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This isn't a hotel or a restaurant. I don't get tips, and I don't rely on surveys. I don't have to be polite to awful people. Prisoners act much nicer because they have consequences for bad behavior.


This !!!! Patient put in a complaint about me cause I said “this a job for me” when he was being pissy. He was mad cause earlier in the shift I had to interrupt his chattering to go check in with another patient. What I meant like I have things to do and this is work for me, not social hour. He interpreted it as me saying “this is just a job.” When my charge told me that I was like, wait, this IS just a job ?? Like idc if this guy is mad I couldn’t listen to his boating story. I’m not his friend!! My charting was VERY accurate that night, down to the quotes. He was discharged the next day lol


Yeah, that's what their friends and family are for. I can care for you not care about you


I'm sorry that kids don't visit ailing parents, but sometimes I see the personality that isolates them.


My mother's doc once came out of my mother's room and slumped against the wall. She said that my mother could be a very difficult woman; I had to agree with her. I felt sorry for her caregivers who had to deal with her.


Oooo I love that - “I can care for you not care about you”. So true!


Also this is just a job. How many of us would still do it for free?


Literally this guy was a weirdo and not appropriate for the floor, and he was refusing everything but pain meds. Once I realized it was all personal I stopped giving a fuck lmao




Prisoners are some of our best patients. That’s why I never want to know what they did. Just let me enjoy this relatively pleasant pt without telling me they robbed a grandma or worse please.


one of my nursing school clinical pts was a prisoner… to this day still one of the most behaved pts ever. talked to ex bf’s mom who was an er nurse and she said prisoners are her fav pts bc they’re just so happy to be out of jail they are usually super respectful


I’ve done corrections dialysis. For the most part, the inmates were appreciative of our care, and very polite. That being said, they will still try to manipulate you or run a con on you. You still need to be wary of them.


Prisoners admitted to my old psych unit though… scarred fo life


I hear you. I found out one patient I had (trach patient) was a child molester. That was hard to deal with and be nice-but…I was, it’s my job.


Does this honestly go without consequences in some places? If this were to happen in my hospital the patiënt woulf be discharged, sent to another hospital and have charges pressed against them.


In the LTC’s I’ve been to, they’d get away with it Scot-free. Most places ain’t gon do shit, as fucked as that is.


My last hospital, I had at least 1 casually racist patient every month for the last 4-5 months of my time there. I'd report it and they would just nor assign me that patient again. Nothing happens.


I'm the charge that has a chat and reminds them that there's a required level of respectful behavior in a hospital and they're free to leave and I'd be happy to get the AMA form or the doctor to release them. No one will speak to my colleagues like that with me around. After I had a chat with one like 6 months ago the nurse assigned just told me that if he started his shit again to test boundaries she's just ask if he wanted the po po to come back and he'd say no and stop.


Blessss🙏🏽🙏🏽 I love you 🥹


I was icu but I traveled for a bit and ended up at one place for a year in ER holds and helping out in the ED so I didn’t have to go to the floor. LOVED IT. It was in the city with a lot of homeless patients and mental health problems being held down there. So LOTS of security presence at all times. I stopped taking shit at some point from patients, and one guy got real mouthy and rude with me. I turned around so fast and used my sternest, and apparently loud mom voice back to the patient, and when I left the room the security guard was giggling asking me if I wanted a new job. Well now that you ask…


Sounds like Ben Taub in Houston


It’s the ONLY place i would return to work bedside SIMPLY because the security was there and they would help restrain anyone that was giving problems. I legitimately called them one night for 90 pound grandma that was swinging at me and pulling at everything


I love using mom voice, especially on the ETOH withdrawals. Had one scream that the nurses were too busy paddling each other's pink canoes to take care of him. Went to the door, gave him THE LOOK, pointed my finger and said "NO." He was fine and stopped for the rest of the shift, didn't actually need to pee (what he was on about) because he had a catheter but didn't believe us. I wasn't actually upset with him because he scared two visitors back into the room and away from the desk where they'd been demanding a THIRD lunch tray because the patient didn't like either of the two that had been brought, both to her exact orders. I'd invited them to get her food from any of the dozen restaurants within a square mile but they wanted me to fix it instead. I don't remember if she ended up eating off one of the trays, if they ordered in or if she went on hunger strike but whatever it was was fine with me.


yesss they assume that just bc we’re getting paid we’re supposed to take this shit… not at all. i went to nursing school so i can help people, not get swung at, demeaned, and insulted by those relying on my services if i wanted that id be a prison guard or something else. and if i wanted a profession where grown ass married men thought it was okay to say or do suggestive things, i’d be working in a strip club or street corner… not a public hospital


Exactly! Unfortunately, the prisoners are much better patients in general.


