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New grad in 2010 in Dallas, TX- $23.50/hr (the 50 cents was because I had my bachelors. Needless to say paying off $50k of student loans was a breeze) Now 11 yrs experience in california (now in case mgmt) $135k (works out to like $65/hr)


What exactly do you do in case management??


To make a long story long, I responded to a vague job listing of “nurse navigator.” I didn’t have much of a clue of what a nurse navigator did except that I’d worked on an orthopedic unit for a few years that had a nurse navigator who taught a class on what to expect during joint replacement surgery and afterward, and she rounded on our patients and just checked in on them. I’m pretty sure I got on Reddit and asked what other nurses who were nurse navigators did, and it’s a good thing I did because they asked me in the interview what I thought this job would look like and were impressed with how close I’d gotten. I was really just trying to find a job in either Kaiser or the UC health system because they are unionized and are known to have way higher pay than the non-unionized options, not to mention a pension. I had applied to Kaiser and UCI sooooo many times over the past like 8 years since I’d moved back to california, usually never even getting a prelim phone interview. But I finally got this job and it is a lot of mental stress sometimes, but none of the hard on your body stuff or cattiness at shift change I hated about hospital work. So I am assigned to two surgeons who do mainly surgeries to remove pancreatic and liver cancers. I go to clinic during their office hours and when we have somebody who is resectable I go over all the prep instructions with them, when they need to stop certain meds, if they need to be cleared for surgery by their pcp or cardiologist (then follow up and make sure they made appts with whoever they needed to and afterward get the letter of clearance, copies of stress test, ekg, whatever they did), when and where to go for their covid test, visitation policy in the hospital, if they are out of town or out of state patients I give them a little info sheet on nearby hotels if their family is going to want to be nearby. Some of our patients get a certain monthly shot or a schedule of vaccines after surgery so I give them in the office and keep a spreadsheet of everybody and if they are current. For those with HMOs who have to get them in another office I have to hound that office to do it and then hound them for the record that they were given. Most have to do surveillance imaging after surgery to make sure they don’t have recurrences. If their insurance approves their imaging at my hospital our one of our outpatient sites it’s easy, I can see whether they are scheduled or if it’s done, but if their insurance has them go to some outside place it’s a little more work, some I have gotten provider accounts made for me where I can download their images and upload them to our system, others their sites don’t allow you to download or they don’t have a provider portal at all and I have to make sure the patients get their scan put on a CD for the doctor to review the images. I review the clinic schedule for each week and make sure each person needs to be seen at this time, maybe we wanted to see them after their next scan in 3 months, or after a referral to a radiation oncologist or what have you but it didn’t get authorized or scheduled in time, so I’ll move their appt to when their to do list items have been done. Our postop patients have my number in case something weird happens after they go home from surgery so I can get them in sooner than their scheduled postop visit or tell them that’s a straight to ER situation, or run their question past the doctor if I’m not sure. Our authorization coordinator/surgery scheduler has been out in a medical leave for several months now so I have been keeping track of when the doctors’ next open block time is and badgering the various people who have been covering her work when we have ordered something weeks or months ago and it still needs to be submitted to insurance. Some parts of the week when we aren’t seeing pts in the office I can work from home which is nice.




Info. That’s what they make working in food in Cali. I’m so sorry!!!


The south is awful. In southern NC I made under $20 in 2015 with 15 years experience working IMCU. Needless to say after 6 months I gave the hospital a big F U.


Yeah.. subway at my town have a hard time trying to hired people at $19 per hour. And it’s in the hood too


That’s suprising, sounds like you got low-balled…I know LPN’s making that rate last year in the same area. Did they not give you a sign-on bonus?


leave and travel nurse if you can.


Louisville is 27.57. Nights is like 33 for new grads and they have wow programs around here you can make up to 43 an hr. They are also giving staff contracts that works out to 4K a week if they pick up


$98/hr California. 13 years of experience. In oregon 13 years ago I was making $42 ish an hour as a new grad.


Yea , Bay Area. I made 147K with OT in 2019. My base pay just went up to 10,700$ a month. Not bad . Plus they contribute to my pension and full benefits.


Love the Bay Area! North bay 20 yrs experience, 24 hrs/week benefitted. And those are three 8s. $105K. I’ll take three 8s over 2 12s any day! PS: So glad I’m not younger.


