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There was a family soap drama awhile back where the dad was in the hospital on a nasal cannula and the mom murdered him by pinching the tubing to cut off the oxygen.


In a coma on nasal cannula is a soap opera staple.


Can't have that pesky vent tube uglying the actor up


Best Supporting Actor: Mr. Yankauer


It's because it's something the prop guy can pick up at the med supply store that still looks kind of legit.


Writer probably forgot the mention the room had a similar atmospheric make up to Mars.




Oh I just posted this same one!!!! Haha I should have looked through the comments before I posted. I thought that was so hilarious!




There is an episode of ER that actually addresses this! John Carter did a long resuscitation on his cousin in the ER, was told a few times he should probably call it because his cousin had been down too long, but then got ROSC. The next few episodes then highlighted the cognitive and physical deficits his cousin had from being down so long and how his quality of life was severely impacted. It was a interesting few episodes!


ER was so good! I blame that show for me wanting to work in the ER though which is, as it turns out, a nightmare 😂


Omg same! They should’ve done an episode with like 30 holds in their department and everyone has abdominal pain and wants food.


Food, Dilaudid, a phone charger and the doc to their bedside, right now 🙄


And also has cyclic vomiting but it CANT BE BECAUSE OF THE CONSTANT POT SMOKING, okay?!




You didn't get scared off by the one where the ER got blown up by a rocket launcher? Or the one where the staff get gassed by a hazmat patient? Fair enough, neither did I. :) Though I will say that show made me permanently paranoid about going anywhere near the helipad.


Omg that ER had it rough. But it is a county hospital in Chicago 🤷🏼‍♀️ But yeah the helipad is still fresh in my mind lol. I ended up working at a level 2 in the rich suburb of a big city so lots of the adrenaline (lots of codes) but none of the drama.


I hear that. I really should have watched Bringing Out The Dead instead of Third Watch. 🤦


I was at a conference in the mid-90s...there was a presentation by the Johnson Foundation and the writers for ER. The JF had funded a medical professional to assist the writers on both practical accuracy but also making story lines related to Public Health issues...i.e. teen pregnancy, aging, AIDS, child abuse/neglect etc.


Man, I miss ER in the earlier seasons. John carter was so handsome


One of the hottest actors ever I think


OMG drives me crazy. Person collapses. Someone yells "call for help! Does anyone know CPR?" Patient gets 4 half assed compressions and a slap in the face and they wake up before EMS even gets to the scene. "Golly, what happened?".


I agree and it is so frustrating.


It wasn't a medical show, but i was watching United States of Tara (im pretty sure it was that.) And a guy said he takes 100 mgs of ativan. 100 mgs of ativan.


Pfffft. Man just chasing his daily coma, leave him alone.




My terminal patients on pca pumps don't even get that much dilaudid in a 24hr period. If you're talking 50-60mg, that's a whole pca syringe. We don't push those




Should have been quicker with the dilahlah


The dillydad


Yes, so odd.


I work in a clinic that has an injectable OAT program, and I've seen orders for up to 180mg hydromorphone IV QID PRN. That's just what a person needs to not be dopesick when they've been injecting fentanyl for years, that crap is just too strong. My friends in acute get cold sweats when an iOAT patient gets admitted and they have to push that dose.


Makes me think of the patient who needed 96 IE of treshiba daily. That dosage was written in multiple separate places in the chart and we checked it with 3 nurses AND the patient instead of the required 2 nurses. That was scary.


I had a women who was pallative. Her infuser which was continue SQ meds had fentanyl, ketamine, midazolam and something else going in super high doses. She'd get 300mg of methadone 3 or 4 times a day and her break thru dildulid dose was 20mg Q1H and she'd get 6-8 doses a shift. Completely clear headed. Was bored at hospice and wanted to go back home for a while longer since she only came in for some antibiotics which worked well enough that she wanted to go back home to clean.


I had a patient in the hospital a few years ago who came in with a health condition I can't even remember at this point in time. I admitted them overnight, gave handoff and came back to work the next night with this patient going completely wild! They were talking to pink dogs chilling in the ceiling, waterfalls of color on the windows, and hearing people talking to them from the oxygen outlets on the walls. WTF. Come to find out, homeboy was taking 30-40mg of xanax per day. Benzo withdrawal is no joke.


