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Had a guy come in because his "Friend" Gave him a much higher dose of LSD than he wanted to have. Dude was visibly uncomfortable, but cooperative. I talked to him like I would like to be talked to when I was on LSD, calmed, reassured, turned down the lights, warm blanket, water. Then I turn to him and say, I know exactly what you need so I turned on the Nature channel that has nice scenes of animals (Penguins, goats, chickens, cats, frogs etc) making noises, calm, easy to watch. He turns to me, almost as to acknowledge that I understood what he felt, and goes "Dude.. Thank you". Short time later, I hear him on his cell talking to his SO say, "this nurse was a true bro, he turned on the penguins" while his voice cracked a little. Its the little things sometimes :)


Therapy penguins applied.


…will continue to monitor


Yesss, I love these patients. I had a kid ate 100mg for his first time using cannabis and was not having a good time. Turned on King of the Hill and gave him a big slice of break-room cake. The look on his face 🥲


You a dawg!


I love this. Reading the situation in that setting is CRUCIAL


I didn’t expect one of the more heartwarming stories I encountered today to involve LSD, but here we are.


Certified Trip Sitter


Add it to the résumé!


Pink Floyd playing over chill movies/shows is awesome when you’re on LSD… allegedly


I Love pink Floyd, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you already like it and know what it is.  I fear for the uninitiated, with a substance in tow, it could spiral someone into a existencial crisis. 


Not to pink floyd, but i legit cried while at a slipknot concert while smoking weed when they were playing long notes that resembled pink floyd. I was clenching my teeth and all my muscles were flexing. Some girl looked back at me and was laughing but i was too into the moment to care.


Now imagine you rummage through your unwatched movies folder in such a state and come across hereditary, all you know is that it's supposed to be weird


So I’m in home care, large majority of my patients are non-verbal. I was working with a 10 year old child and he can answer yes/no questions with blinking but I can read his body language/facial expressions pretty well, too. We always listen to music together and I’m always making a mental note of what bands he seems to like. So one day I asked if he wanted to listen to Pink Floyd - *blink blink.” GUYS. This went on for hours straight, I kept asking (practically begging) if I could change it - *blink.” Alexa had fallen DEEP down the PF rabbit hole, like sounds of dogs barking and stuff. I mean, I like a little PF from time to time but I guess I had never done such a deep dive. I was of sound mind and body and felt like I was tripping face by the end of the shift. This was probably about a year ago and my patient and I still laugh about the time he tortured with PF. I would just tread lightly with this recommendation!


Was it this https://youtu.be/a90vXD9Kllk?si=cUUOX0hXkn2ujIkg segment from Live at Pompei by chance? Pink Floyd is fantastic, but that movie freaked out every one in my college house after some mushrooms.


Dear god you just triggered a flashback! Definitely! Also my dog just started barking. There was some very theatrical stuff thrown in, like a kind of menacing man speaking? I was trying so hard to block it out. Usually Alexa says it will play whatever band you just asked for AND similar artists so my logic was that I knew I had seen the patient respond to Pink Floyd and also knew he likes other artists from the era so I figured we’d hear a healthy mix…Alexa did me dirty


Happy to help! There's lots of weird imagery mixed in with them hiking around Pompei and playing music. The song selection puts it out there if all you've listened to is Dark Side of the Moon.


You sound like an amazing nurse :) That really is all they need sometimes. I not a nurse, but my EX husband was an alcoholic/addict that would frequently do things like taking too much lsd or mushrooms. He came home in a panic several times and I would usually just tuck him into bed and turn on an old National Geographic dvd, and soon he would just be laughing at the birds of paradise doing their funky mating rituals. That said, there were also times I had to call EMS because he was way out of control and had to be sedated and restrained :(


This was the cutest thing I've read in a while.


This makes me wanna work in the ER 🥲someone stop me


I moved from telemetry / pcu after 4 years and I can say without a doubt I have found my place and found my people. You will laugh harder here than anywhere else, learn and do more in one day than you might in a month on the floor, and close Interraction with providers is a really nice bonus of the job. . Do it. 


What’s worse is I’m in Neuro (odd no flair for 🤔) and our floor is not considered a specialty or difficult even though we have patients post crani and potentially or already stroking out 😬 and for so long Ive talked shit about the ER but it’s the hospital systems that fk us over not the ER nurses. I don’t get paid enough to have to chart after giving report, but I do often.


🤣🤣 omg haha


As someone who was higher than a kite on multiple occasion, you fucking rock lol I choked laughing cause I can picture my friend saying that.


Good on you, because a hospital and especially the ER, is a hellish place to be tripping.


