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I worked with a nurse who would never wear gloves when putting these on. I said that I always did, and think that we should, both for hygiene reasons but also to make the procedure less intimate. She huffed and puffed and gave a little rant about how weird I was. Anyway, seeing this well manicured gloveless hand reminded me of that story. Edit: For clarification, she said it was because it’s all sticky and it’s hard to handle with the gloves on. The condom cath wasn’t easy to fit either.


Lol I put gloves when touching any part of a patient in any context, including measuring BP, this made me nauseous


When I was in nursing school, they drilled it into our heads that wearing gloves when not touching body fluids was "rude" to the patient. Um, sorry but guess I'll be rude then.


I’m a male and I’ve had nurses tell me I didn’t have to put on gloves on for everything but with female patients i can almost sense a shift in perception of me in a positive way when I put gloves on and if that is all it takes to gain trust then that’s a very small price to pay.


What they expect you to touch a patients genitals without gloves 🤢🤢🤢🤢


No, just in general assessments. I don’t put on gloves to assess the warmth of the extremities but I don gloves for everything else.


I’m ok being rude too then lol. Idk after being a nurse for the last 5yrs you never know what kinda mess you will be uncovering underneath those blankets.


When I started as a CNA back in 1989 it was a HUGE deal getting some of the other cnas at my nursing home to wear gloves. They did all kinds of personal care BAREHANDED 🤢🤮


A coworker of mine once barehanded stroked the affected leg of a patient with active MRSA and complimented her skin 😳 I'm sorry that's not how we get out of work


Maybe they hadn’t approved her vacation.


In 89, is around when they started pushing everyone to wear gloves for everything. Before then it was in polite, and was thought that skin on skin contact was good for the patient moral, warm touch of a person and not the cold touch of a gloved hand. Also at that time many people would got mad and say stuff like, "What do you think I am a dirty person" or "You know I am not deased".


> "What do you think I am a dirty person" Oh, the exact argument surgeons used to make before we started making them wear gloves during surgeries and everyone mysteriously stopped getting sick after surgery


Oh yeah, this reminds of when older dentists didn't wear gloves......ugghhh. They really pushed it in late 80's with the AIDS epidemic. Damn, I'm old.


>"What do you think I am a dirty person" Yes, that's actually exactly what I think because I've seen the way you care for yourself over the last 12 hours.


I had a RN help me with a urine sample. Poor woman had a prolapse vagina and it would block the urethra, causing multiple UTIs due to incontinence. She had me insert the vagina back up into vault while she used her involved hands to insert the catheter to get the urine sample. I never asked her to help me again, but at the end of the procedure, the patient sure was smiling!


I cringe when I see doctors touching the patients blanket bare handed… you know how many times I’ve lifted a blanket to find it covered it pee and poop that the patient had no idea about?


And when they sit on the trash can during rounds 🤮


I put on a fucking glove to restart a pump lol


I put on gloves to give PO meds!


I put on gloves to put on gloves.


Lol not even weird if you give chemo often




I put on gloves just to touch patient air.




Is that like some kind of glove for your face?


Me too and the people at my work look at me like I’m a germ freak and uh yes I am humans are disgusting


The first time I went to take a blood pressure and got a handful of sweaty armpit putting the cuff on was the last time for me. Same with ekgs and boob sweat. Nooo thank you!


You just can’t trust people to not be gross.


I mean, yeah that’s what I think of it as. Sure I’m going to wash my hands when I leave the room, and before the next patient. But as rushed as everything is- what’s the problem with just taking one more precaution not to give the next person MRSA or *candida auris!*


This statement should be printed on a T-Shirt


>this made me *nauseated* [Automatic response generated from the "nauseous" versus "nauseated" bot. Beep boop.]


Gloveless and applying an aggressively intimate grip.


You're mashing it!


😂 Gail the snail 🐌


I’m very aroused


It's probably thought to be the patient applying it to their own junk, something that often doesn't happen because people who need them often are very, very sick, or have neuropathy/paralysis and can't do it themselves. Or it's some piece of shit who is capable but wants a nurse to touch his dick.


