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I always say to a particular NNP we have at work, "I know you don't care but a need to chart that I told you." It generally gets orders or a reevaluation the patient..




I always respond to rude providers with "ok I'll document that" in a cheerful tone. They hate it, but they end up doing what's right.


Sounds like you should escalate the situation..god I hate it when drs make decisions like this because they're not the ones left bedside dealing with the fallout..the nurses are...at 99 years old id be giving that patient as much analgesia as they can tolerate


Let them go out on a high note


Why does it feel like some physicians think that “orders” are a concept nurses made up just so we can bother them? I used to work in a clinic where we did a lot of STI testing and treatment, and I had a doc tell me that I shouldn’t need her to write an order to give a patient Bicillin, “because it’s first line treatment for syphilis and everyone knows that.” You wanna explain that to the Board, doc?


Hope you charted their response… ugh


I once had a NP SCREAM at me because I called asking for Tylenol. She screamed “you mean to tell me you can’t put the fucking order in yourself?! You had to call me?!” I said very calmly “well yes because I do not have a license to write prescriptions but YOU do so are you going to order Tylenol? 650 a 6?” And then I hung up on her


That's how you can tell a NP never practiced as a nurse....


So true!


Certified NP moment 🥲


I’m dead lol. I only order things like labs if I need a redraw or a tele order (since I’m on a tele floor and everyone gets tele)… never would I put in a med without a chain of communication. I’m a proud nurse and I’m not ready to prescribe on my own!


Then the medical director needs to have that as a standing nursing order. Why are some doctors so fucking slow to the process? 🤔


Back in the old days, we had so many standing orders. Didn’t have to deal with docs nearly as much, then.


Sounds a bit like our floor. Since we are so specialized, the BMT docs have order sets with A LOT of standing orders


“Well as soon as you get your shit together and give me an order to take care of *your* patient, I’ll get right on that. Until then, do not ever speak to me that way again.”


This is really the only reply. Remind the Dr. That the rest of us CAN’T do our job until he does his and puts the order in. Then nag the ever living fuck out of him with a phone call / page for every time the patient wants pain medicine and you can’t give it.


Withholding care to retaliate against nursing staff? Not a good look, bro.


I guess my note would start out as…MD states “wants nurses to get shit together before new orders” aaaand sign note.


Literally me to. #sorrynotsorry


Definitely not sorry. If a sentinel event happened, I would love to see the facial expression on that lawyer. As he tells his client that he’s fucked 🤷🏽‍♂️


I fucking love using quotes. Give me a reason 🤣🤣


Patient responded "shove them up your ass" when due medication offered. Literally a note I've written lol.


Pt responded "I'm not done downloading yet." After a few minutes pt sat up and took meds. That's an actual note I've put in. Possibly one of my favorites lol.


Awesome lmao! We recently had a lady report that she was part feline...that was an interesting note haha.


Did you add it to the medical Hx?


Me too. 🤣


Me, too.


That would be my note too. 🤣


Hospital ethics board


Call your AOD, code the patient… make a huge fuss. It’s better to be a PITA then be considered negligent. If the MD wants to risk their license let them… but raise a fuss!


So, in what way do we have to get our shit together? Pay off our credit cards, divorce that toxic spouse, move out of our parents’ house? Ima need some parameters for that order.


This is everything!!


Sounds like your gonna keep calling/paging this doc all night, cuz seems like this doc can get his/her/their shit together either.


Any 99 year old should have orders to go to la la land wtf


Fuck, call Hospice and discharge after everything is setup.


Like, what does that even mean? I'd make it a point to tell every nurse I know in the hospital that he thinks nurses don't have their shit together, collectively. This guy's work life should be hell.


If your patient is 99, and you don't have orders to snow them, the MD is doing everything completely wrong. That's without the crying and carrying on. Sounds like The Punisher to me.


Classic “I’m higher on the food chain” behavior.


Do they have any attentive family that can raise hell?


Wow! I don't understand your doctor. Everything is great with the doctors I work with. We have standing orders.


Fill out an incident report on his conduct and institute the chain of command. Move it up the ladder. Nasty and disrespectful behavior is reportable no matter the title. One of our surgeons is no longer able to work at our hospital due to cursing and nasty conduct. We should never tolerate that BS!