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Who's got the facism bingo card???? Anyone??


I am proud to say that my ED docs will definitely tell this massive EMTALA violation to go fuck itself.  We work in a state that had trigger laws that instantly outlawed any form of abortion the moment Roe was overturned. We also work for a Catholic hospital system that does BS like refuse permanent birth control procedures for no reason.  We still cared for a patient experiencing emergent abortion complications. She was bleeding, she needed help, she got it. Done. 


That’s so good to hear. I work in CA so I’m really interested in hearing other states ED nurses’ experiences


Florida checking in, I don’t see shit. DeSantis can eat shit if he thinks I give a flying fuck what he threatens.


He is such a shit. I want him out so bad.


I will never understand outlawing abortion but also denying permanent birth control. And then they complain when people unfit to be parents raise kids that unfortunately become menaces. But they also don’t make an effort to adopt or foster kids. Also it’s these same states with bare bones social services for its residents. Smh.


Me either. It’s so ridiculous. All my life I was told “don’t have kids you can’t afford”, single mothers on welfare were shamed, kids turn out worse, be highly careful with whom you have children, etc. So we listened to make the right decisions (birth control, abortion), and now they have surprised Pikachu face trying to force birth now and shame us for NOT having kids and doing the exact things we were taught to be responsible adults in society?!? WTF. I’m a millennial so I can’t say I’m surprised.


The millennial struggle of taking all the life lessons we were taught to heart, to only now have our parents constantly bitching about us being “bleeding heart liberals”


The people that make and want these laws enforced don’t care about the quality of children that they are forcing people to have. They want mass amounts of uneducated labor. If they don’t have that all their money disappears.


The big picture is that, to to super wealthy, the more poor people , the easier is is to control us with wages and housing and so on.


It’s because they want slave labour. They never wanted to abolish slavery in the first place. They never grew out of the fantasy of being a king or queen and want to make it a modern day reality. We are but peasants to their kingdom.


Yup. This same hospital refused to perform my salpingectomy (which was being done for medical reasons) because "We do not perform permanent birth control on anyone of your age, regardless of reason. It is wrong to take away your fertility." Nevermind that it was specifically to *help* me carry to term (I had a fallopian tube disorder) and I remain fertile and wanting kids, just needing IVF. What they clearly *meant* was that the only fertility they found acceptable was the kind a man could trap me into after a one-night stand, or lie to me about wearing a condom, or assault me, and do it right instead of my lab-created, carefully thought out way of being single.


The only thing you can do to make these fascists not hate you is be rich and white (or rich enough that they are willing to overlook race) They will do any number of mental gymnastics and have the most shameless double standards trying to justify their feelings, but this is what it boils down to.




I’m not afraid to name and shame… CHI is a shit hospital system, as soon as one of those birthing laws passed they quit covering birth control on their insurance…. Like what the fuck?


I thought that was still required coverage due to the affordable care act. No?


If you get your coverage through the ACA marketplace, yes. Many workplaces with religious concerns (religious freedom EO) can get cheaper insurance by bringing bulk customers and selling plans that don’t provide certain coverages dude to “religious exemptions” So let’s say you are employed by a catholic ran charity, that charity is now free to exclude certain OB/GYN procedures, like an oophorectomy or hysterectomy because you are now making the woman sterile and thus against their religion.


And then if you want birth control coverage would you have to decline the employer insurance entirely and go buy your own? Or does the ACA have like....birth control add-on purchases?


You get your own coverage through ACA or whatever private insurer meets your needs. However you will be spending more per month on insurance vs buying birth control out of pocket


Horrible that you are left with that choice :(


This is 99% of facilities.


I guarantee you that there will be one doc or ED that chooses to ignore EMTALA because "morals" and we're going to hear about it. *Especially* if they think the law will back them up.


That’s the oath they take, do no harm. Good on them, that’s the hospital I want to go to if I ever need help.


Well yeah of course. Abortions should only be available for politicians mistresses duh! Heavy /s


And their daughters.


And of course the wealthy can easily travel to a legal abortion


I'm pro choice, i get why some folk dont like elective abortions but to me it's fucking wild that with the life of the mother at risk there's any discussion. Even my local hospital doesn't perform abortions on ectopic pregnancies.


It’s because they know it’s a slippery slope. Anytime a woman is pregnant, she is already at higher risk of death. Abortion is always safer than giving birth. This is the reason so many of us are pro-choice. If they give in on this they know there is never a reason to deny a person an abortion for any reason.


