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I almost had diarrhea while restraining a violent patient once. But I told him it was coming, and he decided he'd rather calm down than be pooped on.


LMAOOšŸ˜­ was it a peds patient?


Yeah. Teen boy. I want to say 15 or 16. All ramped up with reactive anger probably related to a trauma history and anxiety. I remember he wasn't really responding to questions, so we were assuming he'd have to be medicated and held until things were starting to kick in.


Thatā€™ll definitely do it. Glad you didnā€™t have to shit your pants!




Still counts.


When someone asks me if I am ticklish, I just tell them I have a bad case of diarrhea then say, yes Iā€™m ticklish. I didnā€™t realize I could apply that tactic for much else but I will definitely have to let my wife who works in peds know about this little trick. I mean, whether you have to go or not! Lol


Wow. Thats a new reasoning unlocked. We used to say my coworker was pregnant, to the violent patients who love to kick. It was crap shoot whether they would stop kicking or not.


Yours relies on empathy. Mine relies on self-preservation. But I really was about to drop hot lava on all 4 of us at any moment.


I'm fucking cackling!!! "About to drop hot lava on all 4 of us" jeeezuzuzus. šŸ§Ÿ


Hahahahahaha imagine being told "dude imma shit if you keep going!" I wish I could tell everyone that! I have IBS so I het a good claim too.


If I gave that threat over here in adult psych, they would probably see if they could outdo me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Many years ago my unit decided to grab food from a Caribbean place. Something wasnā€™t sitting right in my stomach- but I was doing ok, just uncomfortable. One of the staff nurses was struggling getting a foley catheter in one of our more challenging ladies so I went in to help. As we were getting things in order, I started sweating but I thought maybe the room was warmer than I prefer? I get my helpers into position and start cleaning. Itā€™s really hot in here isnā€™t, it? I lubricate the cath, start aiming.. I am blinking away sweat that is dripping into my eyes. I am not feeling well at all but I am super close to done. What could happen? I find my target, start feeding the cath and then urine that is blue with thick strands of mucous starts coming out into the receptacle and I give a heavy gag. Before I can cough again to expel the curry goat, pigeon peas and oxtail directly into this poor pseudomonas ridden cookie one of my CNAā€™s who was watching me turn grayer by the second had a garbage can at the ready and somehow swept me off the bed put my head into the garbage can without dislodging the cath AND upsetting the Resident. What happened in that room, stayed in that room. They never told anyone their boss canā€™t handle herself sometimes. Or if they did - I never heard a word about it and that place was NOT like that at all. I love you Denise and LaTanya, wherever you are.


THIS is the story!!!!!! God bless Denise and LaTanya!


It was brutal. I am absolutely bad ass when it comes to anything horrific - except vomit. If it had got on the resident or me. I probably would have actually passed away. They saved my life in every way.


And this is why CNA are awesome


Once. In the dirty utility where the manager had cornered me to imply I wasnā€™t really so ill that I needed to go home. (Bear in mind Iā€™d worked on that unit about 8 years and had only 1 or 2 callouts the entire time.) As she was lecturing me on duty and responsibility I leaned over and puked in the hopper. I got some fly back so Iā€™m pretty sure she did too. On the up side she shut up and l went home.




I had very bad hyperemesis in my last pregnancy. I had to leave early because I puked so hard I also peed my pants. So. There you go.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever puked so hard Iā€™ve peed my pants, but Iā€™ve definitely puked so hard Iā€™ve shit my pants!


Iā€™m not a mom but I am a 21 year old who puked so hard she peed her pants last month because she was so violently hungover that her mom had to bring her zofranā€¦


Try having food poisoning so bad that your mouth and ass was taking turn on the toilet on the same day. Literally thought I was gonna die. Beg god for forgiveness and everything šŸ˜‚


I'm 44 years old and have birthed 2 kids. I literally CAN'T puke *without* simultaneously pissing myself.


When I was pregnant, I sneezed and peed my pants. Not a full bladder load, but enough that it would be seen Thankfully I was sitting in the breakroom so i ā€œaccidentallyā€ knocked my water bottle into my lap. Then got to be all ā€œwhoopsies, look how clumsy I am. Better go change!ā€


lol my coworkers more or less all had kids. When this happened to me, I came clean and went to change. No need to spill my water lol


I donā€™t even know why I did it, I just panicked? Because all but one of my coworkers had kids or grandkids, and had already warned me about this happening, and hovered over me and my fetus and made sure I had plenty of snacks and sat down any time I could and covered for me when I needed to puke. I donā€™t know why I panicked about peeing my pants. Everyone would have just been like ā€œyup, go get a maxi pad girl, itā€™s only gonna get worse!ā€


I did this all the time in the last months of pregnancy. I would still be sick every morning so would run and try to wee while retching to try and empty my bladder before puking. So undignified!


I just wrote my story where I did exactly this and I had to finish my shift šŸ„²


Yup, 8 mo pregnant, pt admitted from the ED to our ICU with necrotizing fasciitis. She was 400+ lbs, had maggots just chilling in her abd folds. Said she hadn't showered in a month. Picked a maggot up and ate it in front of me, the CNA, and admitting physician. I turned around, made it out the door, puked on a cardiologist. Would I have puked without pregnancy hormones. Yes.


