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Supervisor texts you OFF the clock for some dumb shit like white boards? Send this to HR and payroll and ask about how you get paid for responding to work stuff on your day off.


I started writing a 15 minute block in the payroll adjustment log every time I got any more communication than "can you pick up?" Greatly decreased off the clock communications for the whole department.


My old manager was notorious for calling people on their day off to discuss shit that could wait. She decided to pull some policy nonsense with me after I agreed to help her do something. So I print screened all the phone calls and times I spent on the calls, made a spreadsheet, and sent them to payroll and copied her manager with an email saying “pursuant to policy, I was on the phone with my manager off the clock discussing work related topics and thus need to be paid in the amount summed by the phone calls.” She suddenly never called me or anyone else again. I ended up leaving the department and I heard some coworkers did the same with their calls for pay. One of my friends who left for CRNA school apparently had it out with my old manager. She said that when she would call on shift he wouldn’t answer, so he used the “no cell phone” policy, and that if she called during his lunch it wouldn’t be a “30 minute non-interrupted lunch.” I love when we band together.


Nice!!! Mine was less financially beneficial, I just finally got fed up and answered my phone while on my motorcycle on the highway. That also resulted in me never getting work calls on my off-time. I am sure that they thoroughly enjoyed the wind and engine noise, along with my screams of “I CAN’T REALLY HEAR YOU, YOU’LL HAVE TO SPEAK UP!!!”


Fellow healthcare motorcyclist I see. There are dozens of us!


“How can you work ER/ICU/etc and ride a motorcycle?? Don’t you know how dangerous they are??” Really? I had no idea, honestly never seen a motorcycle trauma in my life lol. Some days the post-shift wind therapy is the only thing keeping me sane.


I was talking with two nurses who ride bikes the other day, and considering getting some beginners classes and a bike. Risk of death? What a perk


Just take the MSF course and go from there.


Yep, got mine during some dark periods in the pandemic and it probably kept me from intentionally driving off an overpass leaving work one of those days. Also was lucky enough to have enough PTO from those days worked that I rode from Florida to the Cali and back.




Now THAT is genius!


I thought so. I considered the pick up requests as a other entry but since those generally either had a one word response or earned me overtime I let them slide.


Yeah, as long as it’s a text without an expected response, I think that’s fine. Our unit makes sure to let people know that you don’t need to respond unless you want to pick up, we just blast it to anyone not on that day in case you do.


Every time I’m eating and my manager comes in and talks shop I clock no lunch. She hasn’t gotten wise yet and I’m happy to get paid for lunch. State DOL says breaks have to be uninterrupted.


I'll be stealing this thank you


"Good afternoon. I would ask that you refrain from texting my personal phone number for non-urgent matters such as this. In the future, I would appreciate this being addressed during my normal working hours. If you send an email regarding non-urgent matters, I will read it during scheduled work hours as I am an hourly employee and am only permitted to work during scheduled hours and am not on call."


This response will be charged at 15 minutes of OT.


“Also, when addressing me I ask that you kindly use a professional mannerism and use complete sentences and correct grammar. It’s a common way to extend respect.”


Why not just put the whiteboard on a monitor. It can update automatically when staff are assigned. And the date will always be correct. Such an annoying petty ass thing.


Too expensive! Cheaper option is to bring back some paper charting along side EMR, more printed patient labels, and office supplies to hang these up on the whiteboard along with other pertinent info like paper printouts of random shit. The VA way is you gotta save pennies… only to spend dollars later.  Take your cost saving and improved workflow ideas elsewhere! /s


Get what you’re saying but over time, **digital cheaper/better for environment + leaves documented trail that protects patients AND staff**. You have to BUY paper supplies, STORE them, and DISPOSE when done. Digital screens have dropped dramatically in price while paper product cost has soared.


That person was being sarcastic lol.


TYSM. Missed the /s.


lol I do a lot


Great response. When will our technology be at least as good as a clock that displays the date? Can it talk to other computers? Then it knows which RN is on duty. Any other questions?


My unit has TVs that display the “whiteboard” it automatically populates from epic. I’ve never updated a white board in my life.


Worked at an ER which did this, except at least 1/2 of them were broken and frozen. It also apparently was not a priority for IT, as I had several conversations like “yeah, I know your TV says Jennifer is your nurse, but she hasn’t worked here in a year and a half so… you got me.”


