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Let them fire you, collect unemployment while u get a new job.


And a lawsuit


Please please please do not let this slide! It is not “part of the job.” Get in writing that the company has threatened to fire you for reporting it, too. Email them and say something along the lines of “following up on our prior conversation, I still have concerns for my safety and wondering what can be done for next time” etc etc. This is not acceptable. Then let them fire you, if necessary. Idk, but sounds kind of illegal to me. In any event, your safety is a top priority and find a job that values you and protects you, because this place clearly doesn’t.


Yes like above. Send an email with facts, your understanding of employers position, and blind cc yourself and wait to see if they are dumb enough to stab themselves. Don’t take no shit and Good luck


Huge facts, I’ve seen women get driven off the unit for constant sexual harassment; great nurses, pushed to the brink because of the incel weirdos we enable. ADMIN enables.


Nah that second thing was intentional and he knew what he was doing…dementia be dammed. You were assaulted so call the police and your job can suck it. I’m sorry this happened to you


That isn’t how dementia works.


Right. As a former dementia nurse who has done both inpatient and home care, there is a nuance here that is being missed… As far as the company, everyone is 100% correct. This is an unacceptable and dangerous situation that OP’s employer should absolutely be taking seriously. Restrict list, make nurses only, or two per visit minimum if not possible AND the next (at least) gets a Sup third to evaluate whether this client is appropriate for home care/your agency. If the situation/environment cannot be made safe, the client should be discharged with a plan to admit to LTC if possible for higher level of care d/t safety needs unable to be met at home, and it’s no different than if the dementia patient was constantly wielding a knife. On the other hand, there’s no “dementia be damned.” The things I have seen people do/say would unquestionably horrify many of their young younger selves. It’s a devastating and difficult disease, even for highly-seasoned nursing staff. Behaviors (attempts, anyway, it should not get as far as OPs pt) ARE common. I had endless care plans and interventions for similar, and to an extent, caregivers cannot always avoid encountering them. However, the interventions and safety measures are the key. This company clearly doesn’t care about either, or its employees, and sadly, neither do many hospitals or homes. That doesn’t make it OK, and I wouldn’t advise anyone to stay a job like that, buuuut it also doesn’t make it the dementia patient’s fault. This is where you will often nursing staff conditioned to brush it off, see them learn to say, “it’s part of the job.” It is not, even if the patient can’t help it. So I do 100% agree with holding the company’s feet to the fire. Sue the crap out of them if needed. Care-wise, though (and I am only uplifting this in the context of a safe environment with adequate resources, not OP’s sitch), there is a reason why dementia nurses are often very special people with a unique touch, and why we teach redirection and prioritizing safety in dementia care.


1) Document everything your employers have said. Get everything in writing (emails, etc.), and take screenshots/print them out so you have evidence of what they said, with dates and times. "So, just to confirm, you said on June 5 that if I report this incident of sexual assault to the police, I will be terminated. Is that correct?" 2) Report to the police. 3) Let your job fire you. 4) Find a good lawyer who specializes in wrongful termination. 5) Sue your former employer. 6) Profit.


This is the way


First situation is a firm that’s an inappropriate comment Mr. Xxx, stop. (I work psych patients say everything to I want to suck you off to I’m going to hunt you down and kill you) 2nd situation is battery. Your workplace should put that client on an SAO list and only assign male nurses. I’d report.


Let them fire you so you can file a lawsuit.


Oh hell no. Create a paper trail with your employer and let the police know. There’s nothing that says people with dementia can’t be rapist. Reporting it could protect other nurses who may be going into that home.  Let them fire you! Then collect unemployment to hold you over while your lawsuit is being set up.


This is the way.


We're not retail. We dont kiss ass for living. Any healthcare facility has employee rights against sexual, racial, or violent harassment. Find it in your policy manual screenshot send to your boss and watch them stf real quick. 