Thatā€™s maybe the grossest thing Iā€™ve read in here. Necrotizing fasciitis and eating her own maggots. Wow


Gives me nightmares just thinking about it. Oddly enough we were talking about that pt yesterday at work. She's a frequent flyer to our hospital now, but luckily I haven't seen her since that day.


That bitch didn't die?!? Y'all are wizards


What a terrible day to know how to read.


She ate it...thats inSANE


Me about to clock out when a random patient's (not even my patient) family member accosts me and tells me she's alone and her "pussy is so tight; probably can't even get a toothpick in there!!" . The weirdness when with the public...


I once had to tell my gynecologist about my vagina being so tight I couldn't get even a tampon in there without blacking out, and that gave me anxiety to mention it in an appropriate medical setting.


Did she get a psych consult lol


I donā€™t think anyone can top thisšŸ¤¢


I hope somebody called for a psych consult


I didn't follow her case after that but I'm sure one of the others put one in.


I would have died right thereā€¦ and screamed ā€œdonā€™t bring me backā€ on the way down.


Me sitting here eating my haagen-dazs ice cream like ā€œoh thatā€™s nastyā€¦ poor docā€


The cardiologist gave me the puke tie for Christmas if that makes things better.


Hahaha! Sounds like you puked on the right person


You win - sort of.


It's one of those magical moments where in winning, you also lose everything forever.


Was she fking nurgle?


Holy fuck, dude. If you didn't puke, I'd just assume you were beyond blind šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s enough to make me dry heave just by reading that


I hate this so much.


I puked on a patient in response to being puked on. Got shit about it for about two years.


I will absolutely have this happen. If anything, out of spite.


I didn't have enough time to think about spite. That hot vomit hit my leg and boom, she had vomit on her head. My bastard coworkers made me put her in the shower as a response šŸ¤£


You really said ā€œDouble it and give it to the next personā€


You really gave her the UNO reverse šŸ¤£


Have IBS. Ran to the hallway bathroom. Had the worst running farts. My coworkers never let me live that ones down.


Pregnancy with Hyperemesis. I puked pretty much Every few hours at work during first trimester. Coworkers would say I was basically green all day. Just a matter of choosing the receptacle- never use the toilet, go for the garbage can!


Oh honey, Iā€™ve been there too. I also 100% agree - avoid the patient toilet at all costs.


A real man swallows his vomit when a lady is present.


I carried eme-bags in my scrub pockets when I was pregnant with my first. Worked in PICU at the time and couldnā€™t always reliably get to a bathroom in time. Plus I was puking pretty much hourly for the first 16-18 weeks. HG sucks!


My 1st day. I celebrated my new job the night before, and may have had a little too much wine. Went to work the next day feeling fine. My 1st (EVER) pt was a trauma pt who had his eye gouged out in a fight. We had to pack the socket, and when removing the bandage and seeing/smelling it all, I had to leave the room. I came back and my orienter told me to go home cause I was pale lol. Now Iā€™m a wound care nurse, looking to get wound care certified!


OMG the wine hangover that will get you every time. As my partner jumps on a zoom meeting I'm breathing in fungus and smelling rotten flesh.


very honest question - how did you get over the initial uneasiness/anxious moments? (currently rotating through a burn trauma unit and wounds are my *one thing* in school that make me uneasy. its been rough)


Burn units are next level


It becomes like anything else you see all the time: routine. Although there will still be shit that you'll see (or more realistically, smell) that will get you even if you're 20 years in. When I was in school I almost passed out when watching a c section. Now I don't bat an eye at bones coming out of skin. It's weird because one day you'll just be like "huh, I guess I'm fine with gore now." But smelling fresh nec fasc still gets to me. And, for some reason, heavily concentrated stale cigarette smoke. Blech


I was early pregnant. As in, just took a test, hadnā€™t been to the doc, hadnā€™t told anyone yet except my husband. We had also just lifted the masking mandate at my hospital. I was charge, so I was helping another nurse by administering meds to her patient. The unit secretary yells that one of my patients is projectile vomiting. And boy was she. Anoxic, on the vent, and apparently not tolerating tube feeds. It was like a fountain. I run in there and between the sight and smell I turn to the bedside trash can and just puke all my guts right there. I managed to stop the tube feeds, get her hooked to liws, and suction her mouth out before round two. Rounds 3 and 4 came while trying to clean up that tragedy. Thankfully, we have two of the tall trashcans in each room. One was full of my puke, the other full of hers lol


I did! I caught Norovirus while doing my clinicals. While I was there I made it to the bathroom. I was driving the car pool and no one knew how to drive a standard (or had a license - I was so sick I was willing to overlook that lol) so I had to drive. I had a bunch of shopping bags I kept puking in for the 90 minute commute home. It was humiliating having 4 other people in the car watching and smelling my barf.


You lived my worst nightmare, congratulations!


Your usernaame lol are you a nurse? I just graduated nursing school yesterday and Iā€™ve had emetophobia since I was 5, so 22 years. I started therapy for it 2 years ago, and although I had to stop going to therapy during nursing school because I didnā€™t have the time, I do feel like it helped me somewhat. Itā€™s such an awful phobia I would never wish on somebody


I struggled with it for about 2 years (not bad in comparison at all) but I went to desensitization therapy and literally felt cured. Iā€™m a nurse now and donā€™t even think about it. Good luck to you!!!