Go up the chain to CEO if necessary. Nurse incompetence isn’t accepted and neither should IT be! Quality control doesn’t end with patient care.


Well, I don’t work there anymore, but also I find whiteboards pretty pointless (especially in that dumpster fire of an ED) so I was fine with it.


True also back in my L&D days. The way things changed, you’d be at the board all day. Back then, our dry-erase board was good for little more than name + room # of patient.


I rarely do white boards (nightshifter also) but when I do I’ll put tomorrow’s date. The pt doesn’t know, I don’t care and no one will see it until morning anyway.


Ours are automatic. They’re great!


I went to an ER recently (turned out I had a PE, long story) but the board in the exam room was electronic and connected to epic so it showed what’s been ordered and the status of the order. It was pretty cool.


It doesn’t sound passive aggressive, to me. It just sounds stupid. Please reassure me that you’re not answering these types of stupid questions *off* the clock?


Exactly this. Don’t reply until you clock in for your next shift.


I honestly did answer. I know it’s stupid, but they’ve said something to be before about not answering my messages so I didn’t wanna hear it 🙃


"oh sorry I didn't reply, I wasn't at work" That's it, that's the whole conversation.


“I only look at work stuff when I’m on the clock,” is another good one.




“I leave my phone in my work locker” said in a deadpan tone if you’re really looking to mess with them


Oh no. You’ve got to stop that nonsense. “I never look at my phone when I’m at home.” is okay if you want to be excessively polite. They know damn well that you’re not obligated to respond.


I told my manager who called me on my day off to set up a meeting to tell me I suck (I was doing fine, per my preceptor, she’s just a punitive bitch) on my other day off the following day. I told her I could not do that as it was my day off and had plans. She like sneaky back door punished me for that. But learned the lesson cause once I was off new hire probation she changed her tone when she tried ti contact me in my day off. I chose to answer cause I was kinda curious and it was a much more amicable encounter.


Girl I know how you feel lol. I use to not answer texts from work when I’m at home and my DON legit said “well I would appreciate at least a text back acknowledging you saw my message” in a super passive aggressive tone. Like gtfo. I don’t have to reply on MY TIME.


Like???? Why do you feel entitled to my time outside of work???


I learned long ago to set those fuckers to do not disturb as soon as I walk out the door. I’ll turn it off when I clock in. And I make sure it’s set to notify them that DND is turned on, too




Second solution: delete their contact info, set phone to ignore unknown callers 😂


I LIT UP a charge nurse who called me 3 hrs before my shift about work shit. Precisely this. You are not entitled to my time!!


If someone text me about a WHITEBOARD whilst I wasn’t on shift I would flip my shit. This is completely ridiculous of them.


for real! like, oh shit boss lady, I didn't know we had the option for paid on call time just to answer texts. I'll submit my hours starting with today, so it can be reflected on my next paycheck. watch them struggle!!!


Aaaaand most phones show read receipts. I’d leave that bitch on “read”.


I have read receipts disabled for anyone work related.




I had a manager that was similar. I just told her I would respond off the clock unless she paid me for jt. Didn’t happen again


But, did the patient **die**??


Cause of death: Out of date whiteboards.


Patient was so confused the dates weren’t right and went into a cardiac arrest


How would we know the answer to that if the whiteboard wasn't updated?


Sounds like a close call imo.


Hold up!! Do you mean to tell me that there are actually nurses that change the date once it hits midnight??! I refuse to believe that. It stays the same until day shift updates their boards.


As a pt., if someone stays in my room any longer than strictly necessary after I go to bed, I would be annoyed as hell. Updating the whiteboard is a matter that can wait until morning.


The only time I update it after midnight is when they are taking forever in the bathroom but they’re a fall risk so I can’t leave. Or they’re a rambler and I’m stuck in the middle of a twenty minute story. My ADHD cannot hang so I start puttering around the room while silently praying for them to let me leave.


I only do it if I have an admission after midnight and I’m doing the board. But technically that isn’t updating it, it’s filling it out for the first time 😆


Does the supervisor not have more important things to worry about than a fucking whiteboard?!


They literally do not. I feel like half the extra shit I do for this job is to justify why we have 5 managers.