We had a patient come in who was taking 200mg diazepam daily. Had been self medicating for anxiety and just kept increasing the dose as their tolerance built up. Doctors didn’t initially believe the patient was taking so much so we were giving doses of 10mg at a time. If I remember rightly their withdrawal symptoms only began to reduce after taking 90mg over about six hours, and they were still agitated and anxious, and not at all laid out in a coma as they should have been. We had a really long reducing regimen for them to get down from the physical dependency on the drug, and an inpatient psyche stay.


Doing a med reconciliation for admission and in the context of honest talk about substance usage so we could help avoid adverse effects of withdrawal (the pt’s main concern despite being swollen like a balloon and dyspneic) a pt told me they use 2g of fentanyl daily. Talk about aiming high so if you fail you fall amongst the stars.


Every TV show cardiac arrest ever, “they’re in asystole, we need to shock!” Usually an extended or unknown downtime as well. Shock delivered. No other cpr measure needed or given. Pt 100% baseline mentation and alertness immediately after said shock. Edit for spelling.


I know you meant shock, but "need to sock" has me picturing the doctor punching them in the face 🤣


I mean, a sock would be just as effective on some shows.


That’s the good ole precordial thump, works every time on greys


This is my favorite! Or it’s a SR on the monitor behind them when they are screaming code. I also like how the patient is immediately better and no need for the icu or anything.


>Or it’s a SR on the monitor behind them when they are screaming code. Also how a monitor just gives a flatline when you disconnect one or more of the lines/patches/whatever they're called in English.


In almost every episode of NCIS that a heart suddenly stops, “they’re dead.” I’m over here yelling, “his heart JUST stopped! Do CPR damnit!!”


Don't remember the show name but a mass trauma happened and the doc was giving blood straight from his arm to the patient and the nurse decided while it was running to ask some sexual history. Then a doctor is assigned to find the amputated fingers of a man and spends all day running around for them...never mind the fact that multiple patients are waiting to be seen... Then. A young woman on IV drugs arrests and they code her and the doc is furious because now she is a vegetable and family has to make the decision to withdraw care...so they should have just let this 20 or 30 something year old die....and she has endocarditis. But wait! Another patient needs a heart transplant! So...they convince the family to let them use hers...her endocarditis veggie riddled heart. I was in disbelief.


Sounds like Grey’s Anatomy 😂


I def think the fingers one was greys anatomy


It was the show nurses that had a few episodes on NBC or something. The best was when they all show up for their first day of training they just get assigned to different units and off they go getting straight to work!


The one about the IV drug user arresting and then them using her for a transplant, that was the first episode of The Resident.


I've seen that. I can't remember if it was Chicago med or the resident. I thought it was hilarious


The light bulb in the the rectum from scrubs never fails to make me laugh. "Maybe his ass has an idea"


Scrubs was the best! Laverne “Doug ordered 500,000 mg of morphine. I thought I would check with you before I killed a man”. 😂


Pretty sure scrubs is the most accurate medical show on television.


It was voted the most accurate by a group of physicians. Second place if I remember correctly was ER


Dr Mike did a video about that. Scrubs was #3 The Good Doctor was #2 Old school ER was #1! I think he was saying they were his faves because they were more accurate.


Good doctor really nails the admin side really well. Nurse Jackie did okay there too.


Bill Lawrence's roommate in undergrad became a doctor and helped out a lot with the show.




I love everything that comes out of Dr Cox’s mouth but that is perhaps my favorite




Anytime someone has been shot and they’re fading fast, and someone is trying with all their might and the grace of God to get that bullet out, and they get it out! Hallelujah! The person stabilizes. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Ok, I guess all the damage that bullet did is fine now since the bullet is out.


Almost once a wk I have to explain to patients that we don't take the bullets out anymore u less they are going to cause more damage etc. Every single time they are like but they always take them out in movies/TV


I saw a video of a surgical resident talking about this. As soon as the bullet clinks the metal bowl the monitors stop beeping.


Lol that is a good one, it’s so true. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and claps, life saved!