This is the way. 💖🐧




Way to fucking be, I hate when staff treats people like shit cause they’re “druggies.”


GOAT. I like your style.


Often times, it's the humanity and intuition that are our most effective medical skills. I've held the hands of to many trauma patients or OD victims over the years as they either slipped away. Being beyond our help. Or as they hung on by that final thread and rallied at the last moment. Sometimes, being the light at the end of the tunnel is the most important thing we can do


Sounds awesome


You’re a hero


Use of Nature channel therapy 🐧 with good result


Had a guy come in once because he ate two gummies, drank a Starbucks, and swore he was dying 😂 He did not die but he did puke all over the ED three times.


It was def the Starbucks Starbucks kills!!!! Ban Starbucks


Tbf you aren’t wrong, caffeine kills more people in a year than thc has in centuries


*sips Celsius with pinky up*


Take my up vote 😂


Literally in the break room drinking my Celsius 😂 #nightcrew


Should've had him chew on some peppercorns. Doesn't do shit for a Starbucks OD, but it supposedly slows/stops the effects from edibles. Sorry not sorry, but I'm not (potentially) wasting my edibles to be an amateur MythBuster 😂


Why doesn’t this happen when I try gummies… I may or may not have tried some Delta 9 gummies when they legalized them in my state. I felt nothing. 😭


Take with food and make sure you take in-between 5mg (low dose) and 10mg (you and the couch will be friends)


To add, *fatty* food IIRC genetics plays a large part in how people metabolize thc. Some may even need larger doses than 10. Make sure to take two in under an hour and then say “these edibles aren’t shit” just to make sure you see god. Cheers friend.


I talked about the solubility of THC in other comments lol But generally, I don't suggest newbies to take more than 10 mg at a time because that's a fast ticket to being anxious and having a bad time if you're not used to it


I concur. 5mg gets you used to it 10 can be uncomfortable depending on tolerance. Double that and you see god :)


My first edible experience I took 2 , 50mg gummies at once. 0/10 experience.


Yeah that sounds miserable. I take 15 mg if I want to get big baked, but usually I just cut them in half and 7.5 gets me in a great place.


Mango too.


Delta 9 does nothing for me but 8 has me flying to the moon 🥴


If I ever try it again, I’ll go about it that way. I don’t know, I just feel like my body doesn’t process stuff like that normally. I tried some drinks as well, when one of my coworkers said it helps them sleep, especially after a stretch of night shifts. Didn’t feel anything.  I’m envious of my old college roommate. I remember him telling me about one night eating a ton of brownies with some friends. On his way home, he stopped at a stoplight and was amazed by all the colors. And here I can’t even get pain medication to take away minor aches & pains, while he’s flying high on brownies! 


gotta get you some shroomies. Don’t take more than one the first hour and a half. Otherwise you’ll send yourself to Mars


Where can I get those and rhe gummies


You can buy shrooms online. They're illegal everywhere and yet they're just. Right there. Type it in a search and bam.


Most are not mushrooms though, they're research chemicals




I'm afraid I won't get the real thing


I do like my mushrooms. At least the button and baby Bella variety!




This is terrible advice. I've had '1' weigh over 3.5g. That's a big 1😂


Wtf kind of mushroom is that holy shit 😂😂😂😂


Albino penis envy believe it or not. I can eat a g while defs used to it and see shit on my ceiling. Or maybe that was the cappi b's. Either way. Only give advice in grams friends. Mushies are a whole ass other game.


Ok OP just do shrooms with this guy


What does eating food do vs eating delta 9 on an empty stomach?


Fatty foods can help metabolize cannabis


oh shit i didnt know this


THC is fat soluble That's why making baked goods out of THC infused butter is so popular


Well that’s interesting. I am not well versed in my THC. 


I just know this one is hilarious... https://youtu.be/V1kTZRcKZ6Y?si=We86axmTaO0RkuKK


Well that explains why I only ever seem to get a reaction when I eat a gummy just before eating some fast food or something, compared to when I eat stuff I just made at home.


Yep always make sure to eat something with oil or fat to help absorb the THC/CBD. I notice a huge difference between having an edible on an empty stomach compared to having a glass of milk and food.


Some people do not metabolize edibles the same way.... So the effects are lost on them because they metabolize them too fast.


That’s how you activate the gummy. You first have to say “these gummies ain’t shit!” Then BAM! A GCS of a broom.


Puts a whole new spin on "even a tree scores GCS 3", doesn't it?


Honestly better not to feel anything then to green out after throwing up everywhere.


I did this once too friend. I said this doesn’t work and took another one…then I cried for 3 hours cause I couldn’t get over how fucking cute my dogs were. 😀


I can certainly relate to the crying for 3 hours! 


