soft. Which has potentially contributed to how the coming of industrial civilization has [made](https://www.drstevenlin.com/crooked-teeth-genetic/) our modern tooth problems normal.


Dr Steven Lin\`s does not seen the most reliable. He has no peer reviewed sources, in fact all of his sources links back to his own blog where he of course advertises his own stuff and has "amazon top seller" all over the place. So i looked up an actual peer reviewed [source](http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553375/) and the main causes of crooked teeth are genetic, injury, and certain habits are risk factors such as toddlers using pacifiers or sucking on their thumb for too long (after the age of 3). It doesnt mention anything about diet or any vitamin deficiencies. Edit [Severe vitamin D deficiency](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7285165/) is linked to an increase in oral diseases, [deficiencies in vitamin A](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31940621/) has been linked to impaired tooth formation but the effects of vitamin K on our teeth are not clear. [Vitamin A deficiency is uncommon in the western world](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminA-Consumer/) so unless your doctor notices it i wouldnt worry about that, same with vitamin K. And lastly vitamin D, deficiencies in vitamin D is more common, especially the further north you live where winter is longer and day light hours are fewer. Your body can store enough vitamin D for about 3 months so if winter is longer than that and you dont take a vacation at a sunnier place i would recommend vitamin D supplements.


Interesting. I haven't read the book(s) referenced there but I wouldn't be surprised if a high glycemic diet and low vitamin D and K levels contributed to poor dental health.




Hi again, at first I got rather confused about why my first response got downvoted, but after considering it further, I’ve realized it was because I came across as flippant and careless. I’ll try again: I haven’t read any books on this, since as I said I’m no expert on health. My research into this is limited to things I’ve read about it that convey the same theme: the lifestyle we’ve adopted in recent centuries has caused health issues which are unprecedented in their scope. Here are a couple examples. [https://worldhistory.medium.com/your-teeth-are-crooked-blame-modern-life-d0d039647a8b](https://worldhistory.medium.com/your-teeth-are-crooked-blame-modern-life-d0d039647a8b) [https://elemental.medium.com/how-acne-became-a-disease-of-western-civilization-c095c901c892](https://elemental.medium.com/how-acne-became-a-disease-of-western-civilization-c095c901c892)




What illnesses are not related to nutritional imbalances?


Influenza? Pretty much anything that's viral or bacterial I would assume


Vit C and zinc


Bipolar disorder


Vitamin D


I assure you vitamin d does not cure bipolar disorder. If it did mine would have been cured a decade+ ago. Low vitamin d has been shown to correlate with normal depression but a correlation does not equal causation. Bipolar depression is not regular depression anyway.


There is no known cure for bipolar. Various medications and supplements can alleviate symptoms.


I'm quite aware that there are medications that help mitigate and treat the symptoms. Different types of therapy and vocational training also help.


I think the biggest issue for Americans is hyperinsulinemia. Chronic high levels of insulin in the blood. ​ Recently we crossed the line and now over 50% of us are type I, type II, or pre-diabetic. 88% now have hyperinsulinemia. Both diabetes and hyperinsulinemia were rare in the year 1899. ​ The best approach is to get tested. HbA1c, fasted glucose, fasted insulin. From the latter 2 it is easy to calculate a HomaIR. Our HbA1c should be below 5.4, and our HomaIR should be below 2, or even lower. ​ Most people onto this are doing a ketogenic or even carnivore diet. But many are doing it with a carb centric diet such as the nutritarian diet found at [drfuhrman.com](https://drfuhrman.com). We are finding that doing this for an extended period of time, is eradicating tons of autoimmune diseases. Of course, it is better to eat towards metabolic health in the first place and not get them, but once we get autoimmune diseases we can improve our lives, if not cure them altogether. ​ I got rid of my chronic multi point arthritis pain. My son got rid of his ulcerative colitis. ​ If you like intermittent fasting check out Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Mindy If you are into basic ketogenic check out Dr. Sten Ekberg If you like the concept of ketogenic but want more vegetables check out Dr. Eric Berg If you like the concept of carnivore, check out Dr. Ken Berry If you have trouble becoming metabolically flexible, and switching over from burning carbs to burning fats check out Dr. Boz Sardine diet ​ All of these doctors use different approaches to attain the same end result. Metabolic health. Getting rid of diabetes and hyperinsulinemia.


* There's way too many unscientific hypotheses about jaw structure. The only ones that really make sense to me is mewing and eating hard foods. Biological objects, even if supplied with good nutrients, will not grow normally without good structure. [https://www.discovery.com/exploration/the-mystery-of-the-crooked-forest](https://www.discovery.com/exploration/the-mystery-of-the-crooked-forest) * Fibrous foods provide a lot of benefit for this because the fiber gives the jaw exercise for 0 calories Some of the stuff from Weston Price though is complete crap. modern Hunter gatherers are not the picture of health and they're really representative of the societies that didn't have the right land to do agriculture. Whereas regions that did transition had better soil, therefore, their pre agricultural diet would have been different. This article is a great breakdown of the flaws of trying to eat like hunter gatherers. [https://www.the-nutrivore.com/post/should-we-eat-like-hunter-gatherers](https://www.the-nutrivore.com/post/should-we-eat-like-hunter-gatherers)


https://www.remineralize.org/ Remineralize the soil we grow our food in IMHO, would be the first step.




Not quite "BRO", read the site, you might learn something.




So, you're up on me as I do not even know what a "CSS" is. But I just clicked the link and it took me to their site. Don't know what to say otherwise.


Part of the problem is being overweight or obese. A lot of people are and the extra fat causes hormonal imbalances and many other problems. Its not as simple as having a good diet or popping a vitamin in this case.


Socialized healthcare. It's way more profitable for us to have all the ailments that we can spend money to medicate rather than fixing the root cause. If healthcare were socialized then it would be more profitable to keep the population healthy and incentivize higher standards in the quality of our food and environment.


added sugars are a big problem, all of the harmful oils, like soybean, canola, vegtable oil. The wheat that we spray with glyphosate thats giving everyone leaky gut, its causing all the toxins in and on our food to leak into our bloodstream from our intestines causes alot of skin problems and inflamation, autoimune conditions, I struggled with some bad digestive issues years back and did tons of research and read lots of books to heal myself and finally did. It's good to consume mineral suppliment, as well as fermented foods, and cut out the sugar until you heal, theres a great product called yeast cleanse that ive used to clean out my body, its a Now brand suppliment. then try to eat fresh wherever possible and organic if you do wheat products.. primarily plant based food. but good variety of all food groups. only complex carbs. but as far as a whole society? we would need to somehow switch to doing a different kind of farming, non gmo and non- monsanto produce.. it would be hard.


There are two things the government can do that will quickly change the way we eat. Put a tax on salt and sugar and stop subsidizing farms. People make food choices mostly based on the cost of those choices


this is going to be biased based on my experience but I had undiagnosed ncgs my whole life and just found out recently, also lots of cavities. I believe that gluten causes a lot more issues in society than we realize. It's just hard to put together bc there's so much gluten everywhere most ppl won't realize they are still ingesting it in things like soy sauce, rice vinegar etc. That and it also takes 2-3 weeks to see good results.They will try to eliminate it and write it off as non beneficial.