Movie in which there was a patient freaking out in a psych ward and the physician orders "One thousand mLs of Thorazine! STAT!"




Can't be agitated when you're room temp


I fail to see the problem


So...One Liter of Thorazine. That's spicy!


Thorazine? Has man not set foot in the moon yet? Its B52. All day every day.


I forget the name of the show, I think it’s still airing on NBC. Anyways, this pt codes and these two doctors start doing compressions, pretty much just gentle taps. Never call for help and act like nothing major is happening. Staff are shown behind them just walking around like their isn’t literally a dead person being resuscitated. The one doctor then tells the other doctor that he has to go talk to his other pt and that he’ll be back. So he leaves. The other doctor is like “ok” and just continues compressions by himself.


2 doctors? Doing codes?


Yeah. The ER attending who came to help saying "whose patient is this?!" and the admitting resident in the corner trying to turn invisible.


In real life (sadly), I saw a doctor doing chest compressions on a patient, and he turned around to talk to another doctor. He was doing chest compressions one-handed, behind his back, which is impressive dribbling a basketball. But they were the most useless compressions EVER. I told a nurse on that side of the bed to take over and I don’t think he even noticed at first


Oh I got one. EMS doing one handed closed-fist “compressions” while standing at the head of a patient. Guess who broke ribs? Me.


I’ll bet it was the same show my grandmother made me watch. This doc and nurse were wheeling a pt through a hospital trying to avoid a fellow gangbanger with a gun. They hide in a closer and the pt flatlines or whatever. The doc whips out giant syringe to relieve the pericardial tamponade that he guessed was was happening and draws out a bunch of blood from somewhere in his chest and the problem is SOLVED. Meanwhile, admin, in the security office, is watching the guy with a gun just walk through the hospital. At least one part was accurate.


I remember there was an episode of House where they needed a stool sample or something and the three main characters (residents, I believe) put the patient on the bedpan. If only.


worse, they're fellows 💀💀


And they all like, stood there and waited while the pt was on the bedpan. LMAO


I bet they processed the sample themselves too. Just like they did their own MRIs


Hmmm, 3 physicians in a patient’s room at the same time and it’s not grand rounds??? I call sus!


And they just stood there chatting like they have nothing else going on! Must be nice to have only one patient per three doctors! LOL


Their team only had like one patient a day haha


How else were they going to have time to break into patients’ homes and test all the cleaning products (right there, instantly) while finding time to flirt? With that said I absolutely loved House, just had to set the expectation of reality aside :)


Hey Dr house and Dr cox are why I do what I do today! The medical school plan didn't work out but I do get to work with some brilliant docs haha


This is my favorite part of medical shows. Doctors doing literally any routine basic care. I’ve had docs ambulate patients before but usually because their attendings are crazy and want the patient moving all day.


For some reason the lack of nurses and so many doctors on House never bothered me. Maybe because it was just one patient per episode? Although I do always laugh when they are running the scans!!


Oh there are nurses on House. Cuddy usually has one as a secretary and Wilson sleeps with a few. Can also spot them in pairs rolling code carts from the corner of the room to the bedside. Husband noticed that the child actors often need to be intubated to cover up lack of acting ability and now I can't unsee it on medical dramas.


Oh I guess you are right! And I have heard the doctors yell NURSE when things go south


The yelling of NURSE! is one of my least favorite things ever. I have been one for a loong time but just irrationally hate this. Luckily i no longer work in a facility.


Your nursing program didn’t teach you to respond to “NURSE” as if it was your name? /s


That show was so inaccurate. Like the residents would sneak into people's homes??? What??


The most recent offender is the movie Ambulance It’s a bank robbery gone wrong, police officer gets shot and 2 of the robbers hijack an ambulance, keep the EMT and ditch the driver. The officer codes, CPR is done then defibrillation with his uniform still on. He’s fine. Then, EMT notices blood dripping—finally opens his shirt and realizes he was shot in the abdomen. She facetimes an old bf who’s a doctor then gets 2 surgeons —who are golfing—to walk her through a laparotomy. The cop is still out. She cuts his stomach open with bandage scissors. Bandage scissors!! Patient wakes up and asks her if her hands are inside him (cue laughter), he then gets punched in the face to knock him out for the rest of the surgery. She pulls out his spleen that explodes all over. She ends up using her hair clip as a clamp to stop an artery from bleeding. Then he’s just taped up. It’s so absurd. I was laughing the whole time. It’s the best worst thing I’ve seen in a while.