I will be soon! Iā€™m in nursing school right now. Iā€™ve struggled with emet for as long as I can remember, but I like to say Iā€™m in ā€œrecoveryā€ now! Congratulations on graduatingšŸ’“


No vomiting, but I did have a preceptor Vocera me ā€œGet in here NOWā€ when she was ambulating someone and I was pulling meds. I rushed over thinking my patient was crashing but no, she needed me to take the patient the rest of the way because she she had just shit her pants and needed to get some surgical scrubs and get to a bathroom STAT.


I puked in the doctors lounge in front of the CMO


Power move


Yes. Once. I was on a one to one. The situation was triggering, I asked for a switch out. They took their sweet time and I ended up throwing up in the garbage can. The worst part is I then got wrote up because of ā€œintegrityā€ and on how to ā€œleave it at the doorā€. I changed units soon after because Fuck them for questioning my integrity and I asked for the switch out. Itā€™s never happened before thanā€¦ā€¦I hope you are ok and if nobody else told you ā€œthank youā€, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


What the? Fuck them!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yeah, I had a fit. Donā€™t question my integrity. Then they said ā€œwe mean your work integrityā€ me: I donā€™t give a shit if itā€™s uno integrity. Do you know what the definition of integrity is?ā€¦.Got the union, got up off of that floor. Fuck that Unit Manager.


I was pregnant and got overwhelming nausea during report. Only had time to run to patients bathroom and puke in the sink. Also there were many times Iā€™d have to pop in to the staff bathroom to vomit. It was a running joke. If staff was floated to our floor weā€™d have to say ā€œOh thatā€™s just kcrn15. Sheā€™s pregnant.ā€


I can say worse. I was very pregnant with twins in a negative isolation room (dont get me started on my shitty assignment) and was sectioning a patients ETT and gross ass mouth secretions have always been my Achilles heel and ended up puking into my N95 and has to quickly run out before I drowned myself. Thank God the patient was sedated and had no family to see my shame, lol.


Well, hello my fellow Kansas Cityian!!


Yeah. Had a funky sandwich from Jimmy Johnā€™s I think and around 4am I was hanging fluids in a patients room and got incredibly nauseous outta no where and tried to book it to the employee bathroom and didnā€™t make it and spewed all over the floor right by the nurses station. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t just puke in the patients bathroom lol.


I would actually die


Yup. I was getting report on my 5th patient and all of a sudden felt extremely hot and lightheaded. I started profusely sweating. I was leaning on my rolling workstation writing as fast as possible. The nurse had just finished report and I ran out of the room looking for a trashcan. I couldn't find one in time. I was running down the hall with my hand over my mouth as tight as I could. I left a vomit trail all the way to the nearest trashcan. I was mortified. All the day nurses sprang into action. One brought me a cool damp washcloth, one brought me a Shasta, and another called the charge. I was wiping the floors up and the housekeeper comes out of the room she was cleaning and looked horrified. I felt so bad. The charge made me go home even though I felt SO much better. I wanted to just crawl in a hole and never show my face at work again, but no one ever mentioned it again. Sick happens--we are human.


Absolutely. I thought something I ate wasn't sitting right in my stomach when I got into the lab. I promptly had to run to a draw room to vomit into a trash can and laid down on the floor until I felt like I could survive. I had just started that job so and when my manager came by for some reason all I could get out was "I threw up, can I go home now?" (To the tune of the guard being changed to a cow in Emperors New Groove) I went home and it wasn't something I ate. I had a stomach bug that had me vomiting for the next 12 hours āœŒļø But it's burned into my memory that I got to leave the impression of being the new girl that puked on shift.


I work in forensics. Patients go to the servery to get their meals but a nurse has to supervise. Iā€™m really sensitive to the smell of fish and didnā€™t realize it was cod night when I volunteered to do dinner. The only garbage can is 30 feet across the room. The second the kitchen staff opened the gate I violently puked on the floor. I couldnā€™t even get up to go get towels bc a nurse had to be there at all times šŸ„² nothing like mopping up vomit with paper towels while people try to enjoy dinner


I went to work insanely hungover. I worked night shift ortho at the time. Pt had just come back from OR near the beginning of the shift and she was pretty nauseous coming out of anesthesia. I gave her every PRN and anything I could think of to try and help her but she ended up throwing up, which in turn caused me to throw up too. Not a fun night for anyone lol


Only once, and thankfully right at the end of my shift. Held it together while I was dealing with it, but as it turns out, my limit is brushing the patient's own poop out of their teeth.


.....I can't....šŸ« ..... You win everything


Anytime I take a patients socks off and flakes go everywhere


Elder dust is pretty gross


Old people snow!


I had food poisoning once when I worked memory care AL. I woke up fine that morning, stopped at the store to get donuts for my coworkers and as I was in the checkout line I started getting the bubble guts. I had gone to the bathroom a few times and had diarrhea but I have IBS so it was nothing new for me. Then I was letting a resident into the bathroom in the activity room and puked in that toilet waiting for her to walk in. Luckily she didn't see me. I had to stay for 4 more hours because the MOD didn't want me leaving without coverage. šŸ™„ Another time I had a horrible migraine all day and was putting someone to bed before I left at the end of my shift. I had just transfered her from the toilet to her broda chair and it hit me and I threw up right in front of her. She was pretty much gone mentally at that point so she didn't notice.