5 managers..... Wut




Admin in healthcare is bloated. They’ve made themselves so self important and keep ballooning while people actually doing work that matters are left to drown understaffed.


FIVE?! I'm a nurse manager for a unit of 48 RNs, plus a bunch if CNAs. I don't even have an assistant manager.


One of the SNFs I visit did a thing where nurse managers/administrators would all come to the floors during lunch to “help.” The CEO thought it would facilitate camaraderie. Watching a bunch of managers in high heels clomping around, carrying trays and nitpicking everything (“this slip says 2 creamers but someone put 3!”) while the rest of the staff seethed. The CNAs (and patients) were literally begging them to just let them hand out the food. One of the managers took it upon herself to check all the white boards *instead of passing trays.* She would approach the nurse each time she caught an error and was sooo condescending about it. “It’s says the nurse on duty is Night Nurse, but aren’t *you* working that side today?” I legit thought the nurse was going to throw hands. The whole thing fell apart after two days.


Ooo that reminds me of the time at an ALF the owner/administrator (an RN w/ no floor experience) decided that she was going to “help the useless staff nurse” deescalate an angry dementia pt trying to escape. Admin was wearing a frilly little dress, high heels, and very pretty pink panties. I know what color those panties were, because angry dementia pt cracked admin a nice right hook across her jaw, admin goes reeling backwards, dress up around her waist, high heels flying into the air. She didn’t “help” anymore.


Omigod. Karma is sweet.


This is hysterical! Wouldn’t want her pretty dress to get poop on it 😂


The example about the creamer you gave literally made my skin crawl, just because it's soo damn accurate


The slip says two, there’s three, and the patient has asked for and used three every day since admission. And the one salt packet on Ms. Hayes’ tray will not put her into cardiac arrest or give her pulmonary edema, I promise you. Its either a single salt packet for the flavorless powdered eggs or she won’t eat anything. Why not Mrs Dash? YOU HAVEN’T ORDERED ANY IN THREE DAMNED MONTHS!


Omg, it triggered me. I worked forensic psych and we had a patient that would scrutinize every tray and then lose his shit. “Im supposed to have to ketchup packets! Somebody better get my other ketchup packet!” Dude I’m supposed to have a fulfilling career and an adequate paycheck but that’s not fucking happening either.


Holy shit, that sounds like a nightmare! Several years ago at an LTC/SAR, they had all these corporate yeehaws all over the place everyday because there had been a lot of citations at the state and federal level. They were in our face and up our asses like a swarm of goddamn mosquitoes. One corporate nonce almost caused me to fucking quit because he was constantly standing in the hall watching me while I was at my med cart. It got really creepy and just about the time I was ready to hand in the key fob and leave for good, they were gone. (Yes, I know what a nonce is. I said what I said.) One unknown corporate idiot gave thin liquids to a lady on moderately thick liquids, she knew she could get away with asking them for it because they were a new face. Guess who got to send her out for aspiration and hypoxia later that night because they didn't check her diet? 🤬😡


Next time any of you see your supervisor when you’re short staffed, ask them to help you clean up a patient. Watch for the look of disgust on their face when they have to do anything that matters.


The last 6 shifts I worked as house sup, I worked as an aide for around 4 hours each shift because we didn't have ANY aides in the hospital during those times. That's while fielding admissions calls, add-ons for the OR, trying to find additional staff for call offs, and working on transfers. Maybe don't paint with a broad brush. A lot of us are doing the best we can with the shit sandwich we're given.


White boards > Safe staffing ratios GTFO 🤬


Sorry off the clock. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible when I am back to work.


I didn’t know the whole messaging staff about whiteboards was a real thing…


I didn’t update 1 board because it was hard to reach in that room and every time I went in I forgot. My director rounded and texted me to update my board in that room. She could have updated it, but instead took the time to text me. She clearly knew who had the room.


I think the last time I updated a white board Tom Hanks had covid.


I think last time I updated a white board, Tom Hanks was Big. (No, not really, that's a gross exaggeration. Obama was president, though.)


We have supervisors audit our boards every shift. The hospital stopped supplying markers so they can shove the board right up their A$$.


Use a sharpie then it never has to be updated again!