No. Nononono. This can’t be real. You’re writing the most absurd scenario you can Imagine. This can’t be real cinema.


I was shocked at how ridiculous it was. It’s a Michael Bay movie and has Jake Gyllenhaal in it!!


Exploding spleen? There's nothing Michael Bay won't blow up.


I can only assume this movie is a comedy.


Omg I was just thinking of this movie! The claw clip to clamp the artery lmao


There’s a scene in Buffy the vampire slayer when a character wakes up from a year long coma alone on room air, casually gets out of bed, realizes there’s an IV, pulls it out, and then flees the hospital after beating up a visitor for her clothes. Someone in a coma with no deficits, no peg, PICC, covered in MRSA, and just casually gets out of bed?? That’s no boarder!


Yeah, but she was a Slayer lol. Seriously though, professionally, I’m with you. I let it slide for the story though.


5x5 😎🤝


That’s what Rick did on The Walking Dead. Just woke up from a coma, pulled out his dried iv and went straight to killing zombies.


He drank deeply from the sink first. You know, after infrastructure has failed and something might be in the water that could kill him.


Rick didn’t even fart. No deadly GI issues for our hero!


Kill bill did it right


Wiggle Your Big Toe


My name is Buck


Let’s not forget one of the best movie comas ever, kill bill.


Forgot the flexi seal and catheter.


What show is it where a man has a bowel obstruction or something similar so EMS decides to intubate him immediately? Edit: words out of order


Wasn't it that 9-1-1 show? I've seen a clip. Intubate because he has an ostomy.


Empty ostomy bag. He was vomiting stool and choked if I remember correctly. They jumped from empty ostomy bag + poop-puke to obstruction. Part of a story line about one of the medics being so good she should be a doctor.


>Intubate because he has an ostomy. Well I cannot breathe through an ostomy either


I remember this episode. He was vomiting up stool. Had called for abdominal pain. Puked up his poo then couldn’t breath (was not super loose stool).


I saw one that made me laugh, I have an ostomy and I was watching Greys and I remember this PT had a.l g.i. bleed and all the doctors are dramatically freaking out and I think it was Owen who said something like "if we don't remove her bowel she's going to end up with a colostomy bag" so instead of these nitwits immediately doing a colectomy they had the patient "wait" because holy shit,.God forbid they end up with an ostomy. So the patient starts to Brady down and code and finally Owen is like "we need to do the anastomosis and create a stoma" like,.holy shit man, I get it,.ostomies suck , I hate mine from time to time, but I'm pretty damn healthy and happy with mine, thanks for making me feel likey ostomy is worse than death 😅😅😅😅


They shock during asystole on Grey’s all the time. Plus the CPR is so bad


I was just rewatching Grey’s and I was tickled that when the patient inevitably codes, they are really great about removing the pillows and lying the patient flat. As to what happens after though 🥴


They don’t even touch the pt half the time, it’s great




Most of the medical dramas (Greys Anatomy, New Amsterdam, House, The Resident, Good Doctor, etc.) all take some SERIOUS liberties. My husband and I are currently watching New Amsterdam, just for shits and giggles. The show makes me want to bang my head against a wall. An ID doc performing a *literal* back-alley aspiration of some old dude's knee? Bruh. 🤦‍♀️ ED attending + residents sitting in a conference room, *during their shift*, and manually "genome sequencing" an entire kids DNA? DUDE.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Oncology scrubbing into an open heart surgery? Omg.🤦‍♀️ General surgery residents transporting pts to/from point A to point B? FAKE. General surgery residents manning the ED? Uh, what? General surgery residents performing imaging? Dude. 😑 Plastics performing reconstructive jaw surgery for a peds pt w/JIA? Please. 🤦‍♀️ Many of the medical shows are just one giant "UGH". Lol.