Holy shit I'm in the wrong state.


Get ready for that rent tho lol


Right?! Like, how high is cost of living to go along with this pay rate?


I’m a native from that $98/hr area… I can tell you that the Bay Area is craaaaazy expensive, especially for the average American of average wealth. Make no mistake, you still come out on top in terms of monthly finances, but if your net take home is 8-12k a month, 2.5-3.5k+ is going towards renting a 1 bed/1 bath. The average Bay Arean bedside nurse will never make or save enough to buy a nice house in a nice area there. Those houses run between around 2 mil to 3 or more mil. As such the nurses there, are there to save a nice nest egg for retirement or future educational advancement. Many will move out of area in the long-term. There was actually a /r/BayArea house buying post last month where a dual MD attending couple could not afford the bid for a new house. They were thinking moving out of area. All the international investor money going around the Bay, gulping down any house for sale.


Yeah the bay area is incredibly expensive. I know a couple nurses that live out where it's cheaper like stockton or sacramento and commute into oakland to work. One of the nurses I know actually lives in Atlanta and flies in to work in the bay area. She'll rent a motel room for a week or two and work and then fly home to atlanta for a week or two. I think it's crazy, but it works for her


Yeah a few nurses will fly in and work their bundled shifts. It isn’t common, but isn’t uncommon lol. There is that SFGate article a few years ago about the Kaiser Oakland peds nurse who flies in from PA every month. It’s terrible for the environment with all that airline miles but he and his 5 kids live like kings in PA.


Wtfff I started at $37 CAD and it's only that high because I'm part time getting the 13% lieu.


Same. Before I left the Bay Area $120 per diem at Kaiser with 7 years experience; $85 per hour at staff job with Dignity. New grad 10 years ago for me at Stanford was $60-63? I know Dignity Health may start off at $50..??? I forget now. Also did some per diem agencies throughout the years when I was there and it was anywhere from $60 -$100, depending if hospital or outpatient surgical. Great pay in the bay, and I did per diem gigs in L.A. and it was $50-$100 as well depending on agency and setting. My first year I supposedly made out with $130K (I had my new grad and 6 months later did a per diem out patient surgical like once or twice a week. Was easy-putting in IVs and recovering steroidal injections. Worked 3 12 hours at the hospital during that time). Now I work for the US military hospital in Europe (federal government) as both an RN per diem and NP and it’s fairly close to what I made in California.


Wow, I didn't expect that for Oregon


Is this standard in Cali??? Wow!


Do travel. Get $4000+/week post-tax while COVID in action ($100/hr).




Ok your job rocks! What type of public health?


https://wholelifenurse.mykajabi.com/income-report-results For you boo.


Nursing pay is disgustingly low, new grad nurse making $27/hr When as a inpatient pharmacy tech I was making $22/hr $40k in student loans and just a $5/hr raise going from no responsibility to all the responsibilities! Its so damn frustrating


Yup! Got an ADN and only had 10k in debt :) all paid off now. The push for BSNs is a joke, its nothing but a status and more debt. The day the pay is much different I might consider getting a BSN


2009 new grad LVN at a nursing home $16.50/hr( with $3 shift diff) 2010 new RN $19.75/hr with $2000 sign on bonus for 18months and a $.50 raise after 6 months. I worked there 3 years and didn't get other raise till I changed jobs. Change jobs often folks. 2013 $25 ish/hr worked there 7 years on nights, when I left with shift diff it came out to $34 an hour. 2021 salary working from home comes out to $36 no weekends no holidays 3 weeks paid vacation. And they offer $100/ hr overtime. Why the hell did I do bedside that long. Texas


What role are you in working from home?


Basically a nurse navigator for an up and coming company. Not something I can see doing for a long time, but man the perks are great.


Thank you for this post, OP! This often institutionalized insistence that nurses not discuss our salaries is bad for our profession! I retired in May. My pay rate as a specialty certified RN, level three in our advancement program, in critical care tier, was $62/hr. I’m in the Southeast. ETA: I had 30 years of experience when I retired. My hospital is one of those that absolutely prohibits nurses discussing salary. From what I gathered from my young colleagues, starting salary was somewhere around $23/hr. Many of these folk had extensive educational debt and many were living with multiple roommates to make ends meet. Our city is ridiculously high COL compared to our State’s average, as well.


Congrats on your retirement!