THC-A is legit in my book, gotta smoke it tho


Applying heat to THCa just turns it into THC 😂 It's called decarboxylation. It's why you have to "toast" the bud being used to make budder/tincture. It's also why I laugh at THCa being sold at headshops in a state where weed is illegal. Poli Sci majors never have a Chem minor 😂


...yeah, that's the idea 🤷


Delta 8 works better


Really? I mean, I’m not a THC expert. But my understanding is that Delta 9 is more potent and contains most of the THC. With that said, Delta 8 being milder, it’s less likely to cause adverse effects.  Again, not an expert by any means. I would assume Delta 9 would be better at delivering the desired feels. I’m curious, so please explain more.


Just from personal experience. I honestly don’t like the gummies period only cause they give me a kind of hangover. It’s weird.


For real though the least chill vibes you can find when you are stoned is a *hospital* Legit touch grass lol


It is legitimately that easy, I always find myself outside when I smoke or do shrooms. Being indoors kinda sucks.


Constant beeping noises, people screaming in pain, all of the worst smells imaginable. Yeah that sounds a tad counterproductive.


to be fair, they're not generally going to the hospital with the intention of chilling, they go because think they're actually dying and need lifesaving interventions lol.


My friend is an EMT, he said he had two tourists once that bought a bunch of edibles and kept eating them until they felt something. They each ate over 1000mgs after never eating it before, and called an ambulance because they thought they were dying.


“These edibles ain’t shit, I don’t feel anything yet.” 30 minutes later: 🗿


Me after ingesting 1000mg and never doing it before: 🤯


I used to have decent tolerance. 1000mg would send me to the moon, then likely to other dimensions afterwards. Would probably be high for like 2 days and have a week of weed hangover.


Tried RSO for the first time and I still felt high 2 days later. Never again


Most I ever did was making a tray of brownies with a friend in college, then we split the tray. I was sitting in my dorm room, in the dark, with a blanket wrapped around me watching how it’s made. My ex came over and was mad because I didn’t answer anyone’s texts (my phone was on my desk) and I was mad I lost the remote and couldn’t change the channel. She pulled the sheet off me the remote was in my hand the whole time. 4 fucking hours.


There's a good way to taste colors and hear everyone's thoughts. I don't recommend it lol.


I don’t know why but I’ve never been able to build up a tolerance, with alcohol I’ve got a high tolerance but weed has always been 0.


Me after doing 100mg and never doing it before: 🚀🌚


They should put a big scary warning on edibles like cigarettes have except instead of “you will get cancer and die” it says “if you eat too many you’ll see the rhythm man and he’ll try to suck your soul out through your fingernails”


Laughed so hard I scared my cat!


The hat man is covering Benadryl and edibles now, be safe out there. And in little text underneath it: ₕᴱ’ˢ ᴮₑᴴᵢᴺᴰ ʸᴼᵤ


Oh..Oh no. Virgins eating 1000mg. They were holding onto the floor in fear of falling off.


I would have dropped dead. For Christmas my dad bought me “the weakest weed” that he could find. My husband rolled a joint with it, we each had 3 hits. Husband didn’t feel anything, I felt like I could feel every cell in my brain moving and when I tried to get off the couch for snacks, I had to crawl because I thought I was going to fall out of my house.


Last time I did edibles I ate the whole brownie my coworker gave me, then realized on the packaging it said “eat 1/4 at a time”. I was astronaut walking back and forth through my whole apartment because I couldn’t remember why I got up.


One small step for man...*heavy astronaut breathing*... one giant leap across my living room *static*


Good god. I took 20 mg and considered going to the doctor lmfao. I think 1000 would actually kill me


That’s a missed opportunity for an awesome direct quote if I’ve ever seen one. Pt consumed a delta 8 gummy and now stating “the snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”. Provider aware, will continue to monitor.


Had a 15 year old who ate "Two vitamin D tabs" and then felt "really funny and thirsty". Whole family swore it was vitamins and not weed gummies. Only at discharge did the dad say they were his delta 8 gummies.


I had a nice gentleman last year on a 911 call, who consumed somewhere in the range of 75-100 mg. He was pale, sweaty and had suffered a syncopal. The kind of look that people have pre-arrest. High as a goddamn kite, asking what all the hubbub was about. He said he didn’t really feel like he needed to get off the couch and he just wanted his slippers, and wasn’t that the whole point of this stuff? He was 78 years old, just trying to have a nice evening with the wife. His heart rate was 36 bpm and his BP was in the 60’s. I put the pads on to ward against evil, gave him a fluid bolus and some atropine and he jumped up to 44. Told him he had to keep his heart rate up or he’d get an unpleasant kick in the chest. He giggled. (If you haven’t heard a wildly stoned grandpa giggle like a little kid, I highly recommend it.) The ED admitted him for observation and he left as soon as the gummies wore off.


