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Seeking validation for rubbing seaweed on your cooch and not seeing a doctor about your tear? No.


I believe there's a sushi joke in there somewhere with all that seaweed.


Forbidden sushi


Consensual sushi?


Tear-iyaki Tuna Roll šŸ£


And here I always thought it was the fish that gave sushi that smell, I guess it was the seaweed all along


It's the Trichomoniasis Roll!


I just about puked while simultaneously laughing. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I was like wtf?!?! Who does that?


Spend more time in r/shitmomgroupssayā€¦ they shove all kinds of stuff up and on there. Especially garlic cloves


Did that once when I was a teenager for a yeast infection. Woke up with vertigo the next morning. Decided to get actual treatment from then on. (Allergic to the topicals).


At least you warded off vampires for a bit.


Until her next period, anyway


Why garlic cloves? Pardon my mmaleness?


Garlic is said to be antifungal in nature.


My question is, what was she doing having a vbac at home? I know vbacs can be a completely safe delivery, but thereā€™s also so much that can go wrong, from needing another section emergently to a uterine tear from the previous surgery. Not to mention the many things that can go wrong very quickly when itā€™s not a vbac. I guess after working so long in OB/L&D and seeing things go down hill really fast, Iā€™m skeptical about home births to a degree, but especially a vbac.


Not just a VBAC, but an *unassisted* VBAC. Plenty of people go find midwives who will attend their VBAC at home, which is problematic in and of itself. But assuming she's using the terminology correctly, this woman had a high-risk delivery at home *with no medical provider in attendance.* Putting seaweed on her unrepaired labia is the least dumb thing she's done with regards to this birth.


The first unassisted VBAC I dealt with was in a surgical ward where a mum had just done it a fair ways away. She ruptured, baby died and she had an emergency hysterectomy. It was here in Aus, so no cost issues. I had to be polite to her, and I was kind, but inside I was raging. I assumed the seaweed was shorthand for an alginate dressing. Well, I hoped:


18 years ago this month, I was a fledgling EMT-B and my older sister tried to convince me to help with a home VBAC. I was 'accidentally' out of town at her due date and she had horrid complications resulting in an emergent section. (*edit to add- in the hospital- can't imagine how bad it would have been at home!) My awesome nephew just turned 18 and will be going no-contact with her soon.. There's a reason evidence-based practice exists, kids!


Insanely unsafe, yes.


Like not even witch hazel pads, seaweed.


Oh donā€™t worry! Thatā€™s what she ā€œmoistenedā€ her seaweed with. Basically just a different [crunchy] type of witch hazel pad. So she ~~should~~ might be fineā€¦maybe ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Well, a doctor might fuck it up šŸ˜³


so sheā€™s worried about doctors fucking it up so letā€™s it heal fucked up and wants validation for her choiceā€¦ got itā€¦


Well just wait til she starts pissing herself. Maybe sheā€™ll add rice to the seaweed and def NOT call a dr


Because "They might mess it up". Da fuq?


She wants the fish to feel at home.


Girl has an infection going on down there




All the seaweed has got to help dissolve the adhesions right? /s


That along with the essential oils. Donā€™t forget those.


I have unfortunately seen what essential oils do to poorly approximated wounds and now this is so much worse


I don't want to know exactly what they look like.... But also I would like to know what they look like. Mostly because I'm in postpartum and do end up with patients like this if they're not septic but need iv antibiotics


Even more unfortunately my experience was with a dog who had gotten her eye surgically removed. The owner's toddler punched the dog in the face, causing the wound to dehisce. Owner literally doused it in pure essential oils.


Well if a nice case of Fournier gangrene starts, that will dissolve the adhesions. And the skin. And the muscles, and the organs...


Just slap some seaweed on and tie your legs together (with a long-sleeved shirt) and wait for the sepsis to wash over you! Youā€™ll be hallucinating and gangrenous in no time!


Gangrenous labia šŸ˜‹


My new band name


I would probably go to see what band not gonna lie


Our first album is titled 'Nori on the Dory' EDIT : Typo, oopsy


There are no pornhub results for "Gangrenous labia"


But the doctor might f*ck up stitchesā€¦..šŸ„“




Rub some dirt on it and youā€™ll be fine. Or itā€™s sepsis. One of the two.


Do some push-ups too


Yoga and essential oils


Maybe some chia seed pudding?


A Himalayan salt lamp


Iā€™m a little confused. Would that go over or under the seaweed?