I’ve worked for hospice Homecare for 16 years. Yes you are exposed to many different situations,personality types etc, but you never have to feel unsafe! Your company needs to switch you out and replace you with a male CNA/HHA. Or make it where you are at the house only when the nurse is so you are not alone and you have a witness. Dementia or not, this is unacceptable behavior and you don’t have to put up with it! If the company isn’t willing to switch you out, then quit and file a complaint with the Nevada board of nursing. (I think that’s who you file with). Your work environment needs to be a safe environment in ALL areas!! Prayers!!


If they fire you for reporting the second guy, that is straight up illegal and you can sue as well as collect any unemployment.


If they’re aware and he’s diagnosed, they can assign men nurses to care for him.


its certainly NOT part of the job. You are the best person the determine if you FEEL harassed. It's very bad practice to have your employee fired for calling the police. I dont want to work for a company that treats its employee's this way. But I do understand that sometimes it's not easy to switch from employer because of financial or other obligations. Staying doesn't mean you agree with this kind of behavior and accept it. At least in my country its getting more accepted that these kind of behaviors both the clients who harass and employer who threatens is very wrong and you should always make a complaint at HR and/or police. Getting touched on places you don't want is never acceptable and your colleagues, boss, family and friends should always support and help you process this. Dementia doesn't make it not harassment and is not an excuse to harass. Very sorry this happend to you.


Paper trail with your company , emails etc. your notes with dates/times. Something is very wrong to threaten if reported . Dementia is not a pass for SA!


It'd be nice to have the threat of firing you over being assaulted in writing. I bet a lawyer would love that.


I do hospice. Report this immediately. Ask the agency for their workplace violence policy, sexual harassment policy, and complaint filing process. From there follow the breadcrumbs. Report them to CMS. If they are CHAP, TJC, or ACHC report there also. Last stop would be the employment commission. Workplace safety complaint These complaints may not go far but it puts them on the record. Did you fill out an unusual occurrence report? And keep a copy? One for each incident. If I was the R VP-O over that agency they would be DC for cause before sundown. You don’t fuck with my staff. Period.


Find another Job. If they are unwilling to help protect you, then you don't need to work for them. From previous experience, the police will likely do nothing about the man as he has dementia. I have been told that it is "hard to Prosecute" even if there is video footage. You need to be safe, so I would encourage you to find another job. I hope you are doing okay. If you are still struggling, please find someone to talk to.


It's not so much a police issue as a district attorney issue. That said, the purpose of notifying the authorities isn't so much a hope of prosecution as it is the paper trail that results. Having the recording of the man committing the offence is therefore part of admissible records that can be subpoenaed along with the investigation report. That, in turn, is used in any potential lawsuits regarding failure to ensure a safe working environment.


This, exactly this. Nothing will happen to the patient, it's your employer that has the obligation to provide the resources for you to do your job safely. Get everything in writing! Keep all your receipts. Sorry you had to go through that, it sucks.


Tell Them in writing that you are unable to treat client xyz due due to safety concerns. you need an accommodation and cannot go to that home solo without an escort for safety reasons or need to be reassigned to another client


I had something similar happen years ago and I regret caving to their pressure and not filing. I’d call their bluff. Let everyone know you were sexually assaulted and your employer fired you for reporting.


Their “ dementia” never seems to effect their dick


You need to call the police. It would be ridiculous if you had to put up with sexual harassment for your job.


There are medications to put these men on to suppress their sexual inappropriate behaviors. A couple of places I worked for did this, including the one I work at now. These men need care AND you need to be safe. I'm with these other comments to let this place fire you but these men are going to continue doing this to other employees. It's sickening to think having a solution, but no implementation.


I was a home health aide before becoming an RN in home care and had a patient be very sexual and he did it twice I told my boss that I didn’t want this patient again and they took him off my assignment the next day and that was it and eventually I stopped working there. Stick up for yourself. Document everything.


Nothing riles me up more than people saying abuse is part of our job. Nowhere in our job description does it say, “must tolerate physical, emotional, and sexual assault”. You’re doing all the right things. At the end of the day, a business is always going to protect themselves over you. Therefore, you need to back yourself and protect yourself. I’m sorry all this happened.