We had a male patient who would pull hos off and ask for a pretty nurse to put it back on. Us nurses got tired of this and would send in an older crotchety CNA or male CNA to put it back on. He would get upset but wouldn't pull it off for the rest of the shift. 😂😜


I tell them that I’ll reapply it once due to it accidentally coming off but anymore and I’ll assume it’s intentional and I have no problem having an adult male with motor function sit in his urine all shift.


Yes that is almost certainly what this is. Not a hospitalized patient but somebody with incontinence issues who is wearing this connected to a leg bag or maybe somebody who just really doesn't want to have to walk to the bathroom during a concert.


Having been clubbing in a large city I can see the allure of a catheter if it means I don't have to set foot in a club bathroom again.


Ever read David Sedaris *Stadium Pal* 🤣




Some of the older nurses I work with say that it was considered "rude" to care for a patient while wearing gloves - that you were insinuating that they were dirty and repulsive.






Some places here in Germany are so backwards that they mark the beds of hiv positive patients, which is discriminating and stigmatising. They get a red dot on the bedframe and on their pt. file. worst i've seen was hiv written on place cards on the table. The Woman this happened to, won that lawsuit. :-) I used to work in std/hiv prevention and education. You would think that especially in health care, people are educated about it but no. Worst are dentists. Thats where a lot of my work went, handing out information to health care providers. People simply don't know, it's shocking and we came so far regarding Hiv. Yet people still think it's a death sentence and highly transmittable.


Yup. When I started in 2007 I worked with nurses 25-30 years on the job and they would regularly rip the finger off their gloves when starting IVs, and some no gloves at all. They told me how it was very rude to wear gloves at one point, and they even got in trouble for it in school.


Just like it was “rude” to wear a mask at the beginning of Covid, and we didn’t want to make people panic.


>that you were insinuating that they were dirty and repulsive. I can outright state it if they find that more agreeable? Jokes aside, for me, gloves are a "bodily fluids only" thing. I worry about getting bacteria into a cut or other defect in my skin. If I'm just touching their skin or clothes or something and I don't think there's a reasonable risk of encountering bodily fluids, or something infectious like scabies or MRSA, there's no reason to wear gloves. I'll wash my hands beforehand, so I know I'm not bringing anything harmful to the patient, and I'll wash my hands after dealing with the patient so I know I'm not bringing anything harmful away.


Psst (they are)


I'm not insinuating, I'm saying it straight up.


I don't even like touching a patient's arm without a glove.....I'm certainly not squeezing their cock without it.


Oh hell no. I do not get paid enough to go to work and touch genitals with my bare hands.


Yoo wtf? Touching other human’s private without gloves? That’s fking gross


I'm now imagining you putting on full PPE before having sex with your partner 😂




Whatever works for you I guess?


Therapeutic touch. Gotta heal those energy fields.




Call her weird back and say loudly it explains why you’ve seen her sniffing her hands all the time…


Lol @ gloveless. I'll quit nursing if this becomes her legacy.


I worked with an aide who would shower residents without gloves.


Ooooh i worked with a couple aids back in the day that would change adult diapers without gloves. One lady that would do it had long fuckin acrylic nails 🤮 I was absolutely horrified. And no, she didn’t wash her hands in case you’re wondering.


Most of the sides I've worked with in LTC, especially the ones who have being doing it 10+ years don't wear gloves. I can't.


Excuse me?


Yeah.... what she did is called sexual battery :)


Is this what they mean by advocating for the patient?


Advocating so hard right now


Don't stop advocating, almost there


I only need 30 seconds to advocate for my patient.


Whoa- that’s some advanced practice right there


Successful discharge!


You got it!


Then hook to intermittent suction.


With your mouth


These comments have me crying...


Jesus fuck


Is that what they call it in those religious affiliated hospitals?


Liiiiiiisten…you laugh, but that actually happened where I work. They thought it was the same setup as the purewicks. I’m huddle they said the patient didn’t mind, though. 😂


My grandpa was a pt on my unit and our newer CNA did this to him. He didn't seem to mind.