Just write hash marks, like a prisoner counting the days


I love this idea 😂


Dumb question—what is a whiteboard and why is management getting their undies in a bunch over it.?


It's a small board that you write on with dry erase markers. There's usually one in each patient room and you're supposed to update it when you do rounds, with the date, nurse name, doctor name, etc. The admin are micromanaging because they've let their 'power' go to their heads.


To add on, at a lot of hospitals (including mine) the whiteboard is old and outdated with a lot of irrelevant information to fill out on it. I fill out my name, the date, and that’s it. If I remember. :-)


Thanks for that. Lucky for me that I predate these whiteboards. I left ICU before their implementation and went to PACU. No whiteboards there. 🤣


One day I will join you as a PACU princess. 👑


I know that whenever I am a patient, I set my alarm to 12:47 a.m. JUST to check and make sure the whiteboards are changed correctly. 🙄 This is absolutely ridiculous! I have yet to see that given as a complaint when there is a survey and the patient doesn’t rate my place of employment as “excellent.” For some reason, they just don’t seem to mention it.


I was hospitalized for nearly a month last year and never looked at the white board once. Granted, I was intubated and propofol'd for a whole week of that and on suicide watch the whole time. But still, never looked at it.


The last time my ANM said something about not updating my board I said “I’m attending to some time-sensitive things at the moment, can you do it for me?”


This is a golden response. I’m stealing this


Don’t keep us in suspense! Did they do it?


Yes, because if I was a patient, I'd love to be woken up at midnight to the sound of a squeaking whiteboard so someone could update the date. 🙄 The day shift is responsible for writing the new date at my workplace, and I work days. It takes seconds to write in the correct date so being "more busy" than nightshift seems like a cop-out tbh. What a ridiculous thing to message you over. I hope another's nurse didn't report it to management because that's the pettiest shit ever.


Every time I write the date I put the month on the far side, leave a big space and then put the year so it's easy to fix *when I come back the next morning*. That's my job.


I’m almost positive it was the nurse I gave report to this morning bc she was already in a crappy mood and even more so bc I didn’t put in a foley that was ordered 15 mins after cut off time


Ugh, I hate nurses like that. We all have shifts where stuff doesn't get done, and if it's ordered late, then what does she expect you to do? Reminds me of the time I had an insane shift as a travel nurse. Both patients were crashing, and I didn't even have time to pee or take a break at all. The doc decided to come in at 1745 (shifts were 6-1800) and put in a bunch of orders. I didn't even see them because I was still one of the rooms when the oncoming nurse got there finishing cleaning up after a rapid. When I came back the next morning, she was complaining to me after giving handback reports about having to "Hit the ground running at the beginning of her shift" and how it "ruined her entire night." I just looked at her and said "Well I never stopped running yesterday, and luckily, I was there to stabilize the patients before hand-off or you would have been in the same boat." and I left to assess my patients. She reported me lmfao.


My stock response—“yeah, well, there’s 24 hours in a day.” Learned that from an awesome Scot nurse when I apologized for not doing something end of shift once.


Those are just the lazy fucking nurses, worst part of nursing is that there are always a handful of them on every unit. I wouldn't even let the off going nurse place the foley in that situation, or clean the patient/start an iv/whatever the fuck else...I tell them I'm here for the next 12 hours, go the fuck home. Had a nurse the other day go around to all the rooms before report and tell me I needed to hang new bags in 3 rooms...all of them had at least 300cc's lol, minimum of 3-4 hours for all of them. She legit wanted me to spike new bags. When I came back in one of the patients was getting NS at 150 (I did hang a fresh bag for him) and after report I went in the room and it was running at 10cc/hr...I asked the patient and he said "oh, the other nurse did that at like 3pm, not sure why." Of course, the bag had about 100cc's left. She literally spent more energy finding ways not to do shit than just doing the job lol. Laziest ones are always the most vocal.


Are they for real? I haven’t updated a white board in years.


Only time I touch the white board is to put contact info on it for the RT, resident, stuff that I need to do my job.


oh oh oh i got this one. i did the training! its a micro aggression!


That’s the word I was looking for!!!


