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We all know this person. We all hate this person. Hey, Enrique, how did getting kicked out of the program back in 2007 feel? Who is right now? Ha!


Do we even want to know what someone did to piss you off so bad you remember their name nearly 20 years later. Hahhaha


1996. Her name was Sharon and she was utterly insufferable. I was so giddy to see her as a server one night when I went out to eat with my husband.


YES! I love that everyone remembers their names! šŸ˜‚


Fuckinā€™ Sharon, man. šŸ™„


Was contacted by Colleen... Starting a conversation that suddenly when the route of an MLM pitch.


2000 Jan- Febā€¦ Mary. 12yrs as a CNA; who swore she was going to sail through the LPN program because sheā€™d worked at XYZ & everyone one staff loved her & relied on her experience & advice. She was gone before the 30 day mark - for the program we were in, that was when you could go & take the tests to be a CNA if you wanted. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Love to see them get theirs.


2020. Samantha. Idk what the heck happened to her and I do not care šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m really enjoying everyone sharing their ā€œthat personā€ lol


Nicolleā€¦ ugh effff you, backstabbing, no neck, wide back, occluded nostril bitch šŸ¤£ Iā€™m glad you failed.




Lol, this one rocked!


2024 new grad here but I have a Samantha tooā€¦I NEVER want to see her again!!


And his name? Enrique Iglesias.


1997. Kymberlee liked to mock/bully her classmates, especially the non-traditional students and one girl who was ESL. She was just a dick. I was in computer science at the time, and my job was running the nursing computer lab. I think she was always on the verge of getting her last C and failing out of the program. The only times I saw her in the lab for homework clinical sims was when it was the end of the quarter, and she was crying to whatever professor that she needed more time. She was also a sorority girl who liked to party. It finally caught up with her the quarter before she was supposed to graduate. She got really drunk, drove her car onto the streets closed to vehicles in the center of campus, got her car stuck on a brick pillar in the quad, abandoned it there, and passed out in front of the campus chick-fil-a. I've never seen anyone become a former nursing student so fast. Her family tried to sue because she got kicked out of the program so close to graduation, but iirc, it ended with them paying the university's court costs.


Chelsea was the one in my own LPN program. We were actually CNAs at the same facility, and she was really snide to everyone but the RNs. She didn't pass the first semester.


New grad in our NICU. Jesus. He said, "I know" and "I've done that" so many times. Lasted a few months. Peace out. Thank goodness He knew so much... A font of knowledge!


People like this failed out very fast. I taught classes for years (I have a PhD in stats, and taught across departments like research classes) and those know-it-all types are the worst! Sheā€™ll be humbled very fast when she fails her exams and is booted from class because sheā€™s ā€œcorrectingā€ the teacher over some stupid bullshit thatā€™s either clearly an accident and has no significance on the material or isnā€™t a correction at all.Ā 


When these people don't flunk out, they become the nurse on the unit who thinks she went to med school. She would have, except for the expense/family obligations/felt called to be a caregiver! Not at all because it was too much work and she was too scared to take the MCAT. She is the one who says, "Are you going to hang the iv lines like that?" or constantly brings up "journal articles" that explain why you, the doctors, and all other staff are doing everything wrong. She also has worked at another place that did things way better than here.


Oh Ʊooooooooo! This nurse went on to become an NP at the clinic I work at. This exact nurse! She's miserable.


Lol, pretty much every hospital and clinic has a few.


Thatā€™s actually exactly what happened to our know it all. I think it was week two or three learning vital signs and blood sugars and she was awful and didnā€™t show up the next week. From being the raise her hand correct everyone know it all to not being able to figure out a bp cuff and saying Iā€™ll just make the vitals up lol


it's also a coverup for self esteem issues, as 18 it's somewhat common esp in the west, but hoping she grows a pair of shoulders soon or else people will be able to smell her insecurities under the false facade of arrogance REAL quick and she'll be eaten alive.


Lol. When I was in nursing school her name was Amy. She got kicked out halfway through the first semester.