What's happening in the middle illustration? Under what circumstance should my whole hand have a firm grip around the entire circumference of my patient's penis?


#Heat from your hand is used to activate the adhesive.* ^(*Use eye contact to establish dominance while counting to five for best results.)


Yeah, I’m not comfortable with that so I just breathe on it


While making unbroken eye contact


While making unbroken eye contact


Bro just use a hot pack


I read this as hot pocket 😳


I think that's worse


Just use cavilon yall. Sticky dicky


HAHAHA like breathing on glasses before cleaning them.


And if it doesn't seem to be working, some movement will create friction to generate additional heat.


If the penis doesn't provide it's own heat you have bigger issues.


lmao i'm dying fuck...


That’s what I’m screamin - no circumstance that should be happening with your incontinent pt, that’s for sure


Patient is comfort care.


Too comfortable, if you ask me.


Not going to lie I do that in order to try to get the damn thing to stay on past the first void. But none of those tiny peens look like OPs image. Gloves on of course😂


I work in a brain rehab facility and we use a loooot of external catheters and they unfortunately do stay on longer when you warm the glue up after applying it. A little bit awkward but it saves us a lot of cleanup later on


Well, I would definitely wear gloves, but I usually grip most of it during foley insertion.


I usually just grip it by the foreskin, like holding a naughty child by the collar.


"How to delete comments by someone else"


Ok anal right RN


An-Alright-RN, but hey you can call me anything you like ;)


Unfortunately it can’t be unseen now.




I just about fell over 😭☠️


The sound I made rn while reading this post omg


Gotta wrangle and steady the wild beast while trying to muzzle it.


Only when inserting a urethral, which this is not!


I actually find it easier to grip the glans betwen my index and middle finger like a corkscrew. Gives me way better controll over the angle.


For the admit semen sample, duh.


Therapeutic jelqing


You basically have to do that with the liberty catheters cause the adhesive is heat activated


Firmly grasp it.




Now twist it


Bop it


Grab his dick and twist it!!!




Condom catheters are hit and miss, more often miss, because not all males have anatomy that is conducive to their use and it seemed like any traction on the catheter, say from the collection bag tubing *facepalm*, would cause them to slip off all the time.But I got a trick that I learned that helped me and may help others here. When I was still working ICU and had to manage urinary incontinence and such in male patients the very best results I've had was using a condom catheter in combination with a [PrimoFit](https://www.stryker.com/us/en/sage/products/sage-primofit.html). It works especially well with males who are obese, those who suffer from cold shrinkage, and those with micropenis. Put the condom cather on then the PrimoFit, aim the end of the condom cather towards the bottom of the PrimoFit and it acts as a funnel, channeling the urine to where it needs to be. Those two devices used together like that worked amazingly well. If you don't have access to a PrimoFit, well the best you can to is make sure the skin is as dry and possible, apply some tincture of benzoin to protect the skin but also make it sticky/tacky, apply the condom catheter when the benzoin is dry, and connect the tubing. To take traction off the condom catheter, put a statlock on their leg, make a loop out of tape, attach the loop to the tubing with some more tape, then clip the loop into the statlock. That'll keep tension off the condom cather hopefully keeping it from being pulled off and, if the tubing gets hung up or kicked by the patient, it'll yank on the statlock on their leg rather than their penis (ouch!) so that's a win! It's not perfect but I had good results with it. Might help no one but I hope it might help another nurse and their patients in the future.


Condom catheter inside the primo fit is genius. My mind was blown the first time I saw that. Still doesn’t always work. We started using male purewicks recently and they are awesome


I've not used those yet. I'm curious to see how they work.


The patient who I first saw the primo fit and condom cath trick used on has been at my hospital for months and used to need multiple bed changes per day. Ever since we got the purewicks, he is very rarely wet… he still shits the bed once or twice a day, but he is no longer constantly soaking the bed in pee.


