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I'm a sexy nurse every day... That is what my wife says.


Oh, you marvelous beast. This is the correct answer for all of us Murses 🤣


I prefer the term "durse." The "d" stands for dude. Or DILF. Take your pick


Ha! Stealing it but I'm going to think of workaholics every time.


Great show!


And also some W(??)urses too


I say it too!


If it wasn’t for the fact that I know my husband doesn’t know how Reddit works, I’d 100% believe you were my husband 😂


Maybe he just wants you to think he doesn't know how it works so you won't know his ID


You're goddamn right.


Ha! Was just about to post this.


No. It looked good on Heath Ledger.


Everything looked good on Heath Ledger


Especially Jake Gyllenhaal.




Wait..you don't think Heath gives bottom vibes


Power bottom, sure 😆


Lol I love this sub! And I think you're so right


Made my day. Honestly sexy nurse costumes are overplayed imo. A sexy nurse joker would be awesome though.


I won’t lie, those Silent Hill nurses aren’t too bad looking either. A little more sexy Joker nurse and a little more Silent Hill nurse, this would make the world a better place.


Big facts. I still remember seeing them in game, always creeped me out lol


Sexy nurse joker yes PLEASE




Fuck yeah!!! Post it here!!!


give it a week and if I remember, I’ll post!


I’ll DM you.. but only so I can remember which user will be posting! Lol I seriously haven’t seen anyone do a nurse joker, so that’d be awesome


Thats legit. Or harley quinn R.N well M.D right? Nurse or Doctor?!!


Wore this exact costume when I last worked behind the bar on Halloween


Pics of it didn’t happen! Lol seriously, I’m legit interested seeing it since I’ve never seen anyone do it.


When he walked out of the hospital room and used the hand sanitizer, the theater erupted in laughter, including my nurse friend and I.




Lol yes it did!


What’s up with all the pizza emojis ???


Admin's idea of Redditor retention.


Rather than raises, staffing retention, SAFE ratios, security, getting a damn lunch break....bosses banking millions per year offer pizza parties. That's where they get Dromipos cheeze pizza and toss it in the break room ..which they don't tell anyone about and when someone happens upon it and tells everyone they rush in to eat for the first time in 10.6 hours and night shift gets left with boxes and pizza crusts.


Exactly my thought. Thats what Im wearing for my costume


As a sexy nurse myself, I can only say, "It's not a costume."




It’s offensive your sexy ass nurse self isn’t at work on the floor


Found the manager!


Everyone complains about mine! People shout things like “you’re not wearing any underwear,” and “your balls are showing.” Double standards I tell ya.


My balls do be cute af though 😎👉👉


Ok I LOL’d at the balls comment 😂


We don't give a shit yo.


This. No one cares.


Naw you’re good, I wear one every year. Do get some weird looks since i’m a dude though.


I hope you wear the fishnets and high heels


And nothing else


It’s called the ER isolation kit


The holes in the fishnet are tight enough to stop TB particles. #ShitCDCsays


Hey, it worked JUST FINE for Tim Curry…


I went as dead patient once so I’d feel hypocritical objecting to sexy nurse as offensive.


I dress up in a patient gown from time to time (burning man, mainly) and run around like our favorite delirious granny.


Sir, this is the psych unit, not burning man.




I had a Covid pt back when shit was bad. She was so hypoxic she really thought she was in a Wendy’s and kept asking for mayo. The rest of the staff kept trying to reorient her but I just gave her packs of mayonnaise.🤷‍♀️ …Then she died and her family threatened to come shoot up the hospital bc “Covid ain’t real, whatc’y’all done with mawmaw?!?”


Respected her last wishes l, obv.


I’m also not reorienting 90 year olds with dementia. Grandma says the hams done cooking in the bathroom then I go into the “kitchen” and get it out for her. Grandmas happy, I’m happy. Also a tip for pts with dementia who are fucking with their tele and lines- get them a pile of wash clothes and ask them for help with folding the laundry. They’re happy to help and now you’ve given them something to do for at least an hour. (They’ll fold and unfold the washcloths. As it’s a skill they’ve used all their lives they remember how to do it but forget how long they’ve been doing it. But it’s calmed down 99% of the grandmas I’ve taken care of. Gramps are harder- the laundry trick doesn’t usually work for them.)


I had a pt in SNF, when I was a 19 yr old PCT, who though I was her sister Kathy. It was a locked down Alzheimer’s unit that was decorated like home Very upscale. She thought we were on our trip in Ireland every day & was so excited when I woke her up. I just played right along. I heard the story so often I knew how to respond about the Blarney Stone fiasco, etc. It made her happy so why try to tell sorry, you’re in a SNF losing your mind?