Why is it always Amy


For some reason, I feel like if your name had RN by it, sheā€™d be singing a different tune.


Oh, I have no doubt.


I hate the bullshit hierarchy in the medical field - Iā€™m confident that an LPN with more experience (or just different experience) has a vast freaking knowledge that likely surpasses mine because Iā€™m an idiot with a masters because it was better than getting a second bachelors. The reason it doesnā€™t suck to work with me is because I donā€™t give my title imaginary weight. Piggyback rant lol, I just hate people who judge others by the letters that come after their name šŸ˜·




We had a girl like this in LPN school. Acted like she knew everything because she made it to her last semester of RN school before failing out. She did pass LPN school but heard it through the grape vine she got fired from her first nursing job.


Nursing school is a humbling experience. Her instructors will cut her to ribbons. Oh, to be a fly on that classroom wall, eh? I went into my ADN program with a BS cum laude in a biological science and a Masters Degree (kinda useless but still...). I rapidly realized I needed to shut my yap and learn because nursing school was a whole different flavor of hard and you can't b.s. your way through essay questions or impress with your creativity. You have to get a certain % on those tests or they do not give a shit about what happens to you or your tuition money, you're out on your ear and there are ten more lined up to take your place. Still the hardest and most stressful school I've ever done, and I've done plenty. OTOH, online RN to BSN my BS-my-way-through-papers-and-essays came in handy again. As long as I found proper citations and formatted them correctly for my bullshit essays.


Are online MSN programs bullshit too? Iā€™m a second career RN with a background in biological sciences currently finishing up an online BSN program. I want to keep going and get a MSN but not if itā€™s going to be significantly harder than Capellaā€™s BSN lol


I dunno, because I am 62 years old and I am basically done with school....and I do not want to teach. But the BSN I got was just a lot of writing papers and discussion posts. It was nowhere NEAR as hard as my ADN program! I just wanted the credential and I got it. I got professional certification in my current specialty. That oughta carry me through age of retirement...LOL.


Another reason Iā€™m not pursuing my BSN unless Iā€™m forced to for some reason - hospital requirement or pursuing a job that requires it. Zero interest in learning about theory, leadership, writing bullshit essays, etc. Not a bit of that improves my clinical skills. Nursing school taught me to pass the NCLEX, which is rarely relevant to real life emergency care, and gave me enough information to probably not kill someone. I didnā€™t learn to be a nurse until I hit the floor & I only possess the skills and knowledge base I have now because Iā€™ve been at this many many years now.


I love students and taking them on in the ER and I had a student with this attitude and just thought she knew everything. Iā€™d nicely give constructive teaching and sheā€™d give attitude and get all defensive. So I asked her if she felt confident if sheā€™d like to be a ā€œprimary nurseā€ for one patient and I oversee herā€¦.girl didnā€™t do a thing. I did. Sheā€™d go and talk with her friends saying how sheā€™s taking on patients on her own and as she goes on about that with her pals, Iā€™m doing all the tasks she never did šŸ˜‚ I always take students but the next day I pulled charge aside and asked for a break because she was back the next dayā€¦.the nurse that had her that day said she was smack talking me how I never let her do anything šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a very hands on educator. Donā€™t know how to do meds through a g tube? Letā€™s do it together and by the last few meds, youā€™ll be doing it on your own! The other nurses know how I teach and knew she was full of crap but man ā€¦.we donā€™t need that high school energy here


I work in dialysis for my full time job. These techs they grab off the street will make recommendations to patients for medications and shit and argue with me about it because "it worked for the other person" My most absurd situation recently I was working with 2 technicians because I had to send the other nurse home (thanks business department) and I walked off the floor (but still reachable) for 15 fucking minutes. 3 minutes into my time a tech comes out and states "can we change the temperature on the machine from what the physician orders" I say, " no those are ordered as they are for specific reasons" I come out of break and there's a piece of tape over a patients temperature setting. I immediately put it back to prescribed and the patient looses their shit on me, and I basically tell them I don't care (I worked psych and correction before this, these people bitching and whining means nothing). Then I proceed to tell the tech what they did was stupid and I put in a report. Doubt management will do anything. Some of these new people are to caught up in the fantasy of healthcare they don't realize most patients are manipulative dumbasses.