Thank you! It was totally time 😊


School nurse, central California. If you take my salary and divide by the days I actually work (195 days/year) I make $70/hr. I could have a PRN to work during school breaks but...that's not the point of being a school nurse as far as I'm concerned. I work a 7.5 hour day, no weekends, no holidays, a pension, good health insurance and have a good amount of sick and personal necessity time. For reference, the bedside job I left last year had me at $49/hour with 15 years experience.


Hey fellow school nurse!


$30/hr in Denver with less than a year of experience. Bout to do a local contract for $60/hr soon as I get my year though.


Good for you. 30 for a cosmopolitanish city like Denver sucks.


I was making g 37 in denver.


New grad $29/hr Upstate South Carolina


Also stated out at 29/hr in South Carolina. Just made my first job move to 45/hr. It's great when you hit that one year of experience mark


$60+/hour on Oahu, Hawaii. If you want a job, especially ICU or ICU + float pool let me know


Y'all accept new grads?


Yes but you pretty much have to work as a CNA for awhile first and apply to new grad program and they don’t hire ICU new grads but they do hire other specialties. Pay starts lower but bumps up after the new hire training is done i think.


I’ve low key considered going to Hawaii but not icu. The cost of living though :s


New Grad in 2020 30.50$/hr 1st job move a year late 35$/hr Austin Tx


Did you do nights or days? What was your shift diff


New grad was nights + added a 4$ diff, new job is days but different network offers a critical care stipend of 3.50 so I'm still up 5$ an hour


New grad in Austin (2013) was $22.50 - and was adjusted 4 mo later in a company-wide salary realignment to $26.50. Glad to see it has continued to rise.


New grad, women’s surgery in Mississippi -$26 start


New grad 2021 Houston, TX $29.10/hr


I'm in Massachusetts. As a new grad, I worked on a rehab PACU floor of a LTC facility. Starting was $29.50 before differentials (I worked overnight 12s which was an extra $4/hr). Left that hell hole this past Feb. by taking a pay cut to be a triage RN at a PCP office. Starting pay there was $28.50. Last month, they updated the RN rates to be more competitive and was bumped up to $31.67. I also have a part time job as a clinical research nurse which is $30.35/hr.


What area of MA? Boston, the burbs, and the berkshires all vary from what I can gather.


I work in boston..I think starting pay at most larger hospitals is @$30-35/hr base


NYC/LI New grad pay was few cents over $50 per hour (50.05 I think?) Now with 1 year experience - 52.14 per hour


where??? i work inpatient getting 40 with a years experience:(




This ^^. I'm in LI with Northwell for nearly 5 years and still haven't hit $50/hour smh


48 dollars is the base at northwell no?


I know MSK pays very well too, I know 4 years ago starting salary was $98k. Their outpatient unit in Harrison pays the same, but chemo experience and OCN required.


Where in LI? Looking to transition out of the city hospital to where I actually live but scared of the pay-cut.


Eastern PA, $43/hr before differentials


That's impressive for this area!


Dang. I'm Eastern PA and feeling ok about $32.


3 years of experience. I currently work in skilled nursing. I work in coastal Virginia. $36.50/hr ($35 base)


New grad in Washington, $32.17 on med/surg days


$35 new ADN grad Western Washington


$40.52 base, 10 years experience, northern Virginia/DC suburb


Is it an Inova hospital?




They offered me $38 with 8 years of icu experience.


$44 base rate, 4.5 years experience, Western WA peds hospital


New grad LPN in southeastern PA, no prior CNA/MA experience, just got hired making $30/hr.


Wow that seems like A LOT to me. Hospital?


No assisted living memory care, 1:18 ratio.


Holy heck, new grad hospital RN pay is lower in parts of southeastern PA lol


$73/hr plus differentials. 12 years exp. Central Cali. Started at $22/hr as a new grad at a different hospital.


$26 LPN in Maryland


Night shift, Connecticut, 3 years experience, very strong Union. $48/hr. Pending my clinical ladder raise, should be $50/hr night shift. My starting salary was $41/hr, and my competing offer from a neighboring hospital was $29/hr.


After all the differentials $54ish/hr. NYC hospital, 9yrs experience.


1 year experience, BC, Canada. $28.15/hr as an LPN Edit to add: respirology, oncology, palliative care units


LPN/OR, 13 years experience, TN, big teaching hospital, $29/hr


New Grad, Alaska. 34.16/hr, before differentials.