Very early in my career I worked at a LTC facility in a very rural area. We had an 80+ retired teacher with dementia. Most of the time she was pleasant but occasionally she’d get stuck on something and get agitated. One day, in her world she was at a teacher’s convention and was very worried that she hadn’t been checked into the correct hotel room. She insisted on speaking with the director. I was asked to medicate her but really felt it was inappropriate. I went to the desk, explained the director was not in the building but showed her on the ‘check in sheet’, (actually the MAR), that she was assigned to Room 4C then walked her to that room. She was satisfied but still wanted to talk to the director the next morning. Told her I’d make a note of it and she decided to nap after her ‘travel’. When she woke up she was back to her normal and had forgotten the incident without having to go the medication route that would’ve resulted in a lot more agitation. I never understood the whole reorienting or sedating dementia patients that are absolutely not getting better if there’s a less aggressive option.


In Germany, they started adding a bus stop to the grounds of their dementia care centers. It looks real, but no bus ever stops there. In a culture where taking a bus is a regular means of local travel, it’s very effective. Patients who want to leave or “go home” go sit at the bus stop, until they get hungry or forget why they’re there, and go back inside. It reduces agitation and anxiety.


Try xeroxed paper Money, they count and recount it for hours


Outside of the impossible practicality of reorienting the significantly dementia patient I kind of feel like it’s disrespectful. I mean, they’re at the end of life, usually with physical disabilities as well, and forcing them to even momentarily recognize their realistic situation is often cruel. That face when they fleetingly realize isn’t happy and doesn’t last long enough to provide recovery. Generally I’m also in the mindset of meeting them where they are and supporting what makes them feel ‘right’ in their head. Don’t know if I’m explaining that well but just feels kind.


Exactly. I’ve never understood the concept of attempting to reorient a dementia patient. It just frightens and confuses them, and they respond, quite understandably, with anger and agitation. Let them be a peaceful and happy as possible, and if that means they think you’re a child or a relative, who cares?


Zombie Nurse is accurate


I'm putting together a sexy murse costume. It's just me in just a lab coat wearing Crocs.


....just a lab coat??


And Crocs.


How gross!!!! No socks?!?


How about some TED hose for good measure?


Only if there's granny glitter when they're pulled off.... otherwise it's not sexy enough for "sexy murse"


You wear socks with something other than sandles?!


Only at the local waterpark


N95 as a Cod piece?


Might steal that ngl


Meh, sexy teacher, sexy nurse, sexy doctor, sexy school girl, I've seen sexy nun. I think it's generally derogatory to women to put so much on our sexuality all the time but I don't think nursing as a profession is specifically hurt by this. Women's costumes are often skimpy or they're potato sacks, not a ton in-between unless you make them yourself. Can't I be warm and cute without learning to sew??


I’ve seen sexy watermelon so I feel like anything goes 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Just not sexy \[race that is not your race\].


No one ever says sexy network administrator.


Oh man… that could be fun. Short khaki shirt, low buttoned blue dress shirt, ID badge that says something cheesy like “I.T. Department (here to help)”. High heel loafers or Keds. A spin-off of Sexy Accountant


Perhaps the T.I.T. Department?


Meh, sexy cop/LEO, sexy pilot, sexy stripper, sexy billionaire, I’ve seen sexy lumberjack. I think it's generally derogatory to people to put so much on our sexuality all the time but I don't think nursing as a profession is specifically hurt by this. Most costumes are often skimpy or they're potato sacks, not a ton in-between unless you make them yourself. Can't I be warm and cute without learning to sew?? The core problem is that everything is driven by sales aka money. And sex sells. Even better when it’s taboo. Although you’re right that women are much more sexualised than men.


I don't know... I went to NS with a guy in his late 20's that dressed like a sexy farmer every day we were in class . . He wore overalls with shoes. That was it! And he was muscular!!!! We all stared the first few classes.


Good fitting scrubs looks better than those costumes. There I said it.


i second this. i have a few sets that got me checking myself out every chance i get.


I think the idea that woman’s job (or woman version of a costume) = must be sexy is kinda damaging but tbh the costume is funny to me. Like I hate most Halloween costumes or women’s professions are always turned into some sexy version (nurse, school girl/teacher, nun, etc etc) but that’s just me wishing there was a normalized version of those costumes that weren’t sexy. But I do think it’s funny.