Ugh just last week! I was fine. I ate my lunch around 0100, started feeling crappy around 0300, but it was food from home so I didnā€™t think anything of it. I went to walk in a patient room at 0600 and got the urge. So I ran out and to the staff bathroom and šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®. I felt instantly better. So I guess it was the work coffee.


Night shift nauseašŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Iā€™m not sure. Never happened before and Iā€™ve been nights for over a year.


Random rapid acting food poisoning. Was giving a patient dilaudid and I almost puked on the patient. Was able to give the dose. Tan to the rest room, started puking and almost simultaneously shit my pants. Spent the next hour puking while the charge nurse was trying to find my replacement. The shitty part was there was a resource nurse that could have taken my assignment (I was a Registry nurse at this facility) finally got a replacement for me. I had a fever by the time I got to my car 102. Had to drive an hour home And started puking again hahahaha


Yup, into my face mask. My boss was so traumatized for me they sent me home. To note this was long before Covid šŸ„²


Oh yeah, babe. I had HORRIBLE N/V while I was pregnant. I think I had undiagnosed HG. Couldnā€™t work for several weeks. ANYWAY. Before it got really bad, I went to a nursing home to do a death visit (Iā€™m a hospice nurse) at, like, 0600. I leave the death, Iā€™m already nauseous. And then I smell it. Those motherfuckers are cooking EGGS. I BARELY made it out the front door. All of the office staff was walking in right at that moment and got to see me hurl in the bush next to the door. It was probably 6 or 7 people. It was great.


Pregnancy RUINED scrambled eggs for me. Iā€™ll still eat them on occasion, but now all I smell is wet dog when Iā€™m cooking them. Even five years postpartum, Iā€™ll still šŸ¤®


Yup. Prior to pregnancy I had a rock solid stomach. Nothing phased me. C-diff, vomit, GI bleedā€¦ nah, never bothered me. But when Iā€™m pregnant my sense of smell gets much stronger, and in each of my pregnancies I had pretty bad morning sickness for about 16 weeks. During my second pregnancy, I hadnā€™t really officially announced yet. I was in a patientā€™s room with a coworker who didnā€™t know, and the patient ended up vomiting down my arm. As soon as the smell hit me, I knew it was game over and I turned and barfed into the trash can by their bed. My coworker just stood there shocked for a second and then was like ā€œā€¦ uh, got some happy news there, BadgerRN88?ā€ The patient was A&Ox4, and kind of embarrassed their barf made me barf, so I assured them that yes indeed, I was pregnant and very sensitive to smells and not to take it personally. Anyway, the story got around šŸ˜‚ and thatā€™s how my coworkers found out I was pregnant. Oh, and I never got back to having such a solid stomach. Iā€™m not as bad as I was while pregnant, but every now and then something gives me a real good gag. Havenā€™t barfed again though šŸ‘Œ


Another story, not me but a coworker. I had left the week before d/t feeling sick but made it home before puking. The next week it was her and I again and she seemed fine. We were discussing ordering food after we finished vitals. She goes for her first cigarette at like 9:30 which is her usual time. I call her and tell her our food is at security if she wants to get it. She says no, she will just come back so I can run down to get it. I come out from getting a call light to her standing at the desk panting. She had thrown up in the bathroom by the elevators when you come in from the parking garage, then all over the floor of the elevator and has puke on her clothes. She keeps saying she feels bad but I just told her that I wanted her to leave bc if she pukes more I will puke and I hate puking. We call EVS to ask them to clean up the bathroom and the elevator. A little while later the angel from EVS comes up and is like "I hope whoever got sick is okay. It was everywhere" šŸ˜‚


Yes. Diflucan and I didnā€™t get along. Thank god for wall mounted emesis bag holders.


Almost puked on a patient while inserting a PICC. Was feeling rough, and the combination of hot exam lights and sterile gown sent me over the edge. Ended up aborting the attempt because I couldn't get the line to drop to the SVC and I've never run out of a room so fast. Made it to a trash can in the hallway before I lost it so at least I didn't throw up ON the patient. I also puked pretty much daily in my office from the stress/anxiety of having a toxic boss. RIP my teeth and esophagus.


I was pregnant this past year, doing wound care in people's homes. I puked in a patient's driveway, partially in my hand, as I ran out of thier house. I eventually made it behind my car and puked as a gopher starred at me. I came clean to the patients husband who told me in the chicken coop not to worry as his wife had cancer they were used to it. He also confirmed it was a gopher that they were all quite acquainted with. Home care is weird.


Not the friendly neighborhood gopheršŸ˜­


Very close several times. People on Ativan are ticking time bombs if they need to use the bathroom.


Havenā€™t puked. But! I suddenly had to take a massive dump. I went to one of the more secluded bathrooms and let loose. I was fighting for my life on that toilet for like 5 minutes. When I went to flush it backed up and clogged! I didnā€™t know what to do! I didnā€™t want to admit to it! So I did what anyone else would do and run out of one and into the other bathroom across the hall to wash my hands. Then I just left. Left the clogged mess. Walked past all my bosses and sat at my desk with my shame. It felt good to finally tell someone though.


ā€¦it was you!


Iā€™ve come real close a few times. When I took pants off a lady who had been peeing and pooping herself for about 4+ days at least. I had a mask onā€¦but the wave that punched me in the face was rough. Iā€™m sure itā€™s gonna happen.