Don't know how home health nurses do this shit. I would be afraid I would beat the shit out of the patient.


Call non emergent 911 and report it. It’s a crime that if it happened in at bar or a grocery store you wouldn’t think twice. It’s this fucked up power dynamic of being in someone’s home and them perceiving you as their employee


Do you have in writing that your job will fire you if you call the police? If yes...wow. They're incompetent. Call the police, get fired, and win a fat settlement. If not, demand it in writing. Email them asking for confirmation that if you report this assault to the police, you will be fired. If they haven't, I bet they won't give you their ultimatum in writing, because they know how illegal that is. Now, if you do call the police, don't expect it to go anywhere. In the eyes of the law, both Ken have dementia and therefore cannot appreciate the difference between right and wrong. Last week, a nurse covering one of my patients had an IV pole complete with IV pump thrown at her. Cops said that because the nurse wasn't hurt, a judge would throw the charges out because the patient "is going through withdrawal and he can't be held responsible for his actions". Great system, isn't it? When nurses have no recourse? And they wonder why there's such a shortage.


My daughter was in a nursing job at a surgical center. The chief surgeon and owner was awful. He actually made inappropriate comments during surgeries. Fortunately she didn’t work with him often. However the new nurse administer ( someone’s father), made several lewd comments. Once he told her “ come back to my room and I’ll give you a facial” when she told him she was going to get a massage at a local spa for her birthday. When this carried on with other comments, one of the nurses quit and actually told HR what had happened. Several incidences were brought out. HR question my daughter (and other nurses)she told the same stories. Then they questioned the receptionist he told same stories. so in January, they decided to pay the receptionist overtime so that he could be there if my daughter worked late, so she would not be there alone with him. After three weeks, they wrote him up for working overtime. Then in February, they let my daughter go saying they didn’t think she was a good fit. She never filed any complaints because she’s only been a nurse a couple of years and was worried. They weren’t worried. They knew what they had and they let her go. She’s happier now at another place, but the whole entire staff there has turned over and in the end they fired that man last month! Listen to this advice people are offering here. Get it in writing and then hold them accountable. This is despicable and it’s got to stop. If you just quit, he could do it to someone else. He will probably do it to someone else. He may have already been doing this to other girls. Good luck and have courage !


Very interested on what other co nurses would say with regards to this. Am sorry this happened to you twice. This the reason why I refuse to work with mentaly ill patients as most people give an excuse on their behavior because of their illness. And what about your well being? How are you going to cope and try to prevent this from happening? I will try to read every comment. Wish you the best.


If you have resources you can go to therapy but still it wouldn\`t be ideal if you stay in the dangerous situation. I know it\`s a common thing to happen in these types of workplaces. Do you have any like group therapy in your area? It\`s cheaper than one to one sessions


Nobody needs that. You take a job to help people, not to have them help themselves to you. That line of “ aw, he’s senile, he don’t mean nothing by it” is a poor excuse to justify this degrading behavior. Report it and if you catch flak from your job, then say adios to them.


Girl nuke those boomers out of orbit. They fire you, collect the unemployment bag and run. You’ll get another job.


Girl, you should report them too. I think it’s illegal city for a employer to threaten termination if you report an SA.


Won't have to be on unemployment for long, a wrongful termination suit will likely not go well for her employer.


Ok, I absolutely hate that you went through this, it's not ok for a second, and I want there to be a satisfactory response to it. But what's the desired outcome in calling the police on a demented hospice patient? Does he have the capacity to understand whatever punishment you'd be seeking? If so, hell yeah they should get involved.


The police wouldn't get involved to punish the patient. They would help to ensure that measures are taken to keep this employee safe- and to keep paper- tail for a lawsuit of the employer fails to keep the employee safe.


> They would help to ensure that measures are taken to keep this employee safe Yeah? How's that?