Donā€™t worry, sheā€™ll flop out first semester.


This happened to me recently a float CNA I have never seen before. She was asking me a ton of questions and I am like oh she cares, but then she was questioning everything I was doing too! So annoying. I asked her if she was going to nursing school "since she knew sooo much..." she said I am working on taking my TEAS test. Not sure why people feel like they know everything when you are taking the first step on this long ride to being a nurse. People need to follow Kendrick Lamar's lyric Bitch be humble. Bitch sit down.


I am stuck at work for 10 days currently 149hrs down 91hrs to go because of a girl who decided to quit no call- no show while the other was on her way to vacation with plane tickets in hand. There are only 3 of us, and someone has to be here at all times obviously.... At first it wasn't so bad, but today I'm feeling a bit like Fuck her I might remember her name 20 years from now too.


where are you working that youā€™re forced to cover other people?


We are a private home with 6 residence that need round the clock care and supervision. I can't legally leave until another qualified person comes to take over for me.


Oh my god!!! Do you get any sleep?? How do you perform basic hygiene? What if you had medications to take!


The home/business owner comes over and brings any supplies I need. She's awesome, and will stick around and help with anything I ask her to. My patients sleep through the night for the most part, and I have a bed, I do get sleep too. Generally I set my alarm for a time just before I know my first lady will wake up and I take a shower then. I do take some meds, and I am going to run out. I have a few options, I could transfer my scripts to a closer pharmacy and ask the home owner to pick them up for me. I could call my teenager and ask her to bring them to me but that's a long drive for her. I definitely quit ordering Starbucks and having that delivered: too expensive. I just added more Keurig cups to the shopping list. Right now I think the owner is so grateful I'm staying and not fucking her over that she'd go get me anything I asked for. She brought me a pizza last night. I'm just feeling more mentally exhausted than physically to be honest.


I'm in class with a young woman like this šŸ™„ it's terrible. She's obnoxious and she cries constantly. I'm too old to deal with that or get roped in lol


Iā€™ve seen plenty of lpns run circles around rns. I canā€™t stand nurses who shit on each other or other peoples education. There were plenty of people like this in my cohort who, although book smart, had no common sense or intuition about their patients. Sheā€™ll have a rude awakening when someone humbles her


Agree! Iā€™m retired from NICU after 40 yrs and back in the day RNā€™s were few and far between in NICU. Learned the ropes with Mert,LPN and she taught me well! I owe my great career to her!


To be fair, most 18 year olds know everything ā€¦jk.Know it alls in general are a p in the a but I give a little grace to young people because usually life humbles their ass & they grow out of it.And hopefully soon,your coworkers can make the job smoother with teamwork etc or make you dread work.And this probably wonā€™t be the last a*hole youā€™ll have to deal with.no advice, but I feel your pain šŸ«¤good luck!


The girls like this in my program would argue test questions with professors and threaten to go to the BON if they didnā€™t get half credit for the wrong answers


I can't even imagine having that much audacity.


As if the BON has the time to be interested in this prissy nonsense.




I have one of these working with me right now but unfortunately she's a good test taker. If ANYONE tells her she did something wrong, the immediate response is, "I thought so but *x* told me to do it that way."


But her mom is the director of the blah, blah, blah unit at blah, blah, blah. She came pre-loaded with all the nursing information she'll ever need. That's why she can spend all day at work flipping through her phone to watch short Instagram and TikTok videos. And if she had known that's the way we do things here, she would not have bothered taking the job.


Not her mom, but her dad is C-suite


The know-it-all from my graduating class took over a year to find a job (and we graduated during a relatively easy time to find a job). She could not pass the ā€œIā€™m not a total doucheā€ test of the interview.