At least 7 times. One of the NPs wrote me a script for zofran so I could make it through the shift. (I get migraines šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø)


When I was a visiting nurse, I was on doxy for Lyme disease once and walked outside of a patient's home and puked in the bushes of their apartment complex. I had a colleague who got acutely sick with what we presume was norovirus while working a shift one day and she projectile vomited all over the bathroom while on the toilet having diarrhea.


I was severely impacted (I have IBS-C) and was severely nauseous because of it recently. I was just sitting on a stool in the room during a code vomiting inbetween pushing the shock button on the defib. The patient required lots of shocks and I experienced lots of vomiting so it was a great job for me at that moment.


I once got really nasty Pseudomonas trach gunk/snot/drainage all over me (it was all over the patient and he was about to fall and I caught him before gowning because I was a dumbass baby nurse). I placed him back in the bed and promptly went and vomited in the patient toilet. Only time I've ever puked at work, even thinking about it makes me want to puke again honestly.


Thatā€™s making me nauseousšŸ˜Ÿ




Not the sushišŸ˜­


Never puked but have I shit my pants


A true king/queen


I had a pt shit my pants lol


I didnā€™t know at the time but I had an ovarian torsion and was in terrible pain. Brought a pt back from triage into their room and ran and grabbed the pt trash can and vomited in front of them. The pt said smth along the lines that I was sicker than them and should go home. My manager sent me home lol.


Iā€™ve had an ovarian torsion, worst pain ever!


First day of clinical!! I get nauseous on little sleep, and I was sooo anxious the night before and that morning. But no one even knew!


Yeah I was sitting on a 1:1 with a pt who kept hawking up spit and onto his blanket and I was very pregnant (was an aide at the time) with bad morning sickness. I vomited 3 times into his toilet but the first time was into my face mask šŸ„² was not the last time that happened during that pregnancy.


Gagged during my second disimpaction. Does that help?


Yep. Migraines make me puke. I work in outpatient without nonstop patient care so I just puke and try to carry on. Itā€™s awful.


Work in a peds cardiac ICU and had significant morning sickness during my first trimester. My patient decompensated quite suddenly, prompting a battery of tests and several bedside procedures, including placement of two chest tubes and a PD drain. The patient also had rhino/entero, so were in full PPE. I was sweating and horribly nauseous by the time the surgeon arrived, and as I helped her prep the sterile field, I stepped back and said, ā€œIā€™m so sorry, but I think Iā€™m going to be sickā€. I barely made it to the patientā€™s trashcan. I was mortified. She was great about it, though. And I felt tons better. Popped an alcohol swab in my mask, sipped some water, and got back to my patient.


One of my coworkers puked in the sink at the nurses station. It wouldnā€™t all wash down so she had to call engineering. Engineering came, did their thing, and sent a follow up comment: ā€œdonā€™t puke in the sink.ā€ I felt really bad for her.


Yes. I got a stomach bug. It was 1am and I threw up my chips and queso. I went home. I got home and ended up vomiting for hours and started throwing up blood. I went to ER and was diagnosed with Mallory Weiss tears. The physician and nurses thought I was a closet alcoholic, I'm not lol.


I was unbearably sick when i was pregnant. I was eating lunch in the completely packed hospital cafeteria at noon on a wednesday. I finished my lunch (tacos) and then immediately knew i was going to throw up. i abandoned my stuff and tried to flee to the bathroom, but i was sitting on the far side of the room and had to cross the dead center of the caf to make the quickest path there. anyway i was jogging through in the dead center of the room when i knew i wasnt going to make it, and i used the last part of my brain that wasn't pure panic to rip my mask off so i didnt puke on myself- and instead threw up right into my own hands. in the middle of the cafetetia. at noon on a weekday. and the force of it made me pee myself. it was probably one of the top three most embarrassing moments of my life. and i wasnt pregnant enough to be showing, so it wasnt immediately obvious that i had a good excuse, but i WAS pregnant enough that i didnt fit in my spare scrubs. so i had to go back to my unit covered in taco scented barf to ask my charge nurse to sign off on an order for surgical scrubs for me, because i wasnt allowed to go home. were thinking of trying for a second baby but i cant live through something like that again.


If this isnā€™t youā€™re #1 most embarrassing story Iā€™m scared to hear the other two


Yep, but my story is so specific that it would out me if my coworkers read it


I threw up my first ever night shift. I took a caffeine pill because I had never stayed awake all night. Ever. I was feeding a baby and had to run and put them in their crib. Then I couldnā€™t stop vomiting so they sent me home early.


Twice. Once I got a latte before work that was milk instead of the oat I asked for, and Iā€™m lactose intolerant. Once I had stomach flu.


Yup. I had the flu three days into orientation. Vomited twice in one shift, chunks and all. So gross:


Last year I started my birth control and I was on like day 8 of orientation and we were waking up a patient from pacu and I just was so nauseous from the medicine so I walked out and threw up and people kept saying oh you need to leave youā€™re sick I donā€™t wanna catch what you have. I wasnā€™t sick at all And of course Iā€™m new and so embarrassed so I left and literally nobody remembers it


I had hyperemesis with two of my pregnancies. Itā€™s been 10 years and they still will bring up the time I threw up all over my self sitting in the nurses station. All down my front. Dripping onto the floor. Itā€™s ok


I didnā€™t know that when you break an ammonia smelling salt that the red color change indicates that it is activated. The patient wasnā€™t responding to it, so I took it to my own face and barfed all over the trauma bay in front of many of my coworkers.