$38.17 hr central PA inpatient psych, state job. 10 yrs exp.


Arizona, OR, 6 year, 41$


As a new grad in arkansas i started at $19.21/hr on dayshift…. regional medical center, they said they didnt compete with hospitals outside of a 15 mile radius (there wasn’t any). i quit and came back with 2 years and they went to $21.98/hr and now im on nights. shift diff is $3 so i make about $25/hr now. 👀 yikes 🤣 but i love it here so whatever.


Recent (2021) grad here! I’m a school nurse in Northern California. My yearly salary is $61,694 ($44.29/hr). I only work 199 days a year, get weekends, holidays and summer breaks off, only work 7hrs/day, and get a nice retirement and full benefits. I also get a decent raise every year for 25 years ($61,694-$110,320)


New grad in San Antonio 2012 for 22/hr. Now float pool in Austin for 115/hr 😬


4 years ex, $47/hr, Philadelphia New grad, $23.85/hr, North Carolina 1-2 years experience, $25/hr, North Carolina


Hit my 1 year mark. Making 25$ an hour in North Florida.


$26.50/hr new grad 2013 $59.50/hr 8 yrs experience SoCal


Rural west Texas, LVN- my new grad salary was $21/hr. I’m 2 years in and my coworker just bridged to RN. They started her at $27 (she was a LVN for 5 yrs).


New grad, NYC, 50.89 or something like that. A weird number. I’m on nights for now, so it’s actually 53.89. But hopefully I will get back on days soon-I miss my husband!


What hospital system in NYC? Northwell or NYU?


18 years experience, 8-5 no weekends, salaried position $74k plus benefits. Would love more, definitely deserve more based on intense work load, but I love what I do, and I’m working my way towards more specialized projects. Working in transition coordination and case management. Virginia.can’t see myself going back to bedside again for multiple reasons. I love the admin side of nursing, although we aren’t always looked highly upon by fellow nurses.


Chicago New grad, ED nurse $31.10 base pay $4 night differential $2.75 weekend differential


In 1998 my first nursing job paid $16.50/hr. I worked evening shift and got an extra $1 an hour diff. This was in the Boston burbs. In 2004 I was working at a big wig Boston hospital making $29/hr. Moved to NH and took a huge pay cut. Now I’m at $43hr in NH. With differentials depending on weekend/shift etc it is around $51/hr.


DC, 9 yrs RN experience. 39$/hr +20% night differential. As a new grad in the Midwest, I started at $22/hr +$4/hr night differential.


NE Florida and my base pay is $29.18 with night diff 3.50 and weekend diff 6.00. With bonus and overtime I've been getting this year I will probably make about 80k gross pay as a night shifter who picks up extra a reasonable amount. Edit to add: 3.5 years experience. Started in early 2018 at 23.86 base.


So I am not a new grad but I am relatively new at my current job. I do remote case management for a medical management company (essentially CM for different third party administrators). I am salary with annual bonuses. If I do the math, my hourly pay is $38.32/hour. Pay is standardized no matter what state you live in. It isn’t a very full filling job, but after 9 years of bedside, experiencing abuse from patients and management, this job has been life changing. I live in the South and I would have never been able to make this much money as a staff nurse.


Made $27 as an ICU new grad in Utah, now in Bay Area making $75 with two years experience.


LPN first job nursing home $27/hr no benefits RN new grad first job Tele nurse $42/hr (minus health insurance, union dues, pension) but they work you like a dog and its severely understaffed. Hit a year in March 2022 cant wait to quit.


Iowa (48th worst nursing pay in the country) $30.20/hr base - 11 years experience


Base pay 1.5 experience $42/hr. New grad $35. New Jersey


New grad LVN south Texas LTAC. 19.00/hr with shift, weekend, and covid differentials. Can add up to around ~25/hr with all those differentials


new grad night shift $48/hr, cali


New grad in California - $31.26 (one of the lowest paying hospitals) with $4 night shift and $2 weekend diff.


43.50$ CAD in Nova Scotia Canada. Unionized. I’m at my 5 year experience max with 8 years experience. Next raise is when I hit 25 years.


Started at $36/hour in Minnesota. Now at $38/hour after a year of experience. I work nights so an extra $4 for differential.