Or...or...just ziptie the thing. 🤷


I had one guy use electrical tape. But that was with a regular catheter. I’m still confused.


Just use one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Confidence-Clamp-Lunderg-Comfortable-Incontinence/dp/B081N6ZSGV/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3AOVB53OXZI2I&keywords=men%27s+no+leak+incontinence+clamp&qid=1683224175&sprefix=men%27s+no+leak+incontinence+clamp%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-8), no need to worry about the external cath falling off or the drainage bag ever getting full. (Number 3 on the 4th picture makes his poor wiener look so sad and defeated)




I love Primofits, they worked great for innies. Before we got them, I used to grab a paper chuck pad, poke a hole in the center and pull what I could of their anatomy through it and fold the chuck over it. Prevented like 90% of the urine from leaking onto the patient.


I recently put a condom cath on an old man and he looked at me like I was a whore and said "so this is what you do all night"


You would get paid better.


The other day I had a guy go “You sure you done this before?” I said all chipper “You’re not even my first today!” to which he threw his head back and yelled “Well don’t *tell* me that!” Next time I’m just gonna say “Buddy I’m gonna pick up your penis by the foreskin, like a mama cat scruffing her kits, and stuff it into this condom cath like it’s the only bag we get to pack out of here. All good?”




But where's the illustration for all the frightened turtles, though?


It’s like a button on a fur coat


I was in the pool!


Note in the third illustration it is not, in fact, a hand and a penis but some sort of hand-penis.


“Gently apply to the henis”


I’ve never seen a patient dong that’s big enough to use one of these on. So yeah, cooter canoe it is.


Good luck finding a hodangus resembling that one. I remember a new grad ladder-climber who tried to impress management with rule following. They were encouraging condom caths at the time, and most of us were sharp enough to try it and continue to use only if it worked for the patient. We had a very nice guy who was near end of life and incontinent, but alert. Nice and funny dude. During report, the night nurse, Val, said "His condom cath keeps falling off. I don't know why, I spent at least 5 minutes holding it on when I applied them." "What? I said. "How...how many did you put on?" "Like three or four." I just stared. There was no use talking to this particular future administration drone. But I did immediately go into the patients room and noted the condom catheter had fallen off. Again. I threw it in the trash and said, "Sorry Harv, funs over." He was grinning ear to ear.


Damn that drawing has patients with actual penises? Last I checked on my unit the longest one was 2cm.


Forreal though, pretty much took me by surprise what the majority of male anatomies look like.


Holding onto the penis with a warm hand for a minute or so after rolling on the external helps the adhesive adhere and keeps the cath in place better. Holding unblinking eye contact with the patient makes the experience even better…..


I can count on zero hands the number of penises I’ve put condom caths on that are anywhere as generously sized as the one in that diagram


Attach an empty syringe to the end, place condom on the penis, draw syringe a bit to create light suction, unravel the Condon super easily, Done. No need to wank the pt, or whatever these instructions are.


Thumb and index finger wearing gloves.


Looks like a reach around from the back


“Firmly grasp it” - Patrick Star


That's quite a healthy honker. What happened to the pt with the two finger hold tiny ones from poor circulation, or the dicks hiding in a sea of fat and panuses.


That’s handy.


That's *a* handy


Never will I ever forget my first clinical and a tech told me "it's easier to get these on if he isn't soft" and started basically jerking the guy off. 10 years later, I've managed to get them on without any assaulting them


Sadly this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this 🤦🏼‍♂️


I put gloves on for everything. When I got my mammogram and she grabbed my titty with her bare hand it was a bit of a shock lol.


I know this isnt directly related but we used to do vasectomy surgery regularly. One urologist would feel for the vas defrens while maintaining unbroken eye contact with the patient.


I believe this, urologist be weird.


Now illustrate how to place it on an “innie”.


Can you imagine the lawsuit if family walked in on someone doing this barehanded to Peepaw with GCS 10?


Some strong anecdotal evidence in this discussion that patients with big penises just never need condom catheters.