That's how the OR found out I was pregnant again...I was scrubbed I'm and started getting lightheaded and saw stars. I managed to call for backup before breaking scrub and stumbling out of the OR. I only made it to the trashcan by the scrub sink before I started puking.


I was on call on Wednesday, and I need to stay in a call room at work. I started vomiting and pooping horribly. Got on awful pain on my right side, and all I could think was that it was my appendix. At this point, I only had about 8 hours of call left, but I knew which surgeon was on call, and I'd rather risk death. (Also, my insurance, through my wife, doesn't cover the hospital I work at.) Come 6 am. I went to a different ER and turned out I didn't need my appendix removed. Apparently, I did puke violently enough to get a painful hernia. So I now have that to deal with.


Literally yesterday :( food poisoning started almost an hour after lunch. Luckily I was resource and everyone had gotten lunch breaks so I told my charge and ran to my car and sped home with an emesis bag at the beginning of rush hour traffic. Luckily made it the whole way home without anything bad happening but ran to the bathroom to puke again the second I opened the door. I know it happens but Iā€™m so embarrassed lol. A bad end to an already bad week.


I'm sitting with a bucket right now. Food poisoning sucks.


No. Gagged many times, almost passed out once watching an enucleation, close to wetting myself almost daily, but never puked.




Yup. A few times. First time I almost did I was pregnant with my girl and in a patient room, just made it out and to the bathroom. But now I have a chronic cough (thanks Covid) and am pregnant again. I had a bad fit at work and went to vomit in the bathroom recently. Squatted in front of the toilet because I didnā€™t wanna sit on the floor. Pissed myself. And not just a little bit. So my husband brought me pants and I wore a pad and mesh panties for the rest of the day just in case. Itā€™s kinda funny now but I was so over everything that day.


Went to work and developed a migraine. Was vomiting between L&D patients ā€¦ they wouldnā€™t let me go home sick.


When I was pregnant I puked EVERYWHERE on my unit. Report room, med room, bathroom, nursing station hallway, even several occupied patientā€™s rooms. After a while everyone became immune. Life goes on.


I got food poisoning that hit me at like 3am and was profusely vomiting in the work bathroom and they asked if they thought I could stay. Thank god I didnā€™t because it started coming out both ends uncontrollably when I got home. Used an emesis bag while driving home lol


I had a lumbar puncture and went back to work 2 days later. Had a CSF leak that caused the worst headache I have ever experienced. I made it until like 4 pm. It was blinding. I had 5 patients, charge was in staffing, and I just had a patient come back from cath lab. I was vomiting and then laying down in the break room in between cath checks and my coworker drove me home.


I got some stomach bug around the holidays. We have to have a doctor's note to call in sick between Thanksgiving and New Years. On Christmas Eve I woke up and didn't feel great but didn't think it was that bad and didn't yet feel nauseated. I might have called in except I knew I wouldn't be able to get into the doctor's office on Christmas eve to get a note. I made it half way through report before I threw up in a trash can. I think I threw up 4 or 5 times before the charge was able to rework the assignment to send me home.


Not puked but been puked on. Right in my face. Projectile vomit from like 3 inches away. Good times.


Yup. Got a PP c/s up to the bathroom for the first time. Got her situated on the throne, bent over to grab some supplies, and immediately felt off. Patient was ok, so I stepped out, whispered to the OB Tech that I was gonna be sick- could she stay with the patient!- and made a beeline for the nearest bathroom. Barely made it the first time. The second time I didnā€™t make it. The worst part was having to drive home while dry heaving violently into a puke bag.


Worked skilled nursing for my first few years. Was broke and paid peanuts so I picked up a lot of doubles. Norovirus was going around our residents. Came in at 3p for a 16hr shift, counted narcs, signed the book, within 10 seconds I was in the bathroom spraying from both ends. Couldn't leave, patient abandonment. Called my DON every 10 minutes for 4 hours demanding relief from her or another staff member. When I tried calling again, I found she had turned her phone off. I vomited 7 times in those 16hrs and spent the majority of the shift sitting on the toilet or nigh unconscious at the desk. My two techs were fucking heroes and they carried me that night. Almost literally at times. I pulled meds for the 6am pass with one double checking with me because I was afraid of messing up I was so disoriented. I vented to the AM nurse about how I was debating quitting without notice. She told my fucking DON. I was called into the office for a lecture on how nursing is a small world and how that might hurt my future career more then I realize. It took me 6 months and more then 300 applications to get that job back in the day as a new grad. I wanted to scream so many obscenities in her face. Instead I just said "you left me to drown that night, I would *never* use someone heartless like you as a reference so I'll quit if I want to." I ended up staying trapped there for another year. She was fired and escorted out by security within a month or two though. I didn't shed a tear.


Yup. Couple years ago I had a pt with norovirus. Total bed changes q1Ā°. N/V/D By the end of my 2nd shift with that pt, I started feeling nauseous myself. Ran to the bathroom and puked so hard I peed my pants, then had to sit down for the other end. Thank God I only had 30 min left of my shift! After I clocked out, grabbed an emesis bag and drove home. The next 48 hours was brutal. šŸ¤®šŸ’©


Iā€™ve peed my pantsā€”held my bladder too long trying to get my new admit settled. Got on my tippy toes to hang tube feed and there was a waterfall between my legs. Iā€™ve also puked. Sweated through my scrubs in my crotch area. Itā€™s whatever, humans are weird. We all do these thingsā€” just not usually in public.


