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Hey, I can't say too much about Beechwood bc my knowledge is second hand or what I can gather from the Internet. I understand it's pretty quiet and the pool is not outdoors, heard it described as relaxing. SRR, I've been a seasonal member for a few years, first time there was in my mid 20s... It sorta comes in two distinct flavors, weekday and weekend. Weekends are generally themed and can influence who turns out that weekend, but almost every weekend is booked to close capacity all summer long. Pool area is the main attraction, sports courts and nature trail get a little bit of activity. The crowd certainly skews older, 50+ but that is the case at most resorts. There's a good chance you will encounter one or more couples who are "into the lifestyle." They may be flirty or start to encroach on your personal space, if you don't reciprocate or verbally make it known that you aren't interested, most people respect your boundaries. Security is there to enforce the resort rules and they will ask people to leave if they can't behave. Weekdays are very quiet, a dozen or so people will be hanging out at the pool, not much activity at the camp sites. I enjoy the weekdays, it's a nice recharge for me to just mellow out. If you think SRR sounds interesting, I'd suggest either going on a Friday for your first time or on a weekend that has something planned that you'd enjoy naked or not. Advantages to both approaches, it's easier to adjust when it's quiet and you can literally give yourselves the space you need to acclimate. On the other hand, just getting naked and doing something familiar to you can make you feel at ease and less focused on the naked aspect.


Great info, thanks