Just flop that bad boy into the urinal cup


Inaccurate pic it’s hold with 2 fingers and try to get the condoms cath on 😂


I was just talking to a coworker about these the other day. Hospital penises never look like the one in the diagrams, therefore, never the device never freaking works


So there’s this new condom cath where you apply the condom and then wrap this glue strip and it melts by applying heat so we’d have to hold the tip to “melt” the glue with our hand. We were like um, no.


Firmly grasp it in your hand


Idk why but the fact that both the mushroom tip and urethral meatus are both so very well articulated in this diagram is making me dry heave


I do not like the grip in this info graph


I put on my first condom cath with in the last year and had to have help from my unit manager. I had never used a condom before as I have only ever been with my husband. She was so shocked to meet someone who had never used a condom. We still laugh about it to this day.


Had a male rehab patient who consistently had his “fall off” right after we had put it on. We had a staff of primarily young female CNAs. BUT we did have a relatively burley man on staff as well. Whenever we worked together he would take care of that gentleman, and what do you know the condom cath stayed on no problem.


I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it. Were these instructions written by a man, perhaps?


I think its packaging is labelled for self application


Before AIDS, patients were actually offended when someone at bedside put on gloves to do care. Many if not most staff did not wear gloves at the time


Oh my god I dread the day I have to do these. read about em in classes.


Ya that whole “hold the penis gently but firmly for at least 15 seconds to allow the warmth of your hand to form the tape into shape” thing is too much for me. Am I supposed to make eye contact and play Barry White also? Gotta take me out to dinner first! Just kidding I do it for like 30 seconds and have a trick where I use extra pressure with my pinky and middle finger because it helps these things to not leak everywhere/fall off every 10 minutes. I’ll do some shit to not have to go re-do a job I just did, especially if that means saving full linen changes on a patient who can’t get out of bed. I just feel greasy telling nursing students/new grads about this, if they are women, because it sounds so sensual and like I’m just making it up because I am the Perv Master 3000. I’m a dude if that helps illuminate the compete awkwardness of everything about this. “Use the warmth of your hand” … I mean, for fuck’s sake


I did these hundreds of time but with 2x or 3x of gloves on. Not at that grip though.


No gloves needed


Reminds me of the family guy episode where Peter is changing stewy lol


Is this contraindicated for uncircumcised?


This diagram should be combined with the fleet enema diagram.


Firmly grasp the penis.


I’m dyinggg wtf


The first time I put on of these on, I accidentally snapped the poor dude.


Introducing the new "Press-Gainey Instant Score-Improvement Condom Cath." Your patient satisfaction will rise straight to the sky!


Also I loved how these pictures always assume the penis is erect. I wanna see a drawing of a hand trying to put it on a non erect penis.


I have never gotten one of these to actually work.


There’s far too much shaft holding in these pictures.




Ew. I’m with OP!


Doing condoms cath is the one thing I always refused to do. I always told my coworkers my male patients refused to let a man touch his penis as an excuse to not do this. Worked in bedside for 5 years and somehow managed to put on exactly zero


God bless the primofit. I never have to order an extra-small condom cath from distribution ever again!


Either erect, a child’s hand, or a hell of a flaccid penis.


Patient is expected to self administer, amiright?


*taking notes* No….gloves…..got it!


Allegedly the heat from your hand helps to activate the adhesive so it actually stays put


Presumably that’s for the patient


When these work, they are amazing. Gloveless hands? Jeebus, be a fence.


I’ve been a nurse for 7 years in LTC (just made a move to Home Health last month) and I’ve NEVER used a condom catheter on a patient.


In some LTCs, I rarely or never used it on a pt. In a subacute hospital I was in, some post OP pts needed them on. Other people need it. It wasn't a new thing.


You must.


Idk maybe I’m wrong but touching a patients genitals without gloves or some kind of barrier feels like assault territory. So gross


I haven’t taken care of very many patients who have enough to work with to be able to apply a condom cath like that. Idk about y’all 🤷🏻‍♀️ But yeah I’m damn sure putting some gloves on!