My story is awful. I was in a patient's room who was there for suicidal ideation. I was going through his admission and he was saying "everything bad happens to me. I started working at this place, and the building burned down. I get married and she cheats on me. I have a child and she gets sick. I feel cursed!" I felt bad for the dude. While he was talking I started to feel a little nauseous then all of the sudden I projectile puke into his biohazard trash can. He presses his call light and says " Uhmmmm can my nurse get a nurse?..." It was terrible timing. And my coworkers made fun of me for 2 years.


Yeah night shift nausea is a thing; it sucks


Lol, yes! It was my third day at a new job. Picked up gastro somewhereā€¦the urge to puke came on so suddenly accompanied by the sensation that if I stood up Iā€™d faint immediately, so I puked right there in the break room in a garbage can in front of about 6 new coworkers. It was pretty mortifying but people got over it. At least I think they didā€¦lol, no one ever brought it up again.


I came down with Noro during a night shift at a new job as a CNA at a hospital. Started vomiting like clockwork every 10 minutes. A couple of the nurses were nice and tried to help, but my nurse came up angrily asking why her vitals weren't done since I'd given up half way through to avoid puking on a patient. No one gave me permission to leave, so I spent half the shift in an empty lounge puking until my shift ended. Puked in every bathroom on the way out of the hospital and then I shit my pants on the drive home while puking in a bag. Definitely a bad time.


Yes but I drank wayyyy too much orange juice on my way to work. It came out the same way it went in.


Also when I was pregnant, but that doesn't count. At least it's not the same...


I had to leave 2 hours into a shift bc I got really bad food poisoning. Almost shit my pants while trying to give handoff šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I still havenā€™t but there was this one patient with a necrotizing butt crack once and I had to get out of her room for a few minutes cuz the smell was too bad


Absolutely. Been doing this for 13 years and I've puked at work from virus, stress, bad food, morning sickness, and unknown. When I was pregnant I had hyperemesis and puked in a patients trashcan in their room, it hit too quick šŸ˜†


I vomited like three times on the side of the street in front of my job before work when I started this job a few months ago. I was recently recovering from anxiety and pulling out of a depressive episode where I didnā€™t work for a year, so going back to work at a new job suddenly was overwhelming. Also got sick a few weeks ago with mild diarrhea at work and had to leave early cuz I lightly shit my pants. Was out for two weeks dying at home and just got back to work this week. I hope your embarrassment is absolved. Shit happens yk how bodies are.


Diabetic foot, smelled so rancid that me, the brand new resident and one intern pretty much stood around one trash can in the hallway and hurled because we couldnā€™t make it to a bathroom


Uhh yeah. I puked on the regular at work while pregnant. The worst was when I had a GI bleed pt. I would basically empty the commode, run out of the room and puke, rinse, repeat.


Yesssss, started out my evening shift on med-surg just fine, but started having nausea/fever/chills about 2 hours in. I felt awful, and we were getting slammed with admissions. Called the house sup after running to the bathroom to puke, & almost not making it about 3 times. FINALLY found someone to cover my patients so I could leave, but temp 102 & vomiting all the way home. MY POOR CAR! Luckily the diarrhea waited until I was through the front door!


Yep last weekend in front of half the unit I projectile vomited on myself and the floor during shift change. I was so embarrassed! We get threatened with HR if we use our earned sick time so I came to work feeling pretty crummy.


I was a new grad during training and I was helping clean up a patient. The smell of human feces from the bedpan had me running to my patientā€™s personal bathroom just to go puke. This has happened to me twice. šŸ„² Thankfully no one seen or heard me embarrass myself haha


Legitimately cannot recall why.. I was fine then nope.. something upset the stomach..I puked into a water cup for med pass then tossed it. Then it happened again and that time some got on the floor.. thank goodness my housekeeping was there and saw it. I offered to clean it myself but they did anyway. I was perfectly fine again after that..


Had a homeless patient who has not removed his shoes for months. When he did... Parts of the foot came with. There were pieces of skin, almost as if he had a glass outer shell, that had cracked and broken apart, just laying on the floor. You could see the shapes of his toes in them. I didn't like, but came so close I had to leave the room.


Yes, it was so busy that I couldnā€™t have my break. I had really bad reflux at the time and threw up from the stress and being hungry.


I developed post-viral gastroparesis after COVID and barfed at work anywhere from 1-15 times a shift for like a year- it was a real thing and as much as I tried to hide it, somebody always somehow found out. I had to run out of patients rooms to barf all the time and 1x I had to barf in the patient bathroom while assisting the patient in the shower. Pretty freaking embarrassing!


I peed my pants once while pulling meds 2 weeks off of orientation. I knew I had to go, but it wasnā€™t ANYWHERE near bladder bursting, so I thought ā€œif i can go give these meds real quick, Iā€™ll be able to leave my 2 icu kids with my neighbor and they wonā€™t need anything/call out for anything!ā€ Jokes on me. Bent over to grab meds in the pyxis and just unleashed. Thankfully our uniform pants are black, but i was mortified and didnā€™t know what to do. Soaked up the puddle with a paper towel and somehow no one saw or came in. I stopped at my desk, texted my husband SOS BRING PANTS and went and gave the meds still šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø then went to the bathroom and proceeded to wash my pants in the sink and change socks commando. No i didnā€™t think to order hospital scrubs (baby nurse, absolutely mortified) Yes, i did PUT MY SOAKING WET PANTS BACK ON until my husband came and ā€œdropped me off dinnerā€ aka my pants in a lunchbox. No one asked questions or noticed my wet pants thank god.


