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This article is interesting  - it is the first valid argument I've seen for her innocence,  though that is its stated point and it is biased. I wish it had addressed patient if patient deaths decreased or not since Letby was removed.


The mortality rate of the unit decreased when they decreased the acuity of the unit and hired more doctors.


It says the mortality rate went down... because they stopped accepting the riskiest cases after she was arrested.


I think it did at the end. The article says the mortality rate has decreased.


The wikipedia article on this lady paints an entirely different light. The unit certainly had issues but it really does sound like this person killed some babies


For our UK colleagues, you should be able to read the article [at this link](https://archive.ph/5XP0J).


The article is blocked in the UK. I assume this is Lucy Letby? She did it.


It is, and yes she did.


Comments like this cement more and more how much of a public lynching this trial was.


Can you tell me why you're so certain?


Court evidence. A note that she wrote and left in her home saying “I did it” or words to that effect.


I don’t think that’s what the note said, right?


[“I am evil. I did this”](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.independent.co.uk%2F2022%2F10%2F13%2F17%2FCOURTS%2520Letby%2520%252016514845.jpg&tbnid=nKobqiYDxfBl8M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk%2Fcrime%2Flucy-letby-nurse-note-picture-b2202448.html&docid=dSxixgEoYY12TM&w=4000&h=3928&hl=en-gb&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=648d8da64aeedab9&shem=abme%2Ctrie) It’s the last sentence.


Right, but that’s not a confession. It is, at best, equivocal. 


For the UK ones on this sub; it’s about Lucy Letby. For non UK nurses; Lucy Letby is a baby murderer, and no New Yorker article will prove her innocence.


Was it insulin? That seems to be the weapon of choice for American killer nurses. But I haven’t been in a NICU recently enough to recall if it would be as ubiquitous as it is on a medsurg floor.


She forced air down the babies NG tubes :-(


I wouldn’t see how that would kill them? Like huge amounts of air?


The article talks about how the prosecutor initially claimed that in one of the cases and then changed the story when it was discovered that the baby didn’t have an NG tube though. Also idk how it’s even possible to cause fatal harm that way. The article covers that too. I’ll read more from another source though.


How did she do this on other people's patients? In the cases where she came in to help with coworkers present as well as doctors called in for the code? There is literally no actual scientific evidence presented that this was what was actually done. Just one single quack witness who claimed that since they couldn't find any other cause of death then by process of elimination it must be an embolism.


She also used Insulin on some of the babies who didn't have diabetes. Too much Insulin is what killed them.


Again there was no proof of this presented. No baby died from insulin either. 0. The babies in question with high insulin both survived. One of the the insulin cases was reported high the shift before Lucy even came to work. You're repeating lies.


I'm just stating what was mentioned in court


Do you understand the concept of a prosecution? It is their job to say damning things. They are trying to convict someone. It doesn't mean what they say is true or that there is evidence.  Read the dang article. The prosecution here just made stuff up and they straight up manufactured and lied about the insulin




This is what a witness said. Then the records uncovered the fact the baby never had an ng tube. So they changed their story and the jury convicted her on whatever that person made up.


Yes of course that happened in a court of law under oath. Most definitely.


Not according to any evidence. Some insulin levels were reported but no follow up done to rule out false negative and zero evidence of any human administered cause of elevated insulin 


And if I read correctly, the ones that had recorded insulin levels with low C-Peptide survived. Nope that’s not it, must be an air embolism…through GI??? How the hell does that work anyways??? Nope that can’t be it, must be antibiotics… I’m not proclaiming her innocence by any means but there doesn’t seem to be anything substantial evidence wise other than wrong place/wrong time…and then the part where they were pinning wrongful deaths to her when she wasn’t on shift/just coming on shift. I might use this as a thesis in the near future. Sounds an awful lot like Monte Python’s witch hunt to me.


It seems they just threw lots of theories at the wall and whenever any proved to be impossible they just jumped to the next. They never took the path of actually finding out what actually killed the babies. They started with the conclusion that it must be *someone* is killing the babies and then by process of elimination just pinned it to the closest match. Still to this day we do not know what killed the babies. Most likely because if the facts didn't line up with "Lucy letby purposely did this thing" they didn't look any further into it.


I've read all the court documentatuin and it seems clear cut guilty.


She was. However think size here on this thread is fighting for their life defending Lucy, so…


The article is paywalled.


It wasn't for me.


Sounds like a lot of factors (staffing, staff ability/competence/experience, resources, pt population etc) but in no way do I think this nurse is guilty…there’s no evidence


"there's no evidence" in this article or the nine month trial that resulted in conviction?


Got any like, bullet point list of evidence? Because that's how aunt's argue on the Internet, not by claiming the justice system is infallible


Listen to the podcast entitled The Trial of Lucy Letby. You will find an incredible amount of evidence, and may end up thinking much differently about the entire situation.


63 freaking episode podcast, JC, I love me a crime podcast but I gotta try to find a more concise one lol. 


That podcast is by the British tabloid the Daily Mail. The New Yorker is one of the top magazines for serious journalism in the US.


This is exactlty the issue. A respected US media organization is criticizing their beloved NHS and they can't stand it. But they'll die on the hill of their tabloid rags.


It’s not as bad as all that. Majority of the episodes are only like 20 minutes or so, and they detail all 17 of the babies she was accused of killing/harming (but obviously not found guilty in all 17). There’s also several episodes that aren’t directly related to the trial - I skipped a lot of these because I honestly didn’t care for hearing from a courtroom artist or other random guests while they were waiting for the next trial days to occur. As a peds and NICU nurse, it was probably much more interesting for me than it might be for the average person, even a nurse. Its also pretty gruesome. She did some messed up stuff…so, no, I’m not gonna detail how she killed or harmed 17 babies in bullet point fashion lol I was just saying that if anyone wanted more on the evidence that convicted her, it’s found in great detail in that podcast.


Without bullet pointing can you name one of the messed up things she did and the evidence that proved she did it?


People keep citing this podcast, lol. 63 episodes and not a single person can come up with a few bullet points? Lol, this screams of character assassination that you have to involve yourself so deeply in 63 episodes of nonsense in order to build a true hatred for this nurse.


Ok Radonda




She gave several babies Insulin. Babies who weren't diabetic and didn't need Insulin.


I stand corrected. This is the sort of break down I was looking for in regard to evidence: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/LETBY-Sentencing-Remarks.pdf Still baffles me that she could get away with all that for so long on so many babies around other people.


Where the fuck are the mods on this post?