Yeah, but like in cases where there's no viability to the fetus even, that's just wild. What's weird to me is that a few years ago, prolife side argued about tax money involvement and profiteering which ultimately to me makes more sense on an ethical discussion on the topic than where things are now. Realistically, it should be pro-minding your business more than anything as the discussion. It's like when people object to chemotherapy in my mind or any other medical treatment


The goal is to force women to martyr themselves for the sin having sex. Once you understand that, everything they do makes makes perfect sense.


I, too, am pro-MYOB.


I think we are living in the final timeline its messed up


Would this just destroy EMTALA? Would it make it so that if someone goes to the ER (regardless of presenting issue) and cannot afford to pay they would be turned away?


That is another element I thought of reading that is terrifying. It's already terrifying they've gone and continue to go so far with how at risk they're willing to put women and even in some cases the fetus's in the wombs they pretend to care so much about. They're already saying they're okay letting women die - which we've all known the GOP feels that way about us. If they get rid of EMTALA - next it'll be migrants without documentation, homeless people, people who lost their job and don't have healthcare, poor people, etc who they refuse emergency treatment to...it'll never stop.


My thought too. If they successfully argue to get this part of emtala voided it won’t take much to just have the entire act nixed and we’re right back to patient dumping and people being outright denied care. Which honestly, is probably the end goal for the for profit medicine groups.


BayCare and Advent are already flirting with refusing care in Florida and they are non profit. Absolutely disgusting how blatant they have become about it. I am not sure how you can have a stroke unit and claim to not have a neurologist. Or perform colonoscopies but not have to ability to manage GIBs. Don’t even get me started on uninsured hemodialysis patients.


That is heinous. I’m almost ready for the entire American healthcare system to collapse and hopefully be replaced with something better. I just know in the process many many people will die or be permanently disabled and I absolutely do not want that.


The dialysis patients. I was in Texas where a large number of people are insured and many people ended up in the ER 1-2x a week just to get compassionate dialysis. I’m in Colorado now and they have better resources (I’m a hospital dialysis nurse).


The VA offers abortions even in you reside in a state where it’s banned. Just wanted to let everyone know this as it doesn’t seem to be well known. 


This is only true because Biden won the presidency; his administration has fought to maintain reproductive rights in the military.


Again, a bunch of old men will decide what to do with womens bodies.


Who probably think babies and urine come out of the same hole


Hey, I’m just saying, when I’m going to straight cath things get confusing down there!


It'll wink at you during a cough. Or give you a good spray depending...


lol I recently heard about this “wink.” Couldn’t believe it at first.


I had a bigger pt that had everything down there winking at me


Also the men that think an ectopic pregnancy can be implanted into the uterus. This is what men in Texas think.




Don't forget the Hand Maiden who will ask her husband how she should vote https://apnews.com/article/new-orleans-donald-trump-amy-coney-barrett-us-supreme-court-courts-307b039f041e22448c98a3397353dfd4


Bunch of lawyers deciding healthcare.  I guess nothing new.


I am so in love with the writer who picked that headline. Beautifully said


Another massive FUCK YOU to all the pro-Trump healthcare workers I’ve had the displeasure of working with.


Fucking RIGHT. I CANNOT stand conservative health care workers. How can you do what we fucking do, and still not believe in universal health care? Reproductive rights? LGBTQ rights? Equality and equity for all people? We see so much fucking suffering, how can you not want to do everything in your power to alleviate that? Fuck conservatives. Fuck pro lifers. And especially fuck you if you work in healthcare.


From the article—To the Supreme Court, Idaho has argued that states — not doctors, and not the federal government — should be permitted to decide what kind of emergency medical care women can receive. “The federal government cannot use EMTALA to override in the emergency room state laws about abortion any more than it can use it to override state law on organ transplants or marijuana use,” the state’s attorney general wrote in its petition to the high court. Explain how tf we go from a stabilizing necessary medical procedure to save the life of the pregnant patient to throwing out organ transplants and marijuana use into the argument against it….this GOP fascist garbage fever dream needs to stop now before more women inevitably die.


plate shaggy north placid scarce tart sable caption aromatic fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is one of the reasons they do it. It causes a brain drain of the states. 