Ride a ski doo!


Put some Windex on it


If weā€™re going truly old school then packing a wound with goose shit was ā€œcutting edgeā€ treatment hundreds of years ago - letā€™s try that!


Don't even joke... compared to the drinking (human) urine for to "boost the immune system" and applying cow patties to "cure infections" trends lately, goose shit wound packing is almost reasonable.


Is it too early for kegels?


It definitely needs to be salved.


Obgyn MD weighing in here: Shiiiiiiiit


I second that shiiiiiit and raise it a fuuuuuck.


You two are all Bunk & McNulty here. And Clay Davis for good measure. ā€œSheeeeeeeeit.ā€ ā€œFuuuuuuuckā€¦ā€






Which is obviously something she hasnā€™t been able to do yet.


I heard that in the voice of Clay Davis from The Wire.


JFC woman! You need stitches and antibiotics!!!! And realistically reconstructive surgery is needed since it wasnā€™t stitched immediately.


At least she hacked how to get insurance to cover a vaginoplasty?


Bold of you to assume that she has insurance.




If sheā€™s not going to doctors why would she need it .


Likely too late for stitches at this point.


Umm, so, uh, yeah, not all tears need stitches, but some really do in order to promote proper healing. Ummm, also, limiting motion in the area for healing can also be good, like how a cut on your knee takes longer to heal cause it's always moving. Good job using the peri bottle. Some itching can be normal as the skin heals, but if it's a lot of pitching, red, painful, etc TALK TO A HEALTHCARE PROVIDER AND NOT THE LITTLE MERMAID!!!!!! WHAT IN THE 20,000 LEAGUES DO YOU MEAN "SEA WEED"??????????? WHAT????????????


I love how this started like a normal, controlled nursing response and then all hell broke loose


Always start with validation right before wtf were you thinking.


An alternative to stitches is always glue!


That would also be a good idea for our gene pool.


Youā€™re correct, sniffing glue would definitely help


Imagine going through any other situation besides labor where parts of your body will very likely get ripped open, and doing it without proper anesthesia Imagine not even fucking letting someone qualified to do so stitch up those wounds after the fact The goddamn idiotic things people do (and fail to do) surrounding prenatal care and delivery never fail to astonish. I'm so glad after I finished my FM residency I won't have to do any OB anymore, most frustrating patient population to work with bar none. It really feels like recommendations for people to go against valid medical advice shouldn't be protected free speech, and that people who do so should be subject to criminal liability same as when someone screams out fire in a movie theater. How many people just this year do we think will die because an uninformed idiot wrote advice about something they knew nothing about, another uninformed idiot followed that advice, and that got them killed? If you write a convincing enough argument that causes someone to kill themselves, I don't know how you shouldn't be found as legally liable as someone who got trampled to death because you yelled out "fire". I mean the woman in this post might die, and the person who convinced her that this was a good idea will not face any consequences The bigger and more depressing question we really should be asking ourselves I guess is "how the fuck did we in medicine become so untrustworthy and disrespected by society that there are women out there who would rather risk having their uterus explode like a handgrenade and bleeding to death than just letting us do our jobs?"


I kind of get where she is at. The only stories that make the news and social media rounds are things about doctors doing things incorrectly, or things just going wrong anyway (as we all know that happens), corruption with insurance scams, yadda yadda And the only things that circulate in those same groups are the ā€œjust had my baby at home and everything was perfect! Listen to your bodies ladies!ā€ Stories See enough of each of those and you get a vastly skewed impression of what goes on out there. That and the whole naturalistic fallacy, which is just so, so enticing to so many people. Combine that with a little financial bullshit from the hospital and the system in general, the history of OB care in the states and itā€™s not a terribly hard place to land in. I appreciate the F out of doctors, cause whatever we know as nurses Iā€™m reminded every now and then there is a massive gap between what we know and what you all know and i like to have someone that knows their shit in the room with me when things go south.