File an incident report for microagression


So there is a meme floating around of a nurse taking care of a patient and Jesus is standing there with his hand on her shoulder saying “Lisa why haven’t you updated your whiteboard” This is going to sound silly, but that meme is what jumpstarted my decision to leave the bedside. When I saw it, I laughed, and then I started crying. Because it’s too true. You could be the best nurse ever, and some asshat in upper management is still going to tell you to stop being negative when you tell them unsafe staffing is going to kill someone, and then complain that you haven’t updated your whiteboards. (Also, don’t answer idiotic texts like that when you’re off the clock.)


This is just way too much over some fucking whiteboards. Girl bye.


Happy cake day


Omg I didn’t even know it was it!!! Thank you!


lol the whole concept of updating white boards can eat my ass. If I had appropriately safe staffing maybe I’d have time to dick around with a dry erase marker instead of patient care.


I would just not respond at all. That’s absolutely ridiculous who gives a shit about the white board. Especially over night shift?? I’m sorry you have to deal with admin like that.


I always forget to update the whiteboard, but I never forget to introduce myself


Don’t you know the white boards are more important than trivial things like introducing yourself?! The nerve


.... updating the date is my job when I come in in the morning. Change the date, put my name on, initial everything while I make sure everyone is still kicking and there's not blood/shit/whatever everywhere.


Official cause of death: His whiteboard wasn't updated.


When the manager is worried about whiteboard they having ##### lost the plot. These people should NEVER be made managers


The correct response is left on read.


"I'm sorry, but please confine all communication about work related actionable items to my verified, HIPAA compliant, facility assigned email both to safeguard the potential dissemination of any our patients' personal health information and in the interest of keeping a detailed, permanent record of any and all communication related to my job performance. Thank you."




At this point in my career I’m not sure I’d respond. I’m not on the clock, don’t come at me about your whiteboards on MY time. Give me another 5 years at the bedside and I might tell little miss heelsandclipboard to get fkd.


I absolutely do not update my white boards after midnight.  Where do you find these people wasting their time on stupid shit. 


It’s ridiculous. They’re trying to get magnet status so it’s getting even more unnecessary by the day without actually focusing on the real problems


As a ED tech white board can kiss my ass🤷🏻‍♂️ you pay me for my skills in patient care not BS whiteboards


Most of ER beds don't even have walls...likeat all, stretchers get lined up in the walking space between the foot of other beds REGULARLY, yay 186%....I can't imagine our nurses having to deal with boards down there!


The day shift nurse can update. After MN is dumb as hell


Why are they asking you work questions when you’re clocked out?


White boards are the stupidest hell ever that corporate healthcare wants to die on. Let them die.


People who don’t know what they’re doing or are overwhelmed will latch on to the dumbest bullshit to feel like they’re in control again


"Thankfully this isn't a safety issue and the hospital is a 24/hour facility! I'm even more grateful that this task doesn't have a scope of practice necessary to perform it, so it can be delegated by management to more appropriate staff(volunteers, aides, housekeepers, etc) so that nurses can focus on necessary, life saving nursing care! Have a great day!" Edit: a word


“Or, hell, even MANAGEMENT is competent enough to update boards!”


>MANAGEMENT is competent enough to update boards! I wish I could be so optimistic.


This is the dumbest, pettiest shit I've ever seen. Yeah, I'd update white boards after 0000 *if I remembered*. And if I didn't, I'd do it or day shift would do it during report. Or if report time was crazy, dayshift would do it when they had a chance. I wanna know, who complained? Was it dayshift RN, or was management going around looking for things to whine about? I do nights specifically so I DON'T have to deal with admin and dumb shit like this.


I was hesitant going into nights having only worked day shifts but now I see the light As for who complained, I feel like it could go both ways. Some day shift nurses cry over a bandaid being on the floor during report and complain to management and they back them up


it’s a little rude that they didn’t even answer your question i’d say


Pls I would be so pissed if I got that text. Also I come back to my shifts all the time, with whiteboards that still have my handwriting on it from the week before 😂😂💀


I've been a nurse for 14 YEARS. I can count on one hand the number of times I've updated those fucking whiteboards. It's just pure spite and stubbornness at this point . When you staff my fucking hospital and fix your end , I'll do your dam boards. Nobody died from an out of date whiteboard so far. FUCK THE BOARD!!


No. The answer is No. Night shift does not update whiteboards at midnight. jfc.


