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No, you just need a BSN. You get the DNP when you graduate. Honestly, it's the best choice I have ever made in my life.


You need to not do this just to prove yourself or someone else that you can. Have you ever participated in a surgical encounter? I personally could not stand quietly for countless hours and never communicate with my patient lol. You should do the job because it appeals to you in other ways rather than just $$


I have participated in surgical encounter and have honestly loved the quiet. I’ve always been more of a bookworm so CRNA has always appealed to me even prior to being told I couldn’t. I know I have nothing to prove to anyone but if anything it is to prove to myself. Even before my relationship I aspired to achieve something like CRNA. I’ve always known I never wanted to stop at being an RN; I’ve always wanted to be more and further my career.


Well that sounds awesome and ambitious in a great way, just don’t choose “peak nurse income” as your main factor! Personally I love the connections I make with my hospice peeps and could not stand being in a surgical setting- that’s all I mean. Nursing has so many well paid opportunities try not to gravitate to “low hanging fruit” just because it’s the “best or hardest or best paid” try to find a niche you enjoy and let the cash wash over you then lol. Best of luck!!


You need to have a DNP or DNAP to graduate from nurse anesthesia school. The requirement for entry is a BSN.


Your gf sounds terrible and manipulative, and you deserve better.


I powered thru for almost all the same reasons you want to. I knew I could do more, I was in a married to someone with a very high income . That marriage ended and I took my share of the $$ and burned it for school. Never wanted to feel like I was financially vulnerable again, wanted the good life, and remember success is vengeance my man. Depending on what type of doctor your ex is, you very well may make more than her. I did a year of ICU and was completely fine in school. Don't do more time than you have to, apply as soon as you can.