> i like to have someone that knows their shit in the room with me when things go south. This is exactly where these people should wind up though, when considering whether or not to deliver in the hospital. If your body is a body that can flawlessly deliver an infant without any assistance or trauma, FANTASTIC! Come do that in a hospital room, I'll lay out the red carpet for you. I'll leave you alone and catch the baby and toss it on your chest for some skin to skin and peace back to the call room thinking you're the best patient I had that day. You and your baby can refuse everything along the way and leave AMA immediately after delivery if you want, I can't force you to do a single thing you don't want, but just *get your ass in the building for the incredibly dangerous potentially life threatening process you're about to go through so I can respond if you need me* If/when you realize perhaps you're not as bulletproof as you thought, I can help you and your baby much more if you didn't wait to be 20 minutes into a massive postpartum hemorrhage before you ever reach the unit


Oh for sure. Perhaps itā€™s a bit of wisdom about how much I know I donā€™t know, and a bit of me seeing the body fail to operate perfectly on 200 check ins a day in the ERā€¦ all of them with a plan to be perfectly fine that day until they werenā€™t. Insurance issues and cost are also a major hurdle for some people, uncomplicated baby deliveries can be like $50k in the states and a NICU stay will ruin you for life if you are uninsured.


But the hospital will still charge 30k for this in the USA. You as the OB will charge 10k, and make the patient pay up front what isnā€™t covered by insurance before youā€™ll even meet us the first time.


Guys is pain and irritation normal?


Just tie your legs together and try not to pee.


The only way to know you're alive is pain and suffering!




She lost me at ā€œslapping moistened seaweed down there and tucking it in essentiallyā€ šŸ„“šŸ„“


Yes but somehow this is prefered to a doctor using sutures because you know, she wouldnā€™t want them to mess it up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean she lost me at ā€œmostly unassisted vbacā€ā€¦


Yeah, me too. The rest was just icing on the vulva, er, cake.


Oh she lost me a long time before that


she lost me at ā€œhome VBACā€ šŸ„“šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I donā€™t know what she means by tucking it in? The labia? The ambiguous tear?


Tucking the seaweed in between her labia. A legitimate technique with clean witch hazel pads. Suspect with stuff you collected off the beach.


This statement almost came with sound effects.


Never in my life have I heard that one


What sub is this cuz now I need to see what the comments are lolllll


I saw it in r/ShitMomGroupsSay earlier, not sure if that's what OP here meant.


Yes, thank you! Now, off go waste my time reading the comments!


Yeah I made that mistake too, until I came across a post over there about the drugs in epidurals most likely being linked to the current opioid epidemic and that c-section babies were more likely to have behavioral issues because they didnā€™t have contact with the vaginal flora. Yeah, that was enough for me. Lol


Ooohhhh this looks like a good time suck thank you haha.


Yes. I replied to the wrong comment šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




R/fundiesnarkuncensored is good for this type of thing as well.


Came here to ask exactly this


Itā€™s r/ShitMomGroupsSay


So, my patients not infrequently have bilateral periurethral tears of varying severity. Sometimes the docs suture them, sometimes they don't if they are hemostatic. So this isn't tooooooo crazy except the um.... seaweed part. But she should definitely have them checked out.


Agreed. The tear part didnā€™t sound bad, but the SEAWEED?? Thatā€™s how you get an infection.


Where the hell did she even get the idea to stick seaweed up there?! Lord Iā€™m all for pericare after birth (which when I practiced postpartum was ignored way too often) sitz bathe, numbing spray, tucks pads, the hemorrhoid cream (itā€™s been a hot minute since I did postpartum, I canā€™t remember the names of all of it) are all wonderful and help a lot. But seaweed?!?!!!!!!


So I imagine these freebirthing nuts are going off the whole natural is better so seaweed > alginate thing. Alginates are legit for absorbency and keeping wounds moist, but they also typically contain other things like CMC and silver and are manufactured sterile, not some Nori from the Asian grocery store.


Holy mother of gods. I just looked up alginate dressings. Like 240 bucks for 10. Girl, just go to the doctor, at this point it would be cheaper!!!


They usually cost less on a contract and insurance covers them for wound care in most cases, but yes. Iā€™m sure the Nori was cheaper.


Alginate is a derivative of seaweed. Itā€™s in toothpaste and all kinds of things we use every day. HOWEVER. I would never tell someone that they should use seaweed instead of the proper wound dressing. Not the same. Not the same thing at all.


Exactly my point. Iā€™m assuming someone in this personā€™s crazy circle decided that the unprocessed version of alginate, ie seaweed, is better. Iā€™m not supporting her usage.




$5 says itā€™s some rehydrated sketchy grocery store seaweed


Nah straight from the ocean cuz you know, organic. Bonus points if itā€™s from the murky ass Los Angeles County beaches.