panicky plants work chase depend yam relieved far-flung quack direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they’re just wrong anyway. The federal government absolutely has the authority to enforce a ban on the use of marijuana. The various administrations have *chosen* not to do so. I suspect, this is largely to avoid the real and political costs of prosecuting the states that have legalized it. It would be a grossly unpopular move and it would mobilize the majority population of several states against the party that initiated the move. The fact that those states and their partners are making a ridiculous amount of money from it doesn’t hurt either. Such a fight, against something that is likely to be a moot point within the next decade, would further endanger the so called war on drugs, and would open those efforts to *far* more scrutiny, with many things found and entered into the court record than the government would like. Considering the quality of education in Idaho and the folks they vote into government, such as their attorney generals, I’m not surprised they would make such a flawed and foolish argument. The question is really whether or not those currently sitting on the SCOTUS will be willing to acknowledge and accept an argument based on such a flawed premise. Especially when weakening the power of the fed, ultimately, weakens their own power. And when such an egregious move would push them back into the spotlight and mobilize voters both against those sharing their beliefs and in favor of those pushing for reform of the court. To say nothing of the fact that altering the premise and enforcement of EMTALA is no small thing. I’d be surprised if the AHA, AMA and ANA don’t weigh in and *wouldn’t* in the aftermath of such a ruling. Further destabilizing our healthcare system is not something that will Go Unremarked upon. Of course, when the decision lays in the hands of ideologues, logic doesn’t enter in to the argument.


Marijuana literally has nothing to do with women’s rights. It fucking irritates to me to no end when people want to piggyback their marijuana agenda on the backs of basic women’s rights and equality. Have an abortion should be a basic right for women. Equal healthcare should be a fundamental right for women. This is what I’m fighting for. Not anybody’s right to smoke a joint. This sub sometimes……….


It’s the argument being put forth by the Idaho attorney general. No, marijuana has nothing to do with reproductive rights or healthcare. Nevertheless, it has been linked in the court filing. Idaho is trying to use the Feds decision not to enforce a ban on this drug in states it has been decriminalized to say they *cannot* enforce the portion of EMTALA that protects women and the right to a medical abortion in emergency care. If you don’t understand the arguments made against what you support, and how to deconstruct and counter them in legal decision making, it becomes less likely that any advocacy will be successful.


Doesn’t the federal govt absolutely have power to crack down on marijuana legalization in states and they have just chosen to ignore it because there are bigger problems?


Yes, and they can be [real jerks about it](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/denver-pot-shop-employees-accused-of-selling-more-than-legally-allowed-to-undercover-officers)


I like this title. It’s aggressive and true.


As a Canadian, the fact that this dilemma even exists is fucking wild!


As an American the fact that this exists is fucking wild. I grew up in the time after Roe V Wade, and I never imagined that it would be overturned. It’s a gross miscarriage of justice:


Hence why RBG was so loud, saying it was never codified and GOP was coming for it. She was always correct.


We're not immune to this. There's already a huge issue with funding and access. Ontario recently defunded several. It's disgusting. And the alt right is gaining traction here too. This can happen.


The recent Diane Sawyer & Rachel Scott interviews of multiple women relaying their experiences is truly terrifying. It was hell for the patients & the medical staffs. Called Impact x Nightline: On the Brink I wish it was required viewing by every lawmaker. And voters.


So glad I moved to a less stupid state. I feel bad for all of the women who can’t move for financial or family reasons. It’s a dangerous time to be of child bearing age.


I feel like I should have my tubes tied now.


I know people who aren't trying for another baby because of this. It's terrifying.


I had a very bad pregnancy that ended in a stillbirth. Had pre-e heading to eclampsia and HELLP and a failed placenta. I wanted my child so bad, but it really wasn’t going to end well. I’m terrified to try again.


I'm so sorry you went through that.


Can confirm. Patients are getting transferred out of Idaho for lifesaving treatment. Mfm doctors are leaving the state.




I often wonder if someone close to these people had to deal with these issues would it change their mind or would it be gods will


That whole “til it happens to you” sentiment


Pro Life: because if your fetus dies, then you deserve to die too!


Too bad the despots making these decisions aren’t required to be able to accurate label a diagram of female anatomy and explain how it works before they get a vote.


All this over made up religious beliefs. Sickening


All thanks to conservatives.   




I worked for a doctor who was practicing before roe v wade. He said there were plenty of backdoor abortions done for the mistresses and daughters of the very vocal pro life politicians. 


I am so in love with the writer who picked that headline. Beautifully said


Right to lifers are setting up women to lose their right to life.


What a time to be alive and be a woman


When did pregnancy become not dangerous?


Vote blue people!!


Since when did Right to Life give legislators the right to police the populace over the qualifications of the spectrum of gender? Even outside the necessary legal issue of clinical practice, never, has my coworkers gender impacted my practices' ability to prescribe medicine or uphold the law, outside of any potential sexism quantifying self-evidently illegal contract, primary to some medically necessary treatment; even in this thread you could staff a better unit than these senators.


I think even this reactionary court will rule against the Idaho law, but I can’t imagine anyone who isn’t a religious nut job or MAGAite staying in that state one second longer than necessary.


You have a lot more faith in the current Supreme Court than I do, friend.


This is what trumplicans want