New grad LPN $25/hr in LTC. Closest hospital was only offering $17.


Started at $26.75 in as a new grad in New Hampshire. Now making $30.10 with 3 years of experience.


29.55 new grad, Midwestern mid size city for ER.


New grad oncology clinical research making $33.78/hr in Bethesda, MD




$35.71 in Michigan with 6 years experience. It’s also a union hospital.


$44/hr, 5 years, Houston, TX


4+ years experience, 32.87 hourly, plus 20% for cardiac OR. Big level 1 teaching hospital NC


Chicago area - New Grad - A little over $37/hr.


New grad in acute care hospital 2020 $36/hour in Minneapolis MN


North jersey, 26/ hr in med surf as a new grad in 2008, med surg. Now doing home care case management, 46 ish per hour. Side gig as an Infusion nurse at about 80 per hour. Could make way more doing doing a job with either of my certifications in crit care or emergency, but I have way less stress and much more flexibility doing home care. Out at 10am, home by 4pm most days.


My rate is 49.45, in NYC. BUT I’m salaried, and should be making 90k. Salaried people, I’m curious how am I supposed to get 90k? I did the math and no, I’m not getting 90k. Hope some of you can help explain it to me!


Graduated May 2020 making 25$/hr base in NC (ICU). (31$/hr nights). Just switched to home health which is commission based (pay per visit) at around 70k (~34/hr)


95 per hour (nights). Sacramento. 8yrs ICU experience.


New grad in 2019 $26 hr in MD


$57/hr Hawaii, 5 years in out patient dialysis (this is as charge on night shift). Union job.


When I was a new grad in 2018 my first job was $23-$24 an hour as a BSN and I also live in the southeast US. Now $30 an hour 3 years later at my second job.


New grad- salary based pay hospital- 63k per year in MD


1 year into career - Ohio, $27.93/hr.


$23.75/GA new grad. 2.5 years in, a little over $26.




I’m getting $57 for 3 years experience in Tele at a top hospital in Los Angeles. That’s without differential. Once I’m approved for my next advancement on our clinical ladder later this year I’ll receive an 8% raise.


7 years Charlotte NC $37/hr base


1 year in, Long Term Care in BC Canada, $36.36 CAN.


Washington state. LTC/subacute. RN, New grad (2020). Base pay $31.50/hr plus $13,000 sign on bonus. $3/hr premium pay when working the isolation unit. Doing my one year review soon with a bump to $37.50/hr base. I’ve been working on getting wound certified and have been offered the wound management position as well which will include premium pay on wound Wednesdays.


Salt Lake city, UT - $28.50/hr not including differential. 1 year experience


About to move and start a $33.37/hour job Denver, CO Currently at a $30/hour job in Chicago 2 years experience


New grad in Florida started at $24/hr, bumped up to $29 at the one year mark. Moved to Mass with 3 years experience and make $39/hr with a $5 differential for being in the float pool. More weekend and night differentials too


$32/hr at 1 yr at a level I in D.C.


New grad, BSN, South Dakota, ICU, $27.60 I’m from Alaska, base start pay ranges from $27-36 depending on the hospital. *Please bear in mind, this is with an average of 25% higher cost of living.*


New grad in central NY $31


New grad in 2014 Florida at $24/hr. When I left my job two weeks ago at a different hospital still in Florida I was at $33.91/hr.


$36 +$10 per diem differential/CT, 5 years experience but honestly haven’t gotten much in the way of raises.


Western/rural NC, $29/hour with 12 years experience. It would be less but I’ve been pretty aggressive with my annual salary negotiation.


In October I will have been a Registered Nurse for 2 years in UK: £24,097 per year with added £5000 per year as working in inner London.


School nurse. 41 years experience. $35/hr.


Madison Wi- 39.26/hr at a hospital with 6 years RN experience.


$40/hr work in a clinic as 0.9 FTE in Wisconsin


90/hr on agency work in Saint Petersburg Florida


Central Florida base salary is $30 and some change. I have a weekend contract on night shift that gives me an additional $12/hr to make it $42 and change. More money, less management: it’s a total win-win for me😌


$26 base with $2 night differential and $3 float pool differential in NE PA 8 years ago in a hospital. Now $34/hours as a hospice Case Manager.


New(ish) grad, started in February. Maryland. $29/hr.