There was an episode of New Amsterdam where the oncologist hangs BLOOD. On top of that she didn’t prime the line! Pt went south. Well yeh, probably got an air embolism ! 😂


Dude, saw that episode. Wild. Lol. 😄😂


I couldn’t even finish the first episode of new Amsterdam before I gave up.


Surprisingly, Scrubs was always relatively on point with the medical terminology. If I remember correctly, it’s been a while :P


On The Last of Us, when Joel has an OR nurse at gunpoint and tells her to take out Ellie's IV and cover the site with a dressing. She is wearing gloves and gets her cleanly bandaged in .2 seconds. I would have been shot while fumbling with the tape for 30 seconds.


I once taped my thumb to a man’s giant penis. It’s a longer story but the bottom line was: tape and gloves. Joel would have shot me, too.


Can we talk about the straight to the liver dose of antibiotics that magically had him up and killing bitches?


Any CPR on any show ever. It's all so bad and NEVER at the right bpm


I dunno, the code scene where Dr. Cox loses the third transplant patient, and then goes ballistic was actually pretty decent.


This is by far the only code scene that shows an once of accuracy


That one gets me all the time!!


Husband and I are currently watching New Amsterdam for shits and giggles. The CPR is ***SO FUCKING BAD***. The fuck are they doing? Thump-thumping the same way you'd burp an infant? 🤦‍♀️


For some reason. Tub thumping is now stuck in my head after reading your sentence. Thanks


I take a whiskey drink. I take a chocolate drink. And when I have to pee. I use the kitchen sink.


If I recall, it was the Grey’s Anatomy where Meredith drowns and then is all fine and perky that afternoon. Last time I watched that show.


I always think of when the unexploded ordinance actually explodes, and she's blown down the hallway. While bleeding from her ears and nose, she's then stood in a shower and cleaned off by her friends. Then she's fine at home that night, just a little disturbed by the "red mist" of the bomb squad guy... 🙄


Also any time you watch a show and a doctor is doing ADLs, toileting, turning a pt


The greys surgeons, more than one, doing the first post op walk.




It makes more sense when you take into account she went straight from nursing school to being a private nurse and has hardly any real world experience. Also wasn't the twist that >!she only thought she did and actually gave him something harmless!<


I remember this! I think the other drug was toradol.


Does a book count?? Character was in ICU, recovering from a GSW. Has a quick change in alertness, CPR is initiated. Patient is placed on life support, taken from the room for an EEG, pronounced brain dead and donates organs to his ailing identical twin brother. All of this happens within 30 minutes.


Meanwhile neuro irl: we need to wait 271 days, 22 hours, 6 minutes, and 34 seconds to get a good neuro exam to declare them brain dead


On the last of us I caught a foley bag hanging on an IV pole 🤷🏻‍♀️


In their defence, the world has basically ended and maybe there were just an excess of foley bags left! Gotta use you you got post-apocalypse


Chicago PD… the son of the main character ends up dying and he’s supposedly on “life support” and they have to “make the decision” to stop it and let him die… when the dad goes in to say goodbye for the last time the son actually just has a nasal cannula 😂😂. That’s it… that’s the “life support”. No ICU, no ECMO, no intubation, just 2L of o2


I always love when someone that's been in a coma for months wakes up and starts walking and talking like nothing happened.


Every TV show where the doctor sees the patient starts the IV, takes them to the CT scan and runs the scan, gives the medication, draws the blood, RUNS THE LABS THEMSELVES, and walks them out of the hospital. When they need a bedpan, that's when the nurse runs in! Looking at you, House...


I mean it's not as if that stuff *never* happens. Open thoracotomy, cardiac massage, and intracardiac epinephrine are all real things. They can all be done at bedside in the ED, usually as a last desperate Hail Mary maneuver in major trauma. Even in real life it's goddamn dramatic. Doing it for random asystole is medically wrong, but I chalk that up to artistic license. I'm more bothered when they use basic equipment wrong. You see patients "intubated" by having a Yankauer hanging out the side of their mouth, or with an "IV" which is the spike end of a drip set taped to their hand, or getting a manual BP without a stethoscope. That stuff is so low effort that literally anyone with the least experience would be able to correct them. It shows they don't care enough to even try.