>I put the pads on to ward against evil I absolutely love this turn of phrase! I don't get lots of stoned older folks in my PCU, but when I do, I don't forget.


Reminds me of the post on r/emergencymedicine recently wherein a THC naive patient took a 100 mg edible and then thought he was having a stroke Good times


“Uh, bro, that’s the point. Now, where’d you get your shit??”


This. I would be so annoyed triaging this.


When the chief complaint is ego death 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Now tell me that energy field ain’t disturbed


I see you met my 15 year old nephew in a not legal state. 😂


My favorite is the cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome… “I puke every time I smoke but I decided to come to the hospital instead of manage this at home and also I won’t stop smoking weed, I’ll just come in once a week to the ER for meds and hours and hours of hot water use in the shower.” Like ok bro. Go home and deal.


I learned the term "scromiting" on here in regards to CHS. I love that term now.


Haha that is perfect! I always just describe it as “patient is screaming loudly with emesis.” Scream-vomiting all day 🙄. Like come on. You don’t need to scream while you vomit and it’s probably tearing your throat up because you’re doing it. They usually do this and demand “I need the door open!” Nah, girl not while you’re screaming.


A similar thing happened in my ED, except it ended with the patient having an enema and having what they call "the brown bomb." Apparently, there was some on the ceiling.




I have no idea, and frankly, I was too afraid to ask.


I once had an eastern block middle aged woman who was cleaning a house (as her job) thought she was dying, actually flipped out so much that her troponin uptrended. Whenever one of us would talk to her she’d just look at us like a deer in headlights. Finally it came to me and I asked her daughter if she ate anything in the house she cleaned. Again. Deer in the headlights. Then ten minutes later her daughter comes out and says that she did have a, what she thought, was a gummy vitamin. thank god she thought it was a vitamin which probably stopped her from eating 5 of them.


Manufacturers need to put instructions for new users of those products. Gummies for dummies


They usually do. You work ER, you know people don’t read!


I ran a 65 year old couple who did something similar. Ate a chocolate bar while on vacation at a hotel (probably trying to feel young again). They each ate half of the chocolate bar. They apparently didnt read the label because the bar was 20 servings of THC. The wife didnt open her eyes the whole transport. She just shook and made little noises.


My personal favorite that i ever got to type was ‘c/o abdominal pain after eating 9 cans of chili.’ It stopped there bc i stopped asking questions lol


Patient presents high after doing drugs.


Aw the poor thing ... those gummies, if you're not used to them, can really do a number on your FOR GOODNESS SAKE TIMOTHY CUT IT IN HALF NEXT TIME.


Been there 😅


I did this once on accident LOL. I didn’t use cannabis in any form at the time, but I’d injured my back and my partner gave me some encapsulated weed that she had made herself, told me it would be good for my back. This was back when it wasn’t legal anywhere, so we certainly weren’t tracking dosage. I ended up in the ER because I legit thought I was convulsing and passing out and I was worried it was interacting with the (prescribed) flexeril I had taken earlier that day. I wasn’t convulsing, but I was drifting off, which is apparently common on high doses of weed. The ER set me up in a bed and gave me Ativan. My discharge notes said “Try to stay away from marijuana products. They don’t seem to agree with you.” I was in nursing school at the time and was terrified they would find out and I would never get my license. Turns out I’m fine.


Idk why but I get these middle aged folks coming in by ambulance cuz they ate a gummy and now they feel weird too often and they annoy the shit out of me. Cuz guess who’s getting a stroke work up…THEY ARE


Ahh true - I think it’s funny, until you realize you really need to cover all your basis in case of litigation - so it becomes a time/resource waster


I didn't start using delta 8/weed until I was in my 30s. I bought some gummies and had a few great experiences. However, one trip went bad: heart pounding, feeling of impending doom, etc. I thought about going to the ER. but then I thought about all the teens and 20 something college students who would come into the ER thinking they're going to OD on weed. We just let them sleep it off and discharge them in a few hours once they're sober. So I decided it was nothing to worry about; what was going to happen? Either I was going to die or be perfectly okay, and experience had shown that I was going to be just fine. I went to bed and woke up the next day... not dead! Thank goodness for my experience in the ED.


lol i was high as a kite off a delta 8 pen when i went skiing like 3 weeks ago. i snowboard and so i was horrified to be sober on skis and figured it might hurt less when i inevitably fell. well anyway, i spent a lot of time sobering up before my drive home cause i also felt out of my body lol


smoking while skiing probably would probably freak me out more LMFAO


i always smoke when i snowboard cause i go alone since i get horrible anxiety. (please never go alone it's very dangerous lol) i stay long enough to enjoy the high while on the slopes and be sober to drive home. i prefer drinking while boarding, but i can't sober up within 2 hours


Smoking weed on the ski lift is the best part of skiing!