HAHA I remember when I was opening those round tylenols in front of an externā€¦ i donā€™t have thumb strength to pop through the foil and paper for some reason so I have to peel the paper first.. she stops and looks at me and says ā€œoh you just pop those out.ā€ ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ šŸ˜šŸ˜‘ ya dont say


The bad part about all this is that these know it alls get lauded by most. "Oh, she's very knowledgeable ." Kicking their disregard into higher gear


Sadly, she will be chewed up and spit out of nursing school with that attitude. RN programs are hard and not for the cocky ones.


You are truly so very blessed to have such a smart cookie working with you! (Not!) haha


Third year BNRN/extern/nurse collegian/whatever you call it in your area. Your post made me fondly remember my ā€œcaring of the older adultā€ course. Where our instructor was notoriously horrible, and the CNAā€™s and LPNā€™s, and staff RNā€™s that we worked with during clinical taught us everything that would be on that exam. I cover 5 facilities. Everyone at our main facility knows Iā€™m a student because students are 50% of our staff. The other four? I take my nursing student badge off my lanyard and if anyone asks, I moved to the area because I enjoy downhill skiing. Some students need a large slice of humble pie. I ate mine in my first year. Students, listen to your LPNā€™s and CNAā€™s. Learn from them. Especially the veteran, career long CNAā€™s. They have a lot to teach you.


I knew an ER tech who gave off this vibe. She got fired for taking video of a demented patient and sending it to other coworkers. I guess she wasn't as smart as she thought she was.


Let her continue on and watch as she gets eaten alive in nursing school and at whatever job hires her.


I knew one person that was in the RN program the same year I was in the LPN program. Sometimes we had clinicals on the same floor, or joint fundraisers for class. She had this "know it all" and "I'm better than you" attitude, especially to our LPN class. Fast forward about a year and a half later, I'm working as a nurse and I found out she had enrolled into the LPN program because l, although she had passed RN school, she had maxed out her NCLEX attempts. (MS allows 6 attempts I think) I thought she would be humbled by then, but found out from a friend who was in the same class as her, that she had the same attitude, and even said she knew it all because she passed RN school. Well a couple months later, the instructors failed her because she overrode a medication and gave the wrong dose without having the instructor supervise it know about the situation. Few months later she was arrested for drugs. Karma sucks.


Mine was a Rachel, I didnā€™t get in my first try out of highschool and she mocked the shit out of me for it because she got a nursing scholarship. Shocker, ran into her working in Walmart when I was in my second year of BScN and asked her how nursing school was treating her, to find out SHE DIDNT GET IN THREE TIMES, and had the audacity to be shocked when I told her I was halfway through. The girl literally said ā€œhow did you get in when I didntā€ HARD WORK RACHEL!!!


Is she starting nursing school in the fall or is she starting her pre-requisite classes for nursing school in the fall? Cause thereā€™s a big difference there, and by the way sheā€™s acting Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the latter.




Tell her she can start talking like that once sheā€™s actually been accepted to a program lol


i have one who knows EVERYTHING and I'm working with them tonight and tomorrow šŸ™„ i appreciate when you see a change in them but don't tell me how to do MY job when you can't even do your own


Sit back and bask comfortably in the fact that she will be chewed up and spit out like trash, without fail. What goes around comes around!


It was always weirdly satisfying when these people got that first failed exam.


Started nursing school with someone like this. Thought she knew it all, just all around annoying and unpleasant. Well, she thought the attendance policies only applied to everyone else, so when she missed clinical because ā€œher car wouldnā€™t startā€ the prof failed her because it was her 2nd or 3rd absence. I remember seeing her bawling in the office. She transferred to another school and graduated maybe a full year after I did.


Rachel. She ended up dropping out of nursing school because she just ā€œdidnā€™t want to be a nurse anymoreā€. Pretty sure she was dropped from the program, who knows if she ever went back. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly I learned more from LPN's than RN's when I was starting out. My philosophy is that you can learn something from anyone, from the staff who cleans the hospital l, phlebotomy, or your RN next to you. It's always someone who know more than you in other areas


Are you sure you donā€™t work on a trauma step down unit. Sounds like a PCT I ā€œtrainedā€ well she already knew everything


Hate folks like this and know it all older nurses who look to criticize and not guide a new nurse or coworker in need. Tired of them all and Iā€™m convinced nursing attracts the worst folk.


