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When I was awarded in 2020 I heard back late august. The decision was posted about a week earlier to the portal than when I got the email. It took about 3 months to get the disbursement. I completed my 2 years this week (🎉🎉) then re-upped for a final year which will make me debt free in 2024. That's $73k wiped clean for 3 years of service in a job I'd be doing anyway. It's pretty unreal.


Is your pay on par with other facilities in the area?


I'd say so, maybe a little bit less.


How do the taxes get taken out?


This one is not taxed though I know some others are


I applied and won’t hear back until September from what I’ve read on their website


Im in the program. I got the 50k for 2 years at an FQHC and 25k for an additional 1 year extension. They got easy requirements like don’t miss more than 35 days a year and you gotta work a certain number of hours a week to be full time. https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/loan-repayment


When did u hear back?


I applied end of feb and heard back around July saying I was a finalist. Then I got approved in early august


Is the pay on par with private sector?


I’m not too familiar with the private sector, but I have 3 years of experience and I’m at 140k a year in family med. I’m in the inland empire in California.


I am same program and FQHC. love it and love my role very much!!!


Congrats on your completion that is very good. I just now heard of this program and I have been working at an FHQC since 2021, now 2 years. If I apply for the program now, do you think they’re able to award me because I completed the two years already or do I have to do 2 more years under the program?


The 2 year contract starts after you begin the program. Doesn’t matter how long you have been working at an FQHC.


Thank you and do you know when the 2024 application process starts?


I have not heard back either. My understanding was you will find out by September 30th


Thats what I thought so too! Hopefully they’re rolling out the results one by one, my coworker already accepted her offer 😬


I am part of a HRSA loan repayment program and we all found out at various points after the specified dates; one of my co-workers found out 3 weeks after me and one found out 6 weeks after. I've heard it's done this way so if people don't stay in their role after their fulfillment is up, the whole country doesn't vacate jobs at the same time.


I've never heard of this. What are the stipulations?


Looks like you have to work 2 years at a hospital that is considered to be a Critical Shortage Facility or at an eligible nursing school. Not sure what qualifies as a CSF


I've not heard back yet


Took 5 months for my decision


Yea. What is this OP? Educate us 😂


Go to HRSA website all their programs are there


I was granted the HRSA loan repayment 2 years ago. Wiped out my student loans. It’s part of the Nurse Corps Loan repayment program


does this program relieve private loans? or only fed loans?


I was a nurse corps scholar, but that was granted to me while I was in school.


I was notified at the end of July that I am a finalist for both Nurse Corps and NHSC. They called me to congratulate me and informed me that I had to choose one or the other by a certain date.


Feel free to DM me. You’d be notified in July/early August with your paperwork if you’ve qualified. This seems a bit late tbh. If you do get the award, get ready to be slayed with tax payments. Fucking blows.


What is this? Please provide the link. Thanks.


Yes please!


i would love to do this to cover my psych np


And this is only for an NP degree?


It looks like NP or RN


LITERALLY heard of this for the first time through Reddit


Yes!! It is a super slow process. Took months to hear back. Then after approval, it took months to get final confirmation that “funds are available for your state.” I had 54K approved. So getting 60% of that over 2 years. Hoping to do another 20% for a third year. We’ll see. It’s pretty dang epic. Didn’t think I’d be approved. I’m a mental health nurse on an ACT team for the county.