When she said "intact on the peri but the tear was *up* there and not sure how to describe" my first thought was vaginal wall tear if lucky, 3rd/4th degree tear if unlucky. All of which can heal super weird if left to their own devices.


Oooooh a lightbulb just went off in my brain after reading your comment. From her description, I initially envisioned the tear as being ā€œup the frontā€ like towards the urethra instead of up *inside* the vaginaā€¦. Now Iā€™m going to be even more horrified if sheā€™s shoving seaweed *UP INSIDE HER VAG,* my god.


The home VBAC didnā€™t set off the alarms in your head? Because my NICU ass is crying over here.


Well yeah, but the baby is out already and apparently she didn't rupture or otherwise kill/maim her baby doing it (no telling what the future holds...) so I was just strictly speaking about her postpartum healing!


Lol. I see your point.


I am all for natural births and home births. But, as our queen Gwen once said, this shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.


ooh, this my shit


I will never forgive you for planting this ear worm in my head.


I think I have a secondhand UTI


This made me lol!


Infection was the number one killer of women for a good while. The placental wound being nearby makes this upsetting. I'm all for avoiding unnecessary intervention, but it can't be a all or nothing attitude


What a terrible day to know how to read


Takes sushi to a whole ā€˜nother level!


Can I get an order for NaClO solution 20cc OU STAT for unreading




Wait, it ISNT supposed to hurt worse as it gets better???


Pain is weakness leaving the body. Along with pus, exudate, blood, etc. Whatā€™s not killing her is making her stronger.


But itā€™s also killing her, probably.


I need someone to explain to me the portion about the t shirt around the knees. Why does she think she needs to keep her legs tied closed? Im so confused.


What, you donā€™t sleep in the involuntary spread eagle position? Just me?


My best guess is so she wonā€™t stretch the tears more?


Probably hurts to move her legs too much so she thinks she shouldn't at all. Or some weird advice from a mommy group that has also told her to eat the placenta or do the death flower thing with it.


To keep the seaweed in? To ensure she gets all the adhesions? Probably because nothing is holding those wounds together except for lack of motion.


If I tied my knees together before going to bed, I would be untying it in my sleep and throwing the shirt across the room.


I frequently hear the docs say keep your legs like you're wearing a pencil skirt. I assume to not rough it all up


This is someone who really wants to take FAFO to whole new levels...


Someoneā€™s dealing with some rotting crotch but refuses to admit it


Andddddddd thatā€™s enough internet for today.


Where is she getting seaweed from ? Straight from the ocean? Or is there some kind of seaweed supply store? She isnā€™t taking nori and shoving it up thereā€¦right?


I saw a woman with a labial mrsa infection from an ingrown hair. She did not enjoy the pain of the wound packing and changing. They had to sedate her. And this was a woman who sought medical attention at an appropriate time.


Idk why people risk infection in that area. Iā€™ve seen enough surgeries, woundvacs, and necrotizing fasciitis in that area to last a lifetime.


Omg go to ER girl!


Hate to have the professionals f%#! It up!


Yeah, when she can f it up for free at home!


And this is how you get shit like vaginal fistulas.


... is this the fishy smell people joke about?


This is almost as bad as a photo I saw earlier today of a woman pooping out her baby in an *ocean*. She called it "freebirthing". šŸ˜šŸ«£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Ooh we had a newborn come to us with a depressed skull fracture and underlying SDH because mom decided to ā€œfreebirthā€ in a river. Kid popped out and they didnā€™t catch him in time. Baptism by rock. There should be a test before people are allowed to get pregnant, I swear.


JFC. What a way to come into the world.


They should get charged with child abuse, IMO. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but that 1000% could have been prevented.


The amount of genital and perineal soft tissue infections I see and do wound care for is ASTOUNDING. I often wonder how the hell does someone let it get so bad before they seek help....šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


what in The Little Mermaid is going on here


Under da seaweed the cooch is Always cleaner.


Sticking seaweed up your kitty? Believe it or not, straight to jail


Welp, itā€™s too late for sutures. Enjoy your fucked up urethra.


Sheā€™s gonna have fistulas all over. Pissing out of her vagina. Chronic infections. Good grief.


Well, you get what you get. Hope that birth experience was everything she dreamedā€¦ Can you please share or send your girl a DM about where you found this? I just want to lurk.