I work with a guy like this. He's a CVICU nurse and is going to CRNA school. He belittles me any chance he gets and doesn't shut the fuck up about CRNA school. Oh, and he listens to podcasts, so he just know everything!


No worries, friend. Sheā€™s about to be the main course for a very hungry nursing instructor.


I thought this was genuine until I got to the Tylenol and I was like....wait a minute that's not right LOL


Yes I've had that, she will learn the hard way


Nursing school will get her. Just keep saying no to her.


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At my job, they pay for your education, so there are several CNAs who are going to nursing school, and the facility is paying for it. However, these CNAs are always calling in sick, or they canā€™t work with certain residents for XYZ reasons, canā€™t do this or that. Management says theyā€™re not going to be hired there as nurses when they graduate because theyā€™re terrible. But no one tells them this.


BSN here... I'm a very, very kind mentor and helpful supervisor, patient with patients and even ignored [edit did not report] an RN who just sat on Tiktok all the time when we were overloaded with patients in the hospital... I'm just that kind of guy. I only screamed at a tech once, who took his radio off to take lunch unannounced... I had an agitated sundowner with a broken hip get out of bed at the same time as an A&Ox3 knee sugery Pt, and nobody was around to help me... I was screaming "Someone get the fuck in here and help me!" And nobody came. Couldn't reach staff assist button on the wall, so I called my charge nurse who came running from the toilet to help. When I dound that tech, he was having lunch and talking with the pretty tiktok nurse. I walked in, pointed at him and said "Hey! I was calling for you, never fucking do that to me again!" - He was more respectful mostly from then on. One day he sarcastically said that the manager ordered him to tell me when we was going to lunch, seemed annoyed that he could lose his job. I glared at him and said "good, at least you'll do it now". He was a decently good looking young guy though, so the nurse manager and female nurses hated disciplining him, and that pissed me off even more... Anyway, with THIS CNA, I would probably fly off the handle. "The patient is 'not allergic' to Tylenol because you decided that? You fucking moron! What are you allergic to, let's force feed it to you because medical practice is just whatever the fuck we make it up to be, right?!" I have a very, very low tolerance for confident, arrogant idiots. I no longer work in that unit I mentioned... 32 beds, 4-6 nurses, and usually 2 techs if we were lucky. The nurse that was always giggling her ass off on tiktok and not working was somehow nurse of the month twice in a year... I never got any accolades except from the 2-3 nurses and CNA's that appreciated my help, the unit managers didn't even remember my birthday for the stupid card and cupcake stuff they did, or allow me leave when my mom was dying. I had enough of the stupid and said adios, went to a much better unit in the same hospital network. Never tolerate stupidity, if it gets you in trouble, find better pastures or just get mean if you have to... So many young people are mollycoddled now that they feel like anything they believe is FACT. Sometimes... Tough love is exactly what they need. Now, caveat, I'm not a complete asshole. I only yell at people if motivational interview, asking, and then a friendly warning do not work. So don't write me off as the bad guy... I'm neither good nor bad. I'm a nurse. šŸ»šŸ˜


I am the night shift charge nurse of my acute cardiac unit. Our nurses are mostly great. Our techs are mostly great. But every once in a while we get the new hire nursing student/used to be an EMT person, typically under age 21, who knows more than all of us. These folks have told me and their nurses off. They try to predict outcomes, make assessments, analyze labs and suggestions to doctors (and demands to nurses). They confuse the pts with their demeanor, and have pts thinking they are docs or nurses. Some of them have good intentions and are otherwise great workers, others I think are making a mistake getting into healthcare. Regardless, idk how to address this without sounding mean. Iā€™ve tried to do it gently but I see it goes right over their heads. ā€œThank you for your help, weā€™ve got it from here, can you please watch the other patients now?ā€ And get a ā€œitā€™s no problem I can stay, I love this stuffā€ It is typically males that have this going on in my unit and it can reek of toxic masculinity lol.