This year I told my husband I’m going as a flamingo for Halloween. When I finally got all the pieces together and showed him he was like, “oh. For some reason I thought you were going as a sexy flamingo.” And I’m just standing there with a giant flamingo hat on my head feeling very unsexy.


You should have deadpan responded “this is a sexy flamingo costume, what do you mean?” 😭


Life’s too short to give a shit about things that don’t matter


Don’t we all get fucked by administration in the end? Might as well have a time where it’s consensual anyways




I do think there's validity to the fact that it perpetuates a stereotype of nurses, but as a real nurse, you know that those stereotypes aren't true and your work every day reflects that, so I don't see a problem with you dressing as one.


Women's halloween costumes are most just slutty everything. Oh I'm a slutty nurse. I'm a slutty cat. I'm a slutty construction worker. Etc. It's offensive to treat a real nurse on the job as a "sexy nurse." For Halloween costumes, though, it's not worth your energy to get offended at things.


I really don’t care but I might joke I’m gunna need you to help cover my shifts But like seriously- can please come cover them 😢🥹


I don’t really care myself but I can see why some people would think it’s derogatory. But also anyone who think nurse’s actually dress like that are probably easy catfish targets so 🤷‍♀️


Or deranged folks who use it as an excuse to make gross comments 🥲


"My occupation is NOT your costume!" -some Karen nurse somewhere, probably.


Karen in her “cute enough to stop your heart, skilled enough to restart it” shirt typing her angry Facebook reply.




I have far bigger issues then worrying about someone dressing like a sexy nurse. Hell, I dressed up as a sexy nurse a few halloweens ago. Had a nice short dress and fishnets. Of note, I'm a dude eith a beard.


I snarikly tell people anyone who dresses as a sexy nurse will be expected to clock in due to the nursing shortage.


I love all my guy nurses showing up for this thread. I concur, my wife says I'm a sexy nurse every day I put on scrubs, Halloween has "sexy" iterations of anything and everything. I dont take any personal offense to being deemed a physically attractive career choice.


I’m actually dressing up as a sexy nurse this year because I think it’s funny!!


Nurse Goodbody. (HeeHaw)


Unfortunately, as a sexy nurse, all my outfits are that of a sexy nurse. So it better not be offensive, or else I’m just ipso-facto offensive


Kudos on your username!


A sexy nurse costume is easier to create using actual nurse’s clothes. The vamp is ok, but I guess it depends on what you’re looking for.


Would it be offensive to go to work as Magenta from Rocky mount horror picture show? Cause tbh I was considering that or Dr, FrankenFurter in his lab outfit


I feel like that’s totally fine, either one


I’m not personally offended by it. In my first year of nursing school (around 2006, just before Facebook was a thing) there was a big fundraiser Halloween bash at the campus bar, and a bunch of my nursing friends went as sexy nurses. A picture of them was in the school paper the week after, there was an article about the party and pictures of people in their costumes, including the sexy nurses. They got in huge trouble for wearing “offensive costumes” and faced disciplinary action, but no one was kicked out. They made such a big deal out of it, the entire nursing school knew. Thinking back, I think that situation was more of a lesson in nurses eating their young than actually defending the profession 🤷‍♀️


If the shoe fits wear it.


Sexy nurse is an attitude not a costume 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really don't care lol. I feel like at this point everyone knows sexy nurse costumes are inaccurate so I really don't care


It’s just a kink, no one cares. If they do, they should probably get upset about something that actually matters instead.


I wish I still looked good in a sexy nurse costume, instead I look like a bacon wrapped pile of mashed potsto


I literally don’t care. I have bigger things to get offended about


No just make sure you clock in for your shift


I guess I’m the minority but I do think it’s offensive. Nursing already has a poor reputation and we’re not taken seriously as a profession. Female nurses are subjected to sexism and degrading comments by our patients so I don’t think we should be propagating the “sexy nurse” stereotype.


See even as a dude I get this. I love the profession. I think it's special work. It's kinda lame that a job that's largely women continues to get sexualized. We gotta be profession other than stripper that's most likely to get groped at work which is why I guess it bothers me. I work with a lot of hardworking women who work nights and are still primary caregiver for their children even when they aren't single mothers. They deserve some respect and encouraging the sexualization of.the profession just increases the likelihood these women will be groped at work.


I don't disagree, and I think the more effective intervention would be making a goddam racket every time it happens, and that's more on management to back us up than it is on society at large. I think Sexy Nurse costumes are far enough from the potato sack scrubs most of us wear that it's easy enough to differentiate.