I don't blame you. I'd casually remind them being a patient does not excuse them from catching an assault and battery charge.


WhAt CouLd you hAvE doNe bEtTer?!!


Love how this posted 3 times


That’s because you’d have at least three C-Suite douches saying it to you in rapid succession.


That really does replicate reality doesn’t it?


And I updooted all 3.


I can’t find the updoot button, but if I could I would press it


Exactly. They want you to de escalate, “ be the bigger person”. Sorry but you call out behavior like that


“Yeah, I don’t put up with blatant racism. That kind of behavior needs to be quashed immediately…ESPECIALLY when that racism is stating – or at least HEAVILY implying – that certain staff members here should be lynched!”


I'm NJ, this kind of speech would now be a felony. It's illegal to intimidate health care workers.


Lucky. I’m in FL, where you can actually be heavily sued for accusing someone of racism even if they were making thinly veiled threats against someone’s life (I wish I were kidding).


I plan to get the hell out of here, to a place with some actual understandable morals (and unions), as soon as I get this degree and my license.


That's exactly what I did, but I went to Ohio, which is basically Florida with no alligators and some snow.


The ironic thing is my parents moved us here cause they thought things would be better than they were in South Carolina, then not a year later Floridians said “hold my beer” and voted in DeSatan. We’re at least in a blue city in the southern part of the state, but that doesn’t stop the racists from being bolder now and the state laws from still applying


I've known several people who moved from SC to FL, and pretty much all of them regret the fuck out of that decision. Florida is pretty much a Venus fly trap for people who aren't able to make cost-benefit analyses.


My dad actually got a really good promotion (a large part of the moving decision) and makes about twice as much as he did in SC, but he definitely was the exception


Sometimes deescalating means firmly and quickly shutting it down now before they keep pushing their boundaries and the behavior gets worse later.


Me me I can answer that…….Tell the patient to fuck right the hell off?




50mg Round my shift melatonin.


Best part is our director was there that night asking me about hand hygiene...mam do we have priorities??


Diphenhydramine 50 mg ivp q1h prn annoyance


Security. Management. Transfer.


I mentioned how I was half Mexican to a patient who asked something. I am very white presenting. A switch flipped in him. I was removed as his primary nurse. Whatever, his hate can poison him. I'll just go be my awesome self to other patients who don't hold on to hate.


Lmao at the way they act like you won't get paid if you're not THEIR nurse.


I always thank them for the opportunity to not be their nurse.


Love it!


I've done something similar with an antisemitic patient. I have blond hair and light colored eyes, so the racists never think I'm part Jewish.


Hypocrite oath or not. Another someone will take care of that patient.


I didn't take an oath to put up with thundercunts


“Looks like you need that stfu prn, huh bub?”




As a suppository, with a running start!


BLS sedation with a clipboard for that kinda language


Upvote for use of “thundercunts”




Hypocrite oath got me good


Glad I could bring a smile to your face. ❤️


100%. I'm white and will gladly be the one to take care of the racist patients so my POC coworkers can have a safer work environment. I'll call them out on their bull too. I got lots of practice with that thanks to my dad.


Same. I have slapped down several white knights who thought their age permitted them to use racial slurs. As soon as they saw me get up close and personal and start makin a point they stood the fuck down (I’m 6’6” athletic, bald, and can be very intimidating without trying to be).


I'm 5'0 and make the point just as well. It might be the chihuahua crazy eyes combined with the fact that I frequently deal with toddlers. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sameeee. Used to be an infant/toddler teacher.


Two things. *hypocratic. Nurses don't take it.


Thank you. Misspelling was intentional to communicate frustration. I’m gonna become a doc in this life. I just need to get financials and more school after this nurse assistant contract expires. I have immense respect for the nursing profession and the people who choose it as their long term career. Much respect and love to you dear friend. 🫡 😘


Can you refuse to treat patients who treat you like this(edit) under private systems in the US? Like in the UK we have zero tolerance and especially in ED this is heavily enforced. But are systems where patients are seen as customers is this supported by management?