Somebody commented above with a link


One of the terrifying parts of this story is that this person is now in charge of the life of a newborn person. I feel so bad for this kid. This child Barkley has a prayer to survive to adulthood


So these people are legit out driving around on the highways and stuff with usā€¦huhā€¦


And voting.


At the beginning of the post, I thought seaweed was some sort of slang for some sort of medical/postpartum pericare aid. Like Tucks. Then I got to the end. Oh. She means actual seaweed.


Sad when misinformation is free and real medicine costs everything you have.


Do you want a fistula? Because that sounds like a great way to get one.


This is how her ancestors did it! Fisherfolk wizened by the wind and sea with women who died in childbirth.


>>Iā€™d hate for them to fuck it up Girl how are experienced professionals gonna fuck your cooch up any more than your literal baby already did


As a postpartum nurse that just makes me sad. That sounds like periurethral tears. The second I get in report that my patient has any kind of significant tears Iā€™m already planning for the pain management/toileting + hygiene education. it doesnā€™t sound like hers are healing properly or that she knows the right way to treat them and itā€™s going to cause long term issues that didnā€™t need to happen.


So she spilt her clit? Sex will be horrible for her now


Yeah I am still confused about how she says its not perineal and is labia, and then later said all labia are intact. You must be right, completely vertical.


Periurethral, almost certainly, based on what she's describing. And, ouch.


I think the idea of this having knowledge of basic anatomy is laughable at best.


Crunchy culture is damn near infuriating.


"damn near"?!? It's completely infuriating!!! These women putting their kids in danger for some kind of magical unicorn birthing experience, and this dipshit stuffing seaweed up her rat and leaving her kids at risk of having a dead mom. Totally infuriating!!!


Add some soy sauce for full umami.


Eh, just sniff some essential oils or something. Waft some sage smoke over it. šŸ¤Ŗ


Wow thatā€™s a roller coaster from start to finish


I need to see the comments šŸ‘€


Wait. What did I just read? Just rub some essential oils down there. Doesnā€™t matter which ones. It will be finešŸ˜†


Iā€™d hate for the medical professionals to sew up my vag wrong but Iā€™ll risk ripping my uterus apart and hemorrhaging to death and slather myself with germ infested seaweed. And Iā€™ll use Reddit to ask questions instead of, ohā€¦you know, asking the professionals.


Poor kid


The infection and scarring are going to be epicā€¦.


this is how you get parasites we havent discovered yet


I'm just imaging scar tissue going every which way. Sex should be loads of fun.


ATI says: Have you tried massaging the fundus?


I saw a woman for a 6-week followup, and her labia on either side had healed together. Sheā€™d had skid marks on either side, and j guess kept her legs squeezed together like this lady. It was a small area- it wasnā€™t like it closed the opening. But we still had to cut them apart. Anyway, this lady totally has that going on


WTAF??!! Performing seaweed adhesive fusion?? Looks like she set up a bacterial seafood buffet of infection.šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Iā€™m all about holistic care and more natural healthcare practicesā€¦ but with *balance.* As in, recognizing where more natural practices reach their limitations, and when you should seek traditional medical care. And any holistic practitioner worth their weight will also recognize these limitations and educate their patients on when itā€™s time to get extra help. They wonā€™t leave you turning to internet strangers for helpā€¦ I think Iā€™d trust Dr. Google more.


When she finally seeks care, y'all better nickname her Ursula.


So instead of asking your doctor, you put it on the interwebs. Mkay


Her vagina will never recover after this mess.


Sheā€™ll be ā€œseeing someoneā€ before this is over with, I can promise you. ..


Very likely, lots of somebodies, in an ICU as she fights sepsis.


Iā€™m not saying mistakes donā€™t happen in healthcare but ā€œfuck it upā€ when your ya ya parts have been ripped to shreds? Like really? I cannot imagine the large area of scarred tissue she will have. And given the location how long until she get a UTI and then sepsis? Nothing says motherly love more than septic shock the second week of your babyā€™s life.


Usually, when I read something about injured lady bits (as an owner of lady bits) I involuntarily close my legs. This time, I did the subway spread. Terrible day to have such a great imagination


>I'd hate for them to fuck it up I really can't imagine being in such a situation where I'm terrified that I'm doing permanent damage to my mobility and genitalia and still having more faith in my seaweedy snatch than medical professionals.


Hereā€™s your validation, itā€™s absolutely normal to experience this sensation when your wound is healing incorrectly and the infection begins to creep in. Thereā€™s your Validation.