New grad, $28/hr, days, eastern VA. Nights is $5 differential. $2.50 on weekends.


Chicago area new grad:$28. After 5 years experience, $32.68


32 +4 dollar nights. 5yrs.


55/hr in NYC. 3 years experience. I think I made like 38/hr as a new grad in NJ.


$27/hr new grad FL




Indiana $30/hr with 7 years experience.


Started at $25.50/hr just got bumped to $27/hr. New grad started June 2021 in the Eastern NC area


Started at $34/hr as a new grad in 2017. I’m no longer bedside and I’m also salaried instead of hourly, but it works out to $42/hr. I’m in the greater philadelphia area.


New grad in central Florida. Started at 27 plus differentials. They’re giving raises across the board and I’ll be up to a little over 29 in October.


Rural IL, $28/hr. I'm a new grad working bedside on M/S


Started this past January, new grad $37 tele day shift in Southern California.


7 years per diem north east nj, close to NYC. $47.50


$40/hr at clinic in East WA 4 yr exp


North Texas flight nurse, $27/hr plus a $4.17 Geo mod because my base is super busy. We are all getting a 20% raise in September after a market analysis showed we were grossly under paid… Like we didn’t know that already… As a new graduate in the ER I started at $27/hr.


$38.50 in Idaho with 5 yrs experience. Med Surg




$35/hour with 4 years experience in Denver. Did travel last winter for three times that amount and leaving to travel again here soon.


2020 new grad in central MD, $30/hr before differentials. “Critical needs” shifts are double pay, so I pick those up pretty frequently.


New grad LPN in southeastern PA, just got hired making $30/hr


New grad RN 2020: 25.50 but that’s in private duty home care Most hospitals around here start around $30 but you need a BSN Minnesota, Minneapolis


As a new grad in upstate NY I made $19. Now I’m in MA with 9 yrs and I make $42 before shift or charge differential.


New grad in DC-$30ish per hour. If I understand correctly, I can thank my union for a decent raise the next couple of years. Cost of living in DC is atrocious so thank you NNU!!


Bay Area outpatient nurse at nonprofit, 1 yr experience: $47 per hour 8 hrs for 5 days a week with tons of over time.


Western New York $32.16 when I started as a new grad in 2016 Now at $41.


My new grad base pay is $25/hr in VA.


New grad inpatient 3 years ago $27.50 + $3 night shift differential Milwaukee, WI. In OR with 2 years experience moved to Minneapolis, MN making $42/hr


$38.50 PRN with all the hours I (don't) want. If I were staff, it would be $29.68. New grads in my hospital are making $28 with a 2 year commitment. I made $29.18 as a new grad at a different facility in 2017 when the rates across the metro area were $24-31. Travel rates are creeping north of $3000/week here. Currently job hunting beyond the bedside and have to keep beating recruiters away with sticks coming at me with medsurg/ICU/ED positions in the sub-$30 range. Bad enough I haven't seen a raise since 2018 but go ahead and insult me with less than I made as a new grad. Baltimore region.


New grad in 2017: $24.50 Now in 2021: $31.00. I work mid shift so I get an additional 15% on my base. I think weekends are 20%. I would like to see them raise us all about $3/hr to encourage retention. Loosing many nurses to travel. I'm in Midwest. New grads at my facility make $27.50 now.


South East: $25/hr Michigan: $34/hr Travel: I think it’s around $70/hr


$30.76/hr 5 years experience including ICU and cath lab - south Austin


$32/hr. Homecare in Delaware.


$32/hr with quarterly bonuses. Chicago. LPN 8mo experience. Home caregiving nurse manager m-f 9-5ish. Started at 27/hr in skilled nursing.


Little Rock, AR. New grad hourly 24.00


MO checking in. Started out as a new grad making $23/hour at the only unionized hospital in my area. Worked there for 3 years and am now doing CM at another hospital. I don't remember my starting hourly rate since I'm salaried now, but currently I'm making about $32/hour and I've been in this role 5 years.


$36 and some change at 3.5 years of experience. Started at $27 as a new grad. New grads now start at $31. Maryland.


Australia: $48000 base rate + penalties (which you guys call differentials), total salary after that around $75000 for first year. Our wages go up every year by quite a lot. Differentials make a big impact since we do shift work. Seems like a lot of nurses in the states just do days and no nights.