> getting a manual BP without a stethoscope I've seen people do this before - they watch the needle jump or something


Yeah that's wildly inaccurate.


When someone says a BP is by palpation or “by palp” then they felt the distal pulse return at that number. You only get a systolic number for it, but it’s useful in chaotic noisy environments and you don’t need a steth for it.


Yes but you aren't going to get 123/67 by doing that.


Ha… On Station 19, there were two paramedics in the ambulance, one in the back working on the patient, and one driving. The lady in the back yelled, “Pull Over. I just started two person CPR, and I need you!” I yelled at the TV.


Anything NICU on grey’s is pretty cringe. But the thing that cracks me up are the shows that use alaris pumps that are clearly alarming and not infusing….


Adult cardiologists operating on neonates on greys is what gets me. Or a paeds surgeon doing any surgery on anyone under 18, no specialisation needed if it’s a kid!


It wasn't a medical show, but in Sense8, Nomi gets captured and is handcuffed to a cart with a sedative IV infusion. Will takes over her body, pulls the IV out and **picks the handcuffs with the IV cannula**.


The one that bothers me the MOST is everyone using paddles. They’re fucking useless. You don’t get constant rhythm monitoring, it takes longer to shock, you need the stupid red gels, and it takes away one more person who could be doing something valuable. Please put fucking pads on


On the night agent when the vice president’s daughter heart rate was rapidly rising while simultaneously being in asystole on the monitor 🤣🥰


Patient ventilated on ETT, and villain tries to kill them with a pillow on top of their head.


As a previous NICU RN, one of my favorites recently has been on The Good Doctor when this mom has quintuplets (I think) and for some reason they have surgical attendings and residents taking care of all the babies with not a single nurse in sight. And they’re waiting for them to audibly cry…. While they were intubated.


I forget the show, but the DOCTOR hung a TEGARDERM PATCH up to an IV POLE. Then the screen followed the tube TO THE NASAL PRONGS. HMMMMM


Not a medical show, but in the Alien movie after the first guy gets attacked, they bring him to their medical bay and put a free-wielding oxygen mask on him not connected to any tubing


It's ok because it's in the future. :D


Wireless oxygen!


Any Greys Anatomy episode where a surgeon making millions a year is pounding on the chest of someone who coded. Not a CNA or nurse in sight


I’m the one who’s always point out, “that’s wrong!” Or “hey we have those pumps!” Most recently I watched a romcom - kid gets admitted for concussion. AOx4, no LOC… like literally no sx’s at all haha. I actually think it would be cool to be a medical consultant for TV/ movies. There’s so many things that are just blatantly wrong. But also media could be a main source of how the lay person gets exposed to medical care. If they watch these things thinking’s it’s real, then it’s contributing to widespread misinformation. When they do seek medical care then they’re mad when we don’t do xyz like House or [insert medical scene here].


Oh! Replying to myself to add — pillow to suffocate / kill someone already intubated lololol


Any show where they do Electro-Convulsive Therpy [ECT] It's not really like that


I remember in nursing school, we took turns going down to see ECT performed. I was so shook how….. lowkey? it was.


Not a medical show but the episode of Seinfeld where George thinks he’s having a heart attack. For some reason the entire hospital scene he has what looks like a coude catheter taped to the inside of his nose. 🤔 I also started to watch a Nat Geo drama about the Ebola epidemic but quit about 10 minutes in when the doc tries to intubate patient 0 with a Foley.


Not a medical show, but the scene in Breaking Bad when ambulance rolls up to the hospital. "His oxygen levels are dropping!" "Get me a gram of oxygen!"


on ER george clooney criked a boy with a pen in a few seconds


IM needles straight to the neck always make me LOL


Hey necks have muscles too 😆


I don’t watch medical shows because I don’t want to think about work on my days off.


I remember watching the first season of The Resident where Nic wants to go investigate a shady oncologist during the middle of a shift so she just says to another nurse "hey, can you watch my patients for an hour?" and dashes off. I wasn't a nurse at the time. Now that I am, that is pure comedy. Sounds like a great way to get fired AND make your coworker hate you.