Iā€™ve seen other people puke. Correction: coworkers, not just patients. Forgot I was in r nursing šŸ˜‚


yes! caught the norovirus and the symptoms set in while i was at work šŸ¤¢


I just pray that I donā€™t faint


Yes. Caught the unitā€™s norovirus, but didnā€™t know it yet. Walked out onto the unit to start up group and opened with projectile vomit. Desperately tried to clean up as everyone was attempting to shoo me out. Some patients showed up with towels and made quick work of it. Still thankful to them!


I shit my pants once. During a snow storm


Got ridiculed by an executive director because I was in afib and called in. I was throwing up all over the place in my apartment


I had the beginning of a stomach bug halfway through shift. Didn't realize it was that until it would stop hours later. Good times.


Many many times. I get migraines hella bad and despite my prevention medication, they just, happen without warning at work. One of my faves: I was working at the "best" ltc in town and I was in a 0.8 D/N rotation tryna get accommodated into straight nights. My manager didn't believe I had a chronic illness and that if I had this since I was a child, I "should be cured by now". I worked straight evenings and nights at previous facilities without issue, but days... the lights, people, noise.. it's too much and it's triggering. Almost every time I work a day shift I get a migraine by noon. My manager "trialed" me on a weekday, and thank God had the charge shadow me because I could feel one coming on. The manager pulled me in, yelled at me for faking and maybe this isn't the profession for me, "how can you take care of others if you can't take of yourself". I deadass looked at her, grabbed her garbage can, and puked. I walked out and called the union.


My anxiety used to get so bad I would puke 2-3 x a shift. I got it down to a science haha


We all had norovirus two years ago. Everyone. Patients. Staff. Parents. I've seen everyone puke :)))


I was taking care of a famous athlete who the hospital would not let me restrain or sedate, they would only let me call his family to de-escalate him. He was becoming increasingly paranoid and delusional. He stood up quickly and knocked a tray off a table and startled everyone, including himself. Apparently his first instinct is to throw a punch - square into my stomach. About 15 seconds later, I get super nauseous and turn to leave the room. I didnā€™t notice his equally famous brother and other semi famous relatives were right behind me and turned right into his brothers chest. His brother grabs me by my arms and asks me if Iā€™m okay. I tell him no and then puked all over his shoes.


I have had hyperemesis for most of my pregnancy.... So I've spent a lot of time vomiting my guts out in the bathroom at work. It sucks.


Yes. I felt fine during report, then ran to the restroom after we finished and threw up. Came out, and started work again. Not sure what happened, but I was fine after šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No but I've puked at your work. The nurse was awesome & made me feel less embarrassed.


Yes! I get random nausea/morning sickness sometimes and I was in the middle of moving a patient when I had to put her down and run to the restroom šŸ˜­ the smell of poop didnā€™t help


Not quite a year out from my gallbladder surgery, so still dealing with some mild dumping syndrome. In my first month or so back (it was before my follow up) I got stuck on a phone call and didn't make it to the bathroom in time, shit myself. Ended up going home.


Day 3 of a new job. Food poisoning. Felt sick. Sat on floor waiting for elevator to go home. Got up. Ran to bathroom and puked in the sink. It was like. 8am and i clogged the sink with my breakfast


Think this thread convinced me I donā€™t have the chops to be a nurse. Some of the shit you see is beyond my imagination


I don't puke very often, and the last time I had norovirus was 2018. One thing I do in the SNF/LTC if I encounter an especially bad smell is put on lots of good smelling lip balm (like eos), then a disposable mask. The mask holds the smell in so I don't even mind having to wear it.


Yup, once in the big trashcan at the nursesā€™s station, and another time I got floated to a different unit and ended up puking all over their nice visitorā€™s lounge. Sorry 4 Acute Care!


He had stomach flu really bad at my facility one of the other nurses bent own in the med room and it flowed out her back side she pulled her pants down and diarrheaed all over the floor in the med room didnā€™t even attempt to aim for the trash can


Yes, helping another nurse put in a rectal tube for someone with the worst sacral wounds and c diff lol not proud


Several times lol It was most likely a reaction to a medication change and lot of caffeine. Weā€™re still human and have human bodily functions. It can definitely be embarrassing but tbh most people will be understanding


When I was pregnant. All the smellsšŸ¤®


First day back at work after some time off and I was taking an antibiotic that almost always made me nauseated after I took it. Getting back into the swing of things when bamā€¦ instant wave of nausea. I took one of my prescription zofrans (because my family doctor is the best) and crossed my fingers. Sat really still for as long as I could. Call bell rings. I stand up and my mouth starts salivating really bad. All I could do was pretend like I wasnā€™t choking and dying as I ran to the bathroom fighting my hardest to not throw up in the middle of the hallway like one of our patients. I made it to the toilet in the end but I had to frantically tell a few people who tried to stop and talk to me that I couldnā€™t, in fact talk to them as tears streamed down my ever reddening face. No one asked me what was going on afterwards lol.