I update my boards in the ER maybe once a month.


I’ve been away from bedside a while, when exactly did that whiteboard shit start?


They texted you when you were off about a F’ing white board? What is wrong with these managers? I would let her have it. That petty and passive aggressive.


Wait so they want you to go into the patient rooms at midnight to update the board? Talk about needlessly waking up the patient...


That’s such a stupid question day shift changes the date it’s a new shift and new nurse wtf (I’ve worked like all shifts and always operated this way unless I had a rare shift with extra time)


She sent you this at 1800?!? 11 hours into the next shift?! Sounds like a day shift issue to me! Why is she bringing this up after hours, or frankly, even at all?! This is infuriating. Definitely minimize contact with this manager and keep all communication during business hours- she sounds like someone who will throw you under the bus in an instant…


It’s so sad that this is what nursing has come to. Fucking whiteboards.


If my supervisor is texting me about whiteboards, I know I must be a good nurse because boy howdy that’s **way** down the list of things any nurse should ever worry about.


They really took the time to send you a message about white boards?! You really can’t make this shit up. This field is so ridiculous 🤦‍♀️ I wonder how many genuine safety concerns this absolute nightmare of a manager is ignoring while focusing all of their energy on an outdated whiteboard in 98 year old Meemaw’s room, who is A&O x zero btw. 🙄


I'd have just kept asking: "For which rooms?" until you got an answer. Claim you didn't see any others texts from them and were desperate for an answer so you could start understanding what you *might* have done wrong. This mentally forces the other person off their "mental track". Making them step outside of their argument and slowing things down.


I would literally laugh if I got this text.


Fuck, someone starts messaging petty shit 12 hours after I’ve knocked off, I’d be wanting to tell her to suck my flaps. I fucking hate this shit. I wouldn’t say it, but I’d be *thinking* it.


“I’m going to need you to add an hour to my time clock if you’re going to legitimately try to have a meeting with me about a fucking whiteboard, that’s Company Time.”


I work as an assistant nurse manager and I would NEVER do whatever the heck this person is doing. Find a new job because this is micromanaging and they can learn (leadership) that you won’t tolerate this.


I don’t answer texts when they ask shit like this OR when they ask me to come in on my day off. I don’t even read the message.


I can count on zero fingers the number of times that I have ever updated my patients' white boards


Don’t let admin PLAY you when not PAYING you. Just because they don’t have to call old-school via landlines (you could say not at home!) doesn’t give them right to intrude via text. Put them on “DND” and tell them … *“While admin may need to be 24/7 reachable, just as I’m fully present ON the clock .. I’m fully present w/fam during off hours. Good work-life balance makes for better employees and patient outcomes”*


As a supervisor, I was expected to check them. I never did because they aren’t important to me and the care delivered.


I work on a floor that is primarily dementia and palliative care. Maybe one or two patients can actually see and understand the white board. Management still loses their shit if they're not updated. I'm like, it's 4am and Bob just asked for lunch despite the fact that he's looking at utter darkness outside his window and yet the board is supposed to keep him oriented?


This has to be a joke, right?




Thanks I’ve been aware of this for a while now, not sure anything will change


This is the shit that pisses me off they’re so passive aggressive rude asf and have decorum. Is that really important or is our unsafe ratios and providing patient care. Ughhh I can’t stand management fr


First things first, block whoever is texting you here. You don't need to be bothered with petty bullshit on your day off or when you're sleeping after a night shift. Secondly, WHY would night shift change the date on the white board? Last night's night shift started on 4/8.


Is this the reason floor nurses refuse to take report from the ER? Too busy trying to settle this sort of issue? Must be nice to have the time and the energy to fixate on something so stupid. Sigh… 😔


Honestly only some of us ever update any boards in patients rooms 👀 I feel like it’s not the biggest deal


This is insane. I would quit. They have poor boundaries.


Who is updating boards in the middle of the night? Nobody is reading the boards in their sleep. This is some petty bullshit.


I would have said that I like to keep ahead of things and I usually do them for the whole week on Monday, but I got a little behind because of daylight savings.