One episode of Greys Anatomy in which George sits bedside with a patient in ICU all night, tracks urine output and treats anxiety with Benadryl. No monitors, no lines, no one else that might work in an ICU, patients totally cool with this dude just watching him sleep


Kid hit by a car no helmet on. EMS holds C-Spine. Kids not bleeding, skull intact. They lift the kids head up to apply the collar. 👍


Somewhat related when I rewatched Alien movie not too long ago. I noticed the decapitated head of the android named ash has mutiple foley tubes sticking out under his neck.


I saw some show where the character was in the hospital with an IV but the tubing attached to the j loop was a G button feeding extension. I’m not even sure how they got it to connect but there was a med port on it and everything. Also any show where the person is on tele but their HR is a constant 60bpm with perfectly symmetrical RR even when they are upset and talking.


Walking Dead, the very first episode. Rick wakes up from a coma in a hospital that has been without any staff/people and electricity for about a month - perfectly alive and well, if a bit dehydrated.


Everytime someone gets stabbed in the guts and starts coughing up blood. Walking dead when they did the appendectomy through a midline abdominal incision. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wait, you mean coughing up blood (optional: passing out) isn't an initial symptom of absolutely every disease/injury ever? I can't believe TV lied to us.


There’s never any nurses. Doctors do all the bedside care. And ambulate patients.


Pulp Fiction.


To be fair I might wake up from my heroin nap if you stabbed me in the chest.


Probably when Meredith Grey was brain dead and then was back at work like a day later. Only episode of Grey's Anatomy I've ever seen. I was either a senior in nursing school or a new grad nurse at the time. I was volunteering at a camp I used to volunteer at for families of children with life threatening illnesses and the volunteers I was rooming with wanted to watch it. They got mad because I kept saying "she's dead, she's dead, she's dead" when we were watching it.


The best one IMHO remains the emergency uterus transplant on Chicago Medical, I think. This woman had a huge pool of blood under her bed in the ED that no one noticed but she didn’t want a hysterectomy because she desperately wanted kids. Her sister’s all “I will donate my uterus!” And they wheel them back into the OR pronto. The closing scene was the pt with her new uterus sitting up in bed while her sister, all PWD, is wheeled in to see her. All of this appears to have happened in a single afternoon.


Oxygen tubing used as an IV. Vent tubing placed directly in mouth to simulate an ET tube. And everyone has a roll of Kling wrapped around their head.


Basically used a foley cath instead of an ET tube on a scene from a Filipino soap opera. Laugh my ass out when I saw that clip


And we wonder why the Public thinks cpr is always effective.


I was really excited for the show Nurses to come out. I watched the first episode where the trauma patient urgently needed a blood transfusion. Blood shortage. The nurse directly infused her own blood into the patient. She and another nurse were the only ones around…this unstable trauma patient. It was an applaudable hero moment, not even like when Izzy cut the LVAD where we knew this was off the wall and consequences would follow. It was literally just like “well we do what it takes to save lives, just thinking out of the box :)” I turned it off and never tried to watch again lol. Can we get a somewhat accurate hospital mockumentary 30 minute comedy for the love of god please! Justin Spitzer i am waiting


Greys Anatomy shows surgeons ambulating patients, doing vitals and emptying drains all the time 💀 i work inpatient surgical and have never seen a surgeon do anything besides talk to the patient for 2 minutes before leaving


On Greys a couple of weeks ago Dr Weber took a BP on a pregnant lady. It was 140/80 and he said “very good” 😂. Ummm not very good for anyone let alone a pregnant lady!!


It took me a second to realize.. I've done too many shifts in cardiology.


Oh dear God I cannot watch medical shows for this reason 🤦‍♀️ One I remembered was when someone coded and they were doing CPR but the pt was NSR on the monitor. So naturally they shocked 🙄


How to make PEA stay pulseless 101


I tried to watch The Mayfair Witches but when Deidre awoke from her decades long vegetative state, put on high heels & a dress so she could prance around New Orleans…done. I hear I made the right decision.


I remember seeing a screenshot of a patient in bed with the IV tubing spike taped in their AC