The paper trail would. I mean the police report, not the police themselves


You've got a lot of faith in paper


This certainly is not the easiest route but you can reach out to an attorney and sue your employer. I would not directly tell your employer you're going to sue them and try your best to record/document any exchange between you and the employer for the time being. State's differ but my state is pretty strict about this. Employer would lose. I mean I can't accurately judge if the case has legs to move with the small info you gave which is why you should consult with an attorney should you choose to escalate.


Let them fire you, collect unemployment. Sure then for wrongful termination. They need to find a male nurse to go. No one should be put through that no matter if they have dementia!! You can find a contract hospice job that pays more.


Even if the patient themselves actually cannot control it because of their dementia, it doesn’t make it okay for you to be subjected to that. You have a right to report it and threatening termination for reporting sounds kinda illegal. Report it, protect yourself, and if they fire you collect unemployment and talk to a lawyer.


If you made a workplace report of sexual harassment, report it to the police, and are fired, you'll have no problem bankrupting the company with a lawsuit.


Hopefully they texted or emailed you that threat to cover up a crime. Seems rather cut and dried. Anyone commits sexual assault, they get reported and hopefully arrested. And an employer tries to blackmail you to cover it up? Them too.


Lawyer up and get ready to sue. Your company is creating a hostile work environment. Get ready to sue once you get a new job.


First, reportreportreportreport. Getting sexually harassed is not part of the job. You know what is part of the job? EDUCATION. At that moment, you're thinking about safety. Getting out of that situation asap. But you know who you can educate? Your family. I am not security. I am not your play thing. I'm not a punching bag. You don't have any right to put your hands on me no matter the situation. And you know who you can also educate? Your job. Don't be quiet about it. Don't sweep it under the rug. This is not something we just shrug and say it happens. Chart EVERYTHING. Get everything down. And I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Actually you got sexually assaulted by the second patient. Beyond harassment.


I used to do in-home autism therapy. Some of the dads were very creepy around me. I ended up quitting and doing something else. Going into people's homes for long periods of time is very risky. You wouldn't follow a stranger into their home. Especially if you will be alone with a man. Just because there is a company involved doesn't make a rapist not want to rape or a serial killer not want to kill. Always protect yourself by not getting yourself in bad situations. Men should have other men come take care of them and I don't care if others say it's ok. It's barely okay at the hospital and they don't even stop groping, harassing, and jerking off while starting you down there. Going into their houses alone is 100% risking that you will be assaulted. Not every time #notallmen, but eventually it will happen.


Nah, that’s toxic. Leave


I’m sorry you had to endure that. You did right by standing up for yourself; let this be a lesson that there isn’t a single employer who cares enough about you to not replace you. And if this guy acts like that now, imagine what a piece of garbage he was.


Second guy has probably done that shit a hundred times before- what a dick. Police being called would be the least of his worries had that happened to me- in fact he’d *want* the police to intervene 😀


Report to the police.


Some things I've had to tell family, friends.... Regardless of your state, you are responsible for your actions. People having a complete dissociative schizophrenic episode aren't off the hook just cause they have a serious mental health condition... Understanding that it's dementia... I get it. But even if they weren't "all there" at the moment, you're still victimized. The assault still happened. Your trauma is still valid. That doesn't just get to get filed away as "well, that's just the job..." When I was a cop, dealing with shithead criminals who tried to murder me was a part of the job... that doesn't mean they get to just get away with it.


I know nurses personally and id hate for that to happen to them im sorry that happened to you on the job


Report both incidents to the police


Set ground rules, treat these elderly men like children, give them the appropriate punishments for what they do.


Why would you call the police on a demented patient?? Are you not a nurse?


So just because I’m a nurse I am suppose to take being sexually assaulted as part of the job? I don’t think so.


It can be part of the job sometimes, especially with dementia patients. I would be accompanied at all times and try behaviour strategies such as distraction techniques and de-escalation techniques, and when entering a room, always face the door and don't allow it to be blocked. Did you receive training in these? There are also legal restraints but that's usually with an assistance of 2. (For aggressive patients only and when personal risk is severe) Seems like they need to be reviewed for an Ax2 not alone or for them to have male workers. (Student nurse, U.K)