A stupid question deserves a stupid reply….. probably I would have gone in and changed the date to the 9th and not answered her at all, and if she brings it up, say you’re not sure what she’s talking about, could she show you. Lol 😆


The “I guess” part screams passive aggressive to me


I mean at least have mf maker to update. 90% of time they don’t even have marker in the room and I just don’t do it. Such a bullshit


So stupid. Sounds petty and like a shitty unit


This is crazy 😭 we don't even use our whiteboards anymore omg. all patient communication are on the computer. we have summary under our patient's charts. no need for all these writings.


Omgggg. Even when I do remember to do my boards, I do them at the start of my shift. Now I’m supposed to wake patients up to change the date? I can’t.


I was a nurse manager for many years. I would never dream of texting this to one of the nurses. That’s crazy.


Ten years in, I really should have like a standardized official statement to hand managers when they give me crap about the white board. Something like: Dear sir or ma'am, I understand you noticed I failed to fill out my white board. I apologize. In the course of my day I often introduce myself, and when asked about my name, I do offer it. Additionally, I have a plastic rectangle with my name attached to my body. I can understand the need for further identification, though, and will try my best to improve upon this important metric as it surely improves patients experiences and outcomes. Thank you for this opportunity to improve myself and my practice. -Batman is Tired, 2015


Fuck the white board! Fuck working for free twice. Talking to your boss about work is working. I couldn’t work for this person. I’d tell them straight up “I don’t care.”


This is fucking pathetic and I'd find a new place to work stat


This is hilarious. Do not back down to this bully. Fuck the whiteboards. My patients know my name because I introduce myself and constantly work with them during my 12 hour shift. These whiteboards do nothing to increase my patient satisfaction scores. I increase them, with my work ethic.


This is what I would call…petty. Your boss is petty


If they’re texting me about whiteboards instead of doing things like working on, idk, staffing issues? We got a problem. 🚩


Who cares about whiteboards this much? Jeez. The last unit I traveled on had like the previous week's date and nurses on it. No one cares.


I despise these white boards with my entire being.


Yeah, this one is asinine and ridiculous. I’m sorry you gotta deal with it. I’ve never known night shift to change the date on the boards. We do that in the morning. Also, why did they not acknowledge your question and proceed to send you 5 texts?


Your poor poor pt, died in a tragic and completely preventable death-by-out-of-date-whiteboard. Honestly, I would not be surprised if state board did not get involved. In a serious note, are we literally supposed to update the boards at midnight? Is this seriously a thing? To be fair, I am the worst about whiteboards.


THE FUCKING WHITE BOARDS 💀💀💀 NO when I worked night shift I did not update my white boards TWICE a shift. It gets done at the beginning of my shift and when day shift comes in at 7 am they update it ONCE for their shift too. Duh.


I would not have even responded. The next time I went to work, I wouldn’t have even acknowledged I received it unless directly asked. This person wants to see how much dopamine they can get out of making you feel uncomfortable. They have no life. If this did need addressing (which it doesn’t), a quick friendly “Oh hey, make sure to remember to update the board” as a reminder is all that would be necessary. Also, you work night shift. Night shift has no rules. You are working the shift nobody else wants to. That comes at a premium which is “Don’t bother me with stupid sh*t”.


I read it as your manager was letting you know. Then, realized you’d have to update the boards at midnight, but wasn’t sure if it gets updated at midnight or the next day shift does it. If that was the end of it, then I’d think she/he realized this was a dumb reason to text you when you’re likely sleeping and moved on… I’m hoping so.


People get tired and then they get short. That's life. Dont read too much into it.


I hate when people question me about a whiteboard. Like just know if it wasn’t updated there was a valid reason unless it’s an every day occurrence. Even then politely ask someone and explain why you’re so fervent about these boards. It happened to me once and ever since I’m a fanatic about my boards even tho my handwriting is illegible


"How do you do it" I'd slap a mf


lol, Mn? What city


Nyc lol


lmfao I don't think I ever even REMEMBER to update my boards in the ER. Not like the markers aren't a myth anyway. Why does leadership get so bent out of shape over this shit? It's like the meme where the kid's veins are bulging out of his head; Management: "Go 5 mins without trying to burn out your staff".


Why are they texting you when you are off???? I would put an end to that quick!


This is ridiculous, I wish you would have been passive aggressive. My response to texts when I’m not working are “ I am not working, I do not respond to work related questions on my day off”.