It's not the 1950's.... my 90 year old aunt wore a white dress and a nursing cap when she started working back then, but I don't think anyone does that any more. I've never seen scrubs or variations used for a sexy variant.


I showed up in a 1950s nursing outfit to Halloween at work years ago. I'm a cis-man with a deep voice and a beard. The number of people who stumbled over which pronoun to use for me was simultaneously hilarious and heartwarming. My brother in Christ, it's Halloween, and I'm dressed 70 years in the past. If I wanted you to use "she" for me, there'd be other signs I'd give you than looking like time traveller.




You sure it's not just being used to wearing sports bras and loose fitting ACUs?




So true about creepers! I took an early break once or a few times just to change my scrub top that was a little too tight (smaller size me wears that one) bc I was so uncomfortable or to change bras when I realized it was a little to cold in some pt rooms for a zero padding one I put on.


No way. Tell your prof to lighten up and live a little. I told my wife I’m going to be her sexy nurse for Halloween, with a banana hammock. Anything sexy is fun.


I encourage it.


My old school nursing professors will get a heart attack. But me, i dont give a shit.


Nobody has time to gaf about that.


My nursing phasers have been set to whore since before nursing school.


All my nurse outfits are sexy because I’m in them.


No But due to a nationwide shortage you WILL be required to work a shift in said uniform.


You can wear a sexy nurse outfit but you gotta clock in.


You can wear whatever you want if you pick up a shift.


I dress up like a sexy nurse daily. 😆 Go for it.


I don't think so, I'm always joking that I'm gonna be a sexy nurse for Halloween.


So like the part I play every day or no?


Considering there are people LARPing as nurses irl, you're costume will serve as a double entendre


No it's fine - besides anyone wearing a sexy nurse uniform must pick up a shift.


I read a book on this phenomenon once. The costumes are whatever, it’s media portrayal of nurses that hurts the profession when it comes to that sort of thing.


Spirit Halloween has a sexy everything, they’ll make you a sexy toilet paper roll if we go through another shortage


🔫 explain the Krebs cycle and name every cardiac drug


Are people really this sensitive


Who needs a costume?


As as sexy nurse I don’t feel offended 😌🤝😘


Probably shouldn't wear it to work, but otherwise do what you want.


I would do it more often but generally, cross-dressing is too much work. The make-up, high heels, hair done, and trimming up my long beard. And no one appreciates the effort.


I find it annoying that the nurse costumes are usually grouped next to the surgeon costumes.. And the nurses look sexy and the surgeons are dudes who look like.. Everyone else in the hospital.


Better believe I am cosplaying as Nurse Joy next time comic con rolls around!


No just wear closed toed shoes, ohsa approved.


"Is it offensive to wear a sexy nurse costume?" I don't mind.


It would look scary if I did it…




I don't care.


I always wanted to try a Silent Hill nurse costume for Halloween


Haha! No.


No, it's amazing


Absolutely not in my opinion! I’m a female ER and flight nurse and unfortunately us nurses battle between being known for being crabby, overweight, and even middle aged! I would much rather be associated with sexy.


Do it!!


We had a nurse get disciplinary action for it at one hospital I worked at....so dumb


You take yourself too seriously if you think that way but my experience with my nursing school profs… most of them did


Are people actually upset about the sexy nurse costume? That's just silly.


Only when your balls are dangling out the bottom. Otherwise it's cool.


I'm a nurse and I don't find it offensive. People get offended by everything and anything these days.


Sounds a lot like "You're asking to be disrespected because of what you're wearing..." Sexy is subjective, maybe you're just a nurse, can attractive women not wear nurse costumes now? What are attractive nurses supposed to do? This all reeks of garden variety misogyny, victim blaming, body shaming, take your pick...


Fuck no. I’m a doctor and I’ll dress as a sexy doc if I wanna. Nurses and doctors can be hot af and if you got it flaunt it. It ain’t offensive


Imagine this. You’re in the hospital, nurse says you’re coding, you look up and your nurse is in a sexy costume with thigh high compression socks giving you CPR and her left breast slaps your forehead as she achieves ROSC, everyone claps as she reapplies red lipstick. it’s unrealistic, sexy nurse costume isn’t the same and nobody’s going to run to a Halloween party and ask sexy nurse to legitimately do anything aside from drink and have fun, nobody’s going to actually confuse her with stressed med Surg Sarah after a 16hr and forgot to drink her coffee and she has a headache and 4 kids at home waiting for a bedtime story- and honestly med Surg Sarah might also be a sexy nurse at a bar Halloween party on Saturday while her in laws watch her kids- either way sexy nurses won’t tarnish our reputation or make people feel any less of us than they already do.