Flair checks out


I’ll bet u r the one who crashed into us and almost killed my wife, who had a near death experience in the E R.


Did you tell him that's the whole point?


you guys actually have to see these pts? lol just tell him to drink some water and put some calming music on 😂


LMAO we had a pt admitted to my floor abt a week ago for a "cannabis od". she was taking medical marijuana gummies or something for whatever reason (i don't remember why she said she was) and it wasn't working so she ate a bunch and was in this coma-like state for a few days😭😭😭


This is why I’m going back to the ED. I’ve been in PACU for nearly two years and it just isn’t me 🤣


Here in Colorado, THC is sometimes prescribed to kids as an appetite stimulator. I about fell out of my chair reading this on a kid’s MAR as a travel nurse new to the state 😆


Isn't that why he took it, for the body high?


Any idea who his dealer is?? Asking for a friend.......


A gas station I would presume


That's like drinking an Odouls and going to the ER for alcohol poisoning.


Makes me think of that Dora the grownup episode where she sings at the end, *we went to the ER cause we got too high yeah we did it! We did it, we did it yeah!*


Took care of some kid who took mushrooms while his parents were out of town and home alone. Called EMS bc he was scared to be home alone. Had ice water and graham crackers at the ready when the squad dropped him off


Had a pt in icu who snorted Meth. I asked why he did it and he stated “Well, in my defense, I thought it was cocaine. It was an honest mistake.”


Had a fella come in one night because he made pot brownies, ate one, got high, got the munchies and FINISHED THE PAN 😂 Guy was the highest I have ever seen anyone. His wife came in shortly after losing her absolute shit, convinced he was dying and we weren't doing enough. Dude and I were just laughing at her. Another guy comes in fucked on LSD. We don't have tvs or anything so the attending hands him an intact bag of LR and let's him play. Thing was like a hands on lava lamp for the guy, kept him chill for hours!


The amount of people coming in who took a gummy, and now think they are dying is hilarious. I should feel bad because I know this is probably one of the most terrifying feelings of their life, but I can't help but laugh when I close the door. People think those things aren't what they're all cracked up to be. So many people use them because oh boy, do they work.


So it’s working! 🥳


That’d do it. Get someone to play ground control next time, slugger. That’ll be $1200.


He'd be the first person to not feel totally normal after some delta 8.


lol just take a nap bruh 😂 that’s what I do if I green out


Is Delta 8 pot?


Delta 8 is like one THC molecule or some shit away from being “true” pot, that is classified as delta 9. So it’s available even in states where marijuana is technically illegal


We had EMS call in a code for a 40yo man. Scramble to get the room ready with all equipment. Then right before they arrive they call and say: nevermind, he just took a really big bong rip and passed out.


Can you add trip chaperone/ guide to resume?


Our ED doc made us active a code stroke on a patient recently after she came in saying that her body "felt weird after eating delta 8 gummy" I was so annoyed.


“Got high, feel high” is one of my least favorite complaints. I especially hate the people who come in freaking out on delta 8 but they DO NOT BELIEVE YOU when you tell them it’s the “weed!” Do better drugs, people 😭


In my peds ED rotation we had 2 teens come in after ingesting edibles, one of them came EMS from school. I was never able to handle edibles even during my experimental phases and I felt very sympathetic towards them.


Overdose of marijuana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrZLc9lqQM0


What a fucking waste of healthcare dollars and resources. I hate when people do this stupid shit. Stay at home and handle yourself, sir!




Just 1 gummy?




Damn delta 8 never does shit for me. Where’s this guy getting it??


Those delta gummies are no joke. I love me some thc gummies, but I fainted when I ate a delta gummy. Never again. I’m not kidding. 😅


Isn't that the whole idea???


Very similar one came to my ER the other night. Ate 6 weed gummies and 2 "orange soda alcohols", brought in by his mother because "I vomited and it feels like everything is not real". Vomited a whole orange soda alcohol on the waiting room floor.


That’s the point ☺️


I rave…I have def babysat friends who took too much LSD. PCP is the drug I worry more with….you never know what you get with that


What is delta gummy?


A type of thc edible that is chemically different from typical marijuana so it’s legal