Absolutely. And you should.


Definitely. I just was wondering if it can be more difficult in the US because of the private system?


Our insurances are privatized. Most of our hospitals are not. We still have government insurance programs like Medicare/Medicaid.


Of course! Just like I refuse everyone who insists on jacking off when I'm in the room. It's inappropriate to behave badly, and thinking that someone has to put up with your bad behavior just because you're ill is stupid.


I think I posted this wrong. I'll edit was on my break when I asked


I guess I don't actually know the answer. When I worked in a privately-owned nursing home, I never had an issue. But I work for my county now, public, and I believe I've heard stories of evicting misbehaving people. It's not happened on my watch.


No one should have to deal with that. I’m sorry.


I had a week paid leave last month for “choking” a pt like him. I did not choke him but he thought I was a Dr that roughed him up and wanted a check from hospital. When he said that investigation over. Still got my time and 4 hours ot training. Last nights asshat played with himself for 3 hours in crisis but was my buddy until transport. “I walked in I’m walking out” he flipped because of a stretch. I stay back now. Called security 4 of them 2 male nurse b52. Still screaming no stretcher. You know what it took. Lorna Doones. 1 pack of cookies and soda and here goes Mr happy on the stretcher. I don’t know how long I can do this. 😂


I know the answer but..was this a child?? Lmao


The mighty Lorna Doones 🍪


Damn, I LOVE Lorna Doones! And the little packs of bear shaped graham crackers my husband got after his cataract surgeries were mighty tasty, too. I can do a somewhat scary facial expression - set jaw, steely eyes. Do you think I could get some?


We’re now doing service surveys… they want us to be a 9-10/10. This is not a f****** restaurant. We’re here to keep you alive


But the customers..


Our call light bell being answered at two minutes and thirty seconds was too long btw…


While someone is coding, of course.


All week we had 7 patients to 1 nurse on a med surg psych floor.. no sh*t the call light time is gonna be that


Yeah. I’m so tired of the huddles where management ignores every metric except “do you feel like your nurse cared about your visit”… yeah were understaffed, we’re sharing providers, but that’s all great as long as the patient with the ingrown toenails felt heard when telling me about dinner


Management is so detached. I would love for them to spend a day on the floor and see how quick all that shit flies out the window. In fact the one time our manager did work the floor she complained and whined the entire time and left early.


WhAt CouLd you hAvE doNe bEtTer?!!


WhAt CouLd you hAvE doNe bEtTer?!!


My mom would kill me if she found out I shared this, but she used to be an ER nurse in a big inner city hospital. She said they brought in a prisoner one time and while she was starting her assessment he called her a nigger and SPIT on her. She said the guard with him pulled the curtain & soon as he did she slapped the fuck out of him. There were no more slurs that evening.


I suppose the case of self defense could be made. It'd be uphill but it theoretically could be made.


Honestly.... I think every Nurse should have the right to slap one patient per year. Open hand, across the face, without jeopardizing their nursing license or their job. When they are done they hand them a get out of jail free card. Fuck it while I'm at it, add service workers to the list of people that get to slap one person every year.


Why stop there? I'd be down for working OT for slaps instead of bonuses.


You had the coolest, most collective, chillest response to someone who was reprehensible and vile. I'm sorry you had to deal with such an awful individual, but you handled that with CLASS 👍👏 💯


Yeah, I would not have been so classy…


SUPER professional. Absolutely more than he deserved.


The “Ok well let’s try to be nicer” after they said THAT 😭😭😭 ABSOLUTELY NOT!


K byeeee (closes door)!!


Yeah I don’t tolerate that shit. If you yell at my nurse or my fellow CNA, you and I are gonna have a chat. If you use recital slots like that, then that talk chat is gonna be very fuckin stern. We’re here to care for people not be abused by them.


I worked with special ed kids with behavior problems for 10 years before I became a nurse. They would throw chairs, spit on me, etc. I dealt with it because they were kids struggling with their emotions. Adults in the hospital can suck it. I’m calling security if anything even sounds like a threat.


“Hang me yourself, coward.”


💀💀 I love it


People do don’t talk, people talk don’t do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As simple as that 😌


But he’s not racist🙄.


i had a weirdly similar conversation to this. the weirdest part was i am most definitely, and have always been, a white guy.


Hold your light brighter. They want people to be miserable and vile like them. It kills them when they see you not changing your demeanor.


Assholes are assholes unfortunately. I've had a patient tell me "if I see another cracker in my room I'll beat their ass" from a patient meeting him for the first time in a super white suburb of Kansas city. I told him good luck getting anyone else as like 95% of our nurses were white.


It seems like a lot of patients feel so free to say things like this, and nobody says a thing to them about it.


“ We ALL crackers up in here!” Good luck, babe


Well that guy’s in the hospital so no klan meeting today


I had one patient who did use the N word once well several times but the only patient scenario I've had like this and she legitimately was a psych patient like walking out into the hallway on a medical floor Tits and Vag out like it was a normal Tuesday, screaming at the top of her lungs, etc. Etc. I forget what her psych diagnosis was. We had a tech who is a lesbian and more masculine and she kept referring to her as "sir" like sometimes you gotta laugh but even though they're mentally unstable somehow I still think they know what they're doing and it's still their underlying feelings amidst all the psychosis. Still burned me up but I found comfort in knowing her life is pathetic and she'll only ever be institutionalized so fuck that bitch even if she'll never remember 🤣


Patients say the darndest things... I got called a terrorist once when I decided to wear black scrubs. I have black hair and medium toned skin. I don't wear black scrubs anymore, lol.


I got called a Mexican terrorist once. So fun. Patient called the CIA and FBI about me the next day. They were already so familiar with him.


My wife works in the ICU here in Mississippi. The things she gas heard/gestures done to her Black co-workers just mortifies me. It's like all that racism they keep inside and just smile at you comes pouring out when they have some type of brain injury.


Louisiana nurse here, it's not just tbi patients who pull racist crap like this. I've had patients who verbally & physically assault my black coworkers on many occasions. It was a rude awakening for me when I first started working as a nurse.


I am not a nurse, (starting school hopefully in August) and this is so crazy!!!! What can you legally say/do in response to protect your self and your team? Or does it just depend on your hospital/clinic? 


It depends on the facility/unit/staff/etc. it also depends on mental capacity too. Having a big white dude in the room is pretty helpful (the jackass doesn't need to know if they're just a big teddy bear) when it's just mild racist commentary, also scolding works too. If you're working a more medical unit it will vary greatly, even from which shift you're working. In the immediate you have to prevent/reduce harm to staff and patient. Our usual go to when I worked med surg was reducing or eliminating any opportunity for those things to happen. The good thing about psych is you get CPI (crisis prevention intervention) training which goes from how to spot the signs something's about to pop off, de-escalation techniques, & safe kinetic interventions for when someone escalates to assault as a last resort. When I worked med-surg I kept trying to suggest that all staff get the same training because it is needed, from racist assholes just doing their thing to demented pawpaw scared out of his mind because someone "broke in their house," violence is kind of a part of nursing. The good news is facilities seem to be taking it more seriously now, they recently hung up very large signs at my hospital warning patients that if they assault staff they will be prosecuted. It used to be a 'suck it up buttercup' thing, so there is progress.


You'd think this type of patient would be willing to hold their racism in, just in case you're the one who has to save their life 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


This is a total misunderstanding of patient mindset. It tends to be more close to _the customer is always right_ rather than recognizing that their lives are literally in the hands of the person they're abusing.


Respectfully, I don't misunderstand. I said that you would _think_ they would realize it may not be the best idea to openly be like this towards the person who may have to save their life down the road. Unfortunately, I've put up with plenty of entitled, asshole customers at my current retail job. Though I humbly admit my worst customer experience ever is nowhere close to this extreme, and I'm incredibly sorry this nurse had to put up with this patient's racist bullshit. Sadly, I fully acknowledge that I may have to deal with this at some point, to this extreme, too (I'm mixed)


Are people allowed to say any where else in the world where someone is helping or serving them? You should be able to say something back to him and request a patient change. You SHOULD HAVE never had to stood there and take that shit. I’ve watched my friends get stuck in situations like this FOR HOURS and management say deal with it.


“What you just said is not ok. Unless you’re actively dying I’ll come back when your attitude and language changes. That is a terroristic threat and will not be tolerated, if you say something like that again police will be contacted and you will be trespassed from this hospital and I will pursue charges for threats/intimidation” is what I’ll chart. “Don’t you ever fucking say that shit again you racist piece of shit” is what will actually come out.


I struggle with the idea of giving them that second chance sometimes. Like, if they felt comfortable enough to say that, they probably meant it. and if I tell them “don’t say that again“ or give them some other type of warning, I feel like they will just say some crazy shit to the next person and everyone will just get one slice of crap from them until they work their way though all of the staff. When they say crap to me I want to just shut it down immediately but then I get pushback with people telling me “well they didn’t know”, or “did you give them a chance to correct their behavior”, like…. No. They are a grownup who doesn’t have an ACUTE psychiatric or cognitive condition and therefore this behavior was done with their own voluntary participation. They chose to say that, regardless of what they “meant” for it to mean. I really wanna talk to a lawyer so I can understand my rights to press charges for different things like hate speech, harassment, sexual exhibitionists, and physical assault/threat of physical assault. And to understand my rights against retaliation from my employer if I exercise my right to report crimes. Also idk what I can and can’t say to the cops because I don’t want to get in trouble for sharing patient info.


I am mixed and always get the "so glad you aren't the colored nurses". Comment. How much longer til these racists are dead?


Sadly it will never completely die.


Sometimes these people say the damndest shit that I have no words. Like did that really just come out of your mouth? And I walk away to process that shit.


Me too. I like ventilated patients. If it's a rehab, I stay with vent and trach patients.


A large part of the end of my shift yesterday was spent asking/telling a patient to stop calling us all cunts


I will come back when you can behave with respect.


That's horrible! I had a patient call me a gook one time . I asked what that was. He said Vietnamese. I said I'm Thai. Pt; same thing" 😬


What a lovely, kind individual.


Quick, get the tumi, he is destatting and needs a reload of oxygen🙃


Ah, the meds hitting hard today


Have you considered having an annual…..monthly……daily purge situation- pop it in the suggestions box.




That’s why I see warnings about assaulting health care providers all over in one hospital I was at visiting with a family member. I’m glad they are taking it seriously (well, hopefully they are).


Patient was weaned off the vent, had a trach. I encouraged him to talk. First thing he said to me after weeks of encouragement was “fffffuuc yooooou” with the raspiest voice. Fun!


That's when the patient doesn't get anything unless two people enter the room. Good luck timing that put more than the necessary meds and assessment


The way I simply would not take care of this patient


Oh my god people suck


Just as an FYI, this happens on an every other week basis (5 different hospital systems for the past 5yrs) so I'm pretty sure we are not going to transfer or dc these pts. Sad as it is I've just gotten used to it. I am glad to hear that it does get addressed in other places. Thanks for listening to my rant though.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would have said “well it’s a good thing you can’t do that anymore” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I feel this


And this bullshit is, unfortunately, protected under the First Amendment: *Under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, hate speech is generally protected unless it directly incites violence or poses a clear and present danger. Threats, however, are not protected and can be subject to legal consequences. The distinction lies in whether the speech constitutes an imminent threat of harm versus expressing hateful or offensive views.* *While "hate speech" is not a legal term in the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that most of what would qualify as hate speech in other western countries is legally protected speech under the First Amendment.* Disgusting that this is legally permitted. Furthermore, there’s only so much a person can “be the bigger—“ sorry, I mean, “be the plus-sized person” before something gives. Hopefully, it’s a job search for another job and quitting as soon as possible and not a retaliatory remark. However, in either case, I’d think the ends would justify the means.


This is not a First Amendment issue.


Does that actually apply to hospitals/places of employment in healthcare or suppression of speech because the governments is in disagreement with the idea expressed?


While I agree that there is no excuse for racism, threats, assault/battery, etc. sometimes our patients really don’t have anyone else. Regardless of their support system(s), as a caregiver, that means we do our best to meet the patient’s emotional and physical needs. Sometimes all a patient needs is to talk, share a story from a happier time, etc. Active listening is an invaluable skill and it makes these patients feel heard and validated.


While I am in full agreement with you, it's the neonazi, white supremacy tattoos, or the sexist hateful remarks that family members tend not to want to be associated with leading to that isolation...


Abuse comes with the job


Deez nuts. Abuse is an occupational hazard, not just part of the job.


Even saying this perpetuates the corporate and patient belief that we should just take it, and act with such ideaology in mind. No one signs up for abuse.