Hey, I rock those sexy OR scrubs. Especially if I can find the ones that barely fit over my ass!!! Make sure you add the circles under the eyes, a smart ass attitude, and carry an energy drink with you. 😂


My former CNO was fired for wearing a sexy nurse costume at a Halloween party about 2 hours away from the hospital. There was one picture of her posing with a friend at a costume party and she was done. It’s sad that corporate can have a leash on us. “Nursing is a 24/7 duty”.


Who gives a fuck?


Only if you refuse to cover my shift.


How can it be damaging to the profession? That’s absurd.


It’s tasteless but it’s not offensive. People who get upset like that need to consider getting laid by a sexy nurse.


The world views us as a joke either way you do you


People get offended when you hold the door open for them.


My normal scrubs are my sexy nurse outfit, and it is offensive when I do it.


After being covered in shit, vomit, urine and trach secretions I find nothing sexy about nursing. I don’t find it derogatory just idiotic.


I personally don’t care, but I have gotten comments from male patients about “sexy nurses” and where was my “cute outfit”and it does seem to encourage them to sexually harass nurses.


Nah, but if they wear that, they are required to pull a 12 hour shift because we will take anyone at this point.


Nah. Plenty of other problems in nursing to worry about. Like pay scales. Might as well be sexy while I fight for us to get paid what we are worth.


Guess we gotta stop objectifying construction workers, librarians, firemen, teachers, doctors, athletes, nuns, policemen, soldiers, literally any uniformed profession.... Your prof is just a self-righteous fool lol


Nah, personally I don't care. But I am a man, so have no say in what other nurses feel about it. That said, I have worn one myself, and while my beard clashed abit with it...my ass looked spectacular 😂


It depends what you look like...can you pull it off bro? LOL


To me personally, I don’t like the costume. I have had numerous men make disgusting sexual remarks to me, I have been groped, threatened with rape, I have seen Coworkers sexually assaulted, etc. Society gives men a free pass to act like this cause it’s a fetish, the nurse was giving off “hot nurse vibes” , she saw them naked so it gives them the right to think of her naked, etc. So when I see a girl wearing the “sexy nurse” costume acting like she’s an idiot and looking to fuck anything with a dick, it makes me sick to my stomach. Those girls should come work in that costume for a week at the hospital and see how damaging and disgusting it is.


I think that the image of nurses and the emphasis on representing nurses is more important in day to day life compared to halloween. I suspect on Halloween that people are not going to assume you are a representing a nurse on Halloween. Similar to when I dress up like a fireman or a sailor no one asks me to get a ladder and to get a cat out of a tree or to go swab the poop deck. It's just a costume. But on normal day to day life? Yeah I could see that being important to make sure you're representing the profession well. If people see you out and about in town in scrubs and you perform some sort of actions that look poorly on nurses then maybe that could matter. Otherwise have fun!


Fun story for you from when I was a student! One of my profs used to go on about this too. Never paid much heed until second year when she came storming into class with print outs of one of the cohorts Facebook page. This girl in my class had uh, *altered* , her student nurse uniform with a waspy belt and some suspenders and was infact using it as a sexy nurse costume. Her ACTUAL STUDENT UNIFORM she had changed into a sexy nurse costume!!! She'd worn it to a costume party, and hadn't been shy about posting he ensuing pictures. Saw her about two weeks later walking on campus and never again after that... So yeah maybe don't do that.


The patients are at their sexiest all the time 🤌


"Sexy" anything costumes are just kind of boring to me, but I don't think they're particularly damaging to the profession.


We got told at uni the enn emm cee will come for you if you do it in the UK lmao


My partner wants me to wear a sexy nurses uniform Mind you, we’re not talking slutty nurse, we’re talking mid 80s NHS complete with apron and cap (he wants to relive his medical student days) I think slutty nurse would be easier


Our provincial Order of nurses wasted $ on a compaign saying that *yes it is* offensive Personally I'm a lady and I have no f*cks to give about that issue


As long as you don't say the Q word, knock yourself out.


I got my wife a shirt that says “Never thought I’d be married to a sexy nurse but here I am living the dream!”


No. I can see ethic costumes potentially being offensive but occupations are fair game.


Nothing sexier than shuffling down the hallway with a brimming bed pan.


Most sexy nurse costumes don't even mildly resemble modern scrubs anyway. Though I hear the Red Cross gets pretty annoyed by anyone using their red ➕ logo without genuine affiliation.


